
Steve Deace #fundie barbwire.com

Since our Leftist media seem anxious to have a conversation about theology, I say we oblige. This week in their trolling of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker presents a panel discussion on whether or not President Barack Hussein Obama really is a Christian.

Although Mr. Walker is the son of a Baptist preacher, the Republican is not the most qualified individual to determine who is and isn’t a Christian. The “good news” (pardon the pun) is I know someone who is.

Even better, he’s very much alive and kicking as we speak. And he’s so eager for his opinion to be known on such matters that he preserved a written record of all his thoughts and deeds, which has become the greatest best-seller in history.

Who is more qualified to consult on who is and isn’t a Christian than Jesus Christ?

When I asked him what he thought, Jesus made it quite clear that President Obama is not a Christian. And he was also kind enough to give me some quotes I could pass on to ya’ll.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

Mr. Obama has referred to Islam’s Koran as “holy” (which means a state of completeness/perfection set apart from the sinfulness of man), and Muhammad as a “prophet” (which means truth-teller).

However, on the most important point of them all Islam and Christianity contradict each other. Islam teaches that Jesus wasn’t even crucified, which means he wasn’t resurrected. But the Bible teaches there is no Christianity without the crucifixion and resurrection (or what Christians celebrate on Good Friday and Easter). These are irreconcilable views. So right away these two religions are incompatible, and at least one of them is lying.

Christianity and Islam could both be false, but they can’t both be true. No sincere Christian would elevate something that distorts and diminishes the fundamental moment of Christianity as “holy.” Nor would they bestow the title of “prophet” upon someone who has spread a false message about Christ.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21)

Just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn’t mean they are one. It’s not like Mr. Obama would be the first politician to claim to be something he’s not.

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and you do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46)

Jesus commands us not to lie, yet Mr. Obama has lied repeatedly (“if you like your current health care plan you can keep it,” as just one example). Jesus commands us not to murder, yet Mr. Obama is the most pro-murder president we have ever had (including voting against a bill to protect babies who survive abortions while in the Illinois State Legislature). Jesus says marriage is between a man and a woman, and we are created male and female. Yet Mr. Obama promotes redefining marriage and so-called transgenderism.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34)

Jesus gave this commandment to his followers, yet under Mr. Obama we see Christians consistently targeted for their beliefs (Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-a, Little Sisters of the Poor, military personnel, and numerous other Christians who refuse to comply with Obama-imposed immorality). Why would a president who’s a Christian use his power to consistently target other Christians?

“For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26)

From excluding references to Christ on the official White House Christmas card, to referring to Jesus as “a son of God” (when Jesus claimed he was the only son of God), Mr. Obama has gone out of his way on numerous occasions to deny the supremacy of Christ. What kind of Christian would deny the power and glory of his own savior?

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17)

Mr. Obama‘ spiritual mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, was Mr. Obama’s pastor for 20 years. He baptized Mr. Obama and his daughters, and officiated his wedding to the first lady. Through the years, Mr. Wright taught many things from his pulpit like anti-Semitism, black liberation theology, racism, conspiracy theory, and Marxism.


Jesus says sincere faith comes only by the hearing of his words. With Mr. Wright preaching nearly everything but Jesus‘ actual words, how could Mr. Obama come to sincere faith in such a church?

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:15-20)

Given everything you’ve already read, would you say Mr. Obama’s tree bears good fruit or bad fruit? Besides, I’m mystified as to why our Leftist media, which bows at the altar of secularism, is so concerned about Mr. Obama’s religion? Unless they’re hoping to re-brand Christianity in Mr. Obama’s Marxist image.


For now my work here is finished. On the other hand, the work of God-haters who will viciously demagogue what I just wrote, without supplying any rational basis for their assertions there’s anything remotely Christian about Obama (thus proving my point), I’m sure is just beginning. Why the same Leftists who vehemently loathe Christianity want their progressive hero to be labeled a Christian is beyond me. Regardless, Jesus has a final word for them as well:

“Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul, but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

Paul Hair #fundie barbwire.com

Dean Obeidallah also cited American Christian extremists in his, “Yes, There Are Christian Terrorists,” column. Furthermore, a representative from MPAC attended the same secret Islamic White House meeting that Obeidallah did on February 4.

So the White House holds a secret Islamic meeting and immediately after this the attendees, the State Department, and the Vice President say similar things regarding supposed Christian terrorists. Meanwhile, the president issued statements covering for Islam. These, of course, follow up on the president condemning the Crusades in the wake of the Islamic Caliphate burning a man alive.

What conclusion does any logical and objective observer draw from these actions?

President Obama conducted his early February meeting with Islamic leaders in order to plan and execute coordinated attacks on Christians.

Sam #fundie barbwire.com

We need our military to form a coup and take the obama bass turd and his minions out! They are scum and enemies of the Constitution. Obama has been at war with America since he got in. Time to take him out.

Scott Lively #fundie barbwire.com

There are a number of reasons why I would pursue Congress rather than a state office, but one of them is my interest in foreign policy and concern about the disastrous actions of the Obama administration around the world. I am posting an article below that closely reflects my views on one aspect of the problem.

I am especially concerned that the Neoconservatives (read Republican liberals) have aligned with the Obama administration re Russia and are jointly waging a campaign of anti-Russian propaganda designed to deceive conservatives into supporting a hot war with Russia.

This is a not only very dangerous game geopolitically, it is robbing social conservatives of their most valuable potential alliance in the world today. American and Russian conservatives could today be cooperating together to roll back liberalism around the world. Instead, the cultural Marxists of both major US political parties are trying to drive a wedge between us with the absurd lie that Russia is trying to revive the Soviet Union.

Neither Russia nor its president are without flaws, and it is as impossible to defend them against a campaign of relentless criticism as is is anyone else but Jesus Christ. That’s the psy-ops mind game the elite media plays: a rhetorical blitzkrieg of misrepresentations, double standards and sophistry.

But if we ask the simple question “Which countries of the world and their current leadership align most closely to the goals of Biblical Christianity and of ideological conservatism?” it’s a whole different ballgame.

If we rank the current leaders and countries of the world by that standard Putin and Russia rank high on the list — certainly much higher than Obama and his version of America. Indeed, is there any world leader speaking in defense of persecuted Christians in the Middle East like Putin has? Is there any other “first world” nation standing up against the homosexual agenda like Russia is doing?

Craig Coffey #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

(Suaria Putnam: Terry Adam Turner It is because homosexuals are far more likely to be bullied and persecuted which leads to suicide.)

Craig Coffey:
No, Suaria, the homosexual lifestyle choice carries with it certain natural consequences. Since it is unnatural and a violation of the will of God, they naturally commit suicide at such large rates because of the revulsion of their sin. Homosexuality is a lonely way to live. The lifestyle is transient and full of death and disease. It is Christians who are being bullied and persecuted. You don't see us committing self-murder because of it. Do you??? I would suggest that you set aside the social engineering you are getting from your left wing teachers. Those errors will not serve you well once you step outside into the real world.

Gina Miller #fundie barbwire.com

Gender creative? There is truly no end to the deceptive language these people will employ to disguise the reality of their lunacy. Nevertheless, this page illustrates the spread of the HRC’s child-targeting tentacles into every area of the nation. Their “experts” are ready to help impose poisonous “diversity” on your school district, whether you like it or not. Another page from the site proudly declares that HRC’s “Welcoming Schools” provides “professional development tools” and “lessons aligned with the Common Core State Standards.” Great.

We must remember that the very freedoms of American citizens are targets of the radical homosexualists, and specifically, Christianity and its free expression. As I have said before, the outlawing of Christianity is one of the chief goals of this movement, because Christians are among the very few who are willing to stand in moral opposition to the wicked agenda of the homosexualists. Because of that pesky Constitution, they can’t yet come right out and outlaw the following of Jesus in the public square, so they are working to accomplish the same thing by using homosexual activists as tools to push for “non-discrimination” laws and to abolish the meaning of marriage. When they destroy marriage, it will ultimately become illegal to refuse to accommodate the grotesque homosexual parody of marriage in any way. Between that and “non-discrimination” laws that will make it illegal to, say, take a pass on hiring a man who insists on dressing like a woman, they will effectively outlaw any act of conscientious objection to all aspects of in-your-face sexual perversion. There goes your freedom of conscience and your freedom to live your Christianity openly.

These are serious dangers to our free Republic, and while we must resist this hell-born movement, we must also do what we can to shield our children in the public schools from the diabolical indoctrination of these agents of darkness. We can also let the corporate dupes who fund the devilry of the HRC know what we think of their complicity in pumping homosexualist poison into the minds and hearts of our nation’s kids.

Linda Wall #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[E]ach year when Christmas rolls around I want to climb up on a rooftop somewhere and shout “Jesus isn’t in the manger anymore!” When I was sitting on a pew in Talbot Park Baptist Church thirty-three years ago, yearning to be free from homosexuality, I didn’t need a baby in the manger; I didn’t need an empty cross or empty tomb. I needed a touch from the resurrected Jesus Christ.


I was fortunate that I had never been told the “gay gene lie,” so I did not entertain the thought I was born this way and stuck forever in homosexuality. I did know though that no matter how hard I tried not to be a lesbian I could not stop myself. I was so tired and wanted out of it.

So, what did I really believe about Jesus Christ? If I believed Jesus was the same as yesterday, all I needed to do was call upon Him. I had the pre-requisites: a broken heart, a contrite spirit, burdened and heavy laden. But did I have the faith the size of a mustard seed that He could free me from the chains of sexual sin?

I recalled all of the miracles Jesus had performed when He walked the earth: restoring sight to the blind, enabling the lame to wall, healing lepers and even raising the dead. If He were alive and not just a historical figure, He could certainly heal me of homosexuality.

I cried out to Him and He showed up. The encounter was quite supernatural. He touched my life the same way I had heard and read about in centuries past. He forgave me; He healed me; He restored me. He became an active part of my daily life and still is to this day.

Dr. Don Boys #fundie barbwire.com

Christians are not wimps, whiners, and weepers; but that has been an accusation made by atheists when we complain about the attacks against us and our beliefs. Those attacks multiply this time of year. We are told that there is no war - that we are too sensitive and should keep quiet and go back to our hot chocolate huddles in our church basements.

But our critics are wrong. There is a concerted effort to hurt our effectiveness, hinder our efforts, and halt our evangelism. Those attacks usually come from heathens, homosexuals, and humanists.


School textbooks across the fruited plain have been expunged removing any positive mention of Christ and Christianity from them. After all we must not distort, deceive, and dull the pliable minds of the state's children, you know. In the past 20 years there has been a determined effort to replace Christianity with Islam in textbooks. You know, the peaceful religion that specializes in decapitating innocent children and civilians.


The evidence is overwhelming that there is a war against the Master, message, and morals of the Bible and I'm in this war to the end - and God wins.

Jason Salamone #homophobia #kinkshaming barbwire.com

As far as HIV goes, it’s only common sense that an increase of using the rectum, which primary purpose is waste disposal, for sexual intercourse, is going to increase HIV infection rates, not decrease them. If a man has anal sex with a woman, he is committing a homosexual act on a woman, being that in homosexual acts the rectum is always the substitute for the vagina, so think about that next time you want to degrade your wife—even if she says she enjoys it—that doesn’t make the act less degrading or more right.


Same-sex “marriage” is legislation that endorses and affirms homosexual sex as a positive good. It is a sexual behavior that is not equal to sex between a man and a woman; again, different behaviors result in different outcomes—.and it is definitely NOT a positive good. The fact is, homosexual sex is an unnatural and unhealthy practice, and should be discouraged at least the same way we discourage cigarette smoking.

Again, same sex “marriage” is an endorsement of a very risky behavior, so we must constantly point out the health risks associated with it.


Pornography, even man-woman porn is homosexual in nature, because it takes sex and degrades it to be about self pleasure for the viewer. Homosexuality is about an attraction towards “sameness.” And since pornography directs pleasure towards self-arousal, and does so initially even when watched with a partner, it has the same narcissistic element to it. This is difficult to explain and hard for the average person to understand at first, but as you continue your walk towards being more Christ-like, it will begin to make sense. Avoiding pornography is a key element in helping overcoming same sex attraction.

RCQ_91230 #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[RCQ_92130 alleges setting aside Proposition 8 was unlawful because the judge was a homosexual seeking marriage]

1. "committed Christian" ???? Balderdash. You KNOW that is a lie;.

2. You can troll until your drop dead from AIDS; I care not.

3. A Judge must recuse himself if he has a horse in the race, as did Walker. Deal with it.

4. Explain to me why society should change it's 5,000 year old definition of marriage; why this is beneficial to our society. The onus is on YOU, not on those to say why it should NOT happen.

5. If you actually WERE a Christian you would understand you are NOT to 'conform to the world'. Your argument that, "a whole generation has been brainwashed and supports us" is not even a lousy way to make public policy; it's no way at all.

[Poster replies]

Yes, that's the typical homosexual excuse.

Realizing you say this simply out of dogma, I'll respond anyway.
We see from many ~~ Vaughn Walker, Annise Parker, etc. ~~~ that homosexuals are for some reason incapable of subjugating their personal, activist agenda in favor of their professional responsibilities. I suppose it has something to do with the fact homosexuals define themselves first and foremost as homosexuals; everything else is far lower.

Normal people are not like this. If you were to ask ANY straight person about themselves, the very last thing they would use to describe their lives is "straight". So, if a normal Judge is adjudicating a case in which a straight (or homosexual) individual is either Defendant or Plaintiff, the urge to promote some sort of sexual agenda is simply absent.

With homosexuals, the urge to promote "Gay Agenda" is everything, squeezing objectivity and impartiality completely aside. Homosexuals, generally, are incapable of fulfilling their duties. Others do not suffer from this deficiency.

Thus, your extrapolation is inapplicable.

[Another poster replies]

Yes, of course ... if a Black Judge were an activist he or she should recuse him/herself on any matter in which that activism was germane. Of course. If, for example, Obama were to appoint any of his blatantly racist friends to the bench there should rightly be a good deal of 'recusing" going on..

This is not global warming. Your claim that "all scientists agree" is absurd. There is no consensus at all on this other than in the APA's Division 44 and other internal gay propaganda mills that have been established., and their voices - though carrying the banner of the Association that was once a legitimate, objective scientific resource, should be ignored by all as ,... well, as it's nothing more than propaganda. That silly stuff might make you feel a bit more 'justified', but serves no other sensible purpose.

Oh, and please shuck off the "stop peering into bedrooms" silliness. Before the rampant, militant activism swept homosexuals up, there were, no doubt, many individuals like you described, who just want to be left alone. That is no longer true, and the matter that has awakened so many in fierce opposition to GayGestapo is that the matter is NOT in the bedroom. Take it back there and all will be well again. But the obsession will not allow that, will it?

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

The Scriptures tell us that one of the consequences for a nation that turns its back on God is “confusion of mind” (Deuteronomy 28:28). Nowhere is this more evident than in the tragic case of transgenderism.

Having accepted the lies of “that old deluder Satan” that they are trapped inside the body of the wrong gender, many resort to hormone therapy and even sex reassignment surgery in a vain, dangerous and enormously destructive effort to obliterate their true sexual identity.


Do we oppose the normalization of transgenderism because we hate transgendered individuals? Absolutely not. We flatly and unequivocally oppose the normalization of transgenderism because it destroys people. We do not oppose transgenderism because we hate people. We oppose it because we love them.

We do not want to see anyone’s life ravaged by the pathologies that accompany this disorder of the mind and soul.


God knew what he was doing when he assigned each of us our gender at the moment of conception. And he stands ready to help any willing individual come to a place of resolution and acceptance of the gender God assigned him at the moment of conception. “Confusion of mind” can, with God’s help, become clarity of mind.

Tim Brown and Brigitte Gabriel #conspiracy barbwire.com

Brigitte Gabriel spoke earlier this year at First Conservative Baptist Church and informed the people there that the Muslim Brotherhood is in the process of infiltrating American public schools, just as they have the United States federal government.


[T]he Muslim Brotherhood was established to begin the new Islamic Caliphate. As part of that goal (referred to in counter terrorist circles as “The Project”), the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the United States in order to neuter it on the world stage and ultimately to destroy it. This is right in line with the aspirations of one Barack Hussein Obama as well.

Gabriel went on to talk about the “behind the scenes” efforts by the Muslim Brotherhood to maintain an appearance of “moderation” with the goal of destroying Western society and establishing the Islamic State in America. This includes, but isn’t limited to: Using our liberties against us, using “buzzwords,” establishing non-profit and human rights organizations.

Jerry Newcombe and Dr. Mark Laaser #fundie barbwire.com

This culture is obsessed with sex. Even burger ads sometimes use sex to sell their product. Pornography is rampant. Gender confusion rules the day. Some even want laws to let men use the ladies' room. And if you are a pastor and don't agree, they may subpoena your sermons.


[Dr. Mark Laaser] notes, "Fantasy is the cornerstone of sexual addiction. All sex addicts and all people who get into trouble with adultery, to a certain extent, have problems with fantasy. Fantasy is an attempt by addicts to heal any woundedness of their spirit. So if they're lonely, they're going to find a fantasy that helps them feel a lot less lonely."


"We've had people who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on sexual activity....We've had men who have actually started robbing banks in order to pay for their prostitution habit. We're seeing a lot of crazy things. People being arrested....People being sued, those kinds of things. And then there's the divorce rate, the broken marriages, broken homes, abandoned children, as a result of sexual addiction. That's all very profound."

Dr. Michael Brown #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

The gospel brings good news to homosexual men and women.

Gay theologians tell us that the traditional gospel message is a "bad tree," bringing forth the bad fruit of depression, apostasy and even suicide among gay men and women.

To the contrary, the message of the gospel brings forgiveness, freedom, hope and deliverance, as countless thousands of ex-gays can attest, by which I mean followers of Jesus who no longer practice homosexuality. Some of them have even become heterosexual, but even those who have not found a change in their sexual desires have found wholeness and satisfaction in the Lord.


To every reader who is same-sex attracted, I encourage you not to define yourself by your desires but to put all your effort into knowing the Lord and finding intimacy with Him one day at a time, not rewriting the Bible to suit your sexual attractions but casting yourself on God's goodness and mercy. You will find Him to be absolutely trustworthy, totally understanding and more than enough to meet your every need.

Tim Brown #fundie barbwire.com

I am all for Biblical law being implemented, which was the foundation of our laws when the Pilgrims landed in the new world. Nothing prevents that. However, too many people equate that with Sharia, which is a complete perversion of Biblical law. Yet, Biblical law is not foreign to America. It is, in fact, her foundation for law.

With the Supreme Court attempting to look to foreign law and many cases in America already ruling by seemingly Sharia, I think it's a good step forward for Alabama to stand up and say she won't be ruled by foreign law, especially the demonic Sharia. However, you watch the ACLU, CAIR, and a host of other communist and Islamic organizations go after this amendment.

In the meantime, well done Alabama!

Lee Duigon #fundie barbwire.com

The Devil's Book of Virtues

You can't have a society without a moral system. Even cannibals and unions hold to some vision of morality.

For some hundred and fifty years, the smartest people in America have been trying to dump its Christian moral code. They've just about succeeded; but to crown their efforts with success, they must install a whole new moral system of their own devising.

In this they have progressed to the point where we can actually see their replacement morality taking shape. As put forth by our political leaders, judges, media mouths, celebrities, academics, teacher unions, and their master and mentor, the Devil, here is our new tool kit of virtues.

Racism is now a virtue - at least, if you're black. After generations of suffering under racism, black people in America are being taught to become the thing they've always hated. The many who resist this teaching are publicly despised and hated. They're not "urban," they're not "brothers." Most of them haven't even played "knockout" - a popular urban game featuring violent attacks on defenseless individuals, preferably white - or joined a flash mob in looting a convenience store. Those are still on the books as crimes, but the Justice Department only chortles at them.

Sexual confusion, even more than racism, is a virtue, rapidly replacing monogamous marriage as an American ideal. Someday, what most of us have always thought of as marriage and family life will be condemned as sins, or maybe even crimes. Thus we hear in the news of a 6-foot-5, 50-something guy with his dong cut off playing on a women's college basketball team; and the girls look up to this poor lost soul as - barf bag, please - a "mother figure." This sort of thing seems to be rep lacing "gay-ness" as the spearhead in the culture war.

Envy has become our favorite virtue. It used to be a deadly sin, but we know better now. Envy is the straw that stirs Progressivism's drink - indeed, it is the drink. Whattya mean, "Thou shalt not covet"? How else are we to drum up votes for Democrats?

Stoking the fires of envy would be unproductive - and maybe even dangerous - without elevating Theft to the status of a virtue. Theft used to be a sin; but now, if you and your friends burst into a store and seize the merchandise, you'll only be seen as free-lancing in social justice. The real thief is the class enemy who's trying to make a profit on the stuff. But robbery is even more of a virtue when practiced by the government. Congress can rob millions of people in the time it takes a mob to strip and trash a single hotdog wagon.

Murder, as long as the victim is a baby not yet born, is an enduring virtue. According to the current occupier of the White House, abortion is how girls and young women fulfill their dreams. The only kind of murder that has no highly-paid apologists for it is a killing done in self-defense.

Once upon a time, truth-telling was a virtue in America. This has been replaced by Lying. In the updated version of the story, young George Washington not only chops down his father’s cherry tree; he successfully blames it on the kid next door. Lying, we may fairly say, has become the very pearl of virtue.

Say, for instance, that a U.S. ambassador and several American citizens are savagely murdered by Muslim terrorists in Benghazi, Libya. What an opportunity to exercise our virtue! First our public officials boldly tell the lie that this was just a spontaneous protest demonstration, provoked by a youtube video that no one ever heard of. When the direct lie fails, officials and “news” media fall back on lying by omission, simply refusing to talk about the incident. When the secretary of state is summoned to answer Congress’ questions about the doings in Benghazi, she conks her head and, voila—no testimony.

Soon we shall see what it’s like to live in a society based on the Devil’s virtues of lying, racism, sexual anarchy, envy, theft, and murder.

We’ll see it, that’s for sure. But I’ll bet you a Hope and Change bumper sticker we won’t like it.

David Lane #fundie barbwire.com

Secularism’s worldliness will only tolerate Christianity so long as its carnal tranquility is not disturbed or its authority challenged. But let the Christian bring his biblical values to the political arena, and he is immediately denounced as narrow-minded, out of step, behind the times, and a religious bigot.

Christians have become proficient at imitating the gentle Jesus and turning the other cheek. Unless we find the indignant Jesus-for the infringement of liberty by godless secularists-we may lose our freedom, for virtue and righteousness are key components of sustainable freedom.

Laurie Roth #fundie barbwire.com

Marriage rights for gays is landing in over half our states now and being slammed into school curricula all through the UN Constitutional Common Core Government school curriculum. Now, we are seeing more and more the assaults on anyone of difference — pastors, parents anyone in media who dares have a different opinion.

Regarding Islam—How many times have we heard that we Americans cause Islam to attack us. We persecute them, thus they have to blow us up and behead us. Really? The truth is known by most of us with any size brain, that the Islamic Disneyland of variety groups are mostly murderous. They target anyone of difference, especially Christians and Jews for torture and murder. They do this because they are obeying Muhammad and Allah, not getting revenge because we terrorize them. How many times have I read and printed from their own Koran chapter 9, which gives us infidels 3 choices. 1) Forcibly convert to Islam 2) Submit to their high tax and slavery just so we can live or 3) be executed by them.

How many times has Obama said that ISIS and Al Qaeda are not Islamic when the truth is they are boldly and completely Islamic, obeying the Jihad calling of Muhammad? As usual, the Islamic in your face activist groups play the persecuted/victim card. We are all violating them and their speech. We are to notice nothing and say nothing about Islam rewriting their real history and slamming their religion down our children’s throats through out Common Core school curriculum and the media. Business owners are to have no rights but to submit 100% of the time to the endless rights of Islamic workers who demand a multitude of things while suing if they don’t get their way and playing the martyr to perfection.

Illegal aliens—oh yes that is now hate speech. They are undocumented workers or immigrants—Never mind that they knowingly break our laws, violate our borders, bring in endless diseases, drugs, terrorists and danger to America. With this last planned and orchestrated entourage of 10s of thousands of illegal aliens at the hands of Obama, buses were shipped in the cover of darkness to cities all across America. Cities and schools have been lined with tattoo covered adult criminals, drug dealers and terrorists masquerading as children. Obama has enabled his illegal and criminal group to sore by now defining a child up to age 23.

We are seeing dangerous diseases spread to our children in public schools all across America and some are already dying from these viruses, while Obama and the progressive Democrats scream about their rights. What rights? They shouldn’t be here. Our children are getting sick and dying. Terrorists and cartel members are going back and forth across the border making billions, while we are insulted and told we hate Hispanics, children and poor people. The cherry on top for Obama and the progressive left is a hoped for numb brained voter block.

Do not forget the truth about Islam, the gay agenda and Illegal aliens when you go to vote soon. Most of us don’t want to hurt anyone and their rights, however, we won’t put up with groups rewriting and destroying all our rights, crushing our real history, Judeo/Christian values and Constitution.

Stand up for all your rights and be counted. Vote conservative and with heart. Remember Americans who love God, family, freedom and our Constitution ARE the special class.

Laurie Higgins #fundie barbwire.com

“Moderate” Republicans have deceived gullible, compliant conservatives for years, urging them to call a “truce” (or more accurately, a surrender) on the social issues until our state and federal fiscal house is in order. What “moderate” Republicans didn’t tell their gullible, compliant water-carriers is that they have no intention of ending the truce, because in reality they hold in contempt conservative views on life, marriage, and religious liberty. What many “moderate” Republicans (henceforth referred to as “immoderates”) do care about are conservative votes and money.

But they won’t care about those for long.

If conservatives don’t want immoderates elected, then they should better ensure they aren’t elected. They can accomplish this by voting for their opponents. Perhaps if the Republican Party sees that they can’t win elections with lousy immoderate candidates, they will find and fund candidates who support the entire Republican Party platform. And then they can harangue and hurl epithets at immoderate Republicans, commanding them to hold their noses and support conservatives who may not be their “perfect” candidates.

What is perhaps most troubling about the views of immoderates is their religious hostility. When conservative commenters dared to refer to God in their comments about the dismantling of marriage or the killing of preborn babies, immoderates would say, “Aha, finally the truth is out. Conservatives extremist fundies want to impose their religious beliefs on the entire country in violation of the separation of church and state.”

Word to immoderates: Conservative people of faith are as fully entitled to have their faith shape decisions regarding elections, laws, and policies as are those who attend liberal churches and synagogues and as those who hold atheistic worldviews. I think Martin Luther King Jr. taught us that lesson.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

'LGBT': The 'T' is for Tyranny

Tranny tyranny. Strike that. "LGBT" tyranny. Lesbian, gay, bisexual tyranny. That, generally speaking, is what's on display in Houston right now. But trust me: Unlike Vegas, what happens in Houston will, most definitely, not stay in Houston - not if Democrats continue to have their way.

Houstonians elected themselves, as mayor, an extremist lesbian Democrat (but I repeat myself). She quickly, and quite naturally, took to doing what extremist lesbian Democrats do. Annise Parker is her name, and spreading political Ebola is her game. That and trampling the U.S. Constitution. As you've likely heard, Parker's office has illegal subpoenaed the sermons and privileged communications of a number of Christian pastors who vocally opposed the city's ironically branded "Equal Rights Ordinance" (aka, the Houston Bathroom Bill).


This, of course, is typical Democrat corruption, as well as a gross violation of the First Amendment's free exercise clause - one of the worst we've seen to date. It is, unequivocally, "LGBT" tyranny.

And it's rooted in madness.


Anyway, because it's now illegal to "discriminate based on the basis of gender identity" in Houston, and since it's the only "tolerant" thing to do, men who sign up for the ever-persecuted "LGBT" class have secured the hard-fought "civil right" to fully expose themselves to, and otherwise ogle, your daughters in the ladies' room.

Yay "gay rights"!

But slow down there, Dad. According to the law, if you have a problem with Mr. Francis [Colleen Francis, a trans woman falsely accused of indecent exposure in a woman's restroom earlier in the article] baring all to your baby girl, then you're the problem. You're a "transphobe" ("homophobia's" evil twin sister, er, brother ... whatever). Deck this sicko for terrifying your first-grader and you're off to jail while "Colleen" is off to the "Human Rights Campaign" for a commendation as the latest victim of an "anti-LGBT hate crime."

Rosa Parks in drag, I guess.


The Alamo has returned to Texas. But this time, the bad guys are hoisting a rainbow flag.

Wootsauce #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[On same-sex marriage]

Wootsauce: Canada? You use Canada, where one can be jailed for calling homosexuality a sin, as your example for "freedom and equality"??

jillybean: I do know something about this. You are free in Canada to say that the Bible teaches homosexual conduct is a sin. You are not free to use language that seems intended to incite hatred and violence towards homosexuals.

Wootsauce: Slippery slope there.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

The 1973 Roe v Wade high court will forever be stained with the blood of children on its collective hands.

The liberal majority in the 2014 Roberts court will now be labeled with the “C” word—for being cowards. These justices upended American civilization while standing on the sidelines.

Millions of voters in five states were assaulted in the public square, disenfranchised by this court’s decision to not overturn erroneous lower court rulings validating same sex “marriage.” Like Saul during the stoning of Stephen, they became bystanders, nodding their assent as terrible violence was committed.

The “gay” bullies got their way. Truth and morality were trampled but the black-robed bystanders will plead innocence.

The good news is that this, like Roe, is sure to galvanize the conservative base on the issue of homosexuality like nothing has in decades.

“No political momentum on the other side of this issue.” So declared Brit Hume of Fox News on October 6. He was referring to natural marriage advocacy as he reacted to the Supreme Court’s non-decision. I don’t agree with him about the past, but it’s an interesting reaction. The future will be, I predict, an unmistakably renewed fight, as many Americans are rightly furious. Why are we suddenly forced in many states to recognize homosexual unions as genuine marriage? Didn’t we vote on this in thirty- one states?

Roe didn’t change the sanctity of life and current court decisions do not change the truth about sodomy.

But while we are mulling this over, we need to be honest. Our side could deploy better arguments, frankly. I respect those fighting the specific battle against recognition of same sex unions. Yet can’t we revisit the worth of more boldly proclaiming the whole truth, playing our two trump cards: the deviance of homosexual behavior and the lack of evidence for a “gay gene?”


We can already see the rotting “fruits” of the homosexual movement. Despite the eagerness of some “gay Christian” advocates to twist the Lord’s teaching about trees and their good and bad fruits, it’s pretty obvious that what Jesus meant by “good” is following God’s standards. “Bad” would be rebellion against those standards. And where do we imagine homosexuality, the abomination, would fall on this continuum?

Vicious attacks have been launched by the Human Rights Campaign, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others against brave, compassionate, truthful Christian brothers like Peter LaBarbera, Dr. Scott Lively, Dr. Michael Brown and organizations like American Family Association and Family Research Council. Isn’t it obvious, isn’t this revelation enough, that the poison “fruit” of homosexual advocacy is ripening in today’s America, revealing lies and oppression, and it stinks to high heaven?

So going forward, let’s deploy a coordinated strategy involving several fronts in this war that might include, by choice, both a harder and a softer-sell approach. Both are needed to address the entire disease, to treat the primary cancer—homosexual behavior—and its metastasis, fraudulent marriage.

Bob G #fundie barbwire.com

There is a multitude of things going on and it can only lead to bad. We can start with socialized medicine. It be a comin". We can add to that the break down of the black culture. Can't speak English, can't wear a hat properly, can't pull up their pants, and have absolutely no respect for human life. Especially their own. I'll add to that the homosexual lifestyle which is rife with STDs and pedophilia. Don't tell me I'm wrong. Internet web sites abound for you people just like girly sites for us. Let's continue with abortions. Dear God, Planned Parenthood has killed more humans than all of us "gun owners" will ever come close too. Then we can discuss the bashing of Christianity. Merry Christmas is out the door. Prayer in school is out the door. Nativity scenes are out the door. Etc., etc. And I read somewhere today that a Nebraska school district forbids teachers from calling students "boys" and "girls". They are to be referred to as "purple penguins" just to keep everything gender neutral. Thank you for that homosexual community. Nothing like perverting young minds early on.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

The Magical Land of Progressitopia

There once was a land, a magical land, with a chicken in every pot. And in this land, which was called Progressitopia, there were two peoples. There were those who saw the world as it was, and there were those who saw the world as they oh-so-very-much wished it could be. The former were called the Trads, and the latter, the Progs. It was the Progs who held dominion over this great land, and so it was they who wrote, or re-wrote, her history.

Now, in this kingdom we must remember that Christianity, or “Christianism” as it would later be called (long since forbidden), along with similar such mythological and dogmatic phantasms, remained the foremost, if not the sole, thorn in the Progs’ collectivist butt. Any and all thought or practice that might, in any way, undermine full realization of, and strict adherence to, progressive thinking was, therefore, strictly verboten.

In fact, the Trads, the traditionalist remnant, had proven singularly responsible for the famines, Civil War II and Progressitopia’s endlessly spiraling state of affairs, both foreign and domestic – a state that, notwithstanding all predictions to the contrary, somehow became significantly and enigmatically worse subsequent to the onset of progressive governance.

There was, however, one exception to this rule: Islam. Shadowing the glorious dawn of progressive reign came, from o’er the sea, a mighty and fearsome caliphate. The Muslim faith spread like wildfire. Recruitment efforts were buoyed, and appreciably so, in that, while yet a loving and peaceful religion, any skeptic or “infidel” who failed to convert was either immediately raped and enslaved or summarily beheaded, stoned, shot or blown limb-from-limb.

Whereas Progressitopians, with their one-child-only abortion mandate, stopped reproducing altogether, adherents to the religion of peace rutted like rabbits. Every corner of the globe became thickly populated by devotees of the most praised Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him.

As global violence and jihad spiked, it seemed for a time that Progressitopia and the Islamic caliphate would be one another’s undoing.

And then something extraordinary happened.

The King of Progressitopia, a brave and handsome man most wise, with visor of gold and scepter of 3-iron in hand, bowed before the great caliph and presented a series of official mea culpas on behalf of his land. He prayed Allah’s forgiveness for incurring his wrath – just desserts for centuries of Progressitopian Imperialism.

And so these two seemingly incompatible kingdoms, with wholly polarized worldviews, agreed to forge an incongruous socio-political partnership – an “Islamo-Progressive Alliance.” The alliance was built upon the maxim: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The common enemy, of course, had formed its own unholy alliance: the “Zio-Christian Axis of Evil.”

And so it soon came to pass that independent Islamic settlements cropped-up throughout Progressitopia. The Michganistan Territory became, for all intents and purposes, Mecca to the Western Hemisphere.

Presently, the Islamo-Progressive Alliance found itself enjoying a comparatively peaceful seven-year truce. Apart from a weekly handful of suicide bombings, mass shootings and random beheadings, carried out chiefly against Progressitopia’s women and children, things were simply capital.

But then, trouble in paradise – economic turmoil. Toward the middle of the new millennium’s third decade, Progressitopia’s national debt ballooned to over 60 trillion. For many years, Trad economists and “debt alarmists” had warned that Progressitopia’s skyrocketing debt and deficits were unsustainable. These anti-progressive thinkers openly questioned the progressive strategy of taxing and spending one’s way to prosperity.

They felt, irrationally so, that such approach represented, as one provocative naysayer phrased it, “an epically stupid and patently impossible self-contradiction. No more can one spend his way out of debt than can he cheat his way out of adultery.”

Another fundamentalist cynic offered a less hurtful, yet no less sensationalist analogy: “When a bridge’s infrastructure becomes unsustainable,” he alleged, “it will ultimately collapse if its integrity is compromised to the degree that it can no longer support some burgeoning mass. So too it goes, apparently, as relates integrity to politicians, governments and national debt.”

Right-wing propaganda aside, Progressitopia’s economy did, nonetheless, unexpectedly collapse for reasons ultimately deemed inconclusive.

Now, as heretofore told, and as go the history books, Christianism had, from time immemorial, been the very bane of free-thinking humanity’s existence. This hateful mythology had been largely to blame, in concert with its sister-faith, Judaism, and its insufferable cousin, conservatism, an equally curious mental disorder, for all of the world’s wars, slavery, racism, sexism, disease, capitalism, global warming and, most onerously perhaps, gluten sensitivity.

Moreover, both Christianism and conservatism were ultimately determined to have been the catalyst for the systemic phobia outbreak that inexplicably began around the turn of the century. First there was homophobia, an irrational, chronic and debilitating fear of the square-hole-round-peg people, or, as this flamboyant troupe, so enamored with acronymic wordplay, preferred to be called: the “SHRP community.” Since SHRPs displayed impeccable fashion sense and a flair for the fabulous, Neanderthalic Trads were, most naturally, terrified by them.

Then came Islamophobia, the irrational fear of having one’s head lopped off, followed by transphobia, the fear of naked men in ladies’ locker rooms, polyphobia, the fear of communal rompathons, as well as an all-inclusive litany of other phobias relating to myriad sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.

Next, there emerged the great progressiphobia pandemic of ’27. This involved an equally absurd, though no less universal, fear of progressive thought, practice or people. This, for a time, threatened to halt Progressitopia’s progressing progress altogether.

Finally, there occurred a worldwide outbreak of phobia-phobia. This was, of course, a condition delineated by the once again irrational denial that any of the aforementioned phobias had “any basis in reality whatsoever,” but, rather, were “simply ham-fisted pejoratives intended to marginalize one’s political opposition.”

But, alas, we must for now part ways. My gluten-free frittata grows cold.

Lee Duigon #fundie barbwire.com

You might have thought that finding a moral value among "progressives" would be as hard as digging up a rave review of "Eegah the Teenage Caveman." But that's a mistake. If there were a Progressive Bible, it would certainly have its own version of the Ten Commandments. And it would read something like this:

One. Thou shalt have a whole passel of gods before me - or better yet, no god at all. Do you want people to think you're as smart as Richard Dawkins? Join him in saying I don't exist. See how hard you can hate someone whom you say does not exist.

Two. Thou shalt bow down before graven images. In other words, worship your stuff. Stuff is all there is. Never mind eternal life: we have cell phones, video games, and the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Above all, bow down before that ultimate creation by really smart people who are a lot smarter than you - the state. Big Brother rules!

Three. Thou shalt take God's name in vain. Use it for punctuation, for emphasis, or just plain cussing. This will make people think you're smart. If thou art a national leader, always invoke God's name in support of abominable public policies favoring abortion and sodomy. Thou art always permitted to pretend to be a Christian.

Four. Forget the Sabbath day, and keep no day holy. There being no God, nothing, then, is holy - except, of course, the AIDS Quilt, PBS, and Michelle Obama's wardrobe. And don't forget to display your worldliness by publishing the most ant-Christian garbage you can find to coincide with Easter.

Five. Honor thy father and mother - NOT! Why should you? They don't honor each other. Half the time they don't bother to get married. Many of you wouldn't recognize your father if you tripped over him. Anyhow, the government is thy mother and thy father.

Six. Thou shalt kill unborn babies. After all, that's how young women fulfill their dreams: the prophet Obama hath said so. Thou art permitted to kill thyself: Humanist Manifesto II sayeth so, and those are all smart cookies. Thou shalt also kill the old and the infirm - for their own good, of course. Obamacare hath said so.

Seven. Thou shalt commit adultery every single chance you get. Thou shalt not smoke, or eat red meat, or snack, or drive an SUV, or use an incandescent light bulb, or have more stuff than thy neighbor, or by any means make a profit - so you might as well fornicate like there was no tomorrow. Smart people will think you're smart, too, if you indulge in every sexual practice known to man. And if you die early from a loathsome sexual disease, thou art helping to save the planet!

Eight. Thou shalt steal. As the government doeth, do thou likewise. A thief who gets caught and thrown in jail is a fool; but a thief who gets elected is a statesman.

Nine. Thou shalt bear false witness. Our academics tell us there's no such thing as objective truth, and they're the smartest ones of all. There are only statements that help progressivism or that hinder it. To make a statement that destroys an enemy of the people is great smart-ness.

Ten. Thou shalt covet anything and everything that is thy neighbor's. Whatever it may be, it's not fair that he has it and you don't. Why else does government exist, but to give you things that are thy neighbor's? That is Social Justice.

By now you've noticed that the progressives' ten commandments are the exact opposite of the Ten Commandments in the Bible. If you want to be a good progressive, just do the opposite of what a Christian ought to do. If you want to be a good Christian, do the opposite of what a progressive does.

Progs are atheists or pagans. They worship what they create with their own hands. They only pay lip service to God when they want to trick Christians into supporting some anti-Christian public policy. They deny that anything is holy, except for the self-esteem of various prized minorities. They strive to abolish the family, and parenthood. They applaud abortion, suicide, and euthanasia. The only freedom they don't want to take away is "sexual liberty." As public officials, they rob the public blind. They communicate by lying. And covetousness and class warfare are the flesh and bones of their political rhetoric.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

What do you say of an adult or adults who, for selfish political reasons, encourage sexually confused children to adopt a sex-centric identity and lifestyle laced with a 50-50 chance of HIV infection? I'd say they're guilty of child abuse. Adults are supposed to protect children from touching the red-hot stove, not push their face down on it.

This is true hate.


Yet in today's upside-down world it is we who are disingenuously accused of "hate" - those of us who remain compassionate and bold enough to warn our fellow fallen human beings of the spiritual, emotional and, yes, even the physical death that comes as a natural consequence of unnatural behaviors. A toxic cloud of political correctness distorts reality, choking off any honest appraisal of these self-destructive sexual behaviors. We truly live in a dark age that calls evil good and good evil.

Homosexual conduct is always sin. It always has been. It always will be. It is never good, healthy, normal or natural.

The wages of sin is death.

I'm honored to say that I'm one of those "haters" called by God to sound the alarm. While folks do send me positive and encouraging notes on a regular basis, I likewise receive a steady stream of hate mail - chiefly when I write (or speak) on the issues of marriage, God's moral law and His natural order for human sexuality.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

[Bryan Fischer is referring to a Black Mass held by Satanists in the Oklahoma City Civic Center.]

Can city leaders constitutionally block this mass? If we were still using the Constitution given to us by the Founders, the answer would be an unequivocal yes.

The Satanists' argument is quite simple: the First Amendment guarantees the "free exercise" of "religion" to everybody, and thus the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind against the disciples of the Prince of Darkness.

This means a discussion of the meaning of the word "religion" in the First Amendment is unavoidable.

Now if by "religion" the Founders meant "any system of belief in a supernatural power," it's hard to see how the satanists can be denied.

But if by "religion" the Founders, as historian Joseph Story has written, meant "Christianity" and its various denominations, then the answer to this problem is quite simple. Oklahoma can ban this satanic mass if it chooses.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

Other religions, such as Islam, have no specific First Amendment rights since the Founders weren't even addressing alternatives to Christianity. Dealing with other religions was a matter for the states, not the central government. Other religions do, of course, have the presumption of religious liberty in America. As long as they behave themselves and don't trouble society, society will not trouble them. But if any one of them - say, Islam - proves troublesome, states have all the authority they need to deal with the trouble.


In fact, all authority over religious expression - every last bit - was delegated by We the People to the states. This means, for example, that states can constitutionally prohibit the building of mosques and Oklahoma can prohibit this weekend's satanic mass if it wishes to do so.

Thus any law or court that impinges on free religious expression is by definition flatly unconstitutional. No executive order can restrict the free expression of Christianity in any way, and no federal judge has any constitutional authority to issue a ruling that prohibits Christian prayer, Bible reading in schools, crosses or Ten Commandments monuments on public land or employers from taking Christian principle into account in personnel decisions. All those issues are for the states to decide.

The First Amendment was designed by the Founders to keep the intrusive and heavy hand of the central government from interfering in any way with freedom of Christian expression. It has been turned upside down by tyrannical and intrusive judges and is now used as a sledgehammer to pulverize into little tiny shards the very religious liberty it was designed to protect.

On Constitution Day, it’s time to get back to the Constitution the Founders gave us, not the one mangled out of recognition by black-robed tyrants. Let’s trade the religious oppression of the courts for the religious liberty of the Founders. There’s no better day to start.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

If there is any one thing the Mississippi constitution flatly and emphatically prohibits, it is a "marriage" between two lesbians. When the issue was on the ballot, 86% of voters in the Magnolia State pulled the lever for natural marriage.

Two lesbians getting married could not possibly be more illegal and unconstitutional anywhere in the United States than in Mississippi.

So how did lesbians NLF (initials used to shield their identity) and JRW get married last week in Mississippi and get an official marriage license to post proudly on Facebook? They committed biological fraud, that's how.

"Natalie" (not her real name) is so sexually confused she apparently believes she is a man trapped inside a woman's body, despite the fact that her DNA is 100% female and will be until the day she dies. She is a woman in every, single solitary cell of her body. Her birth certificate identifies her as female and will until the day she dies.


Natalie does not need to be enabled in this self-destructive path, she needs to be helped. Given the exceptionally high suicide rate among transgenders, she needs the kind of therapy that will help her reconcile her psychological identity with her biological one. She needs the kind of help that will enable her to leave the lesbian/transgender lifestyle altogether. Simple human compassion calls for nothing less.


This clearly is not a "marriage" that is permissible in Mississippi. Mississippi authorities, including the governor and attorney general, should immediately step in and invalidate this license.

And Mississippi's policy on transgenderism, if it permits this grotesque caricature of marriage, must be immediately changed.

Other states with marriage amendments in place should be on notice that Big Gay has found a way to bypass the will of the people and the supreme law of the state through fakery and pretense.

If Mississippi doesn't deal with this quickly, I expect we will soon see this couple featured on the cover of magazines and the front page of newspapers all across the fruited plain. They will be celebrated as the lesbians who pulled off an amazing feat: convincing good-hearted Mississippians to violate their own constitution under the color of the law.

Scott Lively #fundie barbwire.com


As you know, I am not running a typical election campaign. My Campaign Manager is the Holy Spirit, and He has His own plan and purposes for my run for Governor of Massachusetts.

First, He has told me NOT to try to make things happen in my own will and strength, but wait on Him to move others to take action on my behalf. That was the word I received while on my annual personal retreat on the Appalachian Trail this May. My personal role is limited to accepting speaking and debate invitations and media interviews, and to writing/designing literature and other advertising.

I confess I haven’t been completely faithful to that command. It is not in my nature to be passive. But truthfully, every effort I have made in violation of His guidance has been a complete dud. That happened during the signature campaign to get on the ballot. Not a single person I personally solicited to help gather signatures (with the exception of a few who came to me first) was able to help. We only made the ballot because of the work of Joanne Abel, whom God woke one night with instructions to lead the effort (along with volunteers that she solicited, and others who stepped forward to help of their own initiative). Joanne came to me. I hadn’t asked her help.

Getting on the ballot was a genuine miracle.

Now we’re in the active campaign season, heading toward the November election. Again, every time I personally try to make something happen, it fails.

I’ve finally learned my lesson, I think. I am receiving many speaking and debate invitations and doing lots of media interviews, which is great, but I am also being deliberately excluded from numerous other candidate forums and debates. In my flesh I would like to contest these unfair exclusions, however, I am trusting the Lord and restraining myself.

I want God to get the glory for any good thing that comes from my effort.

Last week, one of my supporters came to me with a plan to advertise on Facebook. I accepted the offer of his help to make this happen, and as of a few days ago we have a Facebook Ad running on every Facebook page in Massachusetts through November 4th.

However, this has stirred up the trolls and my Facebook page is being bombarded with hate messages. I’m hoping others will rally to my defense because I’m not going to battle them myself.

We’ve ordered some campaign supplies and are still raising money to get the rest, so please give as you can at by clicking here.

(Notice: Some people receive a warning message when trying to load our donation page. Ignore the message. The page is completely secure. I don’t know why it comes up except perhaps sabotage by certain internet service providers. )

Clearly, whatever good things will come of my run for governor will necessarily be by the work of the Holy Spirit. He is moved by prayer and I solicit yours.

Many Blessings,

Dr. Scott Lively

Lee Duigon #fundie #wingnut barbwire.com

[This is from an article titled "What's Wrong With Liberals?"]

Today they dominate the government at every level, the Democrat Party, the courts, the schools, the universities, the news media, Hollywood, and every other aspect of the public sector you can think of - even quite a few of the churches. There are still a few religious leaders, political commentators, bloggers, and a handful of politicians who oppose them: but have you seen the opposition winning many battles lately? There are Newswithviews readers who now believe the Left is invincible in this fallen world, and will only be defeated with the return of Jesus Christ.

You'd think the progs would be happy, riding high as they are, abusing Christians to their hearts' content, running the show however they please. You'd think they wouldn't even notice the few small voices raised against them.

And yet they aren't happy. The most trivial act or word of dissent enrages them. They have conniptions over it.


Well, the Bible tells us Satan is unhappy - filled with wrath, because he knows he has only a short time left to run wild on the earth (Revelation 12:12). Sound like anyone you know?

When the devil is angry and unhappy, his servants are angry and unhappy.

With all the work they've done on Global Warming, for instance, nature refuses to cooperate and most people have noticed that. Libs 'n' progs love Global Warming! It's their ticket to global governance. "Deniers" must be crushed.

They push Evolution for all they're worth, and still a lot of people aren't buying it. Libs 'n' progs love Evolution: it gets God out of the picture, leaving the path clear for their own creation and idol, the devouring state, to be supreme. But somehow they just can't seem to nail it down.

It's the same story with all the rest of their comprehensive program of social engineering - same-sex pseudomarriage, all that "transgender" business, forcible redistribution of wealth, redefinition of the family, and the dissolution of all the nations into some icky kind of world government. They just can't close the deal.


As long as there is any opposition at all, leftists refuse to feel secure.

Robert Stacy McCain #fundie barbwire.com

Al-Qaeda doesn’t hate America more than Rachel Maddow hates America. Once you understand the basic anti-patriotic agenda of the American Left, you understand why this “big lesbian who looks like a man” — as she describes herself — is so adored by her MSNBC audience. She shares their hostility to everything these “broken people” typically hate, including capitalism, Christianity and the normal family. Naturally, Ms. Maddow is a cheerleader for the Party of Treason, Perversion and Poverty (otherwise known as Democrats) and if this involves a certain haphazard attitude toward the truth, we are not surprised. (Baltic, Balkans — to-may-to, to-mah-to.)

Bill Muehlenberg #fundie barbwire.com

In an age of information, and especially in the Internet age, ignorance is no excuse. We should know what happens in these death clinics. We are rightly aghast and horrified at the beheaded victims of Islamic jihadists. Abortion also results in beheaded and dismembered innocent victims.

Our abortion mills are flowing with the blood of murdered babies. But people are claiming ignorance. Perhaps we should force everyone in favor of such baby killing to tour an abortion mill, and look at what happens, and handle the remains of a burned or dismembered baby.

Had German citizens seen what things were really like before 1945, maybe many would have risen up against the Nazis. If people today could see how the victims of the abortionists are treated, they too just might rise up and make a stand.

What will it take to end this genocide?

Sher Zieve #conspiracy barbwire.com

In the 1970s Obama’s friend and mentor Bill Ayers’ group the Weather Underground advised that its plan was to have the Russians, Chinese and others occupy various regions of the USA and to eliminate at least 25,000,000 people who would refuse to be re-educated into their new masters’ ways of thinking. Larry Grathwohl was an FBI undercover informant in the group and shared information via a video (below) and I was privileged to interview him shortly before his death.

Today, the Russians and the Chinese–via the ObamaGov–have been entering our country in increasing numbers. Many of these are soldiers brought in by Obama for faux “joint training exercises” who have never left the country and others are still coming across our Southern border by the millions. And the 25,000,000 pegged for “elimination?” The number targeted for termination is probably much higher today. Besides, the ObamaGov and NWO will have to get rid of many more millions of us so that they can give our homes and possessions to the “new transformer illegals”—aka Obama voters and supporters. This is the stark reality of the situation, folks: It’s Racist to Not Die for Obama. Choose him or choose God. And remember—only one of the two gives us free will to make the choice. Guess which—

BadKarma #fundie barbwire.com

Leftist's believe sex is a recreational activity, nothing more than random encounters with various people, gender is of no concern to them, where good judgment and responsibility have no place. These Leftist sluts should just press their knees together if they can not afford to pay for their lack of morality.

Exercising good judgment and personal responsibility has never been a Leftist trait.

If babies had guns, there would be no abortions.

Michex #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

It's so easy to know what homosexuals will and will not, in general, support.
If it's liberal or requires the state forcing people to do something, or offends tradition or religion, homo-fascists support it. Homosexuals tend to support things that tear society apart and that involve sex, with which they are obsessed.
The Homo-Imperialists even want to be able to dictate what happens in Africa.
I wonder if homosexuals are even real Americans. I think in some ways they hate America and are nihilists.

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie barbwire.com

Can we pray the polyamory away? If we sit by and complain or stick our heads in the sand, arguing that Christians should not be discussing these issues, then we’re admitting defeat and displeasing Christ. But if you believe that God can deliver some from the grip of immorality—whether that’s adultery, fornication, masturbation, pornography, homosexuality, polygamy, bestiality, polyamory or some other sexual sin—then drop to your knees and join with me in intercessory prayer. It’s not only about setting the captives free—it’s about protecting the next generation of young minds the media is molding.

John Biver #homophobia barbwire.com

Now it is time for our questions, which are being asked as a public service in order to help society prepare for the future.

How will society respond when necrophiliacs start loudly clamoring for their “rights”?
How will society respond to After the Ball-type efforts to normalize necrophilia and demonize those who disapprove of it?
How will society respond to a future well-funded marriage “equality” effort for those in necrophilia relationships?
If someone were to donate to an organization that prohibits hiring of necrophiliacs, will this donor be fired?
Will the expression of disapproval of necrophilia be deemed bullying or hate speech?
How will schools respond to requests to start pro-necrophilia clubs to support students who experience necrophilia feelings and who seek to come out of the necrophilia closet?
Will the Day of Silence expand to include necrophilia?
Will therapies to help minors change their unwanted necrophilia desires be banned?
Will “necrophilia orientation” be added to enumerated anti-discrimination policies and laws?
Will we see prime time television programs and movies with lovable necrophilia-oriented characters?
Will necrophiliac journalists form professional journalism associations (such as this one) to exploit the Fourth Estate in the service of breaking down barriers and normalizing necrophilia?
Will necrophilia join “pride parades”? (Then again, anyone who has seen pictures of those events will have to assume a few are already in attendance.)
Will loud and proud necrophiliacs “out” those who prefer to remain in the necrophilia closet?
Should a person who is morally opposed to necrophilia behavior be allowed to have a show on HGTV?
Will the National Football League give equal attention to the first openly necrophiliac that is drafted?
Will municipal employees who serve as part-time pastors be able to speak out about the morality of necrophilia and still keep their jobs?
Will Barack Obama’s Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, want the prohibition of necrophiliacs serving in the military to be reviewed, saying that “every qualified American who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity if they fit the qualifications and can do it”?
Will Nintendo bow to pressure and create a video game which includes necrophiliacs in it?
Will Sun Trust Bank refuse to do business with anyone who speaks out against the morality of necrophilia?
How soon will federal judges issue rulings saying that necrophiliacs are no different than the rest of us and that any thought to the contrary should wind up on the ash heap of history?

Up next we’ll take a look at another example of the ways people experience “intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, or individuals.” If America is to be truly free, shouldn’t all sexcentric-identified individuals be treated equally under the law?

Bill Muelenberg #wingnut #conspiracy barbwire.com

One of the most frightening and characteristic features of a police state is the terrible occurrence of being woken in the middle of the night by state security forces. Whether it was Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or Mao’s China, this was an ever-present reality and fear for many millions of ordinary citizens.

No one was safe. At any time the police forces could be at your door, and the next thing you know you are dragged off by the authorities, often never to be seen again. And usually absolutely no crime was committed – it is just that the state saw you as a threat to their existence.

Of course millions of people were rounded up in such totalitarian societies, and millions were killed. Individual dignity, humanity and freedom meant nothing to these ugly statists. Only the good of the Fatherland or the New Man or the utopian state or whatever mattered.

We soon will celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day, in which brave lads from the free world sacrificed their lives to put an end to such tyranny and injustice. The horrible reality of Nazi Germany had to be resisted, and countless lives were lost to keep the world free of such evil.

But the almost unthinkable is now happening: the once free world is well on its way to becoming another police state. Even though so many lives were lost and so much blood was shed seven decades ago, it seems that we have not learned the lessons of history.

Instead, we are simply repeating its mistakes. I have been warning for decades now – to mostly deaf ears unfortunately – that we in the West are headed in a very precarious direction. But the loss of freedoms and the restriction of our liberties are not happening overtly, but covertly.

And the means by which democracy is slowly but surely disappearing are very sneaky, incremental, and piece-meal. We don’t even know it is happening. Indeed, it is often occurring through what seems to be all rather sensible and necessary legislation.

Thus we have things like anti-discrimination laws; equal opportunity legislation; racial and religious vilification acts; and so-called hate speech laws springing up everywhere in the West. Again, they sound like they might be useful things to have, but they are mostly nefarious laws which are mainly aimed at silencing unpopular people with unpopular opinions.

The forces of political correctness – most notably the radical homosexual lobby and the Islamic lobby – have used these laws to silence all opposition to their causes. My new book will document hundreds of examples of this happening at the hands of the radical homosexualists.

Indeed, my recent time in Europe and England greatly alarmed me. The iron fist of the homosexual juggernaut is utterly frightening to behold. The ordinary citizen seems to be quite powerless to resist it in any way. Any faulty (non-PC) thought or speech is quickly and mercilessly pounced upon by the militant homosexual activists and their stooges in the state apparatus.


We are all at risk now. Of course some people will not suffer in the least. Those cowardly and compromised Christians who urge us to just get along with, and accommodate ourselves to, the homosexual agenda, or the creeping sharia agenda, will not be in any trouble.

Their craven appeasement and capitulation will put them in good standing with the activists – at least temporarily. But when these militants really get into power, especially the Islamists, the first ones to lose their heads will be these “useful idiots,” as Lenin referred to them.

Friends, we are in a war. Every day the other side is getting further emboldened to carry out their fascist agendas. And all the while, most Christians are snoozing right through all this. They don’t seem to know and they don’t seem to care. And they have blood on their hands as a result.

james #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

It is fascism when Christians are being fired from TV shows for stating their deeply held religious convictions. It is fascism when Homosexuals try to tell parents they cannot get their confused child psychological or spiritual help. It is homosexual fascism when homosexuals can come into schools and push their agenda on 5 year year old children, but teaching abstaining from sex to High School kids is treated like a strange course of action. It is homosexual fascism when anyone in this world says that being homosexual is unnatural and sin in their eyes and then is called hatefilled. Deal with realities sir....the homosexual agenda today represents fascism....Further, the state cannot institute marriage really anyway...Only the Christian Church in its orthodox form can declare a man and a woman married....That is reality as we see marriage as a Holy sacrament between a man and a woman....No other type of couple qualifies no matter how they want to try and force change from their own desire to destroy an institution. Yes destroy as all the so called gays i have spoke too have told me they want marriage done away with ....Well thats never Going to happen as long as the church is in session and as Jesus said, "the gates of hell shall never prevail".....

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

...even though no reference to “homosexual,” or any of the rest of the Alphabet Soup Perversity Brigade is mentioned in the [MS] legislation, homosexual activists are still waging war against the new law. Now, they have created window stickers for businesses that state, “We don’t discriminate. If you’re buying, we’re selling.” The sticker has a rainbow-colored line running through its center.

As they do in every aspect of their anti-Christian, freedom-robbing agenda, they lie about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, insisting it will open the door to a flood of anti-homosexual “discrimination,” with Christian businesses owners refusing to do business with people simply because they’re sodomites. That’s not happening, but these people don’t let truth or reason even come close to getting in their way, because if there were even one case of a “Christian” business owner telling a homosexual, “We don’t serve your limp-wristed kind in here,” it would be blaring headline news from coast to coast, world without end.

Sam Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber #fundie barbwire.com

"Joe the Plumber's" open letter to the parents of the Isla Vista shooting victims.

I’m not talking here about the three tragic murders Rodger committed by stabbing before his driving and shooting spree; I speak now only to the families of the gunshot victims in Santa Barbara:

It’s a tragedy.

I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and daughter and the one thing I never want to go through, is what you are going through now. But:

As harsh as this sounds – your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.

Richard Martinez, whose son (Christopher) was among the murdered, choked back tears at a news conference, blaming politicians the next day: “The talk about gun rights. What about Chris’ right to live?” Martinez said – and much more.

There are no critical words for a grieving father. He can say whatever he wants and blame whoever he’d like – it’s okay by me. You can’t take a step in his shoes – at least I can’t.

But the words and images of Mr. Martinez blaming “the proliferation of guns”, lobbyists, politicians, etc.; will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left.

As a father, husband and a man, it is my responsibility to protect my family. I will stand up for that right vehemently. Please believe me, as a father I share your grief and I will pray for you and your family, as I do whenever I hear about senseless tragedies such as this.

We still have the Right to Bear Arms and I intend to continue to speak out for that right, and against those who would restrict it – even in the face of this horrible incident by this sad and insane individual. I almost said “Obama Voter” but I’m waiting for it to be official.

I noticed the mainstream media have stopped the practice of immediately reporting the psycho maniac is a conservative Tea Party Republican Christian. Guess they’re sick of having to hide being wrong every time when it comes out the whacko votes Democrat?

Mr. Martinez and anyone calling for more restrictions on American’s rights need to back off and stop playing into the hands of the folks who merely capitalize on these horrific events for their own political ends.

They don’t care about your family or your dead children at all. They sound like they do, whereas I sound uncaring and like I say, harsh. Don’t be fooled – I care about your family and mine. The future of our very liberty lies in the balance of this fight.

In conclusion, I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are going through, having had your child taken away from you. However, any feelings you have toward my rights being taken away from me, lose those.


Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher

PS: To the parents of Elliot Rodger’s stabbing victims: I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m sick to death every damn time I turn around and some poor soul with obvious violent mental sickness is allowed to exact this kind of pain on a family.

Elliot Rodger deserved help, yes – but your child deserved so much more. I’m very sorry and sad for you.

Dr. Don Boys #homophobia barbwire.com

[On Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend on TV]

Sam has tenure since he is black, gay, and has a white lover. Wow, that’s more job security than a public school teacher has. He promised that “he was not going to promote his sexuality and that he was going to focus on playing football.” However, his focus and everyone’s focus was on Sam, his lover and “the kiss.” He did exactly the opposite of what he promised. Homosexuals have told us often and with volume that it is nobody’s business what two men do in their bedroom yet they shove their perversion into our faces with impunity. What else will they bring out of the bedroom?

I would be outraged if my children or grandchildren had seen that depravity. Even if one’s sexual activities are private in the bedroom, they should not be public on national television. However, they seem not to be interested in keeping them private. When will normal people start making such hypocrites pay for their deception? No decent person should watch ESPN again. In the interest of higher ratings or, conversely, in the interest in promoting perversion, the network has earned the disdain, distrust, and disgust of the American people. STOP is suggesting that anyone with a modicum of decency stop watching ESPN and NFL games.

Sam declared on a network television show, “I have gotten messages from college and NFL players and other athletes — about how courageous I was.” Oh, yes. Those fleeing the closet are always “courageous,” “brave,” “historic,” but never narcissistic, fame seekers, or manipulative. The fascists at the Homosexual Lobby are thrilled that Sam has strolled out of the closet in support of their twisted, tangled, tawdry agenda. The homosexual leaders are the most vile, vicious, and vitriolic people in the world. However, they label as haters and bigots those of us who disagree with them, criticize them, and declare that homosexuality is wrong, has always been wrong and will always be wrong and no President, Supreme Court or Legislature can change that fact.

President Obama even magnified the gross actions by gushing, “From the playing field to the corporate boardroom, LGBT Americans prove every day that you should be judged by what you do and not who you are.” I certainly agree with that but no one wants to discuss what homosexuals do! They don’t just lock lips, hold hands, and bake cookies. Want to discuss “fisting”? No, no, not that. Too gross. How about “rimming”? No, not that, for sure. Well, how about “water sports”? No, better not. So, we are not to make a judgment based on what they do. The whole bunch are sanctimonious hypocrites.

We have witnessed in a stunning short time the normalization of sodomy in America. It is strange that homosexuals can do, say and advocate almost anything, no matter how crude or lewd and when a normal person disagrees, he is plummeted into submission. Whatever happened to the right to discuss, debate, and disagree over an issue in a civil matter? Furthermore, the use of good, time-honored words such as “sodomite,” “pervert,” and “deviant” are not uncivil, unkind, or untrue.

Lee Duigon #fundie barbwire.com

I was re-reading a message from someone who said he would never let his children read my books because he was afraid it would expose them to my value system, which he finds abhorrent. I hope I have made it clear, all along, that my “value system” (I don’t really like that term) is Christianity.

What this reader most objects to is my insistence that homosexual behavior is a grave sin because the Bible says so. But it has occurred to me that, if this person is old enough to be raising children–and taking them along with him to hang out with a “gay couple” who are his friends–then probably the value system he espouses didn’t even exist when he was born. My Christian standard, with its foundation upon Judaism, has been in place, unchanged, for thousands of years. His moral standard was created, as it were, in the blink of an eye.

Nevertheless, this very new notion that all sexual behavior is permitted, and that homosexuality and transgenderism (or whatever you want to call it) are especially worthy of esteem–this perverse and evil code has swept the Western world and carried off its ruling class, its pseudointelligentsia, its culture-shapers, and all those people willing to be shaped by culture.

This has happened with terrifying speed. The world has seen nothing like it since the rise of Islam–and we all know what a great blessing that turned out to be.

Will we be stuck with this for the next 1,500 years? Or will it wither up and blow away as suddenly as it descended on us? God grant the latter.

In the meantime, what I have come to call “Gaydeology” has all the earmarks of a new false religion, as fierce and intolerant as Islam; and we have not yet seen the worst of it.

But the word of the Living God shall stand, and Christ shall reign. May God give us strength.

Jeff Allen #homophobia barbwire.com

The homosexual agenda has certainly opened the floodgates for sexual deviancy and bizarre erotic obsessions. And you can’t say we didn’t warn you.

Chris Sevier, a Florida man who is definitely not playing with a full deck, is fighting for what he feels should be his right to “wed” his Macbook. Apparently, he has fallen in “love” with his pornography-packed computer. “Over time, I began preferring sex with my computer over sex with real women,” he told a judge in Florida.

The situation sounds eerily similar to the plot line of Spike Jonze’s 2013 movie Her, in which a very weird character named Theodore Twombly (played by Joaquin Phoenix) becomes romantically involved with “Samantha,” the Artificial Intelligence in his computer, voiced by Scarlett Johansson. Talk about life imitating sick and twisted so-called “art.”

And just like every pro-natural marriage advocate has repeatedly cautioned, Mr. Sevier is utilizing the exact same arguments of the homosexual activists. No surprise there.

Mr. Sevier earlier applied for a marriage license for himself and his “machine spouse,” but his outlandish request was, for obvious reasons, denied, thus prompting his legal actions.

If homosexuals have the right to “marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object,” he argued.

John Biver #fundie barbwire.com

If we’re going to be continually subjected to a debate over, for example, the “rights” of men who center their identity on their homoerotic desires, then it’s reasonable to begin a discussion over the many other manifestations of perverse sexual desires listed in the DSM or elsewhere.

Since we have a lot of ground to cover, let’s begin with our first paraphilia of the day, incest.


Here are just a few basic and important questions:

How will society respond when those who practice incest start clamoring for their “rights”?
How will society respond to After the Ball-type efforts to normalize incest and demonize those who disapprove of it?
How will society respond to a future well-funded marriage “equality” effort for those in adult incestuous relationships?
If someone were to donate to an organization that lobbies against incest marriage, will this donor be fired?
Will the expression of disapproval of incest be deemed bullying or hate speech?
How will schools respond to requests to start pro-incest clubs to support students who experience incestuous feelings and who seek to come out of the incest closet? Will the Day of Silence expand to include incest?
Will therapies to help minors change their unwanted incestuous desire be banned?
Will “incest orientation” be added to enumerated anti-discrimination policies and laws?
Will the letter I be added to the LGBTQIA (etc.) abbreviation?
Will we see prime time television programs and movies with lovable incest-oriented characters?
Will incest-oriented journalists join professional journalism associations to monitor and exploit the Fourth Estate in the service of breaking down barriers and normalizing incest?
Will those who are pro-incest join “pride parades”?
Will loud and proud pro-incest people or groups “out” those who prefer to remain in the incest closet?

We’ve only just begun – we’ve got a lot more questions to ask. Join us next time as we make inquiries about another paraphilia. If America is to be truly free, shouldn’t all sexcentric-identified individuals be treated equally under the law — yes or no?

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/04/28/fight-paraphilia-rights-let-debate-begin/#ERix2CM3B2gZL1B8.99

Lee Duigon #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

For people whose chief mode of discourse consists of shouting and calling names, any time they encounter someone who doesn’t go along with them, libs ‘n’ progs and atheists and other specimens of the Far Left are surprisingly thin-skinned.

Like yesterday, when I referred to some of them as “servants of Satan,” there was a bit of yelling and screaming over that. Half of these people say they don’t believe in God anyhow, let alone the Devil–so what are they so riled up about?

Well, they seem to think it’s just me calling them names because they don’t agree with me.

Actually, there are a number of key moral issues in which God’s Word is clear and unambiguous–such as murder, adultery, homosexual acting-out, denial of Christ, and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, to name a few. There is no verse in the Bible that endorses, justifies, defends, or promotes any of these behaviors. It’s not a matter of my opinion or interpretation. God has condemned these behaviors, and no two ways about it.

Being a servant of Satan involves more than just sinning. After all, we are all sinners; otherwise, we wouldn’t need a Savior. It’s like the difference between an ordinary homosexual, a sinner like the rest of us, and a flatline Protestant minister who performs same-sex parodies of marriage in his church. The latter is a servant of Satan. And in this day and age, we’ve raised up a bumper crop of them.

I don’t see why that should be hard to understand, except to those who don’t want to understand–maybe because a lot of their heroes are servants of Satan. Margaret Sanger, Richard Dawkins, Alfred Kinsey, the current occupier of the White House, Mikey Weinstein – we could spend a whole day listing them. But they are all servants of Satan, because they all preach and teach that evil is good, and good is evil; they all seek to nullify God’s laws; and they have all labored to create a world from which God’s laws are erased.

If that’s not serving Satan, what is?

Gina Miller #fundie barbwire.com

As I have long noted, there are only two forces at work in this world, the forces of God and the forces of Satan. It’s that simple. Every person is on one side or the other. There is no fence on which to sit. We know that Satan is currently the god of this world, although his reign is quickly coming to a close. He has great power at this time. He rules the powers of the air, which include the major media. He inspires the kings and leaders of the world to do his wicked will. Satan hates everything and everyone, and his sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy God’s creation, and in this purpose, his chief weapon is deception.


The forces of the “Left” are the forces that seek to do the will of Satan. The army of human foot soldiers of the Left is fully on board with every Godless campaign in existence. They work to kill God-ordained freedoms wherever they’re found. They aggressively support the murder of pre-born babies. They proudly push the degeneracy of the sodomite agenda, working to tear down marriage and abolish our God-given rights to free association, expression, speech and religion. They hate private property and the rights attendant with it. Here in the United States, they are working to tear down our national sovereignty, to deconstruct our constitutional republic and replace it with tyrannical, centralized command-and-control governance. They support lawlessness in the illegal alien invasion. The list goes on.


I can already see the snarky report on this column at Right Wing Watch: “Gina Miller believes Right Wing Watch is a tool of the devil!” And for the record, yes, I most certainly do.

Tristan Emmanuel #fundie barbwire.com

I expect godless people to behave in a reprehensible manner. And true to form a legion of atheists unleashed a tirade of hate mail in an effort to intimidate me because of last week’s column. Laughably they all insisted— while calling me every derogatory name possible — that they are the defenders of free speech. Their insatiable lust to slander and spread slurs prove only one point: They are children of the Devil who also slanders the people of God.


First, I did not condone or advocate for the physical torture of Bill-asphemous Maher. The headline was a question, not an assertion nor an affirmation of the penal sanctions for blasphemy.

Second, the purpose of my piece was to expose the mealy-mouthed and utterly incomprehensible passivity of evangelicals in North America who don’t get upset when God is mocked in public. And boy how you proved me right!

Well, actually you proved me wrong — kind of. You proved that you actually can get worked up but over the wrong things and with the wrong person.


Now, instead of getting exercised over blasphemy, Christians say nothing. And what makes this so much more egregious is that they have all the freedom in the world to speak up in the USA.

Furthermore, saying I advocate for the restoration of penal sanctions, like those in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is a fabricated lie. What I said was I lament that America had struck down blasphemy laws, i.e. the principle. This is very different from saying I am upset that American no longer whips blasphemers like Maher.

In both Britain and Canada, for example, we still had blasphemy laws on the books no less then ten years ago. The penalties — the penal sanctions — were fines and possible imprisonment, not hangings and whippings, but this is beside the point.

So for the Oscar-lite-weights, what this means is that one can advocate for the law-principle, while not advocating for a particular type of punishment, which historically was left to the discretion of the courts.

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

I do not fear homosexuals, irrationally or otherwise. Anyone who speaks unequivocally of the immoral, unnatural and very unhealthy reality of homosexual behavior is invariably maligned as being “homophobic.” Superficially it doesn’t even make sense, but when you look a little deeper, it should occur to any thinking man that those of us who speak boldly against this diabolical movement are in reality the opposite of “homophobic.” If I am unafraid to call a spade a spade, then how can I be accused of being afraid of the spade? It’s nonsense, but homosexual activists don’t let sense impede their wrong-headed assertions and twisted agenda.

While I do not concede the faulty premise of the sham term “homophobia,” I can tell you that if there is anything close to “homophobia” out there, it is found in people who bow in subservience to the perverse demands of the homosexual movement. It is the people who run corporations who fear lawsuits by these activists, and who cast aside the rights and concerns of their employees to accommodate the small percentage of deviants who insist on imposing their degenerate bedroom habits on their coworkers and workplaces.

If “homophobia” were a real thing, it would describe the behavior of politicians and managers and leaders of companies, schools, churches and institutions who abandon their moral convictions and compromise their principles in obeisance to what they inherently know is wrong. Why do they do this? Their “homophobia” (which, in truth, is just cowardice) directs them, because it is out of fear of media attacks, lawsuits, loss of employment, even fear of the disapproval of others, that they step aboard the hijacked-rainbow express. But using the term “homophobia” to describe what is simply cowardice isn’t right, because the fact is that “homophobia” is a phony construct of the radical Left. It is a word weapon with a false meaning.

We have allowed the Left to abuse and distort our language for so long that we may not be able to gain control of the national dialogue. We are also at a disadvantage in that the powers of the air — the media, entertainment, Hollywood, and the rest — are controlled by leftists, so naturally they determine the “memes” and the terms. Neither does it help our cause that the younger generations are being dumbed down to the point that many of them leave school unable to write a coherent paragraph, much less have a strong grasp on the meaning of words and why it matters. But, that’s just the way the anti-American, anti-freedom, Godless Left likes it. Dumb people are as malleable as the “new” term “gender,” and they can easily be made to proudly and stupidly embrace their chains by the powerful, evil tyrants who have a very good grasp on the English language.

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