
lovinCarl #racist city-data.com

unny how mexicans can have La Raza, Mecha... Blacks can have NAACP (and don't give me the crap that these are NOT hate groups)... They are very much hate groups against whites and they feel that white men are holding them down/back and should be screwed

If whites have a group being proud of being white and hating on others that's their right.. remember? America... OH WAIT.. only the mexicans and blacks are allowed to hate... whites must pacify them and take the crap they give...

steve1077 #racist city-data.com

Who knows where Barry went to college before Harvard....did he gain admission to Harvard due to his race....Law Review due to race.....Democratic nominee due to race......election due to race......it will be a sorry day for the USA when this lightweight mulatto enters the White House.

bentelbee #racist city-data.com

Did you use the same drugs as Obama, since you just "forgot" to mention that Obama admitted to have used drugs!!!! but you thought you should mention that Bush had used it....wow how biased and unbelievable can some one be....i guess you are waiting for Obama's welfare check!!!!

little elmer #fundie city-data.com

[Someone asked little elmer who created God in which he gave the standard "God is outside the universe" response. When asked who created the universe that God resides in...]

Seriously - anytime you ask "Who created..." just fill in God.

SuperMario #fundie city-data.com

(On Connecticut ruling same-sex marriage is a right)

It's sad how many people lack God in their lives. I for one hope that American society collapses, maybe then we can get rid of all these atheist, hedens, and non-believers. Hopefully, a new nation will rise from the ashes, one based on God and his teachings.

I understand that you cannot force gay people to love the opposite sex. But why go after a religous act such as marriage. Why do they have to get married? Especially if they do not follow Christianity. I would not care if a gay couple spend time together in private but I would be lying if I were to say that I would be comfortable with gay acts in public.

Well, this is a sad day for me indeed. Thank God there are alot of Roman Catholics in NYC. They would never allow this to happen. Well, as long as they don't get married under the church. Then I would really lose it.

And gays, spare me your little sermons on constitutional rights, myths, bigotry etc ....My opinion is one I would never change. No matter how many of you fags try to force it down our ****ing throats.

Reformed Liberal #fundie city-data.com

if this video is about geology, dinosaurs, carbon dating etc.... then I am not interested. My mind is closed when it comes to evolution. "close minded" in a way that I will pick and choose what I let in. Evolution has shown me death, racism, abortion, eugenics, genocide and the list goes on. I want nothing to do with that abomination.

reformed liberal #fundie city-data.com

IMO just the way you atheist live proves there's a God. Why do atheist have compassion, that baffles me. Why can "animal man" reason but the other animals can't.

Why can't monkeys write a screen play, are the other animals evolving? Will they be like us in the distant future?

bchris02 #fundie city-data.com

There is only one sin God hates to the point he will wipe out a civilization that embraces it. That sin is homosexuality. Look at what is going on in our country right now, only 3 months after California legalized gay marriage. The wrath of God is here, and America is going to pay dearly for this sin. No matter what MTV, psychiatrists, or anybody in our new age culture says, its NOT okay to be gay. Its a monstrous abomination against God almighty! He will tolerate it for a season, as he has since the sixties, but God is not mocked, and sin doesn't go unpunished.

Listen up, O America! Because thou hast done evil in the sight of the Lord thy God, his anger hath waxed hot against thee! Thy cities will become desolate and thy fields will become barren. Then you shall know that the Lord is GOD and shall cry to Him for deliverance.

southernmeltdown #fundie city-data.com

BULLCRAP.....how about being bombarded by the media every day with the gay agenda??? ...which star is gay today? how about music telling little girls "i kissed a girl and i liked it" a popular pop song..always pounding home how normal this perverted lifestyle is??? teaching kids in school homo's are right ...give me a break...you can whine about discrimination all you want to if you didn't choose to be a disease ridden pervert nobody would care about you....i don't want you in scouts and i damn sure don't want you teaching my kid...if you want to be a pervert then do it alone..stay out of the church too GOD doesn't want you and his greatest gift to you was aids....

campbell34 #fundie city-data.com

Well I'm sorry friend, your talking to someone who has actually had encounters with demons. And that was back in 1973. In my case, it lasted for 6 months. And I was not operated on, so we cannot claim post-anesthesia delirium. These demons would move objects, shake beds, I could hear them speaking, and chanting. Sometimes you could hear drums beating in the night. The were removed from me on a Saturday morning in a home in Crete Il. That is when about nine Christian came together and commanded them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. I still have the tapes from that time. Most people on these posts have opinions about such things, I actually had experiences, and pretty extensive. When the Bible speaks about Demonic encounters, those stories are not fabrications.

FutureCop #fundie city-data.com

Liberals just want to sit around, let jerkoffs attack us, and wait for more. No, screw that. I want to go to war, I want to wipe them out, and I want my country to protect me. Clinton didn't protect us and Obama won't either. Don't tell me war isn't the answer. You think those in Al-Queda jerkoffs are going to give up if we don't attack them back? They're not attacking us to bully us around and try to make us look like geeks like a little schoolboy, they're attacking us to take us the **** out. I say we wipe them all out. What do you do if someone shoots you in the arm once? Stand there and have a pep talk with them? No, you kick his little ***. 9/11 was like a bullet in the heart, war is the answer in this case.

nononsenseguy #fundie city-data.com

Darwinism is not based on science! Sheeesh. You people that believe this stuff are relentless. Science is based on observation, and repeatable processes.

There is no physical evidence! Show me. It is pure foolishness (well, I have to admit, I have met a few people in my life that gave me a fleeting thought that evolution might be true).

You cannot observe evolution, and you certainly cannot create it (therefore repeat it). It is the biggest hoax ever foisted on a gullible public. Only global warming comes close.

cobmw #racist city-data.com

Most Mexicans do not assimilate. They do not learn the language and they keep their own culture. In addition to the problems that Elmagnifico mentioned be prepared to see baby diapers in parking lots, kids urinating in public and having your children attacked because they are white in schools that are 95% Mexican.

campbell34 #fundie city-data.com

Vague Prophecy?

Yes, it does tell us who will return. It clearly states it will be the anscestors of Gods chosen people of Israel. WOW, I wonder who that could be? Better get your scientist ready for DNA testing. LOL
And yes, you can distinguish from other events, because at no other time in History has the Jewish nation returned from a worldwide exile, where they first settled in south Israel, and then recaptured Jerusalem second.
The prophecy tells us, they would return from a worldwide exile (ONLY ONCE,) so you don't have to have a date.
The prophecy is only vague in the minds of those who refuse to believe in obvious facts.

1. The Jews in Israel today are the ancestors of the Children of Israel of the past.
2. The vast majority of Jews living in Israel today, have returned from a worldwide exile.
3. When the Jews returned they setteled in southern Israel first, as the Bible said they would.
4. The Jews recaptured Jerusalem second in (1967) and in the order the Bible said they would.
5. The Bible stated that all this would happen in the latter times and in the latter years. Which means it would be a long time, after the writing of the prophecy
6. God tells us in Zec. 12 shortly before He reveals to the Jews living in Israel who He is, God will make the nation of Israel invincible. And God tells us. Even if the (whole world gathers against them to drive them out), God Himself will cut the attacking nations into pieces.
I don't recall anything like that happening in the past.

7. Also, if your really interested in dates, if you do the Biblical math, you would discover that in the exact year that Israel became a nation, which was 1948, that date can be found tabulated in the Scriptures.
Consider the link below.

Bible prophecy, Fulfilled Prophecy, Modern Israel, Early Christians

bchris02 #fundie city-data.com

Its not about pride, its about not spitting in the face of God in a time when we need His blessings more than ever. In the 1960s, seperate but equal was anything but equal. Today, however, civil unions and marriage can be made completely equal while keeping God out of it.

Forget 2008. Lets go back to 1958, when we as a nation had morals, decency, and the highest respect for the nuclear family and we were still one nation under God. And remember those times - things were actually going good for America in that era. We must have been doing something right! What people today call "progress" isn't progress at all.

bchris02 #fundie city-data.com

I love how you liberals throw out some red herring when you have been backed into a corner on religion and homosexuality. The 6,000 year thing was calculated back in the 1920s from geneologies but is open to interpretation, but the Bible couldn't be more clear on sexual immorality. However, I see there is no convincing any of you. You see this wicked soul-damning abomination as something holy and righteous before God, just as the book of Jude says "Christians" would in the latter days. There is nothing thats going to change your mind on this. I will leave you with this - your mind WILL be changed on judgement day. God is not mocked. He expects His children to keep His commandments.

John 14:15: If ye love me, keep my commandments

Tom Lennox 70 #fundie city-data.com

But the concept of a morning after pill just promotes uncontrolled sex and loose morals. That is the biggest issue I have with it. At least in my part of the country, religion is less and less important and peopel dont' care about moral values anymore. Parents would buy birth control pills for their daughters going to college instead of just teaching them abstinence. The mentality girls get therefore is that they can just sleep around, hook up with whoever they want to, after all there is "Plan B"...assuming they forget to take their usual birth control pills.

I personally think that moral values are important in how I live my life, how I would like to raise a family in the future, and in how I vote in November.

AaronK #fundie city-data.com

Many people can make the argument that the current crop of students growing into adults is one of the worst in recent times. I could think of two equally fitting names for it.

The self-gratification generation, and the entitlement generation (latter applies to many adults too). The future looks bleak because of this generation. When people have to start asking themselves what is right and what is wrong, then you know there are problems. Many people in this day and age will actually question the very basic morality that should be common sense to everyone.

It is no surprise to me then, that this generation is one of the most liberal generations (morally) than any generation before us. It is also one of the most Godless generations, where Church is a routine and not a lifestyle like during their grandparents time.

It only makes sense then to limit the activities of liberals, and destroy their "culture" that is ruining America, and ultimately the world.

freedom #fundie city-data.com

Have you been to a public school lately? Not controlled in the best use of the term. Neither are they teaching anything remotely glorious to God.
How a believer can send their kid off to public school everyday, just blows my mind.
The culture of sensuality and vulgarity is why we are headed for complete disregard for anything Holy.

123cop #fundie city-data.com

Woah woah.. I don't think people should have kids just to have kids. Lateasha with 8 kids on welfare doesn't need another one. But responsible married people earning enough money to have a baby should have a baby.

Go talk to Europe. Their godless youth are running around into their 30s not having babies.. bar hopping.. living with their parents like leaches. While the muslim population over there is booming. They are in big big trouble.

123cop #fundie city-data.com

No wonder liberals all want bigger govt and more welfare. It appears most of you don't have jobs. And for the atheists, it appears you guys lurch around these forums looking for some kind of truth. The truth is all around you if you just open your eyes.

simple living #fundie city-data.com

(Group Files Suit Over 'I Believe' License Plates)

More proof that it's okay to discriminate against Christians but nobody else. I'm glad God is a God of justice and that revenge will be His because idiots like these should be.... well, I'll leave that part to God.

howest2008 #fundie city-data.com

The pure blood lines of early man allowed for incest until the law of Moses was handed down by GOD....the blood lines aren't pure enought in this day and age for relatives to engage in Marriage. Adam and Eve sons and daughter married each other to keep the earth populated with mankind.

123cop #fundie city-data.com

California has also stated that all cats are now dogs. So dog owners.. you now have to rename your pets.

We all know that one guy and one girl are the only thing that can make one human baby.

We should not embrace or rejoice for a genetic mutation. How much longer is the majority in our nation going to suffer so the minority can thrive? My lord, we make businesses build ramps that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars so maybe 1 handicapped person can go in the business. We build thousands of handicapped parking spaces that are never used. We turn away intelligent and well qualified white students to let in not as qualified minority students. Why is it evil to be a white christian heterosexual? Yes, minorities need some protection but we've gone so far to the extreme it's unbelievable.

scrip #fundie city-data.com

(In response to the question, "How does legalized gay marriage force anything upon anyone?")

A good question. Here's something you might not have considered:

Let's say John and Martha marry and have a long life together. If John dies before Martha, Martha receives John's pension until Martha dies as well. But, what if Martha dies first and John decides to give his pension to his son, so he marries his son. Nothing wrong with that, right? I mean it's a same-sex marriage and they can't have kids so why not? Well, what about that pension and how does that affect others by continuing the payments for another 30 years? What about social security?

Why limit marriage to a single same-sex couple? Why not 5 same sex couples forming one marriage? Why not 5 opposite sex couples forming one marriage?

There's a well-known homosexual activist named Frank Kameny who says bestiality is okay as long as the animal doesn't mind. Should we allow marriage to animals or just let some people have sex with animals because they have the freedom to do so?

Should transgenders get medical benefits for surgery? How does that affect your medical premiums?

How does alll this affect our culture and society? Where do we draw the line?

AaronK #fundie city-data.com

I'm pro-life, you being pro-death. I respect women's rights as much as anyone.

I'm a Catholic, anti-death penalty, anti-war conservative republican. I don't think vegetarianism has anything to do with anything, although I don't eat red meat.

I urge you and all other pro-deathers to seek professional help on your tendency to lean towards murder of little babies. It is kind of sick in a very morbid way.

AaronK #fundie city-data.com

The pro-death movement (anti-life, pro-infanticide, etc) refuse to believe that the embryo is a living human being, even though all the qualifiers of life are present in the embryo. So they attempt to add one onto it, which is surviving outside the womb. However, if such a qualifier was added, children from the ages to 1-5 wouldn't qualify probably, nor would those who are incapable because of disability to provide food for themselves. I guess we could start murdering them too. Or the homeless, or anyone who can't sustain themselves.

scrip #homophobia city-data.com

I disagree with same-sex marriage for many reasons. Some of those reasons are:

1. There is no science to support the born that way theory.
2. Science is actually hostile to the born that way theory.
3. There is a growing population of ex-gays. For example, take Michael Glatze who co-founded the Young Gay America magazine. Mr. Glatze left the homosexual life. Charlene Cothran was the publisher for Venus Magazine, a magazine for homosexuals but she left the homosexual life as well and now uses Venus Magazine to help others leave the homosexual life.

IMO, changing the definition of marriage based on a changeable sexual behavior is social suicide.

Aaron Kaylor #fundie city-data.com

Separate entity from mother. All its chromosomes intact. Grows on its own. It is a child from conception.

There is no such thing as the "anti-choice" movement. Such a name would apply to pro-life if it didn't have anything to do with human right's. The pro-life movement is a pro-human right's movement.

Terms that can be applied. Pro-murderer. Pro-psycho. Pro-infanticide supporter. Anti-compassioners. Pro-okay with making the 'choice' to murder. Pro-deathers. Pro-sick in the head.

You and I don't have the right to murder human beings, therefore that option SHOULD be removed from the table as a "choice." Pro-choice as defined by the pro-abortion movement is an abomination to human rights.

Prince of Lombards #fundie city-data.com

Yesterday, the first Friday of Lent, I saw my neighbors get home, and out of their minivan they had a few bags labeled 'KFC'. So, they went inside their home, and I saw the light come on in their dining room. The curtains were drawn, but I went into my driveway, then crossed into their driveway, so that I could peek through the gap in their curtains and i got a good view of what was going on. They were clearly chowing down on chicken, with all the fixings, though the chicken was what I was really concerned about, cause they had the youngins there eating too. I was really upset and didn't know what to do. They have a crucifix and statues like those people like to have in their living room, then the next room over they were chomping away on meat. I really don't know what to do at this point. Should I call a local archdioses or something and report them, or is there like a church board that investigates these things? I don't know what to do, and i've asked the good Lord for guidance, but I'm still not certain what He wants me to do. I was thinking when they're not home I should take the statues they have in their backyard and only give them back if they promise not to do it again, but I might get in trouble with the law so I don't know at this point. What would Jesus do?

Preterist #fundie city-data.com

Every time I deal with "evolutionists," I am given links to the works of others. Why? Because the vast majority of people who claim the "truths" of evolution cannot themselves produce one fact that they themselves have witnessed. They rely totally on the studies of others. Prove the so-called truths of evolution and the "pseudoscience" of Creationism, MRiedl. Prove in your own words through your own research that evolution is true!

If you take the word of others who have done the actual research, then YOU are operating on faith. I, on the other hand, who can do my own research by simply studying the functions of my own magnificent body and can walk out the door into nature and research the evidences for creation found in the animal and plant kingdom alone, do not have to rely on the teachings of scientists. It's all right there in front of me to accept or reject!

Nikk #fundie city-data.com

God does not need a creator because he IS. This is the crux of it. There is no need for the creator to have a creator.

God does not need to prove himself or that he exists because that would put the proof or logic greater than himself. When he says he is that is all that we need. This is logical.

Nikk #fundie city-data.com

The MRI was created based off the work of Raymond Damadian. He is a creationist. His work is therefore creation science. So, the MRI is a piece of technology that was Made based on Creation science.

FBoet #fundie city-data.com

Evolutionists have a hard time believing that man and dinosaurs did not co-exist, but aren't we living among dinosaurs such as sharks, crocodiles, elephants, lions and even scorpions?

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