I actually have two names. I am over 500,000 years old and most of my Galactic lives were positive, in which I brought light to the Cosmos. Because of my dedication to serve the Light, the Galactic Light Forces gave me the name of Lord of Light.
So, your culture honours distinguished individuals with sobriquets. And in half a million years of dedicated service, you have only earned… one? Lame.
The word Lord in our dimension doesn’t mean the same thing as in your reality. In your world Lord means mostly a royal title, in our higher dimension it means someone, who serves the Light.
So apparently, all the immortal interdimensional cosmic aliens really speak actual English. After all, if this was an issue of translation, then surely, a more fitting terminology (e.g. luminary) could be used, even (and, perhaps for the sake of clarity, especially) if by coincidence, the actual word happens to be /lord/ as a false friend?
Only humans have first and last names.
This seems rather implausible to me, especially if we are to believe that species of absurdly humanoid anatomy and psychology are common, given both the Law of Small Numbers and the many varied naming systems that we can observe even within our species, which includes several different one that give paired names. And yes, our Western formula of given name + meaningless inherited family name is not even close from universal among humanity, is not even all that old, and has plenty of exceptions even in the West (middle names, nobiliary articles in German and Dutch (and by import, the Scandinavian languages), Hungarian having the opposite order…), so that’s hardly a distinctive trait of humanity.
Sheran is a Jewish name, I am not Jewish or even human.
False friends happen even among unrelated languages, just by virtue of limits of phonetics. In fact, “Ashtar” sounds rather suspiciously close to both the Greek (and inherited by most Western languages) aster for star and the Semitic goddess Ishtar/Astare…
In our Pleaidian language Ashtar means star.
…well, what did I just say? Although, I guess that means that they do not actually speak English after all.
Oh, and of course, we have “non–human species are monoliths with a single culture and a single language”. Sigh.
@Skyknight #192927
But… but that would take actually looking up stuff about real science no one’s ever heard of, rather than just building on the brand recognition of the works of previous charlatans writing about one of the most recognisable and oldest and prettiest asterisms!