
crackerwv #fundie

Martin Yirrell #fundie

KelseyEdward #pratt

Alan Burns #fundie

Anonymous #fundie

AIG #fundie

StarscreamX-2 #fundie

Rev. Albert Einstein #fundie

FidelCashflow #psycho

The Serpent #fundie

various commenters #transphobia

thatblondeguy #sexist

Rawk4Life #fundie

Noor Jaan Gunnar #sexist

Bored as hell #fundie

JTWriter #fundie

caseypayne1980 #fundie

JohnR7 #fundie

TPJCatholic #fundie

AWOL Prime #fundie

unworthyone #fundie

malakhhatzadik #fundie

Blemonds #homophobia

Doug Bristow #fundie

Anonymous #fundie

LES #fundie

.:.Rawker_Chic[k].:. #fundie

P.A. #fundie

Uribe #fundie

(unknown) #fundie

mylifeistrash #sexist #psycho

Tobytwo #fundie

Charity4Ever #fundie

GM777 #fundie

Canadian Movement #racist

John M #sexist

Andrew Tate #sexist #homophobia

Ron Graham and Nathele Graham #fundie

dude4 #fundie

Nominee for Alabama governor Bradley Byrne #fundie

johnlewisbrooks #fundie

meshachre #fundie

Ray Comfort #fundie

booellis #fundie

Mrs Lace #fundie

PrinCeSs ALiSa DaNiElle #fundie

severaxer1 #fundie

Scrod #sexist #psycho

Andrew Tate #sexist #homophobia

JenGC #fundie

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