“How feminists can claim men have had it better historically is a joke:”
I like jokes. Please explain what makes this funny?
“men have traditionally been canon fodder,”
Dude, if you study war very much OR watch the news at all, men and women BOTH get shot at by cannons. Men historically got paid for it.
"have had really hard, shit jobs"
Jobs. That literally means paid.
Women worked just as hadr, but it was as a ‘housewife’ so no pay.
“...have been sent away from their family, etc.”
Oh, ALL the Noes! I’ve seen men on deployment, on business trips. They’re all so somber and lonely, sitting in the empty diner, nursing decaf.
No one drinks, parties, or watches hotel room porn on those long trips.
“For example, the other day, I was watching a documentary on the Great Wall of China. Effectively every man in the army was drafted to build it. How many hours per day they worked, I have no idea, though you can imagine it's gonna be at least 12. The fucked-up thing though? These men were forced to stay there, work, no days off and were 1000s of miles from their families. Many soldiers had wives & kids (I guess people died by mid 30s then...so even a 20 year old soldier, would often have a couple of kids, probably), who they were forcefully separated from for an indefinite period of time. Allegedly the thing took 200 years to build - imagine that: you live in the south, are taken by the army, moved 1000s of miles North, working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, until you die, never seeing your family again. And women want to argue that they have had it hard?”
The home still had to operate, now with one less worker. Same amount of work. So in addition to all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc, she had to operate the farm. Yeah, how sad for HIM. He’s the victim here.
“Likewise, look at human history -”
You should really try that some time.
“In contrast, I wonder how women would react if they were conscripted and about to be sent into battle,”
There are countries that conscript women. You could ask.
“ Would they want this form of equality?”
Women have been lobbying for combat positions for my entire life.
Of course, expecting an incel to know ANYTHING about women who aren’t naked is hopeless…