
Right-wing nutjobs

David Sorensen #quack #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia goldenageofgaia.com

In a previous message I began revealing what I am seeing for the future of humanity. Surprisingly it is so beautiful, we find it hard to believe. This post shows you even more…
Universities will no longer be places of indoctrination, where true science is forbidden and key knowledge is hidden, but they will be places of genuine inquiry, grand discovery, fierce discussion, and authentic confrontation. Places where students can stand up and challenge their teachers, instead of slavishly listening to every falsehood. Higher education that excites and challenges people and provides opportunities to push boundaries.
Television and entertainment will bring people happiness, recovery, pleasure and relaxation, with a ban on anything that forces fear, depression, perversion or violence onto the population. Any type of promotion of evil and darkness will be banned.

Television will no longer be used to blind, pervert and destroy the people, but it will be used to empower, liberate and heal humanity.
Hospitals will become beautiful parks that offer healing for the mind, spirit and body. Diet will be at the heart of medical treatment, as diet is the cause of 85% of all disease.
This means that nothing we see in our current world is normal. Everything that we have become accustomed to is utterly abnormal.

Agriculture that poisons both soil and people; weather modification that sprays trillions of gallons of toxic chemicals in the skies; television that is nothing but mind control and dumbing down of the human spirit; education that hides true knowledge and pushes lies and deception onto unsuspecting little ones; sexuality that destroys so many through transgenderism and pornography; architecture that is so ugly it literally causes depression; healthcare that is more toxic than beneficial; fake, toxic food that is the #1 cause of most health problems; the promotion of pedophilia as a “natural” sexual orientation, etc.

Tommy Tuberville #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #racist msn.com

Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville described his opponents as a “Satanic cult” in a speech he made on Friday in Utah. Armed with an upside down copy of the U.S. constitution, the diehard Trump ally addressed about 100 GOP delegates. “I’ve traveled all over the country—all 50 states—I’ve been in good places and bad places. The one thing I saw, we are losing our kids to a Satanic cult,” Tuberville said. He was campaigning for Trent Staggs, one of the Republican candidates vying for Mitt Romney’s soon-to-be-vacated senate seat. Tuberville added that the 2024 election was really a contest of “anti-American versus American.” “There’s not one Democrat that can tell you they stand up for God,” he said, before launching into tirades about transgender people, immigrants, and left-wing mobs. He also claimed the justice system was corrupted by the federal “cult” to let criminals walk free but hunt “innocent people who really love this country”—an apparent reference to Jan. 6 rioters.

Vox Day #wingnut #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From “The End of Liberalism”]

The satanic seeds of the Enlightenment have finally blossomed to the point that they are killing entire nations. We’ve already learned, much to our surprise, that Communism is less fatal to a nation than the financial capitalism, neo-liberalism, and globalism of Clown World, now we’re discovering that even the insane ideology of the Juche, the state ideology of North Korea, is observably better for a nation than the best that the modern West has to offer

I think it’s so funny that Korean women are so done with Korean men that they’re literally just deciding to die out. Y’all heard of the 4B movement[…]

She says that Korean women are mad at Korean men, but they’re actually mad at God, and if you don’t like that word, just call it the universe[…]
What these women are saying is I want resources and money and power and everything, I just don’t want to provide men with what they need in order to continue creating them[…]
Korea has the lowest birthrates in the world but I just think that’s so funny… Korean as an ethnicity is about to go away. It works the same every time you fill your mind with entitlement, you blame somebody for what you don’t have, and then you use the government to take it away from them

Except Korea will not die. The Korea that will survive is Best Korea. Scientific, evolutionarily-superior Korea. It’s very unlikely that South Korean women will be permitted to simply die off and end Korean civilization, the odds significantly favor them instead being enslaved and utilized by the North Koreans to ensure national survival. And the great irony is that these women will apparently be happier as slaves than as free women allowed to pursue any path they wanted, because, when given complete freedom to become anything they imagined, they consciously chose rebellion against their Creator and suicide

Clown World is a satanic global fail

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

“An unborn baby is a baby if it’s wanted but if it’s unwanted or disabled or sick then it’s not a baby, it’s a fetus, and a fetus is a not a baby.”

The entire ‘pro-choice’ position is built on this utter nonsense.
8:59 AM · Mar 9, 2024 · 47.6K Views
419 Reposts 23 Quotes 2,319 Likes 48 Bookmarks

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Joe has decimated our military and destroyed its morale by making soldiers salute the LBGTQ flag while jabbing them with deadly vaccines. They wonder why they can’t attract new recruits.

Speaking of vaccines, Joe pushed a Covid shot that killed and injured millions. He promised it would prevent recipients from contracting Covid and prevent its spread. It did neither.

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Kamala Harris is touring a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

ZERO Christian can ever, ever vote Democrat.

Democrats are literally celebrating the butcher of unborn children in an effort to win votes.

It’s the epitome of evil.
1:50 PM · Mar 15, 2024 · 104.3K Views
1,167 Reposts 55 Quotes 4,584 Likes 28 Bookmarks

Torino #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger jassa.org

Now, if you allow a digression, we would like to point out that one of the first things that surprises anyone researching pre-Slavic antiquities is that, while the suffix -mir may be Slavic, the names ending with -mer or -mar are not considered Slavic but Germanic. This should not be that surprising, however, because all Indo-European languages contain some levels of similarity. But the situation is worse than that. The suffix -mir may also be Germanic. Thus, for example, we have the Ostrogothic Pannonian Kings Theodemir, Valamir and, even, that most Slavic “sounding” Videmir. With all this we begin to question whether “Boromir” is Slavic either! (Gondor does not sound Slavic, even if Bor-o-mir does!).

The reason why one can reject the Slavic derivation of these names is not only because they were Goths and Goths spoke an East Germanic tongue but also because the prefixes of these names – at least in the case of Theodemir and Valamir – cannot be explained in any Slavic language. (Videmir could be but, after all, they were Goths
What is the Germanic etymology of the following name: Ukromir of the Chatti or Batti (in which case he would have been Batavian)? Mind you, the sources speak of Ukromir – not of Ueckermir or of Ueckermar or, even, as the table below shows and as Dahn would have it – Ukromer.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

In the annals of scientific history, few names evoke as much intrigue and reverence as that of Nikola Tesla. A visionary ahead of his time, Tesla’s groundbreaking inventions have shaped the course of modern civilization. Yet, amidst the accolades and admiration lies a dark secret, shrouded in conspiracy and controversy. Enter HAARP – a clandestine weapon masquerading as a tool of scientific inquiry, its true purpose veiled in deception and deceit.

The Pandora’s Box: HAARP’s Terrifying Potential

HAARP, or the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, ostensibly exists to study the ionosphere and its effects on radio communications. However, beneath this façade lies a sinister truth: HAARP is a weapon of mass manipulation, capable of bending the very fabric of reality to serve the agenda of shadowy overlords.

Central to HAARP’s insidious arsenal is its ability to emit radio frequencies reaching up to a staggering 435 MHz. But it is not the mere range of frequencies that sends shivers down the spine; it is the specific bandwidth between 400-450 MHz that holds the key to unlocking the darkest recesses of the human psyche.
Imagine a world where truth is but a fleeting illusion, where the boundaries between perception and reality blur into obscurity. This is the dystopian reality crafted by HAARP, where minds are shackled and free will becomes a distant memory.

By harnessing the power of Tesla’s technology, HAARP engineers can imprint false memories, induce hallucinations, and manipulate emotions with chilling precision. What we perceive as reality is but a carefully crafted facade, a mirage designed to conceal the puppet strings of our oppressors.

In the face of such insidious tyranny, one might despair and succumb to the shackles of mental enslavement. But let us not forget the indomitable spirit of humanity, forged in the crucible of adversity. Though the forces arrayed against us may seem formidable, they are not invincible.

Father Absolute via Marta #magick #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy vozrojdeniesveta.com

<google translated from Russian>
As you can see, the puppets of the shadow government are trying to play their last card by unleashing a full-scale war on the European continent.

Why do they do this?

First of all, because their previous attempts to completely enslave people’s consciousness through universal compulsory vaccination did not produce the expected results.

A considerable part of the Earth's population still managed to defend their right to freely manage their lives.

The climate and food agendas are also faltering, especially in recent months as European farmers have staged mass protests against their globalist governments.

And now in the hands of the criminals who find themselves at the helm of power in the leading countries of the world, the last “trump card” remains: an attempt to start a third world war, which is what they are trying to do, provoking Russia to this in every possible way.

That is why this year will be a turning point in the history of your planet, and as has happened more than once, Russia will have to play a decisive role in this.

Why does Russia cause such hatred among globalists and their henchmen in power?

First of all, because from time immemorial the mentality of Russian people differed significantly from the mentality of residents of other countries.

The name Holy Russia did not arise out of nowhere.

It was here that the energy of Hyperborea, one of the most spiritual civilizations that ever existed on Earth, was preserved.

And despite the fact that over the centuries both external and internal enemies have tried to destroy Russia, it continues to carry its indestructible Divine “gene”, just as pure human souls retain the Divine spark within themselves even in the most difficult trials of life.
This is exactly the path that Russia now offers to all humanity: to build relations on the basis of Peace, Unity, Equality and Brotherhood, equally taking into account and respecting the interests of each country.

Stew Peters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters devoted a segment to condemning Germany’s Weimar Republic for tolerating LGBTQ people

“And Weimar[…]was the birthplace of the transgenderism and gay rights movements that have once again reared their ugly heads to plague Western, Christian society,” he declared. “Especially America. All of this was happening with the full blessing of the Weimar government, which was largely controlled by Jews

Peters justified the actions of the Nazis by claiming that Jews “controlled the German court system” and the “German banking system,” and had “unprecedented overrepresentation in Germany’s government.” He also accused the Jewish people of controlling Germany’s communist movement

“Sound familiar?”[…]
Peters said that “Weimar Germany was full of people like” Hirschfeld[…]
[Nazis] promised a return to basic reality and a time of human decency. And so of course, millions of Germans supported them. They were looking to do anything that they could do to take back control of their country to protect themselves and the generations to come”

He boasted that one of the “first remedies that Hitler and the National Socialists had to offer” was the destruction of the Institute for Sexual Research and its entire library

“When it comes down to the old Nazi book burnings[…]it was justified”[…]
“It was awesome. Period. Point blank[…]”
He went on to call for a new round of Nazi-style book burnings[…]
Speaking of World War II, Peters said “horrific things happened” and “lots of people died,” but suggested that Adolf Hitler may have been unfairly maligned as an “evil dictator” who “murdered millions of people”[…]
“Yeah, this is what needed to be done. If you’re going to save a civilization —[…]civilization was dying…The German people were embarrassed to be German[…]Prussian spirit was lost”

Quiñones also praised the Nazis for stamping out other political parties, remarking that “desperate times” called for “desperate measures”

Torino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut jassa.org

So much for the extent of the assumed displacement. It must have been the greatest and the most absolute of any recorded in history.”

“It must also have taken place with unparalleled rapidity. By supposing that the assumed changes set in immediately after the time of Tacitus, and that as soon as that writer had recorded the fact that Poland, Bohemia, and Courland were parts of Germania, the transformation of these previously Teutonic areas into Slavonic ones, began, we have a condition as favorable for a great amount of changes as can fairly be demanded. Still it may be improved. The last traces of the older population may be supposed to have died out only just before the time when the different areas became known as exclusively Slavonic; an assumption which allows the advocate of the German theory to stay that, had our information been a little earlier, we should have found what we want in the way of vestiges, fragments, and effects of the antecedent non-Slavonic aborigines. Be it so. Still the time is short. Bohemia appears as an exclusively Slavonic country as early as A.D. 625. Is the difference between these areas and the time of Tacitus sufficient?”

“Undoubtedly a great deal in the way of migration and displacement may be done in five hundred years, and still more in seven hundred; yet it may be safely said that, under no circumstances whatever, within the historical period, has any known migration equalled the rapidity and magnitude of the one assumed, and that under no circumstances has the obliteration of all signs of an earlier population been so complete.”

“How could the displacement inferred from this utter obliteration have taken place? Was it by a process of ejection, so that the presumed immigrant Slavonians conquered and expelled the original Goths. The chances of war, when we get to the historical period, run the other way; and the first fact which we know concerning those selfsame Slavonians who are supposed to have dispossessed the Germans in the third and fourth centuries, is that, in the ninth, the Germans dispossessed them.”

Bryan Starr #fundie #wingnut quora.com

You have to realize most people are idiots.

Millions of people will vote for Biden even knowing he has basically destroyed the country in 3 yrs, along with his Democrat lackeys.

That's millions of idiots.

So, evolution is also where most of the atheists hide, because they think it means God doesn't exist.

The problem though is that macroevolution and abiogenesis are shot down pretty easily. They're both complete bullshit and imagination.

So, if macroevolution and abiogenesis don't exist what does that leave? God.

You have to be real stupid to think all this just came about by chance.

Ask a evolutionist how invertebrates became vertebrates - ask them for proof.

Ask a evolutionist to show you the transitional fossils between the last whale ancestor and a whale- they will show you a picture of a four legged creature and a picture of a whale- with nothing in-between

Ask a evolutionist to show you proof that abiogenesis is possible- and they won't be able to.

Ask a evolutionist why, after gazillions of generations of fruit flies they've tried to make evolve, none evolved.

Wake up.

S.A. McCarthy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

It’s an election year in America, which means that the political Left is trotting out its favorite fearmongering apparatuses again. For the past few years, politicians and pundits alike have leaned heavily on terms like “far right,” “bigoted,” racist,” “transphobic,” and “extremist”; but topping the list of late has been “Christian nationalist.” But what is a Christian nationalist?
If the defining characteristic of a Christian nationalist were a belief that “our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any earthly authority” but “from God,” then the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution would be tantamount to Christian nationalist manifestos.
While Christianity has suffered a drastic decrease in recent years, a new religion has risen to take its place: Leftism. Yes, Leftism is a religion. Much like Catholicism, it even boasts a clergy, sacraments, and dogmas. Its clergy are elite power brokers: media personalities are its preachers while politicians serve as priests, legislating sacrifice to their gods. Its sacraments are multitudinous: from transgendering children and stocking school libraries with pornographic picture books all the way to its highest (or, rather, lowest) form of unholy prayer, abortion.
Despite all the hyperinflated fearmongering, those derided by the White House and its media mouthpieces as “Christian nationalists” are not trying to force all Americans to attend Mass weekly; we are not endeavoring to install altar rails in the Capitol building; nor are we attempting to replace the Star-Spangled Banner’s stars with rosary beads.
Certainly, we want to legislate Christian morality—to end the slaughter of unborn children, to ban the scourge of pornography, to keep little boys and little girls from having their sex organs hacked off or hacked open. These are measures which the Founding Fathers might have called “the basics” had they ever lived to see the horrors of the modern age.

Thomas Anderson #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

I am writing you to give you a short summary of what the actual legal status of Germany is in fact, there is no Germany, there is an area of land formerly know as Federal Republic of Germany and this area is part of a bigger area formerly known as the German Empire. And because of very recently published leaked discussions of Officers of the Bundeswehr, der German army, the Russians have now the legal right to simply quit and cancel the so called 4+2 contract, in which the end of the Russian occupation was decided and the so called Federal Republic of Germany then, so the general public was told, would grow a little by adding the area of the formerly know German Democratic Republic (DDR).
well… in the German Grundgesetz, the Basic Law (NOT a constitution!!), it is very clearly written: “the planning of an attack war is prohibited” so therefore, this member of German parliament openly in public and not by accident broke the law, the so called “constitution” and the 4+2-contract at the same time as it was nothing.

Therefore… the Russians could now legally (!!!) send their troops to Germany at ANY time without braking ANY international law.

On top of that, there are surely many Germans who would welcome them in order to get all the scumbags out of Berlin.
Such a basic law, a “Grundgesetz”, should therefore, as well as a constitution, determine to which area this substitution-law regulation refers, to which people and, as a result, actually regulate all that is necessary precisely for the intended purpose, namely the maintenance of public order.
So, what do we learn….

Germany is run by a small group of people of the top floors and in government there are a lot of gangsters.

The German people has suffered from those and they don’t have clue about it. They have paid literally hundreds of billions to wedontyetknowexactly.

And the german people don’t even have citizenship. Below the word “nationality” in the passport of every German there is written “German”

Owasso Police Department #wingnut #enbyphobia apnews.com

Death of nonbinary teen Nex Benedict after school fight is ruled a suicide, medical examiner says

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The death of a nonbinary student the day after a fight inside an Oklahoma high school restroom has been ruled a suicide, the state medical examiner’s office said Wednesday.

A summary autopsy report was released more than a month after the death of 16-year-old Nex Benedict, a student at Owasso High School. Family members said Benedict had been bullied at school and the teenager’s death in February drew concern from LGBTQ+ rights groups, as well as attention from Oklahoma’s governor and the White House.

“From the beginning of this investigation, Owasso Police observed many indications that this death was the result of suicide,” Owasso Police Department Lt. Nick Boatman said in a statement. “However, investigators did not wish to confirm that information without the final results being presented by the Oklahoma Medical Examiners Office.”

In a 911 call on Feb. 8, Sue Benedict — the teen’s grandmother and legal guardian — had expressed concern about a head injury. The teenager was conscious and alert after the fight a day earlier when they told police about the attack by three girls that occurred after the teen squirted them with water, according to police video released last month.

Donald J. Trump #racist #wingnut nbcnews.com

Trump, throughout his nearly two-hour speech, suggested his support from Black Americans stem from their understanding of how corrupt systems can lead to "great evil."

"Some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom and to deny them their rights," Trump said. "I think that's why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them."

Trump said Black Americans showcased their support for him through their embrace of merchandise emblazoned with his mug shot.

“My mug shot — we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population," Trump said. "You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing — millions by the way."

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Bible already gave the warning: Those who bless Israel will be BLESSED…those who curse Israel will be CURSED. Kamala & Democrat Party are cursed to hell. Perfect. Same radical extreme Marxist TRAITORS who hate God, America, Constitution & capitalism.

DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Kamala Harris breaks from Biden and calls Gaza Strip a 'humanitarian catastrophe' and said a ceasefire must happen to end the 'suffering'

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #quack #wingnut twitter.com

One of my friends wrote me the following: Found out my lawyer friend died. AstraZeneca and an mRNA booster. Begged him not to get vaxxed in early 2021. He got ALS after vaccination (Lou Gehrigs disease). I brought him ivermectin before he died but it was too late. https://verhoevefuneralhomes.com/memorials/patrick-morris/5321396/…
7:42 AM · Mar 14, 2024 · 251.2K Views
649 Reposts 22 Quotes 2,765 Likes 142 Bookmarks

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Dr. Alphonzo Monzo #quack #wingnut #conspiracy brighteon.com

Dr. Alphonzo Monzo reveals the DARK TRUTH about nanowires, 5G, electropollution and the borgification of humanity

- Naturopathy, biophysics, and weaponized nanotechnology. (0:00)

- Vibrational medicine, nanotechnology, and self-assembling particles. (2:04)

- Nanotechnology, vaccines, and transhumanism. (8:15)

- The role of nanotechnology in vaccine development. (14:33)

- Gene editing, nanotechnology, and vaccine safety. (20:36)

- Copper deficiency and its impact on fear and anxiety. (28:45)

- Toxicity and nutritional imbalances in society. (32:03)

- Using technology to analyze bodily fluids and identify nutrients and toxins. (38:59)

- Glyphosate persistence and potential energetic methods for removal. (43:21)

- Using sound waves to disintegrate toxins in the body. (50:18)

State Of The Nation #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Could it be any clearer given the
perfect timing of the rapidly exploding Haiti rebellion this March of 2024?!
However, it’s not just the “rebellion” that’s driving this HUGE black op staging yet another mass invasion of Southern Florida with fleeing Haitians; it’s the out-of-control “gang violence”.

What’s critical to understand about this color revolution psyop perpetrated against the people of Haiti is that the very SCARY “gang violence” is being meticulously engineered by the C.I.A. so that it APPEARS to be totally out of control, when, in fact, it’s completely under the control of The Company, as it’s known throughout global intelligence circles.


How many times has the whole world witnessed the many civil wars, color revolutions and internal conflicts, all marked by extreme violence against the citizenry so that the indigenous peoples will swiftly flee their ancestral lands for protection in a foreign country.

Let’s face it: it takes a lot of motivation to get folks to just up and out as fast as they can, leaving everything behind—EVERYTHING! Whenever this is the case, you know these black ops/psyops have the CIA/MI6/MOSSAD written all over it.
Which means that this upcoming Haitian
invasion is just the beginning of several more to follow. Of course, the best parallel we have are all the perfectly designed internal conflicts by the C.I.A. throughout the Middle East and North Africa since 9/11, each of which drove millions of unwanted war refugees and economic migrants into Europe.

Hundreds of Soros-funded NGOs have been created to greatly facilitate those incursions into traditionally white Christian nations around the world. The Five Eyes, in particular, have been purposefully targeted with these very stealthy conspiratorial plots as a prelude to the outright takeovers of each nation—the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 03/11/2024

The annual Oscar Award ceremony took place last night and the movie, “Oppenheimer” cleaned up. Many may not know that Robert De Niro also won. Not for best actor or even best supporting actor. He won the best “Trump Derangement Syndrome” Oscar.

Before I go on, l do think De Niro is a superlative actor—he was great in “Godfather II,” “Raging Bull,” and “Goodfellas.” Yet as a human being he’s pretty much an empty vessel. He was on Bill Maher’s show recently and of course he went into his “I hate Trump!” act, which has become a predictable and tiresome performance. Everyone knows he hates Trump, but WHY does he hate Trump? He can’t say…not exactly. When asked that question he can only hurl more insults such as, “Because he’s a clown!” Or, “Because he’s a bully!” Clowns don’t tend to be bullies, but De Niro’s rage isn’t based on logic.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

My gut instinct #2…Get ready for Michelle Obama as Democrat presidential nominee. Can’t be Biden- he is brain-dead zombie wearing diapers. Can’t be Kamala- she is dumber than door knob. Can’t be Gavin or Hillary- can’t skip over Kamala w/white man or woman. Has to be Michelle.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut rootforamerica.com

And what they found was shocking.

In the middle of the night, they suddenly found a mail-in touchdown from an illegal alien wide receiver (they called him “an undocumented player”).

The refs also “football harvested” another mail-in touchdown by a dead running back.

Then at 3 AM a van pulled up that said “NFL” on the side and delivered another mail-in touchdown from a trans tight end who had moved to another team.

Finally, they checked the “football drop boxes” outside the stadium and found a mail-in field goal.

That’s three extra mail-in touchdowns and a mail-in field goal- all of them remarkably for San Francisco. WOW, San Francisco scored a lot of points after the game, when no one was watching. That’s really convenient. What a comeback!

torino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut jassa.org

In any event, in Germany/Netherlands there is also another River Leda. In Spain we have the town of Liedena (next to Yesa). Also, and curiously, Lada was the name for Anglo-Saxon legal “purging” rituals on which we will have more (see King Æthelred’s laws) (and, as mentioned the law of Genghis Khan was called Yassa).

There are at least two possibilities here. One is that the Germanic languages have the capacity to originate/maintain both the Led- and the Eld- versions of names (but the Slavic only the latter!). This is the same overreaching argument as in personal names – there we are told that the suffix –mir may be Slavic but it can also be Germanic. But the suffixes -mar and –mer are exclusively Germanic. In more recent times, we see the same argument applied to genetics. The European versions of the haplogroup R1a may be “Slavic”. But they also may be Germanic (or Celtic). However, haplogroups R1b and I1 cannot be Slavic and are Germanic (or Celtic)… (What all of this, frankly, suggests is that the Germans are a mix of at least three different populations, bits and pieces of whose language and genes made their way into the common pot).

Another possibility is that some of these names are simply not Germanic. This would raise another question. Which version is Germanic and which is not. As between the Eld- and the Led-, we’d say that the Led- is the not Germanic version. In that case, the question is whose language does it belong in? And could it be Slavic, Baltic or something else altogether.

Torino #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist jassa.org

First, let’s look at the effect of the relative balance of power (economic, military, cultural, etc) determines how one perceives history. We have an excellent example from the German approach to the “Origin of the Slavs” question.
Second, we will look (again) at how different assumptions about history translate into different interpretations of facts that might – absent such assumptions – have resulted in entirely new theories. Here the example of the Suavi-Slavi incongruity being ignored or molded to fit preexisting notions about the past will be of interest. Another example will have to do with the heavily politicized (strange, isn’t it!?) question of the ethnic nature of the Aesti.
Third, we will look at the final refuge of the scoundrels – the redefinition of the debate. Here we have an excellent example of linguistic prestidigitation when we ask the mainstream historians and archeologists to tell us what do they mean exactly by “Slavs”.
Fourth, we will ask about the implication of answers that differ from the ones that we are regularly being served up – both in the context of German self-perception and in the context, to come full circle, of today’s status of the “European project” – a project that the Germans (but also many others) hold near and dear – at whatever price.
This view of Germans and Slavs was picked up on by the Nazis (although whole heartedly only after it become clear that Poles and Czechs would not be drawn into a crusade against the Soviet Union). It was a view whose strongest expression, therefore, occurred in times of relative German strength. Put simply, whenever Germany was strong it could define history however it liked to and exclude others from its past just as it was actually excluding others from the present

Gary Goodman #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

What IF?

What If… we have all been distracted by the biggest PsyOp/Sting (WH) in the history of mankind?

I have to believe that if you have not been living under a rock, by now you are at least asking yourself what the heck is going on. If you have been awake for awhile, you should already know everything predicted by 17 is happening now, and at breakneck pace, EXCEPT the EBS <Emergency Broadcast System>!

What If… The EBS was always intended to be a sting / psyop?
What If… The EBS was intended for keeping the DS busy, wasting time and resources.
What If… The EBS was intended to cause the DS to destroy itself.
What If… With all eyes and ears focused on the EBS, Mass arrests are happening NOW!
What If… Disclosure is happening now, in real time.
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by the MSM (fake news).
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by Brandon himself.
What If… A fair share of disclosure is being provided by multiple disciplines now under WH control.
What If… More than a fair share of disclosure is being provided by US, the Alternative media.
What If… The MSM is now under total WH control.
What If… The US Congress, SCOTUS, and Spec Ops Mil are under total WH control.
What If… Hollywood is under total WH control?
What If… The Pres /CIC has already given all 7 of the precursor notices, in lieu of the EBS alerts?
What If… The real reason for the delay is that we are not quite ready for the shift to 5th density?
What If… We ALL spent this weekend praying and meditating for the big shift event to end the wait?

I, for one, am ready for this mess to be over. This war has taken a toll on me and my family. I lost my beloved wife, 12/28/21, and now am about to lose my home. So, Maestro, I gotta ask again…

You answered my call to action after my Memorial Day article of 5/30/2022, entitled “Ask And Ye Shall Receive”. And, boy, did you ever pick up the pace. Which was noticed many in the truth community, in the following week(s).

:The-Great-Work. #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

You were born a living soul with flesh and blood, with the responsibility to respect other life and treat your fellow man with love and kindness, and with a life-spirit provided by the Creator. Your unalienable rights are for life, liberty and property, and to respect those rights of other human beings on this planet.

In an attempt to create a safe society, men elected Governments to protect and uphold your unalienable rights and your responsibilities to the Creator and your fellow man. After a while, Governments became corrupt and now we have to ask: How could Governments and other “regulatory bodies” possibly make you follow their rules and be subservient to them since your true allegiance is to your Creator?
One of the ways Governments and other regulators have tricked you into thinking you must follow their rules, is to create for themselves an “artificial-person / corporation” who is not you, but whom the Government has fooled you into thinking is you.
This concept of an “artificial-person”, a legally obligated entity, that appears to be you, but in fact is not you, is a little difficult to grasp at first. Once the Government creates an “artificial-person” that simulates you (i.e. appears to be the same as you from your point of view), but is actually a contrivance of government laws and regulations — then they’ve got you.. And if you fill out paperwork and sign documents as if you were this artificial-person then they can make you subservient to all their rules and regulations.
Instead, they expect the lawful Christian man or woman to accept the all-caps NAME and agree by silence to be treated as if he or she were a fictional entity invented and governed by mortal enemies. They must go to unlimited lengths to deceive and coerce this compliance or the underlying criminal farce would be exposed and a world-wide plunder/enslavement racket that has held all life on this planet in a vice grip for millenia would crumble and liberate every living thing.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

I’m a Jew (but different kind of Jew- I took Jesus as my savior 33 yrs ago). Which makes me Messianic Jew. Amazing that U.S. Jews don’t appreciate Donald Trump. Same exact attributes- Trump persecuted like Jews. Trump is relentless in face of persecution like Jews. Trump is warrior for Israel- which Bible says makes you blessed. Trump is successful in business & greatest Prez for economy & jobs. For all intents & purposes, Trump is “First Jewish President.”

Ken Ham #fundie #homophobia #wingnut twitter.com

In 2003, laws against homosexual sodomy were ruled unconstitutional.
In 2004, a federal court held it was unconstitutional for a school to teach intelligent design theory as an alternative to evolution.
The New York legislature legalized gay “marriage”—joining other states.
The Supreme Court eventually legalized gay “marriage.”
The list goes on.
The “blessings” and the “curses” seen in Deuteronomy 28 embody the principles of our Holy Creator and Judge. While they were meant for the covenant people of Israel, I can’t help but see some similarities between what has happened in America to what we read in the Bible concerning Israel:

“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways” (Deuteronomy 28:7).
“Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you” (Deuteronomy 28:10).
“You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow” (Deuteronomy 28:12).
“The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth” (Deuteronomy 28:25).
“The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower” (Deuteronomy 28:43).
“He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him . . . .” (Deuteronomy 28:44).

I do believe America is under divine judgment. We could basically summarize today’s culture with this one verse from the book of Judges:

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25).

Steve Kirsch quoting Peter Antico #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I just got off the phone with my filmmaker friend, Peter Antico. Peter said he had a discussion recently with his first cousin. Peter said don’t take the vaccine. His first cousin said “too late I just got the booster.” He died four days later of bleeding in the brain. Symptoms started right after the shot. Probably just a coincidence….
12:53 PM · Mar 8, 2024 · 325.5K Views
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Torino #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist #wingnut jassa.org

It has been assumed that Germanic gods were Odin/Wotan, Thor and the like. But their worship in Germany proper is attested only poorly. On the other hand, during the Enlightenment, German amateur anthropologists and folklore collectors began to write down and study local folk tales, myths and superstitions. The most well-known of this bunch are, of course, the Brothers Grimm. However, already many years before them, folklore research was well under way in Germany.

Some of the more curious discoveries in the Main include references to old German Gods. Many of these have been discarded as untrustworthy but they nevertheless merit mention. This is particularly so since – whether or not they were actual Gods – their names suggest a Slavic origin and, thus, a Slavic presence far West of the Elbe.

Such names include Germanic Krodo (perhaps related to the Polish Krotoszyn/Krotoschin?), the Sorbian Flins but also, among a number of Thuringian Gods, Jecha, Ostara, Cisa and Biel (a Sun God!) and others.

Take Lollus described usually as a Frankish agricultural God. Apparently, a statue or a figurine was discovered at some point near Schweinfurt (originally mentioned as Suinuurde in about 720 – what does it really refert to?).
The name Lollus appears also as Lullus, Loellus and Lallus.

Whether he may have something to do with the Polish Lel (or Polel) is an obvious question.

Another question is whether the name could have something to do with Tacitus’ Alcis.

Yet another question can be asked whether this has something to do with “dolls.” A lalka is a doll in Polish (as also in Slovene and among some East Slavs). Was the name “dolls” originally applied just to little idols?

torino #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger jassa.org

Of course, the worship of the sun and fire was not something that we normally think of Nordic religion. Instead, we think of “eastern” religions like in this account of the Persians.
Of course, the same could be said of the Suavs who worship:

Jasion, Jutrebog, Jarowit/Gerovit likely as the “Moon”
Svarog/Svarozic or Nya as the “fire”
Dadzhbog – Dag-, Dagon – or Łada as the “Sun”
The moon is the ksiezyc which is a diminutive of ksiadz. Ksiadz (xšaça) used to mean “prince” or “ruler” (see here). Ksiezyc would thus mean “little ruler” so that much like:
“So Bulgarian and Ruthenian women when talking to little children use the word bog [God]… not only in the normal sense of the word: ‘God; holy icon; cross, but also with the meaning ‘sun‘, ‘moon‘, and ‘fire.'”

Janice Fiamengo #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy fiamengofile.substack.com

For International Women’s Day, let’s also consider feminism’s impact on women, and recognize that it’s been very bad there too.

Not just radical feminism. Not just the hateful or fringe variety. The whole thing, with its sob stories and sentimental celebrations, its exaggerations and cover-ups, its relentless focus on the demands and alleged needs of one half of humanity at the expense of the other, has been a monumental disaster.

For over 50 years, the movement has been mired in fraudulent claims, myopia, special pleading, double standards, abandonment of principles, manifold hypocrisies, and emotional incontinence.
Previous generations of women were taught that happiness related directly to virtue, and virtue consisted in living for others, being loyal, being a helpmeet to one’s husband, devoting oneself to one’s children, or in some other manner pursuing a good life—as a nun or a healer, a mystic or a scholar. Feminism deliberately turned such an idea on its head. Ideals of chastity, fidelity, self-sacrifice, self-control and loving kindness were, according to feminism, the imposed ideals by which men prevented women from pursuing their desires. Feminism was about self-fulfillment.

In the years since the 1970s, discussion of female goodness has essentially been ruled out of bounds. While men have always been measured (and measured themselves) against a standard of the good man—one who supports his family, including his wife, defends justice, achieves distinction in the public sphere, protects the weak, and defeats evil—the ideal of the good woman has become a pre-1960s relic. Ask a feminist what a good woman is, and she will either laugh scornfully and refuse to answer, or say that a good woman fights against patriarchy. In other words, she’ll give you an oppositional identity with little or no positive content. The real problem with feminism for women is that it destroyed the positive content of womanhood and replaced it with useless anger.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

Facing a comprehensive military and geopolitical defeat, the Black Sun organization- the ultimate controllers of the Western military-industrial complex- have issued an ultimatum to Asian secret societies: They must either agree to a world federation or face all-out nuclear war.

This ultimatum came from Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and senior Black Sun officer. It comes in the wake of a comprehensive purge of high-level Khazarian Mafia leaders and military defeat in Ukraine.

The KM and the Black Sun were working on a long-term plan that involved using Ukraine to destroy Russia and break it up into several vassal states. After this, they planned to invade China and divide it into 5 warring states. Then they were going to appoint their “Messiah” as a Babylonian-style world god king dictator.

The White Dragon Society and their Asian allies stopped them dead in their tracks. They now face bankruptcy of the West, total military defeat and a continuing purge of their high-level leadership. That is why the Black Sun now agrees to a multipolar new, and fair, world arrangement. However, the battle is not over yet.
The Rothschilds (Roth=red, schild=shield of Satan) are all being hunted down by the gnostic Illuminati. The current head of the British and French branches of the Rothschild family David Rene de Rothschild contacted the WDS to say his family wanted to surrender and that their only demand was that they not be killed. Either he is in hiding at the Rothschild complex in Zug, Switzerland with his cousin Klaus Schwab Rothschild or they both have been removed from this mortal realm.
Epstein is (he is still alive) a Mossad agent who infiltrated the Satanist elite and created a comprehensive video library of them murdering children. Queen Elizabeth confessed she herself was being blackmailed with a video of her cutting off a child’s head and eating its’ heart. These tapes are now in the hands of the white hats, Mossad sources say.

Blood Tribe and Christopher Alan Pohlhaus #wingnut #racist #psycho #transphobia #sexist splcenter.org

About two dozen neo-Nazis marched through downtown Nashville, Tennessee, on Saturday in an event the group billed as a celebration to “the great white South,” according to flyers the group’s leader Christopher Alan Pohlhaus posted to the social media app Telegram

Pohlhaus, who uses the moniker “The Hammer” in white power spaces online, heads the neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe and led the group in antisemitic and racist chants as they marched through downtown Nashville[…]
Pohlhaus shared a message from the Blood Tribe Upper Midwest Telegram channel on Jan. 19 that promoted the rally as “Coming soon to Dixie America.” In the Jan. 19 post, the author writes: “We are Nazis. We are white supremacists. We are white ethno nationalists. We despise Jews. We despise [n-word]s and all non-whites. And nobody is having more fun…Get involved”[…]
Pohlhaus founded Blood Tribe in fall 2021 as an organization that favors explicit appeals to white supremacy, Hitler worship and violence. In a Jan. 19 Telegram post, Pohlhaus wrote[…]“When I get to the point where I have a thousand guys marching under the swastika every quarter[…]it will cause brown immigrants to think twice about coming here”[…]
Speaking on a far-right podcast on May 6, 2023, about why Blood Tribe rallied outside two drag shows in Ohio, Pohlhaus said, “We go to the enemy, scream at them, give them PTSD and leave.” In 2023, Pohlhaus posted an audio message to Telegram where he advocated for assaulting and raping women. Pohlhaus said: “It’s still true that people will take war brides in the end of days, and it’s just gonna happen, okay. … Honestly, I don’t find that liberal white women have the right to decide about how their reproductive system is going to be used[…]”
Pohlhaus and the Blood Tribe fantasize about violence online and strategize the best ways to harm perceived enemies. Pohlhaus polled his Telegram followers in a private chat room on July 10, 2023, and asked which of two music festivals “to carpet bomb”

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #quack #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

Data points: Nicotine GUM OR PATCH is the greatest remedy to remove symptoms from venom (and spike proteins) per Dr. Bryan Ardis. MUST LISTEN TO ENTIRE VIDEO. THE PROBLEM IS THAT DR. ARDIS DOES NOT TELL YOU WHY THEY ARE DOING THIS....THE REASON THEY are now putting VENOM in our food and water is IT IS A REPTILIAN AGENDA…Everyone needs to understand WHY VENOM… from a REPTILE. This is directly linked to the Transhuman agenda to make humans more reptilian to increase the desire for adrenochrome/ preying on children and aggression. THIS IS A REPTILIAN AGENDA.

When will the White Hats Juan and Trump) going to start telling the REAL TRUTH ABOUT THAT TO THE PUBLIC?

See above if EBS was stopped what was the last card the dark hats played? His broadcast was a day before the UAP hearing so assuming it’s not that…

Personally I don’t believe that the dark hats are limited as to ‘cards’… they have an endless supply of dark deeds…


If Juan/JFKjr and Trump know the links between the two wouldn’t you think they would want to REVEAL THEM? That is, if they weren’t so busy underestimating the people’s ability to process and understand and take on board information.

Saiwana #homophobia #wingnut forum.nationstates.net

There is no real harm in the LGBT movement being closeted because they're outlawed in Ghana. Of course they're not going to bother or look for them if they're out of sight and out of mind. This is just to prevent in Ghana the ridiculous stuff that goes on in the US on the regular like gay pride parades where the cisgender normal folks or local opposition to LGBT lobby is suppressed for being too normal or "uncool" by the liberal media and influencers.

Steve Kirsch quoting @MdBreathe #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

The new rules of medicine per ⁦ @MdBreathe⁩:


Lessons Learned and Fighting Back

Post-pandemic realizations:

• Viruses can be treated.
• We have a lot to learn about vaccines.
• Most doctors are not that good, many are evil. Lawyers are protectors.
• The FDA and CDC are led by politically-appointed tyrants corrupted by BigPharma.
• Politics is ingrained in our healthcare system. We can’t ignore the politics.
• There are no coincidences.

10:23 AM · Mar 8, 2024 · 9,447 Views
123 Reposts 6 Quotes 381 Likes 17 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

I was right about masks.
I was right about social distancing.
I was right about lockdowns.
I was right about fatality rates.
I was right about the vaccines.

I don’t say this to brag.

I say this to remind everyone to think for yourself.

“Experts” were 💯 wrong.

WE were right.
4:51 AM · Mar 3, 2024 · 429.3K Views
4,053 Reposts 141 Quotes 21.6K Likes 181 Bookmarks

Kabamur of the Pleiadian Collective via Family Of Taygeta. #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

On the occasion of Jacob Rothschild’s death, I’ll share what I’ve learned about bloodline families and their connection to the dark forces.

The biggest secret of all royal bloodlines throughout history is that they were once genetically modified by the Sirian traitor Oppisheklio (Enki, Lucifer) to be his “chosen people”. The character of Yawheh-Jehovah in the Bible is based on Enki.

The story of Adam and Eve doesn’t refer to all humans, just one lineage. The genetic upgrade of all human races worldwide was done by Galactic Federation thousands of years prior to the events described in Genesis.

The “anunnaki” were a mixed family of reptilians and Sirians who came to deceive Earth, out of hatred for Pleiadians and the light they represent. They evaded capture from Galactic Federation for millions of years by jumping from body to body and hiding in astral. Now they are confined but can still communicate to their cults during blood rituals.
Within the satanic cabal, there is always one who sits at the top and takes orders directly from the leader of the dark forces, a reptilian named Pidkozox (Satan). This entity is traditionally represented as a storm god in world mythology and was called “Father God”.

The human leader of the cabal is worshiped by the cult as a physical stand-in for Pidkozox. In 2017, the head of the cabal was George Soros. He directed false flags on behalf of the dark forces and controlled cloning worldwide. He was removed and it was concealed with ‘black hat’ rapid cloning.
You won’t hear this anywhere else, but the current leader of the cabal is Google-founder Larry Page. He’s been hiding in Fiji for several years, doing exactly what Soros was doing. Page isn’t part of a royal bloodline, but Pleiadians have identified his soul as being the Sirian son of Oppisheklio (Enki-Lucifer).

Charles Haywood and C. Jay Engel #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

In a recent YouTube livestream for Chronicles, far-right wannabe “warlord” Charles Haywood declared that Europe is “doomed” because it took in “far too many migrants.” During this same livestream, Haywood revealed that while some want to return to the politics of a decade ago, he wants to go back much further — to “the world of 1880 or 1680”

In response to a viewer comment which said mockingly that “‘the woke’ is ‘going away’,” Haywood called it “ludicrously silly and wrong” to actually believe that

As evidence that “the woke” wasn’t “going away” on its own, Haywood reference the controversy over Google Gemini — the AI program which reportedly generated images of racially diverse Founding Fathers and Nazi soldiers[…]
Haywood similarly claimed that Google Gemini was “programed to spew anti-white hatred” and that its creators refused to apologize. “They didn’t apologize at all,” he said. “They just turned it off because people were ridiculing them because their anti-white hatred was too obvious. They’re just gonna make it less obvious and re-release the thing”

He added that the “woke isn’t going to be put away because the Left is incapable of any dialing back of its actions”

The show’s host, C. Jay Engel, agreed with this assessment, stating that “there’s this mentality in American conservatism” that peoples’ lives improve with each passing generation. “So the point is that no, you actually have to exercise will. You actually have to exercise power in order to get your way,” he said

Haywood then remarked that even if “the woke were put away,” it would leave us with the “world of 2015.” “What we need, politically,” he said, “is the world of 1880 or 1680. Not exactly. Not nostalgically. But the elements, the core beliefs, need to be rolled back to that era, not to 2015. That’s just dumb”

Helen West #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The controlling power of America is ridiculous and redundant. The MOVIE in play is not just MAIN STREAM media. Gas lighting Narcissistic propaganda is being delivered in and on ALL scales. News papers, Main Stream, and Alternative information coming out is ridiculous programming of the American people, possibly the world.

Telegram Gurus, Geo Political, CIA, FBI, Medical Practices, Hospitals, information shows, Christian base articles, current events being reported, movie stars in movies, sports events, you name it. It’s ALL FAKE AND Controlled. The stringing along is getting gagging. The Election and the preparation for it is ridiculous too. The Military is able to intercede now with all the evidence given out on the treasonous actions of the many Corporations, Industries, Government parties and officials, Judicial parties, holders in office. It’s all clearly evident but still we sit here and wait for whatever it is the ones in control want us to see. This is historic and the most redundant vomiting MOVIE I’ve ever had to live through. It needs to be done, already. Too much of whatever this is will make people never want to trust our Government, never take part in anything again that we need to believe in like Our Military! This sounds more like a REVENGE TACTIC, then too really care about the American People. Arrest the guilty, Give them a Quick trial and be done with them. This is ridiculous to have to listen too and watch on a daily basis.

I’ve watched and listened to regurgitating information on the RV, Presidential Election, all Elections in every state and local government rehash the treasonous buying of votes, politicians, police, judges, church officials for way to long. I’ve lost interest. I seen people give up, give in, and die and still nothing changes but the next scene of the movie.

Lets move on the Movie and end it. Sleepers are pretty much zombies and only a huge event will possibly wake them. If not, too bad. FINISH THIS ALREADY.

Paul Craig Roberts #racist #wingnut #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Normal heterosexual white people are losing the protection of law in the Western world. It is happening in some countries faster than in others. Although women in Sweden and Norway do not have the same recourse to law when they are raped by immigrant-invaders as they have if raped by white Scandinavian men, it is in Great Britain and the US where the protection by law has collapsed most rapidly.

A recent example in Great Britain is the case of Sam Melia. Sam, a white British citizen, made available stickers that read:

Reject White Guilt

It’s ok to be White

We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066

White Lives Matter

Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs

Love your Nation

The BBC presstitutes branded Melia “a far-right activist.” A piece of shit “judge” ruled that the stickers’ messages are “corrosive to our society.” In other words the “judge” said that “our society is not white except for the corrosive elements in it who are opposed to Britain being overrun by immigrant-invaders.” The piece of shit “judge,” with weaponized law in his hand, declared his opinion that Sam was an “antisemite with Nazi sympathies” and sentenced Sam to two years in prison.

Sam was charged with a “hate crime” for saying it is ok to be white. He wasn’t charged with being an anti-semite or a Nazi sympathizer. These were charges that the “judge” added. The result is that a white British family with a two year old daughter and another child on the way will be devoid of a father, earner, and protector for two years.

Everywhere in the Western world, every citizen who attempts to defend the ethnic basis of his society is declared a racist.

In other words, everywhere in the Western world governments are committed to eliminating the white ethnicity of the countries that the ethnicities constituted: Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands. Britons, French, Germans, Italians, Dutch, will cease to exist.

Motor Daddy #racist #wingnut msn.com

This is what they teach to children in school- that the world is inherently racist and white people have magical privilege. Black or brown folks are all "victims" (btw, victims have no power, think about that) of this inherent racism. So, if I'm a white kid, I hate myself and should question my accomplishments and if I'm a black or brown kid I have no power and I hate the white kid. Great thing to teach our children?

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