Peter B. Meyer #racist #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Very little is known of our past history. More is found in the Slavic culture, because the cabal was not able to intervene in it for lack of knowledge, as it did in the West? Fortunately, therefore, much more has been preserved than originally thought!
The Perun Vedas Santies, the Book of Wisdom of Perun, is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan sacred legends, preserved by the Sages-Keepers of the Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church, in short ARYC.
Santies, in its original form, could only be called a book in a figurative sense, because Santies are plates, made of noble, non-rusting metal, on which Ancient H’Aryan Runes are inscribed.
If you’re a white man, it’s your duty to know your roots, your true gods and the Aryan way of life. White people will never win this war without the true knowledge given to us by the Aryan Gods, our creators.

The Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church [ARYC] is an association of people who follow one of the branches of the Old Faith called Yngliism. People who follow it are called Ynglings. The Ynglings are mentioned in the “Heimskringla” – “Ynglinga Saga”. [According to the ARYC word, Yngliism comes from the word Yngliya. Rough translation – Primary Divine Fire].
In ancient times, when we [white people] lived as one race, called Tartarians, and spoke one language, our culture spread all over the planet and left its mark on many nations.
There is an advanced alien civilisation we call the Aryan Gods. We don’t know exactly when or where they came from. But we do know that they were behind the creation of the white race on this planet. In ancient times there was a continent at the North Pole called Daaria [also known as Hyperborea, Thule, Avalon]. And those Aryan gods and the first white men lived there.

Then something happened and the continent was destroyed. So most of the inhabitants moved to the Eurasian continent. The Book of Wisdom of Perun describes the events that happened after the destruction of Daaria.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

American president Donald Trump is making momentous changes that will have a global impact, he has only been in office for 28 days, but off to a furious start. One of the things he has said he will take control of is Gaza and the West Bank to the north of Israel proper. It remains to be seen if he can actually do that, but he certainly wants to. In the midst of all this, predictably, comes talk of Trump making it possible for the Jews to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem. To that point, many are calling Trump a modern-day King Cyrus, a nice sentiment, but quite impossible if you believe the Bible.

One of the most astonishing prophecies anywhere in the Old Testament of your King James Bible, outside of those concerning the birth of Jesus, would have to be the foretelling of a king named Cyrus whom God would use to help the Jews rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the Temple after the events of the 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Isaiah makes this amazing prophecy roughly 250 years before Cyrus, who would grow up to be king over the Persian empire, authorized the Jews to go back and begin the rebuilding process.
The Bible accounts for the first Temple, second Temple and the last Temple, but gives no instructions, decrees, commands or charges for any Jew to build the Temple that will exist during the time of Jacob’s trouble. We know that it will be rebuilt because we see it standing in the book of Revelation at the start of the Great Tribulation.
What does all this mean for us here in the closing hours of the Church Age? It means that any Temple that is built in Jerusalem before the Second Advent will be the Temple in which Antichrist will be worshipped. That is a non-negotiable fact if you believe the Bible. Donald Trump has no authority from God, and neither does anyone else, to build God’s Temple in His Holy City of Jerusalem. If a Temple is built, and you just may see that happen before the Rapture, it will be the Temple of Antichrist.

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #fundie #ufo #conspiracy

This video is amazing to help people comprehend the 144,000 representatives of God, who are here to come and help humanity.

People often get stuck at this point, because they seek to comprehend someone who is beyond their comprehension.

Their minds demand to make sense of what cannot be made sense of.

These are the ones our Creator has sent to represent the Divine Plan.

The masses stumble at this point… for they are seeking someone who meets their approval.

Big oops.

Sometimes there is a grand purpose when someone of the light disturbs.


Your ego seeks perfection in another, as a way to reject it.

Your ego doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.

Your ego tells you to stand by, while the 144000 who are already rejected, are somehow going to waltz into the room, perhaps climb through a window, pleading for forgiveness.

God’s representatives are here to represent his presence and the Divine Plan.

You will discover them, when you are in Divine service.

You will discover them, when you too feel a call within, to continually be of service in a world that needs it.

This stuff is important, because the ego keeps repelling away the solutions, remember God’s representatives are NOT interesting in getting your approval… if anything, your help and assistance would certainly be appropriate. If we are too meet in unity, we must learn to unify with those who God sent… that would be an absolute requirement don’t you agree?

The thing is, it’s going to require you to participate in life, in ways that challenge you.

It might take for you to humble yourself.

Stop your ego from crucifying the christ within others.

Unlock your own christ energies…

The great battle that goes on within…

It is just shadow puppets.

The simulation is ending.

Matt #dunning-kruger

Oh yeah, a campaign built on rebuilding the military and slashing corp taxes to free up enterprise… sounds exactly like the bolshevik left of today

You have no clue what your talking about

Kennedys campaign of 60 literally mirrored Trumps of 2024

infostormer #racist

Ashley St. Clair’s X timeline is filled with all sorts of crazy things. Her old posts are only reinforcing people’s belief that she is an Israeli asset.
She boasted about getting paid by the Mossad.
While you could argue that she was just joking, it appears as if she was bragging more than anything considering what has happened.
She also praised Monica Lewinsky the Jewish Mossad asset who sucked Bill Clinton’s dick in the Oval Office back in the 1990s.
It is interesting that she would praise her specifically. That’s because she seems to be involved in the exact same type of Israeli honeypot operation in which young women are used to compromise politicians and other powerful people through sexual relations.
You also have people like MILO and Laura Loomer who have both been talking about the story but specifically leaving out the Israeli angle to all of it. They’ve been framing it as just a story about sex and gossip when it is far more than that.
Loomer also said that she knew about this for a year but chose not to weaponize it. That’s unlike her as she has had no problem breaking stories for personal benefit regardless of who is impacted. What this likely means is that she didn’t want to expose the Israeli operation that was targeting Musk.
I know some of this is speculation on my part, but this is all very weird stuff. The bottom line is that you can’t trust Jews and St. Clair, MILO and Loomer are all Jews. I know some have said that MILO may have just been joking about being a Jew, but he’s definitely someone who did gay sex with other men and he has a ridiculous history of subversive behavior within right-wing circles.

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut

I gave a talk last night at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church at Clemson University. The day before my event, the priest sent out a letter to the parishioners, telling them that my stand for equal protection for the unborn stands in opposition of the Catholic Church. He then went on to imply that because of my stance to treat abortion as murder, that I want women to receive the death penalty (which by the way is a pro-abortion talking point).

I want to be clear. I believe abortion is murder. I believe the victim of abortion is the preborn child. Sixty percent of women having abortions have already delivered children. The majority of women having abortions have already seen their preborn child on an ultrasound and still choose to murder them.

We don’t live in a time where you have to look in an encyclopedia to get information about pregnancy. We all have access to pictures of children in the womb, graphic images of abortion and so much other information at our fingertips.

I don’t WANT any woman to be prosecuted for murdering their child…because I don’t want them to murder their child. But as a Christian, I do absolutely believe that there are eternal and earthly consequences for our actions.

Unknown #fundie

Why Birds Are Not Dinosaurs (And Why It Matters)

[…] Consequently, we have determined that they have interpreted the evidence of the so-called feathered dinosaurs through an evolutionary perspective.

Dinosaurs are land-dwelling animals. That means they were made on day six of creation (Genesis 1:24–25). Almost all birds are flying creatures to some degree, and they all have wings. Therefore, they most likely were all made on day five (Genesis 1:20–22).
Dinosaurs are land-dwelling animals. That means they were made on day six of creation (Genesis 1:24–25). Almost all birds are flying creatures to some degree, and they all have wings. Therefore, they most likely were all made on day five (Genesis 1:20–22). By saying or agreeing with the evolutionary claim that birds are dinosaurs or are most similar to dinosaurs, Dr. McLain is mixing groups made on different days of creation. Further, he is lumping groups that Adam would have been able to distinguish. Remember in Genesis 2 that God brought the animals to Adam to name. This implies that Adam was capable of both naming them and distinguishing between them by sight. There is no reason why dinosaurs and birds should be considered similar unless it is presumed a priori that some dinosaurs had feathers. If that assumption is rejected (as it should be), there is little similarity between an Allosaurus or Stegosaurus and a penguin or cardinal. This fits with the scriptural implication that Adam could visually distinguish between groups.

DocRocket #dunning-kruger

Democrat party.
Hitler, praised FDR's early New Deal measures: America, like the Reich, had decisively broken with the “uninhibited frenzy of market speculation.”
Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter, “stressed ‘Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies,’ praising the president’s style of leadership as being compatible with Hitler’s own dictatorial Führerprinzip“....
Many historical citations with a heavy dose of Mussolini /FDR admiration club tossed in there as well.

"American and European commentators in the 1930s also pointed out Hitler’s and Roosevelt’s centralization of power. Dictatorship was never imposed in the United States in the same way it was in Nazi Germany, but thoughtful writers wondered if such centralization did not run the risk of undermining the constitutional separation of powers. Unchecked power could easily extinguish freedom in the United States".

Dr. David Menton #fundie


According to many evolutionists today, dinosaurs are really not extinct but rather are feeding at our bird feeders even as we speak. For many evolutionists, it would seem, birds simply are dinosaurs. With this sort of bias, it is quite easy for evolutionists to find supposed evidence to support the notion that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

But what does the Bible tell us about the origin of birds, and just how good is the scientific evidence that some dinosaurs evolved into birds?

What Does the Bible Say about the Origin of Birds?

Birds were created on Day Five and dinosaurs on Day Six.

In the first chapter of Genesis, verse 21, we read that on Day Five of creation, God created “every winged fowl after its kind.” This includes birds that flew above the earth (Genesis 1:20). Man and land animals were created on Day Six of the Creation Week (Genesis 1:24–31). Were there land birds that didn’t fly originally? I would leave open the possibility, but a discussion of this is beyond the scope of this chapter. Most ornithologists say that these birds are secondarily flightless (i.e., they lost the ability to fly). This would be due to variance within kind or to mutational losses since creation. So, the best possibility is that birds were created on Day Five as flyers, and some have lost this ability, but I wouldn’t be dogmatic.

Birds are of many different “kinds.”

Genesis 1:21 says that God created every winged bird after its “kind.” The following verse says they were to multiply, or reproduce; so the logical connection is that birds of the same kind can reproduce. The Hebrew word for “kind” in Genesis refers to any group of animals capable of interbreeding and reproducing according to their type. For example, all dogs and dog-like animals, such as wolves and coyotes, are capable of interbreeding and thus would represent one “kind,” even though some are classified today as different species.

This does not mean, however, that all birds represent a single created kind and thus share a common ancestry. The Bible tells us that there are many different bird kinds (plural). The Levitical dietary laws (Leviticus 11:13–19), for example, list many different bird kinds as being unclean. This gives further biblical support for multiple created bird kinds.[…]

Genevieve Gluck #transphobia

"Trans women" are men acting out a BDSM fetish on the public. Therefore, the transitioning of minors is inherently pedophilic.

These are "chastity cages" that are worn by men who pretend to be women during BDSM sexual activities. Men who claim to be trans women are getting the idea from porn and BDSM.

In these BDSM practices, the penis is referred to as a "clit", and the act of being penetrated by a dom is what is meant to turn them into a "female". During the "sissification" process they are encouraged by a dominatrix (who isn't always female) to begin taking estrogen in order to "shrink [their] useless little sissy clit."

As the fetish escalates, body modification is also encouraged. The body modification is part of the same BDSM fetish. Genital surgery is a permanent chastity cage, and puberty blockers for children achieve the same outcome: chemical castration puts minors in a chastity cage.

various commenters #transphobia

“Do you have family who can hide you?” 😂

( CruddyMuddy )
Bloody hell. Cosplaying women isn’t enough, now they’re pretending they’re Anne Frank.

( FernLady )
Dr: “we are no longer going to prescribe this unproven medicine for you.”

TIM friends: “it’s not safe there!! Do you have someone who can hide you?”

What the heck lol they want to be victims so badly

( atomic_brunette )
Yeah I wonder what the real reasons were for the doctor discontinuing care. He mentions chronic health problems so what are the odds cross-sex hormones are causing him problems? Or doctor did the math and decided it was too much liability.

Iirc one of the EOs makes it easier for detrans patients to sue so some doctors will be getting out of the biz for that reason.

( Spinstaa )

Why are they like this?! No one is rounding up TQ’s to commit a genocide, even though that’s what they talk about constantly. It’s just not happening.

Also I find it funny that they are obsessed with a Hitler-like figure starting another holocaust where they would be the victims , and these TIPs always admit to having a neo Nazi phase. [...]

Like Read. The. God. Damm. Room.

( shewolfoffrance )

No one is rounding up TQ’s to commit a genocide

Seriously. Before they leap to hiding in an attic, might I suggest wearing a disguise when they're forced to go out in public? Perhaps clothing that aligns with their biological sex? 99% of the time, no one would even suspect they had ladysouls.

( mathlover )
They can "hide" in plain sight. Wear pants. Get a short haircut. No makeup. Stop the estrogen. Get all their ID changed back to reflect reality.

( blibberinghumdinger )
They don't even have to do most of this. Be a man who has long hair, wears makeup and non-masculine clothing. Pretty much nobody gives a shit. Just stop lying and trying to force everyone around you to lie about what sex you are. They literally act like they're going to die if they aren't allowed to grow tits and lie. Lmao

( mathlover )
Good point. They could keep playing dress up as long as they never ask anyone else to go along with the make-believe, including the phony pronouns, and they stay out of anything specifically for women only.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Trans girls to be banned from female sports in US schools and universities

( crodish )

Trans girls


( Mignonette )
If it doesn't matter because it's rare, then surely telling those boys "no" isn't a big deal? Funny how they always know who the girls are when it's time to tell someone to "just be nice" and put others first.

( pennygadget )

Funny how they always know who the girls are when it's time to tell someone to "just be nice" and put others first.

Young TIMs should feel gender euphoria right now. They're finally getting the genuine female experience of being told to shut up and gracefully put everyone else's wants and needs before their own!

( CrimsonSoleil )
And who to bully into silence

( OneStarWolf )
I really wish journalists would stop with the Orwellian speak.”””Trans girls””” uwuuu. It’s not clear writing that conveys what’s going on, it obscures the facts. Boys and men who identify as transgender to be banned from female sports. Done.

( Dressed2K1ll )
That’s literally it. Keep men and boys out of women and girls’ sports. Period. Everything else is just misogynistic gobbledegoook

( Freyja )

Democrats argued that the measure was cruel, and addressed a problem that was exceedingly rare. “How many transgender athletes are you aware of?” Dick Durbin, a Democrat senator for Illinois, asked Baker during a Senate judiciary committee hearing in December. “Less than ten,” he said.

Gotta love the hypocrisy as always! 'Too rare' to care when it's women & girls being harmed by male encroachment but it's a number one life-and-death priority when they argue why men need to break those boundaries.

( OwnLyingEyes )
And it's always 'how many trans athletes?' and never 'how many women and girls are being impacted by this?' which is a much, much larger number.

( atomic_brunette )
The fact that the Dems don't care about girls' welfare and safety even when TIMs are physically harming them in contact sports like volleyball or soccer tells me all I need to know about their commitment to women's rights.

( Artemis_Lives )
An extreme minority of males matter more than half the species....

( PerenelleFlamel )
"trans girls"

I hate this.

MEN. They are MEN.

Iranian judiciary #fundie #psycho

An Iranian court has reportedly sentenced controversial pop star Amir Hossein Maghsoudloo, also known as Tataloo, to death after he was found guilty of insulting the Prophet Muhammad

“The Supreme Court accepted the prosecutor’s objection” to a prior five-year prison sentence for blasphemy, AFP reported, citing the Iranian newspaper Etemad

The newspaper said: “The case was reopened, and this time the defendant was sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet.”

The Iran Front Page also reported that Tehran’s First Criminal Court sentenced Tataloo, 37, to death for insulting the Prophet after a retrial, overturning a prior five-year prison sentence

The verdict, which followed an appeal and Supreme Court intervention, was not final and could still be challenged by the Supreme Court, according to media reports

However, Iran International said on Sunday that the country’s judiciary denied reports claiming that Tataloo had been sentenced to death for blasphemy. It said that the initial report, published by the Jame Jam newspaper, was refuted by the judiciary’s media office, which stated that a final verdict has not yet been issued

The Independent could not verify these claims. Tataloo, an underground musician, was extradited from Istanbul to Iran in December 2023 and has been in detention since

Known for blending rap, pop, and R&B, he previously faced a 10-year sentence for promoting “prostitution” and was charged with anti-regime propaganda and publishing “obscene content”

Despite his controversial image, Tataloo once engaged with conservative Iranian politicians[…]
The news of the sentence came as two judges, Ali Razini and Mohammad Moghisseh, known for handling cases on national security and terrorism, were killed in a shooting at Iran’s Supreme Court in Tehran on Saturday, according to the judiciary’s Mizan Online website

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut

RFK Jr. confirmed as Secretary of Health & Human Services! To say this feels like a miracle would be… an understatement.

First Trump, now Bobby.

I am speechless. God is so good.

You’ve suffered autoimmune disorders, autism, ADHD, neurologic disorders, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic debilitating illnesses… and been GASLIT about it.


A friend of mine just jokingly texted me “Now we can tell everyone that Bobby is a fellow anti-vaxxer.”

LOL. We won’t have to. Bobby won’t have to say a word about vaccines.

The Sirians via V. D. Shadar #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Today we are talking mainly about the inhabitants of Sirius B.

It is true, we on Sirius B are mainly aquatic beings and there are some emissaries who chose the bodies of dolphins and whales to incarnate on Terra at earlier times. The so-called mermaids and mermen also trace back to Sirian roots. But at a later time we have also co-evolved humanoid bodies. One of the most famous representatives of our species is the Egyptian Sun King Akhenaten with Nefertari and their children.

Our home planet has large warm oceans (there is no cold water). The land mass hosts some vast sandy deserts; lush flora is almost exclusively confined to near the sea. Nevertheless, inland there are a few extensive lake plates with equally rich plant growth. They are like green islands surrounded by sand. Overall, there is more life in the oceans than on the mainland.
Sirians exist in different light body structures and different dimensions; however, none of us incarnates in a more solid density than the 5th dimension (on Sirius).

Sekhmet, who was worshipped as a goddess in ancient Egypt of Earth, is a Sirian 7th dimension lion being of about 5 meters height (the ancient statues preserved on Gaia depict her appearance quite accurately). She has recently returned to your planet with representatives of her family, protecting awakening souls from the grasp of shadow forces and instructing them how to develop their own inner strength.

Likewise, the Egyptian goddess I**s has her roots on Sirius, while Osiris is from Canopus. Other Egyptian gods have their origins in other star races. Sobek, for example, is a descendant of the Reptilians.

We look forward to sharing more about Sirian starseeds among you next time. By mixing them with Terran DNA, amazing character traits have emerged. Feel free to ask questions about us to our sister and ambassador Shadar.

Oum Sholar Sheryam – here’s to meeting you soon!

The Sirians
via V. D. Shadar
Galactic Federation Ground Crew

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Americans, how did you vote? I’m just curious.

( momofreyrella )
I voted for Trump, and I changed my voter registration to Republicans. As a radfem and a Jewish woman, I am done with demoncrats.



( NoDayForADo )
I have to admit I voted for Trump. I wasn't going to vote at all but I was driving home that day and an ad came on for Harris and abortion rights and I just got so pissed off at listening to her pretend to be standing up for women when she won't even commit to defining what a woman is that I literally drove right to the firehall and voted for Trump.

My state went very solidly for Trump so it's not like my vote is what sealed the ticket but I have to admit to feeling weird about the whole thing. I don't know why I didn't pick another candidate, I was actually so pissed off I didn't even pay attention to the other options. But dammit that ad really put me over. Whatever else she stands for, I'm just sick and tired of politicians pulling out the abortion card every 4 years and acting like it is the only thing that matters to women. I felt like all I heard in her ads this cycle were promises to protect women's rights and lower the cost of groceries which... she was VP for the past 4 years. If the president could fix that, why didn't her and Biden fix it?

I really don't think I would have gone in to vote if it hadn't been for her commercial.

( ProfTerfMom )
I voted for Kara Dansky as a write in, hoping that Democrats would examine the data to find out why they are losing support. My state went for Harris (easily).

Unfortunately, the Democrats only seem to be doubling down.

( Women2Women )
any individual or political party which is so easily manipulated to believe the extremist belief that biological sex doesn't exist and that language, policy and laws must now reflect the truly illogical, dumb, harmful, woman hating and child safeguarding ignoring "trans/gender i.d" religion, can NEVER be supported in any way by me, and certainly should not be anywhere near power. That covers the Democratic party for me, and my trust has been shattered for them as a party for pushing this horror like a drug. They learned nothing. I'm done.


Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy


Upon confirmation of your payment, you will receive an email (please make sure you enter your email correctly) with your purchase confirmation and links to 3 downloads:

Ascension Class recording (mp3) THE CODE OF THE BLUE NILE - Humanities Collective Emotional Body and more on the Planetary Astral Body and Giza Stargate relationship. Why Summer Solstice timeline is Important. More on the Blue Ray 144 Genetic Timekeepers and the Oraphim consciousness of 13D and beyond. Discussion on the 11:11 Michael Families and the 3-6-9 dimensional connections to the Nephilim and 55 Reversal Grid. Why is the Reversal 55 grid and the 45 Degree Merkabic Angles important? Current Starseed and planetary gridkeeping updates for ES community and our Galactic Family Role. (1:26:47 minutes)
Ascension Q&A: Lisa answers submitted questions. (51:15 minutes)
Alpha/Omega Clearing - Heavy and in depth Alpha to Omega Zip Core Clearing when you have more time for sleep integration and recovery (A ZIP clearing is referred to as a A-Z, top to bottom, bottom to top, internal to external, external to internal, 12 Bodies, etc. You do not want to ask for ZIP clearing unless you have time and space to integrate the opening of zip clearing files) Release entrapment or obfuscator cords of complex soul or entity bindings (de-possessions) and assign new gatekeepers for Ascension in Cosmic Christ (Eternal) Intelligences. Harmonic imprints reinstalled to all layers of 12 primary seed codes of DNA ladder. Protection and cloaking strengthening through the Golden Fleece Buffers (8D Monad and 14D fields admin by RA Family). Remove victim victimizer archetypes and related matrices from the cellular memory sourcing from ancient battles within the history of this Universal Time Matrix. Establish Independent divine right choice of each being to ensure Single Soul Occupancy, if so in divine right order and harmony (release Indigo 3 or split soul contracts if it is so in right timing). (43:54 minutes)

various commenters #transphobia #interphobia

Trump Can Ban Transgender Birth Certificates

( Eava )
I think they're on weak constitutional grounds to think the federal government can impose this in the states. It's funny to see the WSJ pushing federal supremacy, they're usually anti-federal power and pro-state's rights.

"True intersex conditions, which result in genitalia that appear ambiguous or mixed, affect less than 0.02% of the population." Does he not consider CAIS an intersex condition? The genitalia is not ambiguous at all. He's wrong that definitions aren't needed. You can't pass a law categorizing all people when you know there are people who fall outside your definition. It doesn't help to create a definition where people with DSDs end up in the wrong categories. It might be necessary to have a list of DSDs and whether individuals with those conditions are male or female, and there has to be a process to correct birth certificates for people with DSDs.

( SatanicPanic )
People with DSDs are still male or female. There is no third sex or "in between".

( Eava )
So what is someone with CAIS or someone with Swyer? My point is there is a subset of DSDs where the "developmental pathway" criteria doesn't really work either.

( amethyst_sky )
Both DSDs you listed are males. The presence of the Y chromosome, regardless of it being active or not, means a person is a male.

Chromosomes are the instructions for what development pathway your body was supposed to go down, regardless of whether or not it did. A Y chromosome means a person is a male.

There is no such thing as a DSD that sits completely “in the middle”. All people w DSDs are still male or female.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
You must be relieved that the EO was rooted in biology in regards to DSDs, then.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist

[From “February 13, 2025: Mount Olympus 122”]


Panel 1: A man is holding a scroll on which is written in pseudo-Greek letters “Get out”. The man says “Mass deportations in effect”. Behind him is a spearman saying “Single file”, “Let's go” and “No Dawdling”. A file of Jewish men is entering a carriag
Panel 2: The doors of the carriage are closing on the Jews
Panel 3: The Jewish judge says “We'll be back”

John C. Wright #conspiracy #pratt #fundie

Newly elected Dem Nat’l Cmte Vice Chair David Hogg is using party resources to funnel donations into his own PAC—where he pays himself a six-figure salary. He could face arrest for money laundering.
My comment: One is left to wonder whether grifters naturally gravitate to the Leftists, or Leftism naturally gravitates toward grifting. Leftism is based on Marxism, which is a grift, and Marxism is based on Gnosticism, which is a grift, so the correlation goes all the way back to Simon the Magician trying to buy the Holy Spirit from St Peter for cash.

Bryce Mitchell #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

UFC president and CEO Dana White criticized Bryce Mitchell for making anti-Semitic and homophobic comments on a podcast during which the featherweight also praised Adolf Hitler and denied the Holocaust

But, citing freedom of expression, White said the organization would not take any disciplinary actions against Mitchell[…]
Mitchell, who competes in the featherweight division of MMA’s largest promotion, made the comments on the first episode of his ArkanSanity Podcast, where he suggested that Hitler was a “good guy” who “fought for his country”

“Here’s what I say about [Elon Musk] heiling Hitler, heiling the Nazis: I really don’t think that he was, because I honestly think that Hitler was a good guy based upon my own research, not my public education indoctrination,” Mitchell said

He added: “I really do think before Hitler got on meth, he was a guy I’d go fishing with. He fought for his country. He wanted to purify it by kicking the greedy Jews out, that were destroying his country and turning them all into gays. They were gaying out the kids. They were queering out the women. They were queering out the dudes. Do you know where the first tranny surgery ever was? Happened to be in Germany before Hitler took over”

Despite views White described as “dumb and ignorant”, the longtime UFC head defended Mitchell’s right to express them

“It’s free speech,” White said. “That’s the beautiful thing about this business, for all of you who hate Bryce Mitchell, you get to see him hopefully get his ass whooped on global television”

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

It’s time to talk about a heavy subject. In light of recent events, it’s time we discuss when and how to enact church discipline and when it’s necessary to take the final step to excommunicate someone.
We had to take the unfortunate step to excommunicate “Bro.” Steven recently as some of you may know. He, despite having Bro. Eric as his Covenant Eyes accountability partner, has not ceased to consume excessively salacious materials, and we even have been informed by a third party that he attended an event in a nearby city related to this demonic subculture he’s preoccupied with. He’s been totally unrepentant and seems to throughly enjoy this sinful excess than being in company with the people of God: he would rather choose to commune with the heathen men and publicans than be in the body of Christ! If someone is that far gone, THEY MUST BE REMOVED TO STOP THE SPREAD OF THE DISEASE OF SIN! IF YOU DO NOT STOP IT AT THE SOURCE, THERE WILL BE A CATACLYSM IN THE BODY OF CHRIST! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Of course this isn’t the first step to take. As Matthew 18 says, we need to address the issue with the person one on one with a trusted mentor did which is exactly what Bro. Eric did with “Bro.” Steven. Then he was brought to the men’s prayer breakfast to discuss his issues where he was unrepentant about it! Then we had a church vote where it was revealed by that third party he was reveling in debauchery at this den of sin! Absolutely vile garbage that further exacerbates the problem he’s had over the past several months with this sin of his! He has been voted out of the church and is now free to engage in whatever sort of evil lustful wanton “entertainment” he desires as he signs his name on the dotted line to a one way ticket to the Lake of Fire! He is now unto us as a heathen man and a publican!
Brother in Christ, if you are struggling with a grave sin, let a trusted mentor counsel you before it gets to this point where formal church discipline is necessary! We are in the end of the Last Days and the spiritual warfare is at its worst and has claimed yet another casualty in our former leader and friend Steven. IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING MAKE IT KNOWN TO GODLY COUNSEL NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! DO NOT LET IT GET TO THIS POINT! God’s people said AMEN!

Cookie #transphobia #fundie

["TI" = "trans-identifying"]

My husband and I have always maintained our TI daughter has been ‘invaded’ by Satan, the devil himself and we told her that a few times. She doesn’t agree but she doesn’t fight with us, either.

Laura Wood #transphobia #wingnut

[From “Cynthia and her Mob”]

IT’S NOT enough to close down the Human Mutilation Clinics participating in the ugly con that a woman can be made into a man, or a man can be made into a woman

The people in charge of, working in, and funding these places should be arrested, tried and convicted of fraud and assault

As long as they walk free, the chances are high that these centers of “transgenderism” will be up and running again

An actress and dangerous political agitator who says the kind things the celebrity Cynthia Nixon said in this speech in New York City this week should be arrested for endangering the welfare of the young and promoting medical fraud. She belongs in prison. Believe it or not, beautiful, wealthy and successful people can be the worst kinds of criminals

Actors and actresses, especially successful celebrities, should never be asked for their opinions about anything important. Actors and actresses tend to be uniquely air-headed and often deranged. They spend their lives in mimicry, role playing and working as human clothes hangers, none of which confer wisdom. They typically have nothing inside their heads but the latest political fads that make their often viciously competitive lives seem virtuous. Nixon proves this point most vividly when she proudly boasts that her daughter has had her breasts amputated and is now pretending in her state of advanced mutilation that she is a man. Celebrities like Nixon — a member of the Marxist group Democratic Socialists of America — are blood-thirsty idols walking in the land of the living dead

The mob that cries out in support of her is similar to that mob in Jerusalem long ago. “Crucify him! Crucify him!”

They are a pack of murderous dogs

ripx4nutmeg #transphobia

This week the BBC probably broadcast more pro-transgender propaganda than it ever has before.

Repair slop
The Repair Shop is a primetime BBC One television show that’s been running since 2017, in which ‘members of the public’ present family heirlooms in the hope that they will be repaired. Last week’s episode kicked off with a man bringing in a skirt in need of restoration. After a few seconds of chat, he revealed that it belonged to his brother, and we were subjected to a sob story about his brother’s ‘transition’, his ‘gender fluidity’ and how “she was my inspiration”.

This was not the first time a segment of the show was about a cross-dressing man. Here, we meet a man who pretends to be a woman called ‘Jacquie’ and we meet his wife who is called … Jackie. And before that, there was the woman who had her teddy bear repaired so she could use it as emotional support for future transgender ‘surgeries’.


Despite being a tiny proportion of the population, BBC News keeps bumping into people who pretend they’re the opposite sex. Here, in a feature about immigration, the lead-in to an interview with the home secretary is via a cross-dressing man with what appears to be roadkill on his head, who BBC News at Six supposedly randomly met on a street in Basildon. He wasn’t the only cross-dresser that BBC cameras randomly bumped into this week. In Tuesday’s episode of Escape to the Country, ‘Marcia’ discusses what life in Dorchester is like (for men who wear women’s clothing).


BBC News also prominently featured a story this week about a man in Saudi Arabia who took his own life in 2023, to highlight the abuse 'transgender Saudis' face. A documentary has also been made. The article states that this is part of a series on … inspirational women around the world.

BBC Reporting Scotland also got in on the act - this week from a furry convention, implying it is entirely good wholesome fun. There is no mention that it is actually a sexual fetish or that guests had to agree to not exhibit artworks depicting paedophilia or bestiality during convention sessions.

Joshua Haymes #quack

Anxiety is sin to be repented of,

Not a disease to be medicated.

We are all prone to different sins.
Some of us struggle with pride, anger, or wrath, other struggle with lust or gluttony.

Anxiety is no different.


Modern Christians must not get sucked into the trap of medicalizing our sin.

Meds may address some behavioral issues (bad fruit) but they cannot address the bad root.

Only repentance and faith can do that.

We serve a God who is incredibly gracious and immeasurably, merciful to us.

He is inviting each of us to cast our worries upon him.

He would not command us not to worry if it were impossible to actually obey.

Eugene McCarthy #crackpot

Dog-cow Hybrids

[D]ogs are notorious for their willingness to mate with almost any type of animal. For example, male dogs have been observed mating with ducks, geese and chickens (see the section on dog hybrids elsewhere on this website). A video showing a male dog mating with a cow at right above

As the photos show, this animal, which is male, is a very strange-looking creature. In particular, it has a huge mouth opening, as do many carnivores. Cattle and most herbivores have relatively small mouth openings. In this bizarre “calf,” the mouth opening reaches almost to the ears. It also has a lolling tongue like a dog. Also dog-like is the loose fur on the breast visible in the middle photo. Perhaps it’s just my imagination, but there’s something about its winsome expression in the middle picture that reminds me of my own dog in some of his more relaxed and satisfied moments.

However, as can be seen in the enlarged version of the lowermost photo, this animal has no upper incisors. Instead, there is a dental pad at the front of the upper jaw, as in cattle (see picture at right). The lower incisors, clearly visible in the enlargement of the middle picture, are cow-like. However, in the uppermost photo (also enlargeable) the erupting molars seem to be pointed like the carnassials of a dog, instead of flat like a cow’s. The lower jaw is much shorter than the upper and, according to the news reports, the mouth is constantly agape.
It was healthy enough but, due to its bizarre mouth structure, it could not nurse from its mother, and at the time the photographs were taken, the owner was feeding it by hand, giving it three liters of milk a day. “What is even more strange,” Misnoto told reporters who came to interview him at his home, “is that this calf will not eat grass. It only drinks milk and eats snack foods like those eaten by humans.” (Does it perhaps have a dog-like digestive system?) Misnoto said he took the animal to a vet to see whether its mouth could be sewn together so that it would be able to suck milk from its mother, but the vet said with its mouth sewn it would not be able to chew its food. The mother had given birth to three normal calves in previous years.

TatoruzuX #sexist #fundie

This is nonsense. It is the Biblical duty of wives to satisfy their husbands.

You people are seeking to take everything away from men, from entertainment to video games. If at the very least your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity cannot guarantee to men that their wives have a duty to satisfy them, as Christianity traditionally did for hundreds of years, then your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity will not have men.

In the ideal world, men would be perfect. Men would be like Jesus. Men would be completely celibate. Men would not marry. As Paul said, it is good for a man not to touch a woman at all (1 Corinthians 7:1) and his guidance on marriage was merely only a concession/permission, not a commandment (1 Corinthians 7:6), because celibacy is preferable and inherently less sinful than sex even within marriage, which is at best just a distraction from prayer and devotion.

However, Paul recognized that a compromise was necessary. There was something extremely obvious to Paul that is apparently not obvious to "Christians" today: most men are not able to withstand celibacy and they have natural uncontrollable lustful urges. Something must be done about this. And something had to be done about this in the first century. Otherwise, Christianity wouldn't have ever attracted men and it would've died off in the first century.

And so:
Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. (1 Corinthians 7:3)

If women are not fulfilling their Biblical role to act as dutiful wives and "personal porn stars" for their husbands, whether that's due to letting themselves go, rejecting marriage in favor of hypergamy, career-chasing, or whatever it is women do to fuck up the sexual marketplace, they are equally as culpable for the sins of lustful men who cannot find wives to fulfil their Biblical role.

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia

N.Y. Hospital Stops Treating 2 Children After Trump’s Trans Care Order - The New York Times

( limoncello )
"Gender-affirming care." 0 for 3 there. I'm not holding my breath on seeing it properly called child sexual mutilation but I cannot WAIT until their preferred euphemism stales into "gender intervention treatment" or some mealy-mouthed slop.

( carbon0va )
This headline is constructed to push the idea that a negligible number of kids are getting this treatment. You have to read deeper to start seeing the truth:

A pediatrician at the state-run University Hospital of Brooklyn, Dr. Birnbaum said he saw roughly 75 trans patients, including many teenagers.

75. One doctor.
Who also said this:

“I’m willing to go to jail to continue to provide your care,” Dr. Jeffrey Birnbaum said he had been telling his young trans patients and their parents since the executive order.

🙄🙄🙄 Go then. It is where adults who mutilate children belong.

( DurableBook )
Wow, and here I was happy with the two. Two kids spared chemical castration. Two kids given a reprieve, however temporary, from the current lobotomy fad being inflicted upon the nonconforming.

Here's hoping it is a lot more. And here's hoping that Dr. Birnbaum's name is forever recorded along such greats as Walter Jackson Freeman II and Carl Clauberg.

( hard_headed_woman )
Non-binary bullshit?

Seriously, one of these kids identifies as non-binary?

( Lipsy )
Lots of the underage Girls who've had Their breasts hacked off have been "nb".

Could even be a majority, just because there are so many more "nb" than "trans men".

( hard_headed_woman )
I just can't imagine a parent letting a child destroy her body for "non-binary." What a freaking fad.

Jesse Watters #transphobia #psycho

From the February 5, 2025, edition of Fox News' The Five

JESSICA TARLOV (CO-HOST): Jesse, what do you think?

JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): How many trans teens killed themselves today, Jessica?

TARLOV: I didn't get my update yet. I don't know

WATTERS: Well, no, because you guys said that if you wouldn't let trans teens do whatever they wanted, they were going to become suicidal, so I'm just wondering, you know, between this and the no surgeries we should see a rash in teenage suicides this year, right?

TARLOV: You seem a little gleeful about --

WATTERS: Obviously, I'm being sarcastic because that was a B.S. excuse

Ricky Adams #fundie


Mark Anderson Smith #transphobia #fundie

If your child identifies as trans, you are not alone. There are thousands of parents in similar situations in the UK and perhaps tens of thousands around the world. Most of us are struggling. Most of us find ourselves unable to accept what is obviously not true. We desperately do not want our child to harm themselves. Although in recent months – as I write this in early 2024 – there has been a slight change in public perceptions, still there are a large number of people who are highly influential in the media insisting that the response to trans identity should be to accept and celebrate it. Politicians, journalists, even medical professionals. How can all these people not see what we see – our child, the child we always knew? How can they claim the impostor is the real person?

If you’ve seen those David Tennant episodes, you’ll know that there is an opportunity for reconciliation, for two orphans to find each other and be a family again. Then the twist. The knife in the back. Professor Yana is revealed as the Doctor’s sworn enemy: the Master. The Doctor is not the last of the Time Lords, Yana is an acronym for You Are Not Alone. I’ll share later of an experience we had, someone who claimed to be there to help and I now think was a threat to our family. It is such a betrayal to think someone is on your side and then to find out they never were.

Throughout this nightmare we have been living, for over two and a half years now, there has been someone who has been faithful, who has been by our side the whole way, comforting us, giving us courage to continue, our Father in heaven.

Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy

Ashton Forbes became interested in a leaked video purporting to show missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 being portalled to another location via three rotating plasma orbs during its disappearance on March 8, 2014. He has accumulated evidence that the craft was taken en route from Malaysia to China carrying 20 scientists who had developed a superconducting microchip that was going to be patented or developed in China.
Forbes also discusses a mysterious letter he received from a covert intelligence operative who encouraged him to continue his efforts and that it was indeed the US intelligence community that was behind the disappearance of MH370.

Finally, Forbes discussed plasma balls, cold fusion, gravity waves, and other advanced technology projects, many of which he believes are still too dangerous to be released to the world.