
jahguun #fundie forums.fark.com

So now, if man evolved from ape, and there are apes in all of our zoo's, would it be safe to say, that they are still evolving today and the zookeepers are just keeping the word mum about all of these half_ape, half_man babies being born? are they just pictured in the tabloids and forgotten about? or has Evolution just stopped?

I know more than you #homophobia forums.fark.com

For the people who think homosexuals engage in consensual sex: they don't. They have a mental disorder (the different wiring I spoke earlier about) that prevents them from making sane judgements on who they should have sex with.

Having sex with someone who isn't capable of making a sound judgement on whether or not they should have sex (either through drug use, mental capacity or age) is rape nearly everywhere in the world.

(Yes I know mental disorder is a bit of a harsh term, and some people mght attack me for it, but homosexuality isn't useful in an evolutionary sense, or for society, so it should be cured.)

Nunya #fundie forums.fark.com

... if you really wanna see them get their panties in a bunch, point out how most athiests, who claim to be following no religion, are in fact following the religion of the day, namely science. Accepting theory after theory from scientists, just because the scientist tells them that's the way it is... People are all stupid. Stop the world please, I'd like to get off.

alex_dularge #fundie forums.fark.com

I'd vote against gay marriage for these reasons:

(1) It's a mild mental illness or a glandular problem or temporary/experimental behavior. We shouldn't be forced by Big Brother to pretend it's normal.

(2) Gay marriage is about money. If gay activists can establish homosexuality as a minority, instead of as a behavior, then homos can claim legal protection as a minority with a history of discrimination.

(3) It serves no purpose. Homos can do anything with a few pieces of paper that they could do with a marriage certificate -except Social Security. And I believe Social Security shouldn't exist anyway.

So, it's not about hate, or Christian fundamentalism or anything like that. It's about a firm grip on reality.

TruBluBaptist #fundie forums.fark.com

[discussion on Iranian scientists claiming the Holocaust was "exaggerated"]

I tend to agree with it being exagerated, but it did happen, and happened because worldwide jewry turned away from God.

"With all due respect to those dear people, my friend, God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew."
-Reverend Bailey Smith

"They are the two groups in the world, children of God - those who have received Christ (John 1:12), and the children of the devil - those who reject Christ (John 8:44)."
-Frank G. Huling

SkinnyHead #fundie forums.fark.com

(If you loved having your comments posted here, you're probably ecstatic now)

[Mr. Gunn: Widespread public support isn't a reason for teaching anything. It just means a large number of people didn't get properly educated when they were in school. A high percentage of the public believe in ghosts and homeopathy. Should we teach that?]

If I get out voted and the schools try to teach something that I don't want my kids learning, and I feel strongly enough about it, then I'll just have to put my kids in a private school that will shelter them from that objectionable subject matter.

That's what evolutionist parents should do. Rather than force the majority to bend to their will, radical evolutionists who don't want their kids exposed to intelligent design theory should put them in private schools.

I would even support school vouchers so that the children of evolutionary biologists (who don't earn much money) could afford private school.

tatum #racist forums.fark.com

[on Japanese whaling]
Dirty little yellow farks obsessed with buying panties off 12-year-old girls...they ought not be allowed to do ANYTHING they want - only what they're permitted. Eat raw fish? Fark you, you vicious little slanty bastard. STFU or you get nuked again. Leave the whales alone. For that matter, stop bothering the rest of the mammals, too...you and your goddamn Kobe beef.
Prepubescent bondage is one thing...

Alien Syndrome #fundie forums.fark.com

Of course ID (unlike the tooth fairy and for that mater evolution) is supported by many credible scientists. Looking at the many holes in evolution, it’s easy to see why so many scientists (including Darwin himself) are abandoning the theory of evolution.

Rovian, AdrienVeidt, one the numerous reasons I oppose evolution and the atheist movement is that it’s causing our society to spiral into a pit of degradation and self-destruction. Religious or not, you have to acknowledge the importance of Christianity in this country and that it keeps it together as it has done for hundreds of years.

I’m just supporting logic and open-mindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left.

Alien Syndrome #fundie forums.fark.com

Foolishness is trying to disregard a system that works and replace it with one of communism, oops, I mean socialism. Atheist and liberals are trying to push political correctness on us in the disguise of equality, when people are in fact different. The left forgets that it was the religious who brought us the civil rights movement and the early feminist movement. They want to do something to make it seem like the liberals are for the rights of minorities by forcing quotas on businesses and collages, which in turn stagnate free enterprise and actually keep the minorities downtrodden. All this just to scam some votes off their “victims”.

Alien Syndrome #fundie forums.fark.com

Sgt. Pepper

Such as?

Due the fact that atheists refuse to acknowledge God or a heaven they lack the conviction to bring a moral and ethical code of any kind to the office. I’m not saying that atheists probably will go around using their authority to kill and steal, but it’s a fact that they would focus on using their newfound power monetary gains and forcing junk science on the people instead defending our country from evil (both inside and out). If you want even more proof, try looking up some communist countries and see how well they did under atheist rule.

anelson41 #fundie forums.fark.com

Come on, Atheists... ADMIT IT... you want to believe, too... You can get as mad as you want at all the believers and pretend that you're better than all of us, but you know you want to believe.

It's okay. It's not your fault. God loves you.

If you think I'm crazy, just ask yourself this: How much time, energy, and emotion do you spend trying to disprove the Easter Bunny? I'd say exactly zero. If God and Jesus were the same as the Easter Bunny you wouldn't be so angry and offended. You're angry becuase you know God and Jesus aren't the same as the Easter Bunny. It's okay to believe.


Alien Syndrome #fundie forums.fark.com

"PC factors into this in how the left (in an attempt not to offend the atheist) refuses to allow Intelligent Design to be taught in the science class regardless of how valid it is. Removing our Christian element out of the public sphere is part of what’s causing our country to go strait down the tubes.

And the Christians have the right to voice their opinion without constantly being belittled by the noticeable bigotry of the “politically correct”.

time2sow #fundie forums.fark.com

Married 11+ years now. Went through a long stretch of female-sense-of-entitlement and making things tense with shrewish behavior..we almost called it quits a handful of times... hate to be cliche but society certainly has it's role in making women think they have a right to act that way.. commercials and sitcoms and cosmos et al...

Accepted Christ as my savior, became "born again" and bible-believing a little over a year ago... DH still agnostic and materialistic, but the marriage has done a complete 180 anyway. Now I'm rightfuly gratefully to be with a good, kind, man...praying for his salvation quietly, and household has been nag-free for over a year. Happy, peaceful... child's ADD symptoms went away, anxiety gone... hot meals minimum 5out of7 nights, He's the boss of us as God intended and I can relax and worry about those things specific to my domain... which doesnt include home buying. When he was considering buying a new home (we're expecting twins) he asked for my 2 cents, I gave it, and then left the decision to him, as it should be. Its definitely time for a general rebound from neofeminism, imho.

And you guys thought Christianity was all about the downsides! ; D

Alien Syndrome #fundie forums.fark.com

Intelligent Design theorem is plainly obvious (unlike evolution), it can be easily found just by looking at the world around you. This quote by the Discovery Institute explains it well “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.”

I answered your question, now you answer my question, how can evolution even be considered science in any meaning of the word?

MilkBeer #fundie forums.fark.com

Bullshiat, you guys think you're "smart." You think everything is "over people's heads" who don't agree with you, you think this is why YOUR "world is broken," YOU THINK TEACHING EVOLUTION MAKES A DIFFERENCE...... Evolution is horrifically assanine and it insults my intelligence to have idiots come on here charging that its a right of passage EVERYONE and should be mandated that this specific area of study MUST be mandated while all of us Accountants are like hey!@!!!! WHY CAN'T WE MANDATE TEACHING TAX LAW TO CAPTIVE AUDIENCES WITH UNDERDEVELOPED MINDS!! PEOPLE HAVE OT DO TAXES RIGHt? or phsychologist saying HEY, WE NEED TO MANDATE TEACHING THE AFFECTS OF CRACK!

rush_limbaugh_sent_me #fundie forums.fark.com

(Another winnar from the epic trainwreck thread)

I never suggested that we jail women for abortions. This is another kook liberal strawman. I suggest we make it illegal for physicians to perform abortions with the exception of rape, and strip physicians of their license to practice medicine if they do perform abortions after the practice has been banned. If you cut off the supply of abortion, there would be no reason to punish women for having abortions since they can't get one. And yes, I would prefer women to use a coat hanger to kill their fetus if they must have an abortion...let them do the bloody deed themselves if they are so convinced that the fetus isn't alive. Abortions should be non-existent except in the case of rape, and unsafe for the women that perform abortions themselves. :)

ThusSpokeKayvon #fundie forums.fark.com

(a nice secular fundie)

Christians who believe in evolution are even worse than the fundies who reject it. (I'm speaking of those who believe we decended from apes and that dinosaurs existed before man--not the ones who only admit that genes change over time but there is no speciation)

You know and admit there are lies in your book yet you believe it anyway. You're cherry picking your God's word? What gives you the right to do that?

The truth is that you're too affraid to give it up because you have no real meaning in your lives and/or because you're scared of retribution from a source you only kind of, sort of, believe in.

At least fundies are consistantly retarded. You're just weak.

rush_limbaugh_sent_me #fundie forums.fark.com

So the rednecks that lynched black people way back in the day were also for nuclear power, tax cuts, social security reform, etc? It appears to me that you are playing the race card here, guy. Back in the day, the majority of the racists were Democrats, as a greater majority of Democrats in Congress voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The only former KKK member in Congress is Robert Sheets Byrd, a prominent Democrat senator that has been praised by Kerry and other leftwing Democrats for his liberalism. To associate conservatism with the lynching of blacks is a smear and a transparent attempt to race-bait.

The racists that lynched black people find them sub-human....you and other liberals claim that fetuses are sub-human. Slave owners use to use private property rights to say they had the right to enslave other people, and abortionists use "women's rights" to say that they have the right to end the life of unborn children. In both cases, you have people asserting a right to do something that denies a true right, the right to be free and the right to life.

Freedom. :)

n00blet #fundie forums.fark.com

["How could you worship something that is infinitely powerful, yet would condemn a soul - one that it created - to Hell, and give it no chance to escape said 'Hell'?"]

Technically, Good is only good if it is within god's law. So your idea of what is evil doesn't really matter. The creator gets to make the rules.

To suggest that good and evil exist outside of a preordained order makes good and evil entirely subjective and a trivial thing to discuss.

the Billdozer #fundie forums.fark.com

[Why did he wait so long to show himself, and only to a bunch of people in one desert on one continent of his creation?

Why did he let the rest of the world, MOST of his created humans, live their lives believing he doesn't exist? Dooming them to hell in the process?]

Think of it this way: How would the world react today if there was absolute proof that 1) There was a God and 2) The monotheistic Judeo-Christian-Muslim God was in fact the God that did exist?

We would destroy ourselves. We, as human beings, couldn't handle it. We would tear ourselves apart. Tell me I'm wrong.

[You're wrong.

I don't even see how you'd think that, in fact. I really can't.

"Hey guys, you have a purpose, you're being watched, and if you behave, you'll get a reward" "OMG, let's hurt ourselves"
Seriously, WTF?]

Trust me, the day that humans have to all accept that they are not the King shiat of fark Mountain, they will go ballistic on each other, more so then they do now.

docweasel #fundie forums.fark.com

(To another poster)

aw, quit being such a whiny fag :p
Gay people are the most put-upon, victimized, oppressed people in the world if you listen to the gay lobby.

There is absolutely ZERO down-side to coming out gay in the U.S., in fact it can gain you many 'rights' straight people don't have, plus you can pull the victim card anytime someone disagrees with you or denies anything you want, any law you support or oppose, any right you claim, in fact anything you want to change or to have not change. Gay people hold some of the highest offices, are some of the richest and most powerful, some of the biggest celebs and stars of music and movies and tv, etc etc etc. yet you still read tripe like the crap in the above post about how 'oppressed' they are, and if you dare disagree you are labeled 'homophobic'.

Its pretty much like that for any of the 'cult of victimhood' embraced by many members of many minority groups in this country. I, and a lot of other people, are pretty sick of it. The only thing that prejudices me against gay people is constantly having to read/hear about how oppressed they are. No one likes to hear constant whinging and complaining, while at the same time they enjoy perks and advantages straight people DON'T have. I say that the United States is the MOST TOLERANT country concerning gays in the world, proven by the fact the richest, most famous and most powerful gay people in the world live here by choice. And foreign gays come pouring in to become citizens.

You (self-described) queers don't even know what it is to be REALLY oppressed- move to Iran or Saudi Arabia if you want to find out.

Noam Chimpsky #fundie forums.fark.com

(in the fabulous world of Noam Chimpsky, the WBC was created by Al Gore to discredit conservative Christians, and the Phelps are examples of the extreme left wing)

WBC is an invention of Al Gore and the Democrats. It was constructed as a strawman that behaves in the manner that they want all Christians to be portrayed. Not only are the Phelps' Democrats but they were extreme leftist fundraisers for the Democrat Party.

This verdict will barely put a dent in George Soros' pocketbook but you will see the leftist organizations such as the ACLU backing Phelps and they will find a Democrat judge to flush it. They will claim 1st Amendment but it will all about Democrats protecting Democrats.

rubi_con_man #fundie forums.fark.com

["Yeah, because "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" belongs in a public building. I'm not offended by the Ten Commandments on buildings any more than I'm offended by graffiti on the sides of public buildings. They're both illegal, but the former is far more illegal than the later."]

See, this is what I'm talking about. So having the other 9 commandments is okay with you? It's just the first? I doubt that. The very Idea that anyone would obey not out of self-interest, but out of love and respect for a being who is so much more than you could possibly comprehend ... that's what bothers you.

I understand it's painful to be surrounded by the truth - but don't take it out on others because you feel inadequate in the face of the divine. It'll pass. We'll pray for you.

Zamboro #fundie forums.fark.com

[there were an amazing number of dumass comments from _both_ sides in that thread]

Agent C2H60, friendly_neighborhood_misanthrope and mdalli are a good examples of dysgenics in action. They're stupid, useless tumors in the body of humanity. Because of their ignorance they will never accomplish anything noteworthy, and are in fact more likely to hold back everyone that they have power over, sepcifically their children.

This is why they ought to be sterilized.

GoodasGold #racist forums.fark.com

You know this is a really disgusting trial. We know the judge is a furry. He also lists his parents as "Holocaust survivors"

The LA times story (new window)

The Defendant:

The filmaker, Ira Isaacs (Jewish) says his films, which feature bestiality and defecation, have artistic value....

This reminds me of the famous Bob Saget (sp) YouTube with the incredibly sick "joke".

Both of those guys are Jewish. What is it with Jews and filth? If it has to do with the anus or defecation or sperm, there is probably a Jew behind it. In fact the entire porn business is for the most part a Jewish monopoly.

From Al Goldstein's blog: (new window)

"Speaking of a woman's chastity the best sex in the world is with a nun. When you are with a nun and enter the portals of her pleasure zone, knowing you are the first person to set foot (or tongue) on such hallowed ground is indeed thrilling."

He also said: 'The only reason Jews are in pornography is that we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks.

This is nothing new. Didn't the Talmud say Jesus should be boiled in excrement?

There just be be rational reasons for anti-semitism.

Agent C2H6O #fundie forums.fark.com

Top Ten Signs you're a dumbass atheist:

10. You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame him for everything that is wrong in modern society.
9. You repeatedly insist that man did not, in fact, evolve from an ape. Apes and men both evolved from another species who did not resemble Curious George in any way.
8. You criticize Christians who don't know their Bible, yet you have never opened any of Darwin's texts.
7. While all created evidence and reasoning point to a Creator and absolute truth, you prefer to hide behind relativism and a theory of evolution which does not, in fact, describe the creation of the universe at all.
6. You can't seem to understand the fundamental differences between fundamental Muslims and fundamental Christians (hint: strap-on TNT)
5. You willingly attribute all historical atrocities in Europe to a demographic that contained approximately 100% of Europeans during the period in question.
4. You also like to ignore the beneficial discoveries of the aforementioned demographic.
3. You don't realize that a closed system can be defined however the observer wants, so you throw out technological phrases to try to ignore the implications of thermodynamics.
2. You accuse Christians of being hateful and you hope that they DIAF.
1. Your biggest complaint is that these typically hopeful and caring people want to share the greatest single thing in their life with you. You're like an idiot who wipes with winning lottery tickets. Clap. Clap.


SkinnyHead #fundie forums.fark.com

[Please explain, exactly, what known phenomena that the field of science known as "Intelligent Design" studies.]

Yes, of course. The field of science known as "Intelligent Design" studies the known phenomena of intelligent design.

[Please also explain whether this field is primarily a sub-field of physics, chemistry or biology.]

Why is that important?

[Also, are those who claim that Intelligent Design is a scientific theory, rather than a general scientific field, simply uninformed, or are they lying?]

The distinction is unimportant to my premise. Theory or not, if it is a general scientific field, you should have no objection to having the subject taught in a science class.

walkingtall #fundie forums.fark.com

[An ironic reply to "I am an intellectual atheist, (meaning I was raised in the Xian church and saw it through for the scam it was at an early age)"]

This is the most inane statement I have ever heard in my life. Even when I was a die hard atheist I had to admit in my searches that Christianity had by far the most learned, intelligent people in history on their side and we got idiots like Darwin on ours. Sorry to burst your bubble but Darwin was one of the least intelligent men of science of his time. His methods were absurd and his conclusions ridiculous and if what he stated did not have fervent fundamentalist atheist backing would have been rejected as the pure drivel it is. I knew this when I read it. I simply thought to myself "Well this is just one more example of someone stepping in poop and coming out smelling like a rose." ie getting the right result using totally wrong methods. I see better now. So NO son you are not an intellectual atheist. You are a fundamentalist of the highest order and there is no logic reason or critical thinking in your mindset. Sorry.

Alien Syndrome #fundie forums.fark.com

"But since all mutations are harmful rather than beneficial, we would more likely produce a couple of deformed humans instead of all of becoming the supermen that evolution supporters say we’ll become."

(All mutations are not harmful Einstein. Learn a little before you spout off retarded shiat. Have you ever heard of an antibiotic resistant virus?)

"That isn’t exactly what I would call a beneficial mutation. A simple adaptation to one’s environment is not evolution in any sense. Would you call snow rabbits getting a winter coat (and then losing it) evolution? How about a chameleon changing its color to blend in to the environment? You see the problem with your reasoning."

Wild Bluebonnet #racist forums.fark.com


If I see an illegal wetback I'll shoot him or her into the next door neighbor's lawn, and then apologize for dirtying her lawn.

I have gates because of them - and those pesky Katrina evacuees - so if they came over my gate I would call the police to clean up the debris.

Remember to take the safety off, I always forget that. Testing that theory would suck I guess.

Get Roud #fundie forums.fark.com

["You do not need science to tell you what your purpose in life is, anymore than you need religion. The key is that there is no external supernatural agent supplying some epic "purpose" to your existence. You have simply got to step up to the plate and select a purpose for yourself! It is really not any more complicated than that. You're already doing this whether you realize it or not, even if you are religious. If that's the case, you have simply selected notions of purpose that appeal to you, from an outside source (a "holy" book, for instance) and then become convinced that this comes from a God. But it's still you selecting your purpose - it's just kind of like you're transferring the responsibility elsewhere."]

You do not realize that there is only one true purpose in life and that is whatever the purpose God wants you to follow. Any other purposes are wrong and you will end up in Hell.

j0ndas #fundie forums.fark.com

(Comparing the Terry Schiavo case to John Paul II's death in a thread regarding a news story alledging that the former Pope was actually "euthanized.")

The difference is that Terri Schiavo did not state that she wanted to die, and her husband was obviously ripping her off and doing everything he could to speed up her death so that he could run off with another woman. I view it as state-sanctioned murder. Also, there's a big difference between waiting a few extra days to insert a feeding tube, and denying all food, water, and life support. The reason Terry didn't respond and appeared to be "dying peacefully" is that she was doped up with enough drugs so even a healthy person couldn't have done anything. You notice the husband only allowed his own doctors to examine her, and the judge presiding over the whole thing had pulled the plug on one of his own relatives. It was totally rigged.

cptdon #fundie forums.fark.com

(In response to "Evolution is a fact. Natural selection and random mutation are theories to explain the fact of evolution.")

Wrong. Natural selection and mutations are the observable facts. Evolution is as far as we know science fiction.

Get Roud #fundie forums.fark.com

[People use this argument a lot, proly 'cause it's easy, but you also can't disprove leprechauns, unicorns, sasquatch, Cthulhu, the flying spaghetti monster, and space creatures living in Atlantis. Does this mean that they all have to exist? Of course not, that's ridiculous.]

Just because you find the existence of said creatures to be ridiculous does not mean they do not exist. Ignorance is not proof.

Rev_Snip #conspiracy forums.fark.com


Well gee tweekster et. al.,
y'all sure have me convinced...so let's see...the 9/11 Commission Report says that the buildings collapsed because of fire damage from burning jet fuel, right?
So when I watch the film of the attack, what causes that huge fireball outside of the building? Oh yeah, the fuel. So let me get this straight...if the fuel all burned up in a massive fire-ball at the point of impact, what was left to smolder and weaken the steel supports? Office paper, which, from middle school science (and literature) we all know burns at 451 degrees. Does steel melt at 451? Why is my oven intact after I bake a casserole?

OMGZERGRUSH #fundie forums.fark.com

Atheism IS a religion because you're acknowledging that you are a part of a group of similar thinking people who all believe in one common truth (or at least you think it's truth): God is not existant. I don't see how you can't call it a religion.

Seventypercent #fundie forums.fark.com

[Talking about the DaVinci Code movie]

The thing that gives me the biggest amount of solace is the knowledge that the people involved with this film -- every last one of them -- will face an eternity of unimaginable pain, butchery, and torture. For me, that's enough. Sure, there's always the temptation to exact some more Earthly revenge on this people, but we have to put our faith in God and in His ability to exact vengeance on those who attack His son.

jpbreon #fundie forums.fark.com

I honestly believe people get what's coming to them. You know, you get rid of those cells but a higher power puts in another group of cells that aren't so nice to you in your lungs or ovaries.

[So if you have an abortion, you deserve to get cancer?]

I'm not a deity so I can't make that choice. Just food for thought.

ericjohnson0 #fundie forums.fark.com

['"Christ" was often written as "XP" or "Xt"; there are references in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as far back as 1021 AD." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xmas

If you feel insulted because you are ignorant, well, what can I say? It's entirely unfounded.']

First, elchip said it was Greek, then Wmoonbat said it was Roman, now you're saying it's Anglo-Saxon. You leftwingers just kind of bullshiat your way through everything, don't you?

All I said was that I thought it was insulting, and bigoted, to "X" Christ out. And you guys do that these days primarily because you're anti-Christian, and anti-Jew, bigots. (elchip is exempted for various reasons)

The reason so many of you are intimidated by me is because you're wrong on so many things, I call you on it, prove... and you try and bullshiat your way out of it in some other fashion.

Let's face it... Leftwingers are intellectual lightweights because 'reality' isn't something they want to deal with.

RaiseTheBlackFlag #fundie forums.fark.com

[Regardign the Fox News journalists who have been kidnapped, 'Your anger and hatred is horribly misdirected if you take any solace in the death of these two men. They are working stiffs, just like most of us.']

They are not working stiffs. They are partisan hacks that work for Fox News. To call them working stiffs insults millions of Americans. 50 bucks say that they have mail order psuedo ivy-league degrees that were bought b/c their parents are rich motherfarkers. I'm not saying that makes them deserve their fate. Working with foxnews however, does. As a matter of fact I hope they bleed extra slow just for that reason.

rush_limbaugh_sent_me #fundie forums.fark.com

[OK so all I have to do is oppose abortion when it's done merely for the sake of convenience? You got a deal.]

That's 93% of abortions when you exclude rape and death of the mother. I don't think and other liberals would agree to ban 93% of abortions. I know liberals, and abortion is their most important ritual. :)

Southpaw018 #fundie forums.fark.com

So, let's summarize the reasoning here.

Evolution must be fake, because (among many other crazy reasons supplied) it does not accurately explain the fossil record.

And, in the same vein, the fossil record must be fake, because evolution cannot be explained by anything at all.

Is anyone else picturing a petulant child holding on to the last bits of the notion that there is indeed a Santa Claus?