If I were President of the United States
-Replace the federal income tax with a system where each citizen pays a set amount of taxes a year to fund the military and other essential functions.
-All other operations of the federal government would either be privatized (Medicare, Social Security), converted to support by user fees (Interstate highways), or eliminated (bloated bureaucracy like the Department of Education and the Department of Energy).
-Repeal all unconstitutional laws, particularly those that target the First Amendment freedoms of speech and religion in the name of political correctness or "nondiscrimination," those that target the Second Amendment right to bear arms in the name of "safety," and those that interfere with the rights of the states.
-Repeal Obamacare and replace with tort reform, the opening up of the sale of insurance across state lines, and encourage people to get HDHP's and HSA's.
-Step up border security and crack down on illegal immigration.
-Ban the ownership of cats and make elimination of this invasive species from the U.S. a top priority.
-Eliminate welfare. Allow private charities to help the truly needy. Those who are able to work should do so.
-Eliminate most foreign aid. It should only be used to help true democracies who are surrounded by hostile dictatorships like Israel.
-Eliminate affirmative action and other programs that discriminate based on race, sex, etc. People should be judged not on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.
-Introduce a "Bill of Gamers Rights" to ensure that video games are not subject to bans or censorship.
-Eliminate burdensome regulations. Trust the free market to reward good companies and punish bad companies.
-Eliminate the minimum wage. It kills jobs and causes inflation.
-Ban discrimination against conservatives in hiring at schools and colleges. Kids should hear both sides of the issues, particularly controversial ones like evolution and global warming.
-Introduce a strict voter ID law and investigate widespread voter fraud in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, etc. If the investigation deems it necessary, the federal government could conduct the election in those cities in place of corrupt local authorities. We must maintain the integrity of elections.
-Reform the electoral college based on the Virginia plan: 1 electoral vote per district won plus 2 elector votes to the winner of the most districts in the state (split 1-1 in case of a tie).
-Appoint emergency managers to run troubled cities on the brink of bankruptcy.
-Launch a full investigation of the IRS targeting of conservatives. Make sure those responsible are held accountable, no matter how high up they are.
-Introduce a "Right to Work" amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that no one can be fired for refusing to join a union.
What do you say? Do I have your vote?