
vsthreadmaker12 #fundie gamefaqs.com

Sup CE. Typing this @ Greece.

Greece was where the dangerous philosphies of "reason" and "empiricism" arose.

Please leave that evil place.
* If I want to disprove evolution, all I need is the first chapter of the Bible.
* If I want to disprove atheism, all I need is the first verse of the Bible.

(The lines indicate his signature)

__NFK__ #fundie gamefaqs.com

[Despite being linked to the Treaty of Tripoli, he really did post this]

Oh and I'd like to add that I lol that the U.S was not founded on Christianity. Nearly all the original U.S. leaders were Christian. Christianity was originally taught in public schools. The pledge of allegiance mentions God. You don't have to agree with the original leaders to admit that they founded the U.S. on Christianity.

Agingknight #fundie #psycho gamefaqs.com

Without God, there is no point in living or anything else for that matter. To be honest, if I was certain there was no god and I'd have zero consequences in an afterlife... I'd probably be a mass murderer or who knows what. Without God, we would have no conscience, no remorse and we'd do whatever the heck we wanted to because this would be a lawless world because all laws of Earth began with the 10 Commandments. I don't care what any evolutionist/atheist thinks--you wouldn't have things like a conscience and remorse from evolution. Those, among many other things, God gave to us so we'd be different from wild animals.

n00b_pwner #fundie gamefaqs.com

I beleive in God. How do I know I am right? Let's look at this

Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place? No. Are there non-believers? Yes.
Are the non-beleivers of the lunar landings idiots? Yes. How do we know? IT ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE.

symach #homophobia gamefaqs.com

Alot of people find homosexuality unnatural and gross. How are the people who believe this any less entitled to their opinion than those who find it hip and cool? Tolerance is a two way street. And if you want to come on here preatching tolerance, maybe we should start talking about tolerance for people who um, want to be with animals too lol Let people believe what they want to believe, and stop throwing around the intolerance card, you call people who dont support your views of homosexuality intolerant but what does it say about "you" when you are as intolerant of their views as they are of yours. Something to consiter.

KrazyNinjaman3 #fundie gamefaqs.com

Think about it this way - what would Jesus do? Would he forgive me, or would he report me for trolling? Obviously he would forgive me and not report me. So unless you dont believe in God! you will NOT report me, and if you already had reported me, will will retract your report!!

Dbzmaniax #fundie gamefaqs.com

Well, maybe we have different viewpoints, but I just don't see laughing about God as healthy. I think there has to be a limit to free speech. I mean, I take Jesus (a.s) as a Prophet, not a God, and I am certain that he would be very upset with the idea of believers mocking their God. I think he'll be against TOTAL freedom of speech as well.

GoemonFan471986 #fundie gamefaqs.com


Before the Civil Rights era, a popular form of entertainment (among white audiences) was the minstrel show, where white actors would paint their faces (blackface) and act outrageous to perpetuate racial stereotypes and hatred. Today that sad legacy lives on in the form of "comedians" like Stephen Colbert who practice "conservativeface." On his TV show, Colbert pretends to be a conservative and says outrageous things to make conservatives look bad. I find this behavior reprehensible. I find it despicable that anyone who pretend to espouse conservative views just to make conservatives look bad. It's perpetuating intolerance for differing opinions.

I'm hoping to start an online petition to get CBS to change their minds about Colbert. Does anyone here have experience with online petition sites? I know about Petition Online and The Petition Site. Which is better? Are there any superior alternatives to these two?

OMGWTFPIE #fundie gamefaqs.com

marriage is owned by the church, and it's not up the the government to decide what it includes. If the government wants to treat people fairly, they can do so under their own system. Infringing on the church is not the way to do it.

YouAreWinnar66 #fundie gamefaqs.com

To me, ID theory is legitimate and has an enormous amount of scientific data backing it up, while astrology has nothing going for it. In any case, what makes ID and astrology different is one has some legitimate backing, while the other is more or less just for quacks.

__NFK__ #fundie #homophobia gamefaqs.com

Morality is not relative. There is a set right and a set wrong. The only reason people believe morality is relative is because of evolution being taught in schools.

Not that I'm trying to make an argument, because what I just said would be completely absurd and close-minded to anyone who doesn't believe what I believe. But it's absolutely stupid to want people to separate church and state, because for anyone who actually believes in their religion, it's impossible to separate it from anything because it encompasses your entire life.

It's not that I hate homosexuals, I just don't think they should be homosexual. Simple. If everyone was homosexual, the human race would die out. I do believe that some people have a stronger tendency to be homosexual, they are more susceptible, but in the some way some people are more easily angered. Doesn't mean you should be angry all the time.

If I believed there is no Christian God than I would not find anything inherently wrong with homosexuality. I would find it socially inadequate and a bad situation for a child to grow up in though. What do you mean it wouldn't confuse a child? If everyone else had a mom and a dad and one kid had two dads, I'd sure as heck be confused.

What I have a problem with is that if you DON'T believe homosexuality is okay, you're labeled as a bigot and intolerant. You no longer have a choice in this society if you want to be respected.

People want Christians to be loving and accepting. Loving we are (or should be). Accepting we cannot be. Asking a Christian or anyone with a religion to accept a different religion or accept something that goes against their religion is asking someone to renounce that their faith is true.

vsthreadmaker12 #fundie gamefaqs.com

sat question: how many legs do insects have?

tc puts 4, tc fails

If the Bible says that insects have four legs, then the SAT is wrong and I am write, period ! =)

I do not no why they even made me go to hih school . And I tried to be held back one grade but they let me go on to tenth grade then I got hold enough to drop out. I had to hear the doctrine of evolution in biology tho. but i forgot all about so now I am happy ! =)

I would not survive a year in College unless it was a Bible College . Many of the people like me go there so I will do great . =)

I want to be like this person when i grow up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BYaKAjh_Mk

I will always oppose the evils of athiesm and humanism and intellectualism.

eric_otness #fundie gamefaqs.com

Dont these SJW know that normalizing pedophilia is whats next on the agenda? You might wanna go check Vox, CNN, and Huffington Post. How else are they going to learn to live with the muslims in Europe?

Anyway Marie could pass for under 18, its why everyone likes her, its why she is on the cover of the game, its why she was voted number 1. Why dont you go buy your worthless asses some plane tickets to the UK and protest in Rotherham if you give such a f*** about children and stop crying about a video game produced by the cleanest society on earth when you all live among the most vile.

I'm not sure I'd call Japan the cleanest society, especially when, in the case of the Pokémon Anime, they did definitely depict the female characters as sex objects even when they were canonically 10 years old, and besides which, Japan is actually one of the biggest distributers of child porn: http://www.conservapedia.com/Atheistic_Japan_and_child_pornography

However, you are right about one thing: legalizing child porn is next on the SJW's radar whether they know it or not

True pedophiles would, you know, be attracted to people who were literally underage, like, I don't know, those people who actually hit it on with May or Dawn or Serena from Pokémon (who are quite explicitly 10 years old). In fact, Masamitsu Hidaka would qualify as a pedophile since his interview made it VERY clear that he views the girls in Pokémon, all of whom are 10 or younger, as just being sexualized meat for the audience, and with May and Serena, it's extremely obvious due to their having massive breasts.

'all keep waving around MR's manufactured age as if that's proof of non-pedophilia. When at best, it's proof of law-abiding pedophilia.

You're attracted to a character who:
- Looks like a child
- Dresses like a child
- Sounds like a child
- Speaks like a child
- Acts like a child
Etc. The overwhelming number of people meeting these characteristics are children. In fact, these characteristics are what separate children from adults. You're attracted to the things that make children "children." That makes you a pedophile.

*However*, you slam on the brakes if the potential object of your attraction is under age. 14-year-old looking and acting like MR: No go. Exact same person with an earlier birthday: Full steam ahead. That proves you understand and respect the law. Which is really all we can ask of people.

My primary concern is if they are literally children, ie, even their age is indeed 10. I would consider those who hit it off to May, Dawn, Iris, Serena, heck, even Misty from the Pokémon Anime when they are explicitly 10 years old to be pedophiles, NOT those who crush on Marie Rose, who at least is 18 years of age.

At most, Marie Rose would qualify as a manchild, which still doesn't make those who crush on her pedophiles. It's like saying girls who crush on, say, Kefka Palazzo must automatically be pedophiles just because he acts like a child and speaks like a child (literally in this case, since in the Japanese version, he uses the pronoun "boku-chin" which is generally appropriate only for very young children). And bear in mind, Kefka's in his thirties, and it's extremely obvious in Dissidia Final Fantasy that he isn't even close to a child anyway (though since he is somewhat diminutive in Final Fantasy VI, he could look like a child in the latter game).

AEZAC #fundie gamefaqs.com

Keep in mind that nothing, including God, can be proven or disproven in a final, absolute sense. A lot of you keep telling theists to prove God. We can prove that Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead. Thus proving Christianity.

GoemonFan471986 #fundie gamefaqs.com

If I were President of the United States

-Replace the federal income tax with a system where each citizen pays a set amount of taxes a year to fund the military and other essential functions.

-All other operations of the federal government would either be privatized (Medicare, Social Security), converted to support by user fees (Interstate highways), or eliminated (bloated bureaucracy like the Department of Education and the Department of Energy).

-Repeal all unconstitutional laws, particularly those that target the First Amendment freedoms of speech and religion in the name of political correctness or "nondiscrimination," those that target the Second Amendment right to bear arms in the name of "safety," and those that interfere with the rights of the states.

-Repeal Obamacare and replace with tort reform, the opening up of the sale of insurance across state lines, and encourage people to get HDHP's and HSA's.

-Step up border security and crack down on illegal immigration.

-Ban the ownership of cats and make elimination of this invasive species from the U.S. a top priority.

-Eliminate welfare. Allow private charities to help the truly needy. Those who are able to work should do so.

-Eliminate most foreign aid. It should only be used to help true democracies who are surrounded by hostile dictatorships like Israel.

-Eliminate affirmative action and other programs that discriminate based on race, sex, etc. People should be judged not on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.

-Introduce a "Bill of Gamers Rights" to ensure that video games are not subject to bans or censorship.

-Eliminate burdensome regulations. Trust the free market to reward good companies and punish bad companies.

-Eliminate the minimum wage. It kills jobs and causes inflation.

-Ban discrimination against conservatives in hiring at schools and colleges. Kids should hear both sides of the issues, particularly controversial ones like evolution and global warming.

-Introduce a strict voter ID law and investigate widespread voter fraud in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, etc. If the investigation deems it necessary, the federal government could conduct the election in those cities in place of corrupt local authorities. We must maintain the integrity of elections.

-Reform the electoral college based on the Virginia plan: 1 electoral vote per district won plus 2 elector votes to the winner of the most districts in the state (split 1-1 in case of a tie).

-Appoint emergency managers to run troubled cities on the brink of bankruptcy.

-Launch a full investigation of the IRS targeting of conservatives. Make sure those responsible are held accountable, no matter how high up they are.

-Introduce a "Right to Work" amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that no one can be fired for refusing to join a union.

What do you say? Do I have your vote?

Farlander #fundie gamefaqs.com

[on a poll about if their son had a boyfriend]
I would have to wonder where I went wrong that he would even possibly consider doing this. And if he did, I would forbid him to ever see this person again, remind him of exactly how and why this behavior is sinful, take him to a priest for confession, go to confession myself for my failure in allowing it happen in the first place, and then have both of us do serious penance.

PityDaFool #fundie gamefaqs.com

[And just because you think [Homosexuals] are wrong doesn't mean your opinion is "the TRUTH or RIGHT."]

I based my opinion on the Bible, which I believe is the inspired, written Word of God. God is never wrong and never makes a mistake. So why would he create people *** from birth? They CHOOSE that sinful lifestyle, just like the career criminal, or serial rapist, or someone who constantly steals and never repents. It's all sin, and God hates sin.

Crish10_White1_ #fundie gamefaqs.com


Scientific evidence shows that speaking in tongues really is the work of the Holy Spirit, who is the third member of the Christian Trinity.

(1 post down.)

Atheists don't care for spiritual analysis. They want scientific data that's repeatable and testable and concrete, which is what I have provided

(When called out)

What you see on TV is just a scam. A lot of it is, anyway. But a good friend of mine went to Israel and was understood by the locals there when he was praying in tongues. It isn't always gibberish.

And yes it is often not understood correctly by the majority of Pentecostals. Speaking in tongues is only useful if there is someone that can interpret it. Otherwise, it's only for personal use. Note that there's a difference between speaking and praying in tongues. When it's meant for the whole church or for nonbelievers, that's when it should become speaking rather than personal praying.

JF_Alpha #fundie gamefaqs.com

[To a user who has a signature saying 'We are both atheists. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.']

Out of curiosity, where is this from, the wording implies that you believe in atheism as your God, but I might have the context wrong

Piratethingy #fundie gamefaqs.com

[first post]

WWII was based on Atheist ideals. Evolutionism (Racial supremacy), Anti-religion (Holocaust). I guess the Atheists are responsible for the most horrendous atrocities of the 20th century. Stalin was an Atheist too.

And everyone knows that Wars are about money. People can use religion as an excuse, but in the end it's about money.

And Muslims are just as responsible for the Crusades as Christians are. Read a ****ing history book before you make an idiot out of yourself.


So it's the Jews fault that they were nearly wiped off the face of the Earth? If they could have just been smart like the Atheists and not believed in Yahweh then the Nazis wouldn't have been forced to start the holocaust. You're sick.

YouAreWinnar66 #fundie gamefaqs.com

Ok, black arachnid. My response would be to check the peer review process itself. Being biased towards creationism has effectively nothing to do with peer review really, as national geographic and scientific american have been running blatantly pro-evolution, anti-creation content for some time now. This is why creationists have published their findings in their own journals, respectively.

Silviiro #fundie gamefaqs.com

I get 99% of all that I pray for. Because of this I am very careful about what I pray for. Sometimes I get things in eerie ways. As an example, I was running trash at the local Native American Powwow. I was completely exhausted, so I prayed for my dad to show up and take me home. I saw him literally 5 minutes later. He must have left right after I prayed.
Another example, my dad signed me up for a flag football game and I really didn't want to play. I prayed that I would get out of it somehow. Strangely the rest of my team showed up late and I didn't have to play.
These examples and many others have convinced me of the power of prayer. To those that get nothing from prayer I think you may be praying incorrectly.

Polish_Crusader #fundie gamefaqs.com

I dont wonder why for anything. I know why you guys disbelieve and hate the teachings of God. Its all the same thing over and over again- Self Worship and Rebellion.

Some of what you said is true- i think most atheist reasons are really stupid for not believing the bible- "I prayed to God in this relationship with my ex and things didnt work and didnt see anything", or heres another one i heard from a former business partner "my wifes parents kicked her out because she was sleeping around because of their christian values". So the girl used to be a whore and she blames her parents for responding the way they did.

It really does blow my mind the brainless excuses people have for not beleiving in God.

But anyway, your other point was way off, i dont wonder or have any confusion about it, i know exactly why i get the resistance i get. The same reason Jesus got resistance when he preached and performed miracles infront of people.

vsthreadmaker12 #fundie gamefaqs.com

For the purposes of this hypothetical, I'm going to assume you have a back yard wherever you live.

If you looked out your window, and saw the grass in your yard was green, but the bible clearly said it was blue, what would you do?

That's sort of the way it is with heliocentrism. We can look out the proverbial window and see that the Earth orbits the Sun as plain as we can see that grass is green. I'm just wondering what you do with the conflicting evidence.

I will get my eyes fixed in order to adjust to Biblical truth.

kabutokouji #fundie gamefaqs.com

well, I have faith, and you can not convince me to believe that "A MAGICAL EXPLOSION CREATED LIFE ON EARTH" is just incredible how if someone just because he says that a magical explosion created life, all those morons believe it, remember the big bang is a THEORY, needs facts to be proven, which NO ONE has ever supplied proof.

OrangeWizard #fundie gamefaqs.com

(In response to people asking how representatives of every species on Earth at the time could have fit into Noah's ark)


Seriously. Anyone who brings up "How did they fit all the species into the Ark?" demonstrates a gross ignorance towards history and science. The people you're criticizing are laughing at you, doubled over in pain because you don't know your Aristotles from your Aphrodites.

Species weren't classified yet.

Aristotle was the one who started the classification of what a species is, and he wasn't born yet.


And seriously, most of you guys asking this question say you believe in Evolution, and lord your alleged scientific understanding over us small-minded theists. But you don't even know the BASICS about science, biology, or history.


Tameric #fundie gamefaqs.com

Also, the Quran is full of horrible things even worse than in other holy scriptures. Such as the amputation of the hand if you steal, stoning of men and woman who have sex outside marriage, and the execution of suspected homosexuals. Welcome to Saudi Arabia and Iran, leave you freedom at the door.

Slade867 #fundie gamefaqs.com

{during a lengthy debate during which he found a dozen ways to say "its okay for god to torture people in hell because he's God"}
We're talking about God's law and from the POV of a god, arguably the worst thing you could possibly do is not believe in them. Of course not believing in God is a crime to him.

Let's review. On Earth, being punished for what you believe. Bad.

After Earth being punished for what you believed (note that it's too late now, your life is over), not bad.

Why? Entirely different playing field with entirely different rules.

XXL1337Baller #racist gamefaqs.com

Diversity is the most fanatical, intolerant religion that has ever been created.

Martin Luther King is the new John the Baptist
Obama as the new Jesus
Obama's books as the new Scripture
Hitler as the new Satan
Zimbabwe as the new Heaven
White people as the devils
Oppressed people (sexual deviants/non-whites/feminists) as the new angels
Anyone want to add more?

Mega man Forever #fundie gamefaqs.com

I hate the argument that
"evolution is right so god doesn't exist and the universe was created just by mere chance."

Honestly, do you really think that all of this happened by chance? You're just believing in the line of thought that schools have been feeding you since elementary school. The government doesn't want you having your own way of thinking so they feed you junk like telling you about the scientific method, and, that evolution is right, and that there are no other plausible reasons for us having become the way we have become. We did not evolve from a mere organism into a super-being by chance! We are more dominant than all the other animals. We have free will. God exists. Without a God existing there would have been no force powerful enough to cause the big-bang. The universe did not come from emptiness. And, we can't have evolved this way just by mere chance, without it being the will of some other divine force in the universe allowing us to be the most powerful species on the universe!

See? You've already bought into that evolution propaganda that the government has put in school text-books. Don't you know that evolution was used by white extremests who wanted to prove that whites were superior to those of other races? Don't you know that the theory of evolution was used to try to prove that men were superior to women? And earlier on nobels were probably trying to use it to prove themselves superior to the common people!

You are free. You are blinding yourself with text-book talk. Look into yourself and ask you if you really believe we evolved the way we evolved in to adapt to environment. Now, take a look at a few good history books and you'll see why we came to be how we really are because of our history, and not some evolution theory crap.

GeneralCortez #fundie gamefaqs.com

Call me a crybaby, but I truly have no trust or faith in the future generations, and in all seriousness, I could see our first angtheist president trying to illegalize religion due to "discrimination" against homosexuals.

Only Christianity though, Muslims and Jews can continue to be bigots all the hell they want for some reason

the_hedonist #fundie gamefaqs.com

It's a weird thing - society wanting to have consequence-free sex. Yes, sex isn't just for procreation, but it is for procreation. No one should be surprised when you put some flour, eggs, sugar, and butter into an oven and out comes a cake. You can do other things with ovens, sure, but don't act like a cake isn't a possibility.

To me, love is looking out for the good of the other. In romantic relationships, physical intimacy is an expression of love and the natural result of love is bringing more into this world to express such love. To say that this child is unwanted is a perversion of what sex is for. It's a sad state of affairs in our society when we haven't been able to teach people how to love.

CoiledViper #fundie gamefaqs.com

church and state my ass

seeing as how the country was founded by christians, and marriage is about as christian as you can get.

You wanna play the two men or two women getting married is the same as getting married to a fetish. You can't change the fact its the same as being married to a taco.

Marriage is just as much religious as it is a legal contract.

The fact is this: gay "couples" aren't legally or naturally as God created us, legitimate.

Be happy with the fact I put up with your un-natural behavior, I love all people. But I ain't gotta like it. Or treat you special.

SMASHKING84 #fundie gamefaqs.com

I'm sick people acting like they think "oh being a christian means you can kill someone and get away with by asking god for forgiveness" If your really a christian you won't want to sin in the first place. The reason why god did this forgiveness thing is people kept treating religion as a ritiual people would follow the laws of god but the didn't actually have a relationship with god.

Even paul said that being a christian doesn't mean you don't do good works.
You get saved so you can do good works by your own damn logic christians who feed the hungry aren't christians. it's simple a case of you trying your best and letting grace cover the rest.
That's how i see it. Imagine if god thought like this "well this guy stole a candy bar when he was 7 now he's doomed to hell for all entirenity"

Hell even jews practice atonment by sacrificing lambs.
nobody is saying because your saved you should go on a killing spree jesus said it himself"you shall not tempt the lord your god" if your truely saved yo make an effort to do better.

As far as the works of an athesist I've met a few of them and they admit to doing things like stealing as recently as the week before. how is that works when you don't even feel remorse for it?
and if you don't know what i'm talking about i mean i have a friend who is an atheist who literally downloaded roms of games he didn't own.

Atalalama #fundie gamefaqs.com

Too true. I mean, take my niece for instance. She loves to play JRPG's & chick-fighters on my TV on the floor, usually only when it's just the two of us and when she's wearing a micro-skirt and tight panties or spats. I admire the view, she enjoys being naughty in a safe environment, we're both creepy and voyeuristic as heck and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Hey, Pervy Uncle Atala? What do you think I should play, Grandia II or Neptunia 2?


proudtexasgirl #fundie gamefaqs.com

[So why do you care in the least bit?]

Because I find homosexual couples to be, quite frankly, completely disgusting. It's just my morals and values. Men are made for women; women are made for men. Hence, the difference in genitals, testosterone, estrogen, etc. Excuse me if my morals are a little primitive, but there are just some things that should not be changed (i.e. marriage).

Sinfullyvanilla #fundie gamefaqs.com

Yeah, I cannot say whether or not you would have died, just that witnesses are very educated about their options.

A lot of the time though, a doctor will push a blood transfusion to get more money out of the patient, just like they will push drugs patients don't need. You may have been misinformed, or your doctor may have genuinely believed you needed blood. There is really no way to know.

[A user points out why this is not the case.]

It's been my experience that the healthcare system(in general, at least in the USA, doctors included) is extremely corrupt. And yes, it is intentionally disrespectful because I believe those specific doctors have undermined their own honor.

That part about them pushing it onto you is absolutely not representative of my religion, just my personal experience.

mrvlrdr101 #fundie gamefaqs.com

Shadow needs to get his facts straight. No serious scientist supports evolution anymore. The science just isn't there. In fact a serious study of the actual theory breaks down pretty quickly. Creationism isn't based around doctrinal religious beliefs.

sintygypsy #fundie gamefaqs.com

The idea that a supreme being either always existed or came into existence at some point and then intelligently created the universe just makes more sense

An intelligently created universe fashioned by nothing....sorry no, odds are good someone you admire in your life is an atheist and believes this, or you grew up with family that thought you should believe in this. The idea that the universe magically popped into existence, MAGICALLY creating anything when it is not a living being and has no intelligence is just garbage fed to you by your professors/family members who are atheists and hate "god" because of something bad that happend in their life

TheChamp153 #fundie gamefaqs.com

Evolution has been disproven. Look up Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity. Of course no one in this topic is familiar with this as you all likely went to secular institutions and were sheltered from anything that might be evidence against evolution.