
Left-wing nutjobs

Gearóid Ó Colmáin #conspiracy #moonbat #wingnut english.almayadeen.net

All over Europe, hundreds of thousands of people are marching against lockdowns and forced inoculations. In many countries, the iatrogenic fear factory has been temporarily closed down. Now, we can relax about Omicron but have every reason to fear being nuked by the Russians! Now, military specialists, professors of international relations -- all hostile to Russia -- have sort of relayed from the virologists. But exhausted TV viewers will probably enjoy hating and fearing Putin more than the virus!

The recent resignation of Germany's Navy Chief after his comments praising Vladimir Putin is a strong indication of the sentiment in many military circles in Europe. Our soldiers are waking up to the fact that criminal politicians are pushing them into unnecessary wars. A third world war would be nuclear. Few would survive. There is no reason to believe our politicians will do anything to prevent such a catastrophe.

Gearóid Ó Colmáin #moonbat #conspiracy english.almayadeen.net

 Who are the Nazis?
The Western elite and their media lackeys love to accuse anyone who disagrees with them as a Nazi. The reductio ad Hitlerum is a common trope of our dastardly leaders. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin recently made a fool of himself by tweeting that protesters against the Covid Sanitary Pass in Paris were making Nazi salutes. The Minister showed a still from a video on his tweet to prove his claims.

After Darmanin called for an investigation of the demonstrators, a journalist on mainstream media proved to his insolent face that the protesters were merely clapping. This would make a perfect example of how the ruling class uses fake news to wage war on the masses. But, of course, it will never make the school classroom lessons on ‘fake news' and ‘conspiracy theory’ because Western governments and media are always infallible. Gérald Darmanin is a scintillating example of ruling-class hypocrisy. Only a few months ago, he was tweeting about his great admiration for the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime. It is all nauseatingly ironic!

“Only the Russians produce fake news.” That is why the German government banned RT Deutsch. The German government wants to protect their people from hearing Russia’s side of the story, least they come to the conclusion that it is NATO and not the Russians who are behind the drive to war.

The German people must be convinced again that a Drang nach Osten is necessary. The enemy is no longer Judeo-Bolshevism, but rather Putino-Chauvinism.

Gearóid Ó Colmáin #moonbat #conspiracy #racist english.almayadeen.net

Any country East of Berlin which doesn’t submit to total Euro-Atlantic hegemony is demonized, subverted and, more often than not, attacked by proxy forces. NATO wants war with Russia because the Russian nation is an obstacle to its drive to control all of Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Atlanticists overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014 because its President was not prepared to become an outright enemy of Moscow. The Americans had installed a puppet regime in Ukraine in 2006 following the Orange Revolution. But that didn’t last long. So, they had to recruit tougher types to succeed the second time: hardcore, tattooed neo-Nazis to be precise.

The Ukrainian Nazis, calling themselves Pravy Sector, murdered all before them. They marched through Kyiv holding up banners of Nazi war criminals such as Stefan Bandera. It was all good for the United States and the EU. The Americans weren’t too worried about supporting Nazis, as long as they were in Europe. Senior American diplomat Victoria Nuland, who helped orchestrate the coup in Kyiv, knew she was lighting the flames of civil war. Everyone knew then that the US-fomented civil war in Ukraine would eventually engulf all of Europe. But Nuland’s infamous attitude to that was, “Fuck the EU." Now the Biden regime -- probably one of the most unpopular in US history -- is determined to provoke Russia into fighting a war with Europe. For, although US forces are already on the ground in Ukraine training, arming, and assisting in combat operations, the reality is that a full-scale war with Russia will destroy Europe.

Gearóid Ó Colmáin #moonbat #conspiracy #racist #crackpot english.almayadeen.net

The mainstream media has always glorified the ‘roaring 20s’ as a time of ‘liberation’ and artistic innovation. But the post-war world was hell on earth for the working class, particularly in Germany which had to pay for a war it never wanted in the first place, and in reality, had not even, militarily speaking, lost. Germany had signed an armistice in 2018, not an unconditional surrender.

And it was America's entry into the war which forced the Germans to sign the armistice, in the hope of lasting peace. It wasn't until the Treaty of Versailles that the Germans began to realize that Zionists such as Lord Rothchild had persuaded the British to hand over Palestine to the Jews, in exchange for Zionist-controlled America's entry into the war.

Zionist bankers were the real victors of the war. Not only did they profit from the loans to Britain and France during the war, but the jackpot came with the Dawes and Young plans for German reparations during the 1920s.

By the 1930s, everyone knew that liberal democracy and capitalism were dead. And it seemed as if only Fascism or Communism could lead Europe out of its economic nightmare.

Fascism and Communism have come and gone. But now Western financier interests are pushing for another war in Europe, this time against Russia. Of course, the war against Russia has been going on now for a long time. The return of Russia as a major regional power has given the West a pretext for mindless bellicosity.

Gearóid Ó Colmáin #moonbat #conspiracy #racist #crackpot english.almayadeen.net

Is war with Russia inevitable? Reading the Western press, one would have the impression that the Russians are not only poised to "invade" Ukraine but ready to nuke all of Europe. But how serious is the ‘Russian threat’? Is there even such a thing as a Russian threat? Is Russia threatening anyone? If not, who is doing the threatening and why?

To answer these questions, one needs to consider some constants of Anglo-Saxon geopolitics. Alfred Mackinder, the British geographer who invented the discipline, said that if the British were to dominate the world, they would first have to ‘divide the World-Island.’ The World-Island is Eurasia plus Africa. If you look at the map, you can see one continuous landmass. Ukraine represents a key strategic target for dividing the Eurasian landmass, cutting off the European peninsula from integration with Russia.

Anglo-American interests started First World War
At the start of the twentieth century, the German industrial domination of Europe threatened British global hegemony. The Berlin to Baghdad railway would have enabled Germany to gain access to Mesopotamian oil reserves, gaining a significant advantage over the British. Germany’s alliance with the Ottoman Empire was propitious to that end. To weaken and eventually break up the Ottoman Empire, the British supported ethno-nationalist separatism; to destroy Germany, they would have to force it into a protracted war. And once war erupted in the Balkans, Germany’s plans for the Berlin to Bagdad railway would be frustrated.

The result of a largely British orchestrated system of fragile alliances was the First World War. The war led to the death of about forty million people. France lost over a million of its fittest and bravest young men. Europe never really recovered from the First World War.

guidecca2 #racist #conspiracy #moonbat dailykos.com

Moreover, what does a Democrat do when he comes to the realization that his party is corrupt and is controlled by the Jewish lobby? The 1400 people who died, did not die in vain. They are martyrs and they are the catalyst for peace, if there ever is peace in the Middle East. Our eyes are opened, our so-called liberal left leaders are not the enlightened people we thought they were. To wit, see the Jim Jordan (bastard) committee hearing on freedom of speech and the Hamas-Israel war. The Gaza supporters were escorted out of the hearing. The Israel supporters on the committee and on the panel steamrolled the discussion. Did anyone else see the hearing? The 11,000+ Palestinian civilians who were murdered by Israel died in vain.

[“If you weren’t so Putinized and full of propaganda I would be angry. Instead, I will just LMFAO.”]

"Putinized” is as good a word as any to cancel someone, if you want to believe in absolutes. There are no absolutes or few. There is only gray or something that resembles it. One absolute is 11,000+ dead civilians or some large number in Gaza, the “urban” place. If you can believe what you are saying and it makes you laugh, amazing. The angry birds will arrive and terminate my membership here most likely. Maybe you’ll win a vacation to the “Holy Land.”

fransingolf5314 #conspiracy #moonbat youtube.com

There's seemingly no limit to the breathtaking depravity of this comment section, as well as Kyle himself. The fact of the matter is that what you're seeing in Gaza is exactly what would have happened in Donbas if Ukraine had prevailed. In fact, Ukrainian politicians have on many occasions spoken admirably of Israel as a blueprint for the kind of policies they wanted to implement in their own country, with ethnically Russian Eastern Ukrainians in the role of the Palestinians. The similarities go so far that ever since 2014 Ukraine has spent valuable and scarce ammunition shelling civilians in Donetsk simply to enact sadistic revenge and wipe out the population to pave the way for an invasion, just like Israel is doing in a much more asymmetric conflict. Seen in this light, the Russian SMO is best understood as a peacekeeping mission against a rabidly fascistic regime in Kiev, whose presence and survival is predicated on American support and thus incompatible with peace. For this reason, the only long-term sustainable outcome is a Russian victory and Ukrainian surrender, which fortunately is what we're seeing.
@Dave102693 I'm the biggest anti-Zionist you'll ever come across. But at the same time, I'm also an anti-imperialist, which is why I'm against America and its endless color revolutions and wars.
By the way, it's interesting that neither of these responses addressed the substance of what I wrote. I know it's because like all Zelensky supporters, your allegiance is based on complete ignorance of the facts and thus you're unable to come up with a compelling argument for your position.

kisamehoshigaki09 #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

A peace deal cannot happen as long as Zelensky is in power. He will not agree to any peace agreement of any kind, as he has already made clear over the past 18 months. Every time a peace deal or even just a humanitarian proposal is made he rejects it. The Ukrainian army wouldn't even let civilians use the Russian made humanitarian corridors when Russia was taking Mariupol last year.
Well this is just false. The UN Charter has a clause about right to self-determination and that applies as much to the people of the DPR and LPR who want freedom from Kyiv's tyranny as it does to anyone else. The Budapest Memorandum clause 2 indicates that use of weaponry against Ukraine by Russia is permissible if it is in accordance with the UN Charter which as I have just established is interpretable and justifiable from the Russian perspective.

Ukraine terminated the 1997 agreement ITSELF after VIOLATING IT THROUGH THE DEPRIVATION OF DONBAS CIVILIANS' HUMAN RIGHTS so Ukraine is entirely to blame for the violation of the 1997 treaty and you have NO argument on that one whatsoever.

The 2003 treaty pertaining to the Sea of Azov is perhaps the ONLY actual point you have and it is also the LEAST significant of all the treaties in your little list.

Ukraine violated the spirit of Minsk 1 and 2 through its refusal to relinquish areas of Donetsk to the semi-autonomous governance of the DPR or demilitarize the area resulting in the DPR resuming hostilities. The DPR is not Russia, they are ethnic Russian UKRAINIAN CIVILIANS so the idea that "Russia" violated Minsk is simply ludicrous even if you were to make the FALSE claim that the DPR violated the agreement first.

motherLover #moonbat #racist #pratt dailykos.com

[Bolding added.]

Antisemites are everywhere and some will undoubtedly jump at a chance to act out violently, but everyone who acts out violently didn’t start out as a violent anti-Semite.

While you may not believe this, the people shouting gas the Jews may not actually be anti-Semites even though what they are saying is anti-Semitic and horribly callous, but they are being radicalized and becoming more dangerous.

Andrew Martin #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

If the leadership of South Korea and Japan have any brains left in them at all after decades of being dumbed down by their yankee occupiers, they will not take any part in the doomed endeavor that is the attempted 'containment' of China...which only one other country in the world is obsessed with.

Wai Chong and VINH HUA #moonbat #racist msn.com

(Wai Chong)
Nancy and Biden are still there. Go figure. America loves corruption. It's part of America's gene.
Then Americans imagine anything when corrupted politicians are removed from Asia. Go figure.
Singapore removed one minister for corruption, one minister for affair, and three MPs for affairs. It's only the US that is corrupt and keeps those corrupted politicians like Nancy and Biden. Asia that embraces clean government kick politicians out for corruptions and affairs. Get on with life.

China hold their government officials to their highest moral and ethical standards. Unlike US any moron can get voted in. then do whatever they want. corrupt, immoral, unethical. from top to bottom. no wonder US going downhill fast.

Shadow Warrior #moonbat #conspiracy bbc.com

This concerns the west because Russia has advanced missile technology

America has and is destabilising Asia, there would be no war looming in South China Sea if not for Americas presence and it’s using Taiwan as a platform to spy and have missile silos near to China

America is the problem who are obsessed with war games and world domination
Have you lived in these areas I lived in these parts of Asia for 22 years

Russias army is so ineffective that the counter offensive is being seen as a failure and made little grounds with all the help from western weapons and intelligence

I’m not pro or against anyone but American is obsessed with wars and causing them around the world, it’s just the truth
China is not claiming all of South China Sea, this is more complicated than you know, why is American so concerned with Japan , South Korea , Philippines and Taiwan , why are they even there in the first place

Before Second World War china has no interest in securing areas in South China Sea but it’s forced to compete with america to protect its own way of life

Dmitriy Afanasyev and Violetta Yakovenko #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #moonbat msn.com

(Dmitriy Afanasyev)
Ukraine lost the war a year ago, you just do not want to see the truth
@Mike Resnick
So losing five territories, having 17 million people flee the country, having have a million soldiers die, having other countries provide money and weapons just to survive, all of it means that Ukraine is winning?
I am sorry to disappoint you, but Russia is outproducing NATO right now. NATO needs at least two to five years depending on what western expert you ask just to match Russia. Ukraine has been losing 7 to 1, sometimes 10 to 1 throughout this war. Do not fall for Western propaganda, which is far worse than Russian propaganda.
@worn smooth
If your statements were true, then Russian economy would have collapsed under all the sanctions. But it turns out that Russia leap frogged over Germany this year to become the fifth economy in the world. That happened precisely because Russia has boosted all of the productions. A few more years and will surpass Japan for number four spot. There is no catching US, China, and India. And if it were a crime syndicate under Putin he would never have enjoyed between 70 to 80 percent support from Russian people, which is even acknowledged by the West.

(Violetta Yakovenko)
@ Mike Resnick
Do not listen to Ukrainian propaganda. So far the ratio is opposite: 1 to 10. Check Douglas McGregor to start with. Millions of Ukrainians fled, most of the country's industry is down... NATO, SK would not last long without Russian resources. Russia is not along, even 7-folded its military production... Even being cornered the Russia would not loose. Like a wounded bear it will go to its last and most powerful attack: do not forget,- it has as many of nukes as USA has and it just completing transition to the newest and best strategic missiles... Do you know why China is so well populated? One of the reasons - its Philosophy: If a war is unavoidable and one commander has less troops/resources, than the enemy, he just peacefully going under the command of more powerful counterpart. I believe the Ukrainians just need to accept the wisdom.

Mustang19 #moonbat #conspiracy #racist #crackpot hard-light.net

Capitalism is near collapse. As I foretold for years, Capitalism will collapse on September 17th 2026. You can find me on Pol as Mustang. Now, let's look at the data. Sunspot is temperature lagged 50 years. This is proven with the heat capacity of the ocean. The result is that the decline in sunlight after 1970 caused a temperature peak in 2020. Because of the 3 year el Nino cycle, the actual peak was 2016, with 2019 having a weakening trend.

Temperature will fall by 0.1 degree this winter which is a 10% increase in electric demand. Many blackouts will happen, and in 2024 many more. The money multiple will hit 10 on September 17 2026 and Capitalism will collapse.

…Peak oil has already caused a very mild collapse.

All oil outside Saudi Arabia is fake. EIA and RRC are inconsistent. If you use RRC oil production has fallen 10-20% since 2019. Antediluvian grain mills sustain goyslop that keeps libs alive. Meat consumption has fallen by 1/4 since 2019. This is retail sales divided by steak price. The USDA meat consumption is wrong. This would have killed 100 million Americans by now except there's reserve. The average vitamin d level is 33 nm/l with an SD of 10. Levels of 25 or below are immediately fatal from the fail aids pandemic. This means that 30% of people would die instantly on infection. The people with lower levels are NEETs and shutins who aren't exposed which is why they're alive.

…the us population is understated by a massive amount, the actual population with illegals was 400 million in 2019 and is close to the official number now of 320 million. In Europe all migrants are being buried at sea or in mass graves in Syria. In total some huge share of the marginal population in the first world has died. Vitamin supply needs to fall 40% before mass death is unavoidable. For now it's been managed by refugee deaths and falling vitamin levels in the population. The blackouts problem is impossible to avoid and will kill faster. There may be 30 million deaths in America this winter, similar in Europe of course. I doubt it will happen and i would move that to 2024. Then in 2025 it happens again and in 2026 Capitalism utterly collapses.

Gary 'Z' McGee #moonbat #magick #elitist bibliotecapleyades.net

The task of finding reality is easier said than done.

It requires seeing how everything is connected to everything else.

It requires sacrificing both dependence and independence to interdependence.

It requires seeing past cultural conditioning, religious indoctrination, and societal brainwashing.

In short:

it requires doing as Miyamoto Musashi suggested, "Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world"...

The cosmos created the star that exploded to create the carbon that created the earth that evolved to create life which evolved to create you. It's all connected...

The acorn's task is to fulfill its purpose and become a tree. The caterpillar's task is to fulfill its purpose and become a butterfly. The eaglet's task is to fulfill its purpose and become an eagle.

Likewise, the immature (egocentric, uninitiated, unenlightened) human's task is to fulfill its purpose by becoming a mature (soul-centric, initiated, enlightened) human.

Human maturity requires seeing reality the way it is. The reality is that nature made you a human.

And becoming a mature human requires living up to your fullest, most virtuous potential.
This kind of character creates an anti-fragile spirit despite an otherwise fragile and spiritless world.

With a character such as this, you can stand tall, strong, sincere, and fierce. You are a true force of nature to be reckoned with. A dynamo amidst dominoes. A lion amongst men.

With the sharpness of your mettle, you're able to cut through all 'golden calves', superficial hierarchies, and delusions of grandeur.

You're able to cut through all so-called 'authorities'...


the only authority is "to cut."

The only answer is to question.

Everything is a building block.

Everything is a whetstone.

The only sin is unfulfilled potential.

It is the darkest place you can sink.

It's the only thing worthy of fear.

The only true failure is to abdicate the responsibility of fulfilling your potential...


you abdicate to no one.

No authority.

No State.

No God.

Not even Death…

Brian Dyl #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

There are millions of Russians living in these places and they seem to ignore this in the West. The West should of never instigated a coup in Ukraine to begin with. I find it very odd and dubious on what they fail report and address about that conflict in West. All it proves is how deceitful the West is about the situation. It's really disgusting.

Hasan Askari MD #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

US and NATO are causing this NOT - PUTIN. The Expansion of NATO is the KEY cause of all this mess. We must remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki - were the first NUCLEAR USE war crimes committed by the US government on a NON nuclear country. Russia is at least warning that - NATO is pushing the war in that direction - NATO can stop and look for a political solution - Its NATO - the big bully and Russia the smaller bully - fighting. I dont like any - but, dislike NATO (the bigger killer in the world) over Russia.

JACK OLIVER #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #racist caitlinjohnstone.com

The ZIO/US continue with this idiotic charade that this demented old fool has something to contribute !

The game is up for the Rothschilds AND the Rothschilds attack dogs the US military and NATO who only exist to plunder the worlds resouces !

Biden is glaring evidence of that !

How quickly people forget that Russia was accused of bombing hospitals in Syria and commiting human rights atrocities !

DITTO Syria who were also accused of chemical weapons attacks – ‘barrel ‘ bombing – killing babies – every despicable lie they could conjure up – the Rothschilds owned western media were relentless as they are now !

In the end Russia destroyed ISIS and there was NOTHING the ZIO/US/NATO could do about it !

America is a disgrace and the Rothschiilds created wars have brought untold misery on 100s of millions worldwide who have been killed – maimed and displaced !

This had to END and Russia is ending it !

The ZIO/US/NATO can do nothing now and they KNOW it !!

Russia is far too sophisticated !

If you think that the Taliban retook Kabul in ONE week – bloodlessly and unopposed without help from Russia and China ( who were doing drills on the Afghan border at the time ) using sophisticated electronic weaponry- well – you are living in fairyland !

There is absolutely NOTHING the ZIO/US/NATO can do – they are not capable !

There will be NO war – only collapse !

AsiaCel (“卐Autism SS Nazi KommandoϟϟGAS NORMIES卐”) #wingnut #moonbat #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

National Bolshevism - the best system

Nazbolism seems to be the ideal situation for incels and a strong country. The problem of the current political sphere is that capitalism (at its rate) is dysfunctional with top 1% owning more than half of assets in the world (sounds familiar?), but the groups who oppose capitalism are all leftist trash.

On the other hand, you have right wing ancaps who think the richfags (responsible for our miserably) would give up their wealth to take part in a "fair" capitalism system.

Well, Nazbolism combines far right social views with far left economy views. The reason why it's not more popular is because it's an real ideology that works so the elites are afraid and banned this in many countries. Leftists are weak twnks and thus couldn't run a system that's why they're toleranced

To add to the mix, we should also throw in Marxism-rodgerism (sexual communism) of one man-one woman as the best as we can do.

Gully Bullz, Hami Hosseini, Peggy Hsia, and Realist 6703 #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

(Gully Bullz)
Better look around.  China has some powerful allies too.   Like India, Pakistan and Russia who are all nuclear powers.  Maybe research the SCO?

(Hami Hosseini)
or north korea will destroy south Korea and Japan .and China will destroy USA
if Japan puppet regime follow USA policy .they will  become like  ukraine!!

(Peggy Hsia)
China 's THREAT? S China Sea has nothing to do with US, but US has to come from thousands miles away to crate chaos in the region. But China is standing tall to defeat such evil forces !

(Realist 6703)
First Asia has to be convinced China is a threat, that went nowhere in the 2022 Summits. Second, Ukraine is demilitarizing NATO war reserves, They may not be much of an organization by the end of this encounter. Have to wait and see for that though.

various commenters #moonbat #conspiracy youtube.com

In the case of Ukraine, it wouldn't be clamoring to join NATO if the SU had not backed an illegal coup there deposing a regime that remained popular in the eastern half of the country, with the help of some Nazi militias to do the dirty work of the neoliberal elites. Before the coup a significant majority of Ukrainians polled stated that they had no desire to join NATO and many of them had no desire to join the EU if that meant reducing their trade with Russia and taking on more foreign debt.

Well the violent coup and tyranny overthrow of the government did spark this conflict so they kinda did.

Kyle thinks Ukraine has a chance of winning 😂😂😂

Ukraine isn’t supposed to win but weaken Russia at the expense of Ukrainians.

NATO hawkishness for over 3 decades has led us to the brink of WW3.

@wilcee238 yea by preparing Ukraine’s army for 8 years to fight Russia and not abiding by the Minsk agreements. You are correct

ProleWiki #moonbat en.prolewiki.org

Political line
We are guided by Marxism-Leninism, mainly the works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin. Based on that, ProleWiki upholds the currently developing dictatorships of the proletariat in:

Republic of Cuba
People's Republic of China
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Although the below states are bourgeois dictatorships, we critically support them:

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Russian Federation
Republic of Belarus
Syrian Arab Republic
Plurinational State of Bolivia
Republic of Nicaragua
State of Palestine
Islamic Republic of Iran
We critically support them insofar as their national bourgeoisie's interests align with those of its proletariat; that is, specifically, in the struggle against domination by foreign capital and NATO imperialism, which we consider the primary imperialist force in the world. In the final instance, we support the workers and oppressed peoples of these countries against their ruling class.

William Chak, Derek Johnson, and D T #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

(William Chak)
China does not invade it's province, China liberate Taiwan province.

(Derek Johnson)
China invades its own province? China has been reiterating many times that it wants to solve the Taiwan problem peacefully or leave it to the next generation who will be smarter. But please don't provoke China by western leaders keep visiting Taiwan. Taiwanese are not pieces on your chess board!

(D T)
just more war mongering from the west.
Propaganda designed to justify war - Just like the last 37 times the USA attacked another country.

Unknown/deleted #moonbat reddit.com

Today I stumbled across a seller on a local online marketplace selling rabbit meat, rabbit head and pigeon meat. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it to see who the hell buys these sort of things. It turns out that they are for dogs to eat. Of course, the seller has a 4.5 star rating out of five, with pictures of nutters and their happy shitbeasts and no complaints about animal cruelty whatsoever.

I am totally disgusted. It may be cruel for humans to eat meat, or for predators to hunt down prey, but for humans to feed the meat to dogs is beyond insulting. Don’t get me started on the idiotic dog language such as “Chimken”

If they’re gonna take an animal and feed it to the dogs, at least have the fucking decency to spell its name properly!
From now on, I don’t wanna hear any dog nutter criticize me for being an animal hater. The only animal they give a shit about are dogs.

Wang Yi #moonbat #racist news.yahoo.com

‘You can never become a Westerner:’ China’s top diplomat urges Japan and South Korea to align with Beijing and ‘revitalize Asia’

In a video shared by Chinese state media, Wang told Japanese and South Korean guests attending a trilateral forum in the eastern coastal city of Qingdao that most Americans and Europeans can’t tell China, Japan and South Korea apart.

“No matter how blonde you dye your hair, how sharp you shape your nose, you can never become a European or American, you can never become a Westerner,” Wang said. “We must know where our roots lie.”

Wang called for Japan and South Korea to work together with China to “prosper together, revitalize East Asia, revitalize Asia and benefit the world.”

Wang was speaking on the sidelines of the International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation, an annual event organized by Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul since 2011.

In his opening remarks, Wang called for Japan and South Korea to “promote inclusive Asian values, foster a sense of strategic autonomy, maintain regional unity and stability, resist the return of the Cold War mentality and be free of the coercion of bullying and hegemony,” the statement said.

“The fate of the region is firmly in our own hands,” Wang was quoted as saying.

Oniman #fundie #moonbat #psycho kanzenshuu.com

As a supporter of Islam, 9/11 was a act of justice and not terror because the US destroyed many lives in Afghanistan in the 80s when Ragen try to help Bin Laden against the Soviets. America act like a bunch of cry babies when their people die when the rest of the world deals with 9/11 style attacks every day. America is nothing more than a bunch of spoiled brats who finally got a taste of their own medicine in 2001.

pete s #moonbat msn.com

@ T Pierce
Defenders of whose democracy.
The U.S version of it?
No country has the same type of democracy. Every country has its own rules so why should the U.S dictate what type of democracy is used?
Plenty or articles online.
What Is Democracy? Definition and Examples
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations
How The Western Press Lied About The 2014 Coup In Ukraine, Pretending That It Was Instead A Real Democratic Revolution
America's flawed democracy: the five key areas where it is failing
China's democracy represents people while Western-style democracy serves the interests of monopoly capitalism
Police shootings and voter suppression underscore abysmal human rights in US
Oh and talking about taking over. The U.S occupies, illegally, Syria and Iraq and sanctions dozens of countries all in the name of democracy?

Robert F Kennedy jr #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia #moonbat #transphobia advocate.com

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the noted conspiracy theorist and anti-vaccine activist, thinks kids (particularly boys) are being made trans from exposure to chemicals in the environment,

“I see these huge levels of depression and despair, loneliness in kids, and I don’t think that there’s a single cause to it, and I think blaming it on depression about climate is probably over-simplistic,” Kennedy told Canadian far right-wing political pundit and psychologist Jordan Peterson. “A lot of the problems we see in kids, and particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated that how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing.”

Kennedy claimed that kids are “swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals,” including atrazine, a common herbicide.

“If you in a lab put atrazine and a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and force forcibly feminize every frog in there, and 10 percent of the frogs, the male frogs will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs,” Kennedy claimed. “If it’s doing that to frogs, it, there’s a lot of other evidence that it’s doing it to human beings as well.”

A second video getting a lot of attention shows Kennedy making wild claims about the beginnings of the AIDS crisis, blaming it on gay men and the use of poppers, an inhalant that relaxes muscles and generates a brief headrush and sensation of euphoria.

“There’s a lot of people that said it is not a virus,” Kennedy said. “The virus is a passenger virus, and these people are dying mainly because of poppers. A hundred percent of the people who died in the first thousand [with] AIDS were people who were addicted to poppers, which are known to cause Kaposi sarcoma in rats. And they were people who were part of a gay lifestyle where they were burning the candle at both ends.”

“There were poppers on sale everywhere at the gay bars,” he said. “And there were a number of people in the [National Institutes of Health] who said, this is not a viral disease, but it’s a disease that is environmental and is being caused to people who are getting autoimmunity from doing these toxins.”

Kennedy claimed, “But for Tony Fauci, it was really important to call it a virus because that made it an infectious disease, and it allowed him to take control of it.”

Jason Alberty and oxforduniversity M #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

(Jason Alberty)
Erdogan allows for fair elections because Turkey is a democracy. Here in the US, we silence and use the FBI/DOJ to after political opponents to the war mongers. The dictatorship is here in the West.

(oxforduniversity M)
Good because remember president Bush and secretary of state James Baker both guaranteed to Russia on March 8, 1991 that NATO would not expand one inch east where they didn't but betrayed Russia by pushing 14 countries instead. See how this works, the US lies and the other align on the right side of history after all thats how wars start, you betray people and your in a hot war. Russia and China said for over 20 years about security guarantees and who says one thing and does the other, Washington does folks

oxforduniversity M #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

14 countries should not be in NATO after the agreement of the US France Germany & Britain not to expand NATO one inch east to Russia on March 8 1991, its written, signed, recorded but who betrayed who, you guessed it Washington. Who controls 30 NATO members, Washington does. 14 countries should be booted from the March 8 1991 agreement

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #transphobia #sexist #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger datalounge.com

(more discussion on the term “queer”; followed-up from https://fstdt.com/TVNWJ9FLKBG2B)

>Queer and cis go hand in hand. It’s hipster bullshit.

>The Trans Industry needs "Queer" as an umbrella term to lump in AGPs and pedos with the LGB. It's also why they have completely appropriated (and literally purchased) the original Black Lives Matter and turned it into something that actively harms black women and children. It's why they infiltrated and destroyed 3rd Wave feminism. These are the same rich white straight male colonizers we've known for most of recorded history. They rename our cultures, wear our cultural dress as costume, invade our spaces, forbid us our language and rights. And make a lot of money doing it.

>Now it's used by straight women wanting to be edgy.

>[…]it's such a broad term now, it's used as fad slang for every fad gender swap, purple hair, they them zee za zou pronoun BS[…]

>The term Queer is completely meaningless now that it represents self-obsessed straight people.

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #sexist datalounge.com

(in which people take various positions on the term “queer”; I'd actually tag this as heterophobia if I could)

>"Queer" now means straight people who want to larp as oppressed. To me, that makes it doubly offensive.

>"Queer" has a long history as a slur against gay men in particular, and they are the only ones who can "reclaim" it. Not women pretending to be gay men, not straight people who dye their hair cotton candy colors, not trannies, or enbys, or any of the other imaginary identities. Homosexuality is an orientation, not an "identity".

> "Queer" allows them to elide and obfuscate the stark disparity that exists between gay people and everyone else (bisexuals, while they experience same-sex attraction, still benefit from heterosexual privilege).

>Because you can't define it nowadays, it's meaningless as a word. I hate all this stupid 'non-binary' 'queer' nothingness.

>Back before many of you were born, we simply said "gay and lesbian." "Bisexual" was something people grew out of. There was no need to encourage it.

>it's been extra funny watching the bisexuals shriek on social media about how they're left out of everything or how they are stigmatized.

>"Queers" are asshole fake gays temporarily using the gay community to add some kinky flavor to their dull straight lives, and they are going to be the death of the real gay community.

> Go ahead and pretend to shamed when you’re misgendered when you foolishly try to look like the gender you are not. Your obvious body dysphoria is a sad condition and you should seek treatment instead of validation.

riverxdaughter #moonbat #sexist tumblr.com

(Note: agro-carnist is not the fundie, but is responding to them. I have linked to their blog because the OP’s blog and its post was deleted.)

for as long as males perpetuate a global culture of rape and destruction against all that is female, we will never be free. males use all that is female to further their own sordid interests, and the consequences of their actions affect all that is female. animal cruelty is a feminist issue, because males impregnate and destroy the bodies of female animals without abandon - their bodies are merely considered an extension of objectified and commodified human female bodies, after all. raping the soil and the ocean with industrial agriculture and fishing is a feminist issue, because the destruction of soil and ocean is the destruction of the life-giving potential of the earth. fossil fuel extraction and greenhouse gas emissions are a feminist issue, because the consequences of climate change will primarily be borne by females. until we begin fighting for all that is female, we will never be free.

Karim Ibn Rashid #fundie #moonbat twitter.com

As a Muslim, I support the Muslim working class from Islamic countries rising up and establishing a Communist Shari'ah Theocracy.image

DescriptionA group of industrial-era workers are knneling in a Muslim prayer pose in a factory, with writing in Arabic script (which I cannot read. @Aisha?). At the buttom is more Arabic writing, as well as “It is Islam and Islam alone that protects the working people” in German and French as well as the English sentence “Islam is the only supporter of the worker.”

Karim Ibn Rashid #crackpot #moonbat #homophobia #sexist twitter.com

Marxism-Leninism is not only a straight heterosexual ideology but it is the ONLY heterosexual ideology.

All other ideologies have some perverse symbolism going on for them.

Here’s a scientific Freudian analysis that proves it:

Hammer and sickle: Symbolic heterosexual union of opposites. The passive and the active.

Swastika: Symbolic homosexual 4-way union. 4 aggressive active lines.

Hammer and sword: Symbolic homosexual union. 2 masculine symbols.

Fascist stick bundle: Symbolic bisexual union. 1 dominant masculine symbol. 1 dominated masculine symbol.


Kikasitsu #moonbat #conspiracy youtube.com

Oh boy, can’t wait until you find out that their ICBM’s can travel faster than we can intercept them.
What? You don’t know of Russia’s military capability? (Oh right, you’ve been told that Russia was “going to run out of missiles” how many times by now? I lost count.)
Don’t forget to call it the “Game Changer” like every other weapon before it.
Oh, and make certain you forget that Ukraine doesn’t have logistics and a severely compromised fighting capacity. (I’m certain it’ll help them overcome the latest 65k Casualties that Ukraine underwent in that one “strategically unimportant town…” they recently lost.)
65k casualties in Bakhmut.
16k in Kherson.
10k prior to that…
Ursula mentioned 100k in a now edited speech.
My dude, Ukraine became the new Yugoslavia. Forget farmers… they’ll be lucky if they even own their farms AFTER the U.S. demands their return on investment!
Tell me, have you asked what “Victory” is for Ukraine? Because if you know, then SURELY you must have seen some means of progress, right?
I mean, when were the Russians supposed to have run out of misdialed again?
Remind me.

Kikasitsu and Varkhal218 #moonbat #conspiracy youtube.com


Wait till you find out that the Bully is Ukraine…
I gotta love it when NONE OF YOU think about what the residents of Eastern Ukraine underwent over the previous 8 years.
You people are just selective about your outrage, it’s kind of sad, really.
Except Ukraine was the one spiking people’s drinks… while wearing the shirt skirt.
Let’s see:
Yugoslavia, Libya, Ukraine, Taiwan, Chile, Brazil, Vietnam, Korea, Syria, Iran, IRAQ, PALESTINE…
Clearly, you never learned a single lesson, so why are you talking to other people about “learning” anything?
You do know that the F-16 would mean that NATO affiliates would be piloting the planes, right?
Cause Ukraine doesn’t have the logistics to do much of anything. They lost that capacity at the beginning of the conflict.
But I guess if you want Ukraine to lose even harder…
Let’s begin, shall we?
1) Ukraine has been committing war crimes (on camera.) I’ve seen plenty of examples, INCLUDING neck slicing, castration, shooting knee caps, and other horrendous things.
2) Ukraine has promoted a genocide for 8 long years, BEFORE the conflict in Ukraine erupted.
There’s a reason why it’s “Kyiv, not Kiev” (and it’s sinister.)
3) The media didn’t tell you that Ukraine witnessed mushroom clouds recently, did they? What VAUSH not Dylan Burns mention them?😱
Imagine my shock.🙂
4) 65k Casualties in a “Strategically unimportant town…”


I wouldn't consider myself antiUkraine, but for me it's more simple: I'm sad that innocent people suffer and die or have to flee, I'm sad that there is no fighting force in this war that actually defends the interests of either population, wether Ukrainian or Russian, but I am glad this is a blow to the NATO cancer and a destabiliser in the world.

pojexali #moonbat #psycho deadpanwalking.tumblr.com

(Note: deadpanwalking is not the fundie, but is responding to them. I have linked to their blog because the original post was deleted.)

the logical conclusion of any communist revolution will be the utter extirpation of the imperators of the old world. how numerous are the enemies of the people? numerous enough that the answer will require innovations in the disposal of the dead.

proletarian mercy is in shortening the process: as Marx said, “the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated in one way, and that way is revolutionary terror, when our time comes we will make no excuses for the terror.”

New Communist Party of Britain #moonbat #wingnut #conspiracy newworker.org

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Victory to the anti-fascist forces of Donbass and their allies! U.S./NATO hands off Russia!

The NATO-funded Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other far right Ukrainian nationalists have slaughtered many thousands in Donbass in last 8 years.

On February 24, the anti-fascist Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, together with the Russian Federation, launched a military action with the goal of “demilitarization and denazification” of Ukraine. It is in the interest of poor and working people, anti-war and anti-imperialist forces in the U.S. and other NATO countries, to take an unambiguous position in solidarity with the anti-fascist forces. The real war danger comes from US and NATO forces surrounding Russia. The government in Kiev is their proxy, with no regard for the people of Ukraine.
The anti-fascist military action, forced on Donbass and Russia by the Western imperialist powers – principally President Joe Biden and the U.S. government – has exposed confusion and equivocation in the anti-war movement, even among socialists and communists.

Modern capitalist Russia is not an imperialist country. It had no means to become one after the counter-revolution in the USSR. It is a regional power akin to India or Brazil, primarily an exporter of commodities, not capital. To maintain its independence, Russia had to ally with other countries in opposition to imperialism. Ukraine’s coup regime, by contrast, is a pawn of U.S. imperialism that has been waging a brutal war on its neighbours for eight years and offered itself as a base for NATO aggression against Russia.

Our responsibility is to stop U.S. imperialism and its wars in all forms, and to stand in solidarity with those who fight against U.S. domination.

HK K and Bertrand Finklenanny #conspiracy #moonbat #wingnut msn.com

(HK K)
We shouldn't be in Ukraine either... no less handing away tens of billions of taxpayer money to fight a proxy war with Russia and saber-rattling all of Russia's nuclear allies.

(Bertrand Finklenanny)
The only reason they're taking Ukraine is for a buffer zone, for the inevitable NATO invasion of Russia.
Moreover, the Ukrainian Civil War that Victoria Nuland started left a serious mess on Russia's border, so Russia has to intervene now.

Totally Not Trollin' Award

Long Live China, The Country of Future™

New Communist Party of Britain #moonbat newworker.org


by our Eastern European Affairs correspondent

President Vladimir Putin went to the front to meet Russian troops during the Orthodox Easter celebrations whilst his foreign minister met Latin American leaders to strengthen political and economic ties and outline the Kremlin’s efforts to end the conflict with Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held talks with Brazilian, Cuban, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan leaders during a tour of Latin America to promote trade and peaceful co-operation last week. Lavrov’s Latin American tour includes Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba[…]
People’s China has become the focus for peace initiatives to end conflicts not just in Ukraine but all around the world. China successfully brokered a deal between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia that ended decades of hostility with the restoration of ties in March; China is also continuing its reconciliation efforts in the Middle East in settling the Yemen crisis and in promoting Israel–Palestine peace talks

This not good news for US imperialism. Their only ‘peace plan’ is a ludicrous demand for Russia’s unconditional withdrawal from Crimea and the Donbas and the prosecution of Vladimir Putin as a “war criminal”

The Americans are doing all that they can to stone-wall any calls to end the fighting[…]
The Americans can’t, however, take their own European allies for granted. Turkey and Hungary are opposed to the sanctions regime[…]
The White House said that the Brazilian leader’s “tone was not one of neutrality” and accused Lula of “parroting Russian and Chinese propaganda without looking at the facts”

Fortunately not many people take much notice of what the Biden administration says about Russia these days

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