
Left-wing nutjobs

David Lifschultz #moonbat #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

When Stalin died in 1953 he bequeathed to Russia the heritage of being the strongest military power in the world and being totally self-sufficient. <...> National self-sufficiency should be the goal of every nation. Not only had Stalin caught up with the United States based on nuclear bombs but Russia developed the hydrogen bomb about the same time as the US. The ideal in this world is to be nationally self-sufficient in every way. Stalin achieved national self-sufficiency for Russia. This is what love of your nation is all about. When Stalin died the nation grieved.
There are those who think socialism is evil but this is rebutted by the Bible which is a socialistic document. <...> Money was gold and silver not the fake money of the west based on valueless paper. Here Stalin had a problem as the gold basis Russian money under the Tsar was stolen from Russia by Trotsky and given to Baron Eduard de Rothschild in Paris in return for his sponsorship of the Bolshevik Revolution.
The Rothschilds operate their control of the world through three control mechanisms. The first which is described above we will call the Balaam concept of using immorality to corrupt all mankind so that they are more easily controlled. This was successfully operated during the Baal Peor worship. This was clearly seen in the corrupt Weimar Republic.
The second control mechanism was usury where the false notions of Galileo of were used to undermine the Bible so that the usurers could take over. Galileo was bribed by the usurers who could not get their usury control mechanism legalized except by this false discrediting of the Bible.
The third control mechanism is fiat money which borrows the concept of transubstantiation from the Catholic Church using it as Karl Marx jokes to create the jealous God of money. In other words, the paper money is converted into gold by faith in nothing. This was the alchemist’s dream.

Baoji Municipal Committee of the CCP #moonbat #psycho taiwannews.com.tw

On Sunday, the Baoji Municipal Committee of the CCP reposted a video to the YouTube-like platform Xigua. In the video, the narrator calls for nuclear attacks against Japan if it attempts to defend Taiwan from a Chinese attack and proposes a "Japan Exception Theory.", apparently suggesting that Japan become the exception to the "no first use" (NFU) nuclear warfare policy that China declared in 1964.

The video starts by saying that if Japan "dares to intervene with force" when China "liberates" Taiwan, the communist country will strike first with nuclear bombs and continue to use them until Japan surrenders unconditionally "for the second time."

The narrator then gives a history lesson about atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers during the Sino-Japanese wars and warns that if a third war breaks out, the Chinese people will "take revenge for both old and new scores." It points out that Japan is the only country in the world to have suffered a nuclear attack; therefore, unleashing nuclear weapons upon Japan "will yield twice the result with half the effort."

In the second video, the narrator focuses on the numerical superiority and fighting will of PLA. The video also claims that after Japan is defeated, China will break up its four main islands into independent countries under the "supervision" of China and Russia, which will both establish military garrisons there.

The narrator adds that Okinawa will be broken off from Japan and either be managed by China or made into an independent country. The video concludes with a vow to punish Yoshihide Suga, Abe Shinzo, and Aso Taro and force the Liberal Democratic Party and Japanese right-wing parties and organizations to pay "heavy war reparations."

O'Brien Award

Adunaiii #moonbat #pratt #wingnut #racist #psycho reddit.com

[Submitter’s note: not sure how to do quote bars? I’ll just put brackets around what he’s quoting, and if someone without my technical ineptitude could fix it, that would be smashing] [Edit: fixed]

In fact, North Korea is ranked at or near the bottom of several freedom rankings, including Freedomhouse and Heritage.org.

Philosophically, we disagree. Personal freedom is a lie. An ideal for Christians. Nature only knows the survival of the population. This way, I am philosophically fascist, authoritarian - all men and women in Juche Korea work for the betterment of their entire nation. Even the lowliest job is important.

Life for one's own self is disgusting, no wonder southern Koreans are emigrating to the USA by the millions, and never have children. This is so funny when only a few hundred people per year emigrate from the DPRK.

the common citizen thats being oppressed or for the Kim dynasty that only seeks to expand their power.

We are all "oppressed" by life. The way of individualism is suicide - collective suicide. Beauty lies in embracing our oppression, and by working out a great future together, not dying alone.

if NK did not pose such a threat and be so aggressive against literally everyone then the US would have no reason to have a presence in SK.

Asking a foreign power for help in the matters of civil war is unfair and scummy. See the Irish in the 12th century.

Also, American occupiers kill Korean girls (Wikipedia).

I honestly get green with envy that the DPRK can have such glory, and my nation is drowning in squalour.


Thats not even taking into account the soldiers used by the PRC, which amounted to roughly 3 million over the course of the war.

Wasn't the RoK propped up by Americans? Then it's fair game to bring in friends (the Chinese are far closer to the DPRK both racially and ideologically, Mao Tse-tung was like a brother to Comrade Kim Il Sung).

I find it amusing that you preach about being independent when the nation you have trumped up as the golden standard has failed by the very metric you hold South Korea against.

Southern Korea bases its entire raison d'être on being a cog in the machine of Christian American capitalism. If they survive its collapse, then we'll talk. But a far more likely scenario is that they'll beg for a reunification under the DPRK to save them from utter chaos.

(The fall of the USSR is nothing like what will happen when the colossus with the feet of lay that America is disintegrates.)

Also, authoritarian governments only care about remaining in power and accruing more power, they don't care about you or anyone else as anything more than a tool by which they can spread their influence.

Yes, the government cares about its people, for without the people, it will not exist. In a word, fascism.

No, the DPRK government is rooted in the Korean race, not in economics or memetics. It is precisely the opposite - it is the southern Korean government that would rather import Filipinos to prop up its failing economy than care for its very population. It is the capitalists who view their people as interchangeable units to produce the idea of money - not the hard matter of blood.

Black Like Mao #moonbat #psycho #conspiracy blacklikemao.medium.com

[From “Thoughts On the Passing of Chairman Gonzalo”]

Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso, known to the world as Chairman Gonzalo, died on September 11, 2021 after what many call an assassination. Considering that he was kept in isolation for 29 years (longer than I’ve been alive) and undoubtedly exposed to every sort of psychological and physical torture for the entirety of that period, I’m sympathetic to this characterization of his death. When a political prisoner dies, the fault is always on the State that incarcerated him[…]
The bourgeois press (open and hidden) wasted no time in screaming from the rafters this news. “TERRORIST MURDERER DIES!”[…]Publications such as Jacobin scribbled all sorts of slanderous and scurrilous trash, highlighting the stated (by Gonzalo himself) excesses such as those of Lucanamarca and the dynamiting of the corpse of the open anti-Party agitator and informant Maria Elena Moyano. These admitted excesses are used by bad faith “Left” actors to paint the entire PCP as a band of murderers, sociopaths and unrepentant torturers. Strangely, there was no screaming about the revolutionary “excesses” when Fidel Castro died[…]
Gonzalo’s death comes during the honeymoon period of social democrat Pedro Castillo, who spent his youth as a rondero (peasant militiaman) in service of the Peruvian state working against the PCP[…]Castillo was an enemy of the PCP in the 1980s, and he is an enemy of the PCP now. Castillo will happily allow Gonzalo’s body to be burned and spread in the Pacific[…]Castillo has joined the “terrorist” chorus, and if he were such a friend of the people he would release Gonzalo’s body and allow for a public funeral[…]
As the faded red flag was torn down from the Kremlin, as Deng Xiaoping turned China into imperialist cloud-cuckooland, in Peru, some comrades waited out many a cold Andean night to deliver people’s justice to many a traitor, fascist military officer, evangelical missionary smuggling in Yankee propaganda

bbbarbican & Radicalwhirl #moonbat #psycho #sexist #racist saidit.net

I give zero fucks about so-called "oppressed males": they're rapist, sadistic and violent like all males. In my experience, way more than white men who, let's remember, aren't the majority of males on this planet. Women who insist white men are the worst are self-centered and clearly haven't travelled at all. Or haven't thought about things very deeply. Why would men be any different outside of the US? (the default country per usual)

Go to any non-western country and see how men behave. You'll change your mind FAST. More likely, the cognitive dissonance will be too big, they'll decide to stay blind.

I agree about the race bullshit but I don't see women as sisters either. Most women are complicit. Especially heterosexual women who hate lesbians and who suck men's dick at every turn. Why on earth should I consider them sisters when the reason we still live in a patriarchy is because they keep fucking men and birthing boys? Fuck them. Don't care about the color of their skin: they will always side with their men instead of other women.

Being an asian woman, I can totally confirm that most brown men are entitled creeps who view women as nothing more than sex objects and birthing machines. Mainstream feminism is a joke nowadays. Libfems rant about how pregnancy and childbirth are what makes women powerful. Blatant ignorance, imo. Had women not been burdened with tearing apart their bodies to let this fucked up species continue, oppression and submissiveness would plummet.

BH Times #moonbat #psycho #racist twitter.com

Now we talking about Lakeith Standfield bending down to backlash calling him "anti-semitic" "how much backbending do these colonizer jews need us to do for them?

Antisemitism is just a tool to keep yt jews from getting principled criticism and understanding their material reality to the world. No one sticking them in ovens anymore.

We talking about what's going on in Palestine!! Down with the huhuite jews!!

Yt jews will be criticized, Palestine belongs to Palestinians -- and nothing will be compromised for that!!

#Palestinian health officials in the #Gaza Strip said 20 people, including nine children, have been killed in recent bombings by the parasites that have invaded their land.


isntreal forces say they’re targeting “a Hamas military operative,” but this is just an excuse for these bloodsucking parasites to kill more and more Palestinians whenever they want and take their land.

We stand in full unity with the Palestinian masses as they resist & fight against this settler-kkkololonial terrorism in their lands. If you’re Palestinian, or Colonized person, looking to smash yt power join http://blackhammer.org/join today!

Matt Heimbach #moonbat #psycho #racist #wingnut lex18.com

Matt Heimbach, a self-described radical extremist who played an instrumental role in getting white supremacists to attend Charlottesville's deadly Unite the Right rally, plans to relaunch his old hate group as soon as this weekend.

In an interview with Newsy Heimbach says he now supports violence and killings in what he says is a revolution against rich corporate executives, global elites, and even those who have caused global warming.

"These people have names and addresses. Their kids have names and addresses, and the capitalist class, by hook or by crook, has to be liquidated. You know that it's called class war for a reason. " Heimbach said. "Any violence the proletariat brings is simply in self-defense."  


He co-founded the Traditionalist Worker Party in 2015 - a neo-Nazi group that advocated for a racially pure white ethnostate. 

The group’s members and Heimbach created a coalition of white nationalist groups, showed up at key Nazi events across the U.S. , and connected with international extremists. 

The group dissolved in 2018. For a time, Heimbach said he was out of the White power movement altogether.

Still, he plans to relaunch the Traditionalist Worker Party  as what he calls a ‘national Bolshevik’ group that takes inspiration from Marxism and China and targets global elites.

This does not mean he has abandoned all of his beliefs from his neo-Nazi days.

"Do I particularly like Judaism as a religion? No," he said.

Kim Jong Un #moonbat #psycho nknews.org

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared an “intensifying” fight against foreign influence on kids on Monday[…]
Kim made the remarks on the final day of a large-scale national conference on improving government control over child-raising, an event the leader considers “more important than others” due to its role in ensuring “patriotism and loyalty” to his rule from a young age

“The struggle against socially alien phenomena is now intensifying,” Kim told the Fifth National Meeting of Mothers on its second and final day, suggesting that foreign pop culture remains popular[…]
Kim called out “some mothers” who “don’t do anything about their kids speaking and acting in a way not of our style”[…]
One way Kim said mothers bring their kids in line is to send them to experience difficult living conditions while working for the nation

Military service and construction sites are “revolutionary universities which give the children valuable experiences of life that cannot be gained in the yard of their families and cultivate the spirit of loving their comrades and the collective”[…]
State media promoted a story of an 18-year-old “virgin girl soldier” who died after working through a severe injury at a construction site as an example of patriotism[…]
In his speech on the first day of the conference on Sunday, Kim made a rare mention of North Korea’s “decreasing birth rate”[…]
A group of children recited a congratulatory poem[…]where they primarily praised Kim Jong Un and former DPRK leaders as well as mothers who followed core party teachings

They declared that North Korean children are “excited” to be sent by their mothers to work at “places the Party calls hard and difficult worksites” — like “coal mines, farms, villages and new [skyscraper] construction projects”

Defector testimony has long told of adults mobilizing children to mines and other dangerous worksites, while state media published images of young children being sent off to coal mines in 2021

Solid and random dude #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Solid: @devalapar When western backed rebels chased out the Ukrainian president? If Western countries can seperate Kosovo from Serbia so can Russia with Donbas.

random dude: @devalapar "That happened after 2014" "This conflict started 8 years ago."
yes, after the us led maidan coup that took discriminatory measures against ethnic russians (almost every crimean)

Richey Douglas, Cort Hatfield and Heru Heru #wingnut #conspiracy #moonbat msn.com

(Richey Douglas)
These idiot democrats' diplomats are putting us on a clear path to a nuclear war with Russia.  Joe Biden already blew up Nord Stream which is already an act of War.  That's coming back to bite because the Chinese are backing Russia now.  We are deep trouble.
(Cort Hatfield)
Do you really think those mentioned nations give a diddly what the G7 wants?  Hell no, they don't.  The USA is a 'compromised-by-China' laughingstock internationally and everyone knows it.
(Heru Heru)
I love the picture of that blinking idiot with Japan's minister, they must be twins.
I bet you if they did an ancestry search, they'd probably wind up on the same branch.
How old is that picture it shows Blinky and the clueless guy laughing when we just read Japan was not happy about the ease dropping or was that South Korea.
Then the article further States G7 rejects China, North Korea, and Russia's aggressions what aggressions Tehy went to claim those who wanted to reunite with Russia.
North Korea, what aggression, and China is going to reaclimate their wayward child who joined the cult, boy that must be tough on the knees

Karim Ibn Rashid #crackpot #moonbat #homophobia #sexist twitter.com

Marxism-Leninism is not only a straight heterosexual ideology but it is the ONLY heterosexual ideology.

All other ideologies have some perverse symbolism going on for them.

Here’s a scientific Freudian analysis that proves it:

Hammer and sickle: Symbolic heterosexual union of opposites. The passive and the active.

Swastika: Symbolic homosexual 4-way union. 4 aggressive active lines.

Hammer and sword: Symbolic homosexual union. 2 masculine symbols.

Fascist stick bundle: Symbolic bisexual union. 1 dominant masculine symbol. 1 dominated masculine symbol.


guidecca2 #racist #conspiracy #moonbat dailykos.com

Moreover, what does a Democrat do when he comes to the realization that his party is corrupt and is controlled by the Jewish lobby? The 1400 people who died, did not die in vain. They are martyrs and they are the catalyst for peace, if there ever is peace in the Middle East. Our eyes are opened, our so-called liberal left leaders are not the enlightened people we thought they were. To wit, see the Jim Jordan (bastard) committee hearing on freedom of speech and the Hamas-Israel war. The Gaza supporters were escorted out of the hearing. The Israel supporters on the committee and on the panel steamrolled the discussion. Did anyone else see the hearing? The 11,000+ Palestinian civilians who were murdered by Israel died in vain.

[“If you weren’t so Putinized and full of propaganda I would be angry. Instead, I will just LMFAO.”]

"Putinized” is as good a word as any to cancel someone, if you want to believe in absolutes. There are no absolutes or few. There is only gray or something that resembles it. One absolute is 11,000+ dead civilians or some large number in Gaza, the “urban” place. If you can believe what you are saying and it makes you laugh, amazing. The angry birds will arrive and terminate my membership here most likely. Maybe you’ll win a vacation to the “Holy Land.”

Nicolás Maduro #wingnut #moonbat theguardian.com

The foreign minister of[…]Guyana has said that neighbouring Venezuela is “on the wrong side of history”[…]
Tensions between the two countries have reached unprecedented heights ahead of a referendum on Sunday intended to rubber-stamp Venezuela’s claim on the region of Essequibo

Among the five questions President Nicolás Maduro is asking his citizens is whether they should convert the 160,000 sq km area into a new Venezuelan state

It remains unclear what the legal or practical implications of a yes vote would be, and the referendum is widely seen as a way for the deeply unpopular dictator to drum up public support ahead of presidential elections[…]But there are growing concerns that Maduro could push the country into war as he uses the century-old dispute to whip up patriotic fervour[…]
Venezuela has laid claim to the Essequibo ever since it gained independence[…]in 1811. Inhabited by 120,000 of Guyana’s 800,000 people, the region is largely impenetrable jungle but has large reserves of oil, gold and copper[…]
Past Venezuelan leaders have dredged up the dispute in times of domestic turmoil but perhaps none have campaigned as hard on the issue as Nicolás Maduro. The 61-year-old’s TikTok output has become increasingly prolific and his rhetoric more bellicose since 2015, when massive oil deposits were discovered in the contested region

Maduro has presented history lessons on state television, interrupted school classes to get young children to cheer on the country’s territorial claim and handed out revised maps depicting an engorged Venezuela straddling a Guyana a fraction of its internationally recognised size

The socialist government has also released a series of highly polished campaign videos of Venezuelan children playing in the lush forests and cascading waterfalls and an official song, The Essequibo is Ours

“It’s in your hands, compatriots,” Maduro pleads in one video, to the upbeat drumming of the catchy pop tune. “Vote five times yes!”

various commenters #moonbat youtube.com

“Never more disgusted than I am right now” -Kyle Kulinski. Me too Kyle. They treat us like we’re stupid thinking we’ll agree with anything they do and any line they sell, and if we do disagree, they don’t care!! I’m not American, so I can’t vote for your leaders, but we always all feel trapped b/c America affects us all so much!! We all get affected, but have no say! Very sad that America did not ACTUALLY de-escalate by this point. Sad that any of this started at all, but I was hoping they’d feel the heat and reel it in son!! This is the most disgusted, disappointed and angry I’ve ever been in my whole life, and it’s been a long life so far. Thank you, at least someone is speaking sense and a voice of reason. It’s practically all we’ve got now! #CEASEFIRE #FREEPALESTINE #IMPEACHBIDEN

Houthis are upholding their obligation under the 4th convention on genocide.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, is an international treaty that criminalizes genocide and obligates state parties to pursue the enforcement of its prohibition.

You’e complicit in genocide with this kind of thinking. Already 1000x the amount of civilian deaths of 9/11 and Dresden in just a few months. Yemen actually respecting the part of the Geneva code that requires signees to actively stop genocides they are aware of. They declared as much.

You think trying to stop a genocide is “piracy”?
Why are you defending genocide?
How ignorant are you?

You comparing financial problems to killing civilians in Yemen

Stupid comparison, disregard human life

Bea #moonbat vegansoapbox.com

I believe eating animals should be done behind closed doors. You don’t see murder or pedophilia or rape openly condoned in the streets, after all — do you?

For people to continue this shameful and disgusting act it would require that they get their animal parts and pieces wrapped in brown “butcher” paper, acquired from some hidden, underground (illegal) source of course. There would be no billboards or commercials suggesting such a “private” act as flesh eating. No bbq events dedicated to the ritual of consuming burned legs, thighs & breasts, no golden arches, no neon lit steakhouses, no singing “hotdogs” or “case ready” meats.

Unnamed University of British Columbia RA #moonbat #racist ubyssey.ca

An email from a residence advisor to students about Asian privilege is facing backlash over its language and claims.

A Reddit user posted the document, titled “Yellow Privilege,” which was contained in an email sent to students living in UBC Exchange Residence on November 26.

The six-page document sought to educate residents on “yellow privilege,” defining it as “very real advantages to East Asians such as protections under the criminal law.” The document discusses the model minority myth, arguing that it has enabled Asians to become oppressors of other minorities while also becoming accommodating to white supremacy.

An example given of the model minority is that of Wayne Lo, a Taiwanese-American student who perpetrated a mass shooting at a Massachusetts liberal arts college in the early 1990s.

The document concludes by asking students to consider this privilege, and how they can take action to give back or elevate those harmed by their privilege.

“This isn’t to enforce or perpetuate an idea but simply to stimulate some healthy discussions and reflections,” the RA wrote in the email.

Users on Reddit raised concern over the racially insensitive use of the word “yellow,” particularly given the sharp rise of anti-Asian hate crime incidents since the onset of COVID-19. Others sympathized with the need for reflection and discussion on the role of Asian minorities in the larger community, but criticized the setting as unprofessional.

“This is completely unacceptable to see,” said Georgia Yee, AMS VP academic and university affairs. “I’m a little horrified to see this, both as a former RA and in my current role. Glad to see actions are being taken to report this incident.”

Sean Ryan, associate director of Residence Life, sent a follow-up email apologizing for the negative implications and addressing the email’s impacts on Asian communities.

cushrinada and akashbaruth1658 #moonbat #conspiracy youtube.com

Israelis are really making is hard to hate Nazi's at this point...

Yet Israel gets so much sympathy for beheading and burning babies that never excisted , think people. Hamas tied up hostages to take accross so they could negotiate yet they were found burned with weapons Hamas didn't have. IDF used the Hannibal doctrine and killed their own , those who survived said IDF didn't want to negotiate and tank fired and Apache fired rockets upon their own people to get to Hamas but some did survive. IDF fired at hostages on the back of a motorbike killing their own. Majority of hostages are IDF currently held but Israel doesn't care enough. Time will tell but gazans might be out of time by then. Ps! Hamas won't surrender, they will go down fighting as this is their last do or die for liberation

International Communist League (Fourth International) aka the Spartacist League #moonbat libcom.org

(This apparently originally is from Workers Vanguard No. 843, 4 March 2005. Bolding added by submitter.)

"Recovered memory" prosecutions—which put hundreds behind bars in the daycare and "satanic abuse" witchhunts of the 1980s and early 1990s—are back. In Boston on February 15, 74-year-old defrocked priest, Paul Shanley, was sentenced to 12 to 15 years in prison based solely on uncorroborated "recovered memories" of a man who claimed Shanley abused him 20 years earlier. Alexander Cockburn wrote in CounterPunch (19/20 February): "In the state that gave us Salem in the seventeenth century and the Amiraults (all wrongly sent to prison on charges brought by Middlesex county District Attorney Martha Coakley) in the twentieth, Shanley's case has reintroduced recovered memory to the courtrooms of the twenty-first."

Shanley has been one of the prime whipping boys in the explosive sex scandals that have rocked the Catholic church beginning in 2002, when the Boston Globe began a series on priests and sexual abuse of youth. Roderick MacLeish Jr., the personal injury lawyer representing Shanley's accuser, retailed scandalous tales to the press about Shanley, which have been refuted by JoAnn Wypijewski in CounterPunch. She actually read the 1,600-page official church file on Shanley, which apparently no other reporters bothered to do. As Cockburn pointed out, "Had they done so, they would have found nothing to buttress the claims that Shanley founded NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Love Association], or was ever a member, or had ever advocated sex between men and little boys, or had a 30-year record of child abuse complaints made against him or a history of being moved from parish to parish. Yet all these allegations have become the common currency of Shanley's biography, and if guards usher a murderer into his cell, the killer will probably have the NAMBLA charge at the top of his mind."

In fact, Paul Shanley did openly advocate recognizing homosexuality as a normal sexual variation (based partly on the pioneering work of Alfred Kinsey), and did have homosexual liaisons. He was a long-haired "street priest" in the 1960s, mentioned in the book Common Ground, who tried to help runaways and kids hooked on drugs. Shanley's "association" with NAMBLA is that he attended a conference of people fighting a Boston anti-gay witchhunt at the end of which some people, not including Shanley, founded a group that later became NAMBLA.

NAMBLA's name is perennially dragged through the plentiful Boston mud, having been pounded for over 20 years by media smears and witchhunting prosecutions. We in the Spartacist League have repeatedly defended this tiny beleaguered group as an elementary act of proletarian decency. We oppose criminalizing their advocacy of the eminently reasonable proposition that youth who have sexual feelings be allowed to express them. NAMBLA simply advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and boys.

It is telling, in this deeply puritanical society, that the pitch of modern inquisitions increases according to the proximity of youth and sex. It is no accident that the church sex scandals have focused overwhelmingly on gay sex (did no priest ever touch a girl?), as this is guaranteed to set reactionary alarm bells ringing a lot louder. Since the daycare witchhunts, the code word for anti-sex crusaders, from the Christian right to the straightlaced morality feminists, has been "protect the children" from so-called pedophiles. This campaign reflects anti-gay bigotry, increased powers of repression for the capitalist state and a shoring up of reactionary "family values" like the domestic slavery of women and stultifying "abstinence only" for young people.

Gerald Amirault, a married man with children of his own, was released from prison in 2004 after being unjustly imprisoned for 18 years, framed up with incredible tales of evil robots, knives and dead pets at the Fells Acres Day School he ran with his sister and mother (who were also imprisoned). This was based solely on the coerced testimony of children whose only real abuse came at the hands of the prosecutors who, in their zeal for convictions and publicity, fed so much crap into them that they still reel from the trauma. Just as Amirault was up for a commutation, the church sex story exploded and he lost another two years to prison, as the cowardly politicians of Massachusetts refused, in the midst of the scandal, to set him free, despite the Board of Pardons' unanimous recommendation. We defended the Amiraults, and many other daycare workers, against the witchhunts of their time.

Now former priest Paul Shanley has been thrown to the wolves of "recovered memory" prosecution. This is a very dangerous thing. No evidence was presented that he committed any crime. This may be a difficult case for some of our readers to grasp, given the passionate—and legitimate—disgust so many feel for the real miseries inflicted by organized religion in this socially backward country, from the Christian fundamentalist right to the Roman Catholic hierarchy. The Catholic church upholds subservience to authority, from children's submission to parents, a wife's submission to her husband, the flock's submission to the priest and submission of all humanity to God. The worst thing, ultimately, about religion is that it preaches blind faith in false, mystical forces ruling our fate, crippling humanity's fight for freedom from oppression and for control over nature.

We care about the suffering of those victimized by corrupt, violent institutions and adults—whether priests or bullying state prosecutors. The terror and helplessness felt by children coerced into submission by frightening authority figures like priests, especially when combined with enforced guilt about sex, does scar them for life. Obviously the church has a lot to cover up—look at the millions in hush money it's been dishing out (including to some of Shanley's accusers). Forced out over the scandal was Boston's arrogant Cardinal Bernard Law, the Catholic version of Harvard's all-purpose bigot Larry Summers (who recently speculated that women, Jews, Catholics and white basketball players are perhaps innately incapable of certain activities). Surely there are many abusive priests. But we'll never know what happened in many cases, as the actual guilt or innocence of those singled out to be demonized is irrelevant to both prosecutors and the church hierarchy, who would rather throw money at accusers than uncover the truth. This too is a terrible injustice to those abused.

The falsity and reactionary political uses of "recovered memory" prosecutions were thoroughly exposed a decade ago. In a major review of research and books debunking "recovered memory" prosecutions, we wrote: "Much of this persecution aims to strengthen the bourgeois state in its regulation of the population and to spread panic, as a diversion from the real brutality of life in this twisted, mean, bigoted, racist society" (Women and Revolution, No. 45, Winter-Spring 1996). What we wrote then is equally true today: It is in the interests of all in the workers movement to protest and oppose this new, deadly "recovered memory" witchhunt. Free Paul Shanley!

dvintologi & mrbroman2 #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist reddit.com

Why racemaxxing is good for society
There isn't any clear way to divide humans into races, any such attempt will be arbitrary and thus race is actually a social construct in the sense that we as a society have created arbitrary categories for it that.

Since race socially is defined largely by appearance changing your race is very possible and this may also improve your quality of life. People being able to change their race means that race itself becomes less meaningful since it's more of an identity/presentation and less about what you were born as.

Of course people into toxic identity politics may very much oppose transracialism since it goes against their toxic ideologies but society itself do benefit very much from judging people by their actual abilities rather than the color of their skin.

Changing the color of your skin is very common, all you need to do is go out in the sun and tan. The difference between tanning and transracialism is just a difference in degree.

Also race mixing is rooted in misogyny


It’s even rooted in imperialism

Are you referring to how the conquistadors raped the natives at a massive scale? (south america).


I am not sure why that would matter today regarding whether or not racemixing is good.

Mixing 2 races can result in a hybrid vigor


I can see why some people are into racial conservatism but i do not think it's viable, you are just trying to delay the inevitable.

WorldWarITrenchBoi #moonbat #racist reddit.com

RE: Anyone else tired of all the race focus on the recent economic schemes and in diversity?

My military mom was talking about how they only focused on diversity in race, not gender, and how that was a sharp turn from the metoo movement just a few years ago. When Biden gives away money to minorities on unemployment only, or to their small businesses, he forgets entirely about a large portion of the working class in Appalachia who have been entirely overlooked and demonized, along with a good portion of small businesses. How is not assisting them not considered racism by itself? It should be, but the media wouldn’t frame it as that. It seems as if even they don’t realize that this hurts the left and their coalition in the long run, meaningless victories and time wasting only alienates the majority who could learn to appreciate leftist economics if they weren’t immediately shoved in with wokeness, along with environmentalism which is a big issue too.

Of course I am, having come from the black PMC milieu myself (but as Matt Christman points out, one of the ones to fall through the cracks now that the “dream” of social climbing has been snuffed out) I utterly despise this group of race hustling minorities who try manipulating all this diversity shit and warping all discussions of economics and government policy into a cynical scheme to gain more wealth and power for themselves. And the most disgusting part about them is that they use working class minorities as pawns in their little game to cement themselves as either capitalists in their own right, retainers to the capitalists, or academics. And if you hear how they will often talk about working class minorities they feel disgusted by them, almost as disgusted by them as actual white supremacists are. It’s an entirely self-interested, cynical, and psychopathic mode of politics.

icanteven #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist twitter.com

White parents, why are you producing so many young white male terrorists? What is going on in your households? How involved are you with your sons? Are you missing signs their racism is filtering out of commonplace household racism into "I want to murder strangers" racism?

Mom of two white boys here. Getting them to see on a daily basis how entitled they are -- all the breaks they get, that other kids don't, because of how they look or where they are from -- is a struggle. I honestly feel some days like it's a genetic defect.

They aren't angry, thank god. But they do sometimes come home and have the audacity to start out with 'Its not fair...X, Y, Z.' it makes my blood boil. They seem predisposed to believing it's some grand conspiracy to keep them down when in reality, the opposite is true.

My college roommate when on to get her PhD and did her dissertation on how the fragile white male ego is responsible for all the world's ills, and with each passing day I think she's more and more a genius

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Peaking is so good for mental health!

Literally, I feel so much better. I’ve lost a bunch of weight, it just melted off. It’s easier to move, my laughter comes easily, my smiles are genuine, I feel really really great. Maybe leaving radical left politics in general was also a factor. Those places can be toxic - “no discussion, no debate” etc. Now I can grow. I’m not stunting myself.

It's been hard at times but I've experienced this too. Certain gender critical ideas helped me understand myself and name my experiences within the first, like, three months more than gender ideology or Tumblr brainrot did in five years. The extremely woke left reminds me of the exact inverse of evangelical Christians: the same lane of collective insanity but exact opposite beliefs.

Yes, 100%! Hitting peak trans and becoming GC woke me up to the nature of my sex-based oppression and gave me the framework to assess my own experiences and the language to name female oppression.

I finally see the rampant misogyny of men on the left and of liberal feminism, of not just the bullshit about transwomen being women on the basis of sexist stereotyping and belief in gendered brains, but also the rhetoric that prostitution is work and porn is empowerment and BDSM is hot and WAP is a feminist master-piece. It's all so gross to call all that feminism but lefties are taught to parrot woman-hating nonsense.

I absolutely think "woke think" has completely rotted the left's ability to think critically, and like you said, it's like a fundamentalist religion where they must adhere to dogma or be pilloried as a heretic.

Liberty #sexist #magick #moonbat #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Today I would like to talk to you about sexual energy as an innate quality of a person and how education influences it.

By observing children, you can easily see how early feminine qualities appear in girls, and masculine qualities in boys.

But then a lot depends on their parents.

They can either develop a child’s sexual energy by raising its vibrations, or they can lower its energy level through their upbringing.

The fact that in recent years the institution of the family was purposefully destroyed and other values were introduced into society, among which “free sexual relations” occupied not the least place, affected children in the most deplorable way.

Growing up in single-parent families and not being able to observe normal relationships between men and women, children have lost the main guideline in life: what real men and real women should be like.

As a result, from childhood their sexual energy begins to deform.

And this is how it happens.

For example, a woman raising a child alone unwittingly takes on the role of not only a woman, but also a man.

She loses one of her main components - female “weakness”, which is expressed in tenderness, softness, defenselessness.

A child, not seeing what a true woman should be like under the wing of a strong man, already has distorted ideas about the sexual energy of both.

And since children unwittingly copy their parents, in this case boys become more feminine, and girls, on the contrary, acquire some masculine qualities.

And this happens unnoticed, on a subconscious level.

Thus, the distorted sexual energy of the mother is inherited by her children.
And now, in the age of equality between men and women, such manifestations are happening more and more often.
From childhood, instill in them the “strong” qualities of a man and the “weak” qualities of a woman, which are so necessary for their development, which would help each of them harmonize their sexual energy - one of the strongest in the Universe.

Various Commenters #wingnut #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia youtube.com

Submitter’s Note: “Putin and the Little Johnny” is a YouTube Short where a Russian student named Johnny vanishes after asking Vladimir Putin why they are invading Ukraine?

Why didn't Johnny ask, WHY ARE WE SENDING TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, JAPAN, IRAN, GAZA, SYRIA, interrupting Pakistan, blah blah. 😂

Johnny and Timmy asked Putin, “why can’t we have freedom like America?”
Putin replied “because they lost count of their own genders.” 💀💀💀

Little Billy says, "when Russia & Ukraine had agreed a peace deal, why did UK Boris Johnson tell Zelensky not to sign & why has nobody in the west even mention peace?

Like Vietnam,Korea ,Afghanistan Iraq and Syria also Jeffrey Epstein.

who is the kid that ask Obama why is julian Assange telling the truth

The USA has Biden, Canada has Trudeau and Jagmeet, Russia has Putin! Who would you rather be Running our Country's? I'll go with a Leader. Putin. 😂😅

American Nihilist Underground Society #crackpot #elitist #god-complex #moonbat #psycho #wingnut web.archive.org

A great man fallen [Tribute to Kim Jong-il shortly after his passing]

Here at ANUS, we love all dictators.

They understand a divine wisdom: humanity is a means to an end.

Humanity as an end in itself is an unterminated question. It asks itself perpetually in tautological form what it wants to do. It doesn't know. So it manufactures internal drama and the cycle goes on, circular logic ad infinitum.

Genius minds like Josef Stalin recognized that people were like clay to be molded into greater things. And if you trimmed some extra clay, so what? The normal person does nothing that particularly binds them to this life. "Not wanting to die is your (only) reason to live."

King Jong-Il was another spectacular dictator. Like other critics of the society of humans-as-the-goal-of-humanity, such as school shooters, Ted Kaczynski, Pentti Linkola, Friedrich Nietzsche and others who truly saw that society was a massive failure, Kim Jong-Il shaped his people like clay. He made an empire where none was before. And if they starve? The piercing pains are just that much more meaning to life, much more than they would find while sitting in a Brooklyn apartment getting obese on fast food and imported wine between scintillating stints at their day jobs as designers or press release supervisors or whatever make-work crap passes for important in capitalism these days.

We will miss you, Kim Jong-Il. You were one of the few who understood. We must oppress ourselves or we degenerate. In this way alone, all dictators are closer to heaven than the average human could ever dream of being.

Various far-right ideologues #conspiracy #crackpot #moonbat #racist #wingnut thediplomat.com

Alt-Reich: North Korea and the Far Right


Welcome to The Daily Traditionalist, a video blog by Matthew Heimbach, an American white nationalist who advocates dividing the United States into ethnically and culturally homogenous states.

“As long as [North Koreans] can maintain their blood, it will maintain their identity as a people,” he says. “It’s pretty amazing if you actually look at what they’re trying to do [there].”


“North Korea has much to be admired,” said Matteo Salvini, head of Italy’s right-wing party Northern League, in 2014. “They have a splendid sense of community. Children play on the streets and respect their elders — things that no longer exist in Italy.”


“American imperialism and American militarism cannot abide a country [like North Korea] that wants to be sovereign and that rejects the radical globalist agenda,” Heimbach tells The Diplomat, adding that North Korea has survived despite being a “pretty universal punching bag” among Western governments.

Even Russia’s Alexander Dugin [...] has praised Pyongyang as an “island of freedom,” arguing that Russia should provide it with weapons of mass destruction to protect its sovereignty.


Anti-Semitism is another factor [...] David Duke writes that “as the Jewish Lobby dictates U.S. foreign policy, North Korea’s hostility toward Israel has made it a target for aggression.” Citing North Korea’s refusal to recognize the state of Israel, Duke writes that “the Jewish-supremacist media” has long singled Pyongyang out for destruction.


According to [B. R.] Myers, North Korea is an ethno-nationalist regime with a deep-seated military industrial complex. Much like Nazi Germany, Pyongyang’s entire command economy is geared toward its armed forces, not public services.

“It is a far-right state, practicing the ideology it preaches, and doing very well by its own standards — if not by our own materialist standards,” Myers tells The Diplomat.


Aleksandr Dugin #crackpot #fundie #moonbat #wingnut facebook.com

[Edited for minor spelling and punctuation errors]

So I think we need to organize protests immediately in support of North Korea, in opposition to America's global domination, and of course to simply beg our military leaders to give over nuclear weapons to North Korea, as well as to Iran, Venezuela, and other exceptional regimes

Everyone around them has declared defeat. Even the Chinese have given way to capitalism to an extent. But the North Koreans are still holding on. And now America intends to pressure them with all its might. What does America want from North Korea? North Korea has few natural resources.

America's primary mission there is to exaggerate the situation and to spark global opposition to North Korea, diverting the world's attention away from what America herself is seeking to do--to set up a worldwide economy in America's own image.

But to not understand that North Korea is a seed of humanism and democracy in the face of an American occupation is to demonstrate complete and utter ignorance. What is North Korea? It is freedom. It is an island of freedom like Cuba. It is a dot on the map of non-conformity in the face of incredible pressure.

Dostoevsky said that the heart of the human being is the battlefield between good and evil, between God and Satan.
As a matter of fact, we can say today that the heart of the human being is the battle between North and South Korea.
Right now, Korea is fighting for us. This one little Il, who hasn't even yet been elected, is fighting for the entire planet.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #moonbat dailystormer.name

[From “One True Korea: Number One Leader Orders Mass Production of Epic Suicide Drones”]

North Korea is funny, because these people are totally blockaded and sanctioned into oblivion but they have ultra-high IQs so they just roll with it and keep building weapons

They can sell these weapons to others


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has overseen a field trial of domestically produced kamikaze drones, state media reported on Friday[…]

I wish I was from an isolated and totally militarized state

It’s really fun

The rebel alliance in “South Korea,” which is a fake country, has totally stopped breeding and will age out of the universe within a generation. The DPRK will be able to just walk into the country and it will be nothing but old people in automated nursing homes, like Wall-E

Oh, right. That was fat people who needed robots to take care of them. Anyway, same concept

The country might collapse before that, however, when the second season of Squid Game is released next month. Squid Game was the only thing the country was famous for and the second season is likely to be just as bad as it sounds like that would be

I’m sure there was a lot of money on the table, but why would you lower yourself to the level of a sequel? The show had already spun out of control at the end with goofy Asian shit

If season 2 gets universally panned, Koreans might go full-Japanese and start killing themselves in shame on a mass scale

It’s impossible the show could be worth a shit with 067 dead[…]
North Korean TV could have just showed the show and said it was a documentary showing what happens when Americans come in and “Westernize” you. It basically was a documentary

Wayne Leigh #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #moonbat quora.com

The politically incorrect answer would be that like the rest of R1b, they were descended from the neolithic farmers who came to Europe from anatolia speaking various related languages. The Bell Beaker people were a development from these farming societies. When the R1a came conquering from the steppes, some mixed races speaking predominantly Indo-European languages were created, such as the Celts. But the languages of the ancient farmers continue to exist well into Roman times till they were eventually subsumed into the majority. Languages such as old Iberian, Etruscan and Basque. Eventually only Basque held out. Its pretty much the the Han colonisation of South China. All the Yue were Sinicized except the Vietnamese. Yet their DNA is still closer to Vietnamese rather than Han. No one would identify O2a as DNA of ancient Han, but its a third of the southern Han. The only thing which stopped West Europeans from identifying R1b as neolithic farmer as against being steppe nomads are their self-identification as Aryan conquerors rather than members of a conquered race.

runofabitch #moonbat #sexist reddit.com

Is it really not all men though?

Because when we say ACAB, we mean all. Because they're complicit in a system that perpetuates violence.

I don't know a single man who has reliably, every time, called out other men for their vile behaviour.

In fact they usually make friends with them, and if the women in their lives point it out they'll "oh, yeah, he's a bad dude" and then go have beers because what the BAD DUDE thinks of them is more important than the comfort and safety of the women in their lives.

They call themselves protectors but I don't see them calling each other out for creepy behaviour, online or off.

They're complicit.

All of them.

They're complicit in a system that perpetuates violence against women.

Not only that, but they continue to both benefit from it AND be harmed by it, but still unwilling to change it because even though it hurts them, it hurts us more. They get more from this than they lose.

Yeah. All men. Every single one.

You are completely ignoring the fact that at the basis of the patriarchy not just the oppression of women by men but also the oppression of disadvantaged men by advantaged ones.

I myself, before starting to identify as non-binary, suffered the worst consequences of this firsthand as an Autistic AMAB. Under patriarchy, the physical abuse of men by other men is way more openly normalized than physical abuse of women by men

I am an intersectional feminist. When I say "all men" I should correct myself and say "all cis men".

But "all cis men" is 98% of men.

While it's also "all cis men" who are complicit in the parts of patriarchy that also harm men...

... I'm really tired of it only mattering to men to fix it when it hurts them.

Why do we have to convince them that THEY are being harmed before they'll change something?

Why is the harm they're causing us (everyone but cis men) not enough?

Katie Kruz #psycho #moonbat amapin.love

The girl I love. I fell in love with her when I was 25, and she was 12. I had no bad intentions, and didn’t act sexually with her. I just loved her. She was my companion, my friend, and she had a puppy love crush on me. How could I resist? She was beautiful, and sweet, and she reciprocated that attraction.

We hung out a handful of times. Went swimming, chased each other around, cuddle up and listened to music, and just talked.

I wanted to marry her. I wanted to be with her all the time. She meant the world to me.

I had to leave, and we lost contact for 3 years. When I came back we got in contact again. Now she only sees me as a friend. That was always in the back of my mind. If you love her you gotta let her go.

She turns 18 in a few days. It just makes me cry that my little girlfriend is no longer little. She’s lost her innocence. She’s lost her magic. And I’m no longer the one who brightens her day. No longer her companion. It hurts so bad.

University of Liège #moonbat hln.be

Translation and emphasis added by submitter

“There is now a scientific consensus about the decline of Earth’s habitability and about humanity’s responsibility”, it says. But the responsibility does not lie with humanity as a whole, but rather “with the white, christian and heterosexual ‘western’ man”, it concludes.

OG text“Er is nu een wetenschappelijke consensus over de achteruitgang van de bewoonbaarheid van de Aarde en over de verantwoordelijkheid van de mens”, staat er. Maar de verantwoordelijkheid ligt niet bij dé mens als dusdanig, maar wel “bij de blanke, christelijke en heteroseksuele ’westerse’ mens”, luidt het vervolgens.

Concrete FactsOnly #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

The problem is that there is not a country with sovereignty in Taiwan - Taiwan never declared independence either. A country has four elements, people, territory, sovereignty, government. Which one Taiwan has? Chinese people in Chinese territory, with sovereignty under China, with a government not recognized by any UN country. He is an illegal "president" - no president would sell his country and not upholding its Constitution, which maintains that reunification and territorial integrity.
He is just like Russian neighbor's president, and that of Ph, selling his own country for another country's interests. Uk got its own people losing lives and territory and never got any benefits from the fake freedom that the color revolution by CIA that promoted it.
If you are what you claim to be, and think that you can sacrifice a province of China to give it to another country, and believe in that the country would protect you, just declare independence! Do not talk and make trouble and let the Taiwan people suffer, lose lives. There are Taiwanese people that wants to keep the status quo, there are almost none that want to sacrifice their lives for a cause to separate from their roots.

New Communist Party of Italy #moonbat #conspiracy #racist israelhayom.com

The New Communist Party of Italy has published a list of more than 150 Italian Jews, including well-known figures in politics, media, and business, labeling them as "Zionist agents" to be "condemned and fought" for supporting Israel, reports Jewish News Syndicate

Titled "Zionist Organizations and Agents in Italy," the list categorizes individuals and companies across various sectors, including finance, industry, technology, and military. It names prominent figures such as Senator Ester Mieli, former Italian Ambassador to Israel Luigi Mattiolo, and journalists Maurizio Molinari and Emanuela Dviri

Although the New Communist Party is considered a marginal political force, the publication of this list has garnered widespread attention and condemnation from across the Italian political spectrum

Dr Mark Rose #moonbat #sexist #quack abc.net.au

Here's a differnt kind of fundy. Aboriginal fundies do exist.
Background: A book was recently published which includes didgeridoo lessons for girls.

"We know very clearly that there is a range of consequences for females touching a didgeridoo, it's men's business, and in the girls book, instructions on how to use it, for us it is an extreme cultural indiscretion."

Dr Rose says the consequences for a girl touching a didgeridoo can be quite extreme.

"It would vary in the places where it is, infertility would be the start of it ranging to other consequences," he said.

Yusuf #racist #moonbat #homophobia twitter.com

White queer jewish teens get white guilt and over-attach to Judaism in online circles and tell antizionists that they’re spouting antiSemitic dogwhistles every other sentence we speak, all bc they can’t accept they’re white

You’re not indigenous to the Levant you’re 14 and hyper-fixating on ‘Jumblr’

storyending #moonbat #sexist #transphobia storyendingnever.wordpress.com

They Are All the Worst

I am in no way standing up for white dudes. I just can’t see feminism ever having a real and lasting impact when women slide into a concession-to-dick-based policy rooted in intersectionality.

The world isn’t shitty because of white men. The world is shitty because of men. All groups of men are the worst. Just as different women deal with different shit, different men drop different kinds of turds.

I live in China, where 99.99% of the men are Chinese. My female students are already being pressured into and groomed for marriage. Talk about sexual slavery… Chinese men are worst.

A few years ago, while in L.A., I went to the creepy crawly Museum of Death. I was stopped short in front of a television set playing footage from Africa where a group of about 200 black African men had ganged up on a single lone black African woman stripping beating and raping her. She died in the end. Her ‘crime’? Who the fuck knows. Being a woman? African men are the worst.

A couple of years ago, in India, a woman was gang raped to death on a public bus. Further, there are an estimated 3 million female prostitutes in India, almost half of whom are under 18 years of age. Indian men are the worst.

White men are leading the pack of rabid, violent, narcissistic, misogynist, middle-aged, autogynopheliac, pedophilic, ex-military, rape-apologist trannies. (At least one adjective applies to every trannie out there.) White men are the worst.

Muslim men are well known for their barbarism and hatred of women. They cut off clitorises and sew up vaginal openings and rape and kill women in the name of ‘honour’ and Allah all over the world. Muslim men are the worst.

Christian, Jewish, Aboriginal, disabled, homeless, conservative, liberal, gay men... I could go on and on and on.

Men are men. They are ALL the worst. Having brown skin doesn’t make you more noble or empathetic or somehow above violence against women. XY = male = violent = woman-hating.

VeganPotatoMan #moonbat #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Service animals = animal exploitation

Don't get mad at me, get mad at the dictionary

And go vegan you animal exploiting fucks

This is why people don't like militant vegans lol

This batshit comment screams how much you don't know about dogs even though you purport to be an animal lover....its sad really, dogs love to work at their little jobs they're trained for, be it guard duty or as companions to disabled people or even herding and retrieving...shit Retrievers and Collies will do both naturally without being trained for it, they live for that shit it's actually astonishing to watch

Exploit: to make use of or benefit from a resource

Also dogs should become extinct through precluding their breeding, not exploited for human purposes.

Let's see your arguments

Dogs dont do anything "naturally"

No domesticated animal is natural

Edit: you sound like a slavery apologist

Oh wait, you are.🤡

Edit edit: people hate vegans because we speak the truth

Deal with it

안중근 stan account #crackpot #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist nitter.net

prayer circle

🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯
all white
🕯 expats will 🕯
leave asia
🕯 🕯
🕯 🕯

yt ppl come to asia to rape our women, kill our men, and steal our resources. then, when we’re forced to immigrate to the west because of imperialism, we get hate crimed. you don’t get to tell Asians how we should feel about yt expats coming in to *our* country

white folks don't even treat Asians like we’re people in the west, but expect to be treated like royalty when they come to Asia

stop bringing your western chauvinism to Asia!

if you get mad at this tweet, remember you’re the reason why we don’t want you in our countries

white people are calling me an “ethno nationalist” because i don’t want sexpats in my country lmao

liberals find out that i’m a korean nationalist and immediately freak out. how many times do we have to tell you that reactionary and revolutionary nationalism are fundamentally different


DPRK citizens can freely criticize their party and government without fear of getting arrested or murdered. can americans really say the same?

Is this fucking satire?

you’re a white person that benefits off of spewing racist and imperialist lies about my country whilst claiming to be a “socialist” and “anti-authoritarian.” your entire career is a satire

how dare you profit off of humiliating and dehumanizing my people. the US murdered 20% of my population and the DPRK continues to be under brutal sanctions and you have the audacity to sit there in the imperial core and make content off of that? fuck you

thorinbane #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Do you guys know anything about Ukraine and Russia. Its like US citizens woke up in 2022 and want to tell everyone they know everything about a nothing country they didn't give two turtle turds about at christmas. The regions occupied by Russia were given to Ukraine for administration during the soviet era. The are not just the most russian speaking area, the are also the manufacturing area because they were Russian before this. In fact Ukraine will likely be bulkanized by Poland and Romania as well. If they hadn't been murdering 14,000 people in their civil war the USA propped up for the last 8 years, none of this would be happening. Minsk 2 was signed by all parties including the USA, but Ukraine never followed through.

Go do a little more digging, You guys are missing about 98% of the context of everything about this 'invasion'.