
Life is sacred until it’s born, then it’s the law of the jungle.

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

Last year the US government collected $4.92 trillion.

But we spent $6.75 trillion.

We added another $1.8 trillion in debt.

Our national debt is $36 trillion.

We will face irreversible economic collapse if we don’t fix this.

If a MAGA Congress and DOGE doesn’t have the discipline to cut obvious things like $700 MILLION in corrupt Planned Parenthood funding, we are totally lost.
4:12 AM · Feb 9, 2025 · 14.8K Views

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #forced-birth #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

I submit that there is no difference between Onan spilling his seed on the ground and a man using a condom, or a woman taking drugs of infertility, or the committing of sodomy, or any other method of sexual perversion.

Human sexual perversion is human species suicide.

In Judeo-Christian thought artificial contraception is abortion.
The Marxocrat Party and other Marxists, like the Marxist USCCB and other "Bergoglio Catholics", use the perversion-caused low birth rate in America to promote the unlimited illegal migration of foreigners into America, because our declining population is a recognized death knell to our national economy.

Abortion, artificial contraception and sexual perversion are the main tools of Materialism with which to destroy Monotheism. Acceptance of Artificial Contraception marked the single most destructive turning point in the history of Western Culture, marking the end of moral norms, foretelling eventual cultural tolerance of anything at all.

To that end, the Marxocrat Party and the Bergoglio Catholics uplift artificiality and suppress nature, and glorify this world while trivializing, glossing over and ignoring the next.

They conspire together to do that.

President Trump 47 can undo all of that, if he will. Just as he started a political snowball rolling downhill toward a high court decision on the question of anchor babies, he could issue an executive order defining unborn babies to be living human beings. And then just let the opposition go nuts, file lawsuit after lawsuit and let the matter wind its way through the system to wind up before the Supreme Court.

After all, the DNA says it is human, and cell-division says it is alive.

And simple common sense, all by itself, says the exact same thing.

All that the American nation naturally needs is exactly what all that American families naturally need: to make more American babies.

Pray for President Trump, and start celebrating human life again.

Rev. Calvin Robinson #wingnut #forced-birth independent.co.uk

A right-wing priest has been defrocked after mimicking Elon Musk’s controversial salute while addressing a pro-life convention

Father Calvin Robinson, 39, spoke at the National Pro-Life Summit in Washington D.C. last weekend where he claimed that the U.S. is the “only country fighting for life”

Robinson concluded his speech by thumping his chest and raising his right hand to the sky. “My heart goes out to you,” he said with a wry smile as he exited the stage

The priest’s actions – and remarks – appeared to emulate those made by Musk who, at Donald Trump’s post-inauguration rally on January 20, beat his chest and shot his right hand – twice – uttering the same phrase. Musk denies his gesture was a Sieg Heil, or had Nazi connotations

Addressing a viral video of his remarks on Wednesday, Robinson tweeted he received a raft of “nasty calls, texts, voicemails and emails” from “very bitter, angry, vile leftists”

“My heart goes out to you,” he repeated along with a salute emoji

Robinson, from Nottinghamshire in England, belonged to the UK Anglican Catholic Church – before he was defrocked and had his license revoked

“Mr. Robinson had been warned that online trolling and other such actions (whether in service of the left or right) are incompatible with a priestly vocation and was told to desist,” the church wrote in a notice on its website on Wednesday

“Clearly, he has not, and as such, his license in this Church has been revoked. He is no longer serving as a priest in the ACC”

HungryRobotics and UnbannableMrRipley #dunning-kruger #sexist #forced-birth reddit.com

Still from the same poster that claim 12 can’t safely carry a baby to term.


Disclaimer, in use this subreddit to guess based on what I know about whatever it is. So, since I'm not looking, I won't have any sources to cite, be able to back up arguments much further than presented or guarantee you won't fail your test of you use my answers

Contrary to the idea...not long ago I checked the numbers...the carry babies to term and have them quite well... There isn't much of risk increase at all.. their bodies...amazing and resilient (no, you are never going to ruin that pussy with that)

But, do keep in mind, young and inexperienced mother's, especially without a solid strong support system and accepting wonderful community are going to have anton of other problems...

School, post pardum depression, trouble with their social circle, work and income..met.

And the babies themselves are at high risk for attachment disorders.

Biologically... 12 is middle-aged... when the average life span was 30... women were married and had children at 13... IF, a girl becomes pregnant at 12 (GOD FORBID) it has been proven many, many times that they can carry a baby to term. It is actually far more dangerous to have a baby at 40 than at 12.

Leo Hohmann #wingnut #fundie #forced-birth #conspiracy leohohmann.com

Mike Pence is a gutless servant of the global Luciferian death cult who claims to be ‘pro-life’
ABC News and multiple other media outlets are reporting today that former Vice President Mike Pence, who did not endorse or support President-elect Donald Trump during the 2024 election cycle, has come out in opposition to Trump’s choice of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Pence cited Kennedy’s past support for abortion as the reason for his opposition. This, despite RFK Jr.’s recent pledge to continue the pro-life policies of Trump’s first term, such as cutting off taxpayer funding to groups that finance abortion procedures, and ending the Biden policy of forcing pro-life healthcare providers to participate in abortions against their conscience.
HERE’S MY TAKE on Mr. Pence:

This is all smoke and mirrors. I don’t’ believe Pence’s rejection of RFK Jr. has anything to do with abortion or being pro life and here’s why.

This is Pence being Pence. He’s grandstanding. His rejection of Kennedy has nothing to do with abortion and everything to do with the fact that Bobby Kennedy opposes everything that Pence stands for, with regard to pandemic lockdowns, forced masking and vaxing, allowing Big Pharma to have its way with deadly experimental treatments, and Big Agriculture to continue poisoning our food and water.

In short, Mike Pence is a creature of the establishment and the military-industrial-biosecurity complex that feeds the international beast system.
Mike Pence is a hypocrite. In some ways, he’s the Republican version of Jimmy Carter. He wears his Christianity on his sleeve but applies his Christian principles selectively.

Call me old school. But in my book, that’s called a coward.

The fact that the corrupt corporate media outlets still run to Mike Pence to publish his irrelevant opinions should tell us everything about the man.

Marjorie Taylor Greene #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut alternet.org

Marjorie Taylor Greene targets former Biden official’s religious faith in House hearing

During a House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday, U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) invoked God and religion to harshly question Martin O’Malley, the former Commissioner of the Social Security Administration and a former Governor of Maryland, about his personal views on abortion and his Catholic faith.

In her highly confrontational interrogation of O’Malley, a longtime Democrat who also served as Governor of Maryland for eight years and ran for president in 2016, Congresswoman Greene, a self-avowed Christian nationalist, invoked his Catholic faith to attack his beliefs about abortion.

“Since you’re very interested in being DNC chair, you are after all a lifelong Democrat politician — I don’t even know if you had a job in the real world, but you have been an elected politician for years,” Greene accused (video below). “Mr. O’Malley you’re also a Catholic, are you not?”

“I am,” O’Malley confirmed.

“Do you serve God or do you serve the Democrat Party?” Greene asked.

“I serve God,” O’Malley responded.

An off-camera committee member interjected: “Mr. Chairman, as a Roman Catholic, I take offense at the suggestion that somebody has [inaudible] to God and their service as a Catholic.”

Greene tried to talk over the objection, which went unaddressed by the Republican majority chair.

“Mr. O’Malley, will you be supporting the murder of the unborn up until the day of birth like your party does? As DNC chair, will you be supporting the murder of innocent unborn people? Is that in line with your faith in God and the Catholic Church?” Greene said, appearing to grandstand.

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

It isn’t racist to want a border wall to protect our country. It isn’t anti-woman to want to save the lives of babies from the horror of abortion. It isn’t hateful to believe in God’s definition of marriage.

The Left isn’t in charge of morality. God is.
Last edited 2:21 PM · Jan 3, 2025 · 10.9K Views

C. Jay Engel and Jeremy Carl #fundie #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #forced-birth angrywhitemen.org

On the Christian nationalist podcast Contra Mundum, Jeremy Carl claimed that Christianity was replaced in the public square by other “secular” religions[…]
During the show, co-host C. Jay Engel complained that the 20th century “was largely like a massive project of undermining the old constitutional norms,” and that the Constitution has “basically been liquidated, first in the New Deal, then in the Civil Rights Act” and the “bureaucratic machinations that were set up” as a result

Engel added that “if you oppose that, you know, you’re seen as a racist and all these things.” In the past Engel has claimed that “the majority of blacks have demonstrated that they cannot function within the old European cultural standards”[…]
Jeremy Carl told Engel that he was “exactly right” about the 20th century, and began criticizing the concept of separation of church and state

Carl claimed that “every single one of the founders” except Thomas Jefferson “would be a right-wing Christo-fascist,” that the Supreme Court “radically inverted the fact that Christianity and religion had always been in the center of American public life,” and that the idea that “invoking the Christian God in a public context could be unconstitutional” is “just risible”

He then went on to say that “what you see right now in the public square is a different religion. It’s the religion of transgenderism. It’s the religion of homosexuality”

“Abortion rights,” Andrew Isker interrupted

“Yeah,” Carl replied. “I mean that’s the god — or secularism, you know, quite frankly. That’s the god that we need to worship right now. It is not that a public square with no god. It’s a public square with a god that is antithetical to the god of the Founders. You know, for the country that they thought they were founding”

Lila Rose #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

2,000 years ago,

King Herod murdered hundreds of babies as he sought to kill our Lord.

Threatened by the prospect of a child disrupting his life, in fear of losing his control and status - he destroyed the most vulnerable.

Today the same broken human condition and reasoning fuels abortion - causing the death of 1M children each year in America alone.

On the Feast of The Holy Innocents today, let us recommit ourselves to the spread of the gospel and the work to protect babies from abortion.
6:54 AM · Dec 29, 2024 · 31K Views

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

Not people" in 1800 - African slaves

Deaths: 1.8M

"Not people" in 1915 - Armenians

Deaths: 1.5M

"Not people" in 1943 - Jews

Deaths: 6M

"Not people" in 1994- Tutsis

Deaths: 657K

"Not people" in 2025 - Preborn babies

Deaths: 63M in America alone

We must stop the dehumanization and genocide
6:01 AM · Dec 28, 2024 · 52.8K Views

John C. Wright #homophobia #forced-birth #kinkshaming #crackpot scifiwright.com

{from 2014}

And you did not retract your statement, where you defined masturbation, which is the act of discharging semen not in the act of sexual reproduction to include discharging semen in the act of sexual reproduction. This is like saying black is white or night is day. It is inexcusable. Before leaping up to make additional false accusations and saying additional arrant logical fallacies, please acknowledge your defeat on this point before moving on to the next.

The next point will be just as disappointing to you, however: the act of sexual reproduction is the act of sexual reproduction, otherwise known as coitus, whether or not the act culminates in reproducing the young. So, after saying black is white, you say white is not white.

The reason why sex should and must be defined as the reproductive act is that anything else is illogical, insane, and, frankly, unhealthy. Humans have allowed new venereal diseases to spread in the modern generation which were unknown in the ancient world, since the pursuit of perverse sexual pleasure, involving the abuse of sexual organs by thrusting them into orifices where nature never intended them to do, is unhealthy, and spreads disease.

To me, sex is sex and perversion is perversion. That is because a thing is what it is. I am not ignoring what you call other applications: to the contrary what I am doing is correctly identifying them as sexual perversions, that is, namely, an unnatural abuse or misuse of the sexual organs by those to whom the natural pleasures of the natural uses thereof are insufficiently stimulating.

To me, the sex act is the sexual reproductive act. Masturbation is not the sex act, it is self gratification by an abuse of those organs.

You see the problem you are having is that facts and logic are on my side. All you have is a dark, turgid, hysterical emotion based on a frantic denial of reality and a love of wrongdoing. I am not from the generation where everyone is given a participation trophy. You speak in ignorance. Your thoughts are not in order. You misuse common philosophical terms. Your behavior is a simple and neurotic trick of merely accusing me of your own shortcomings, and when that accusation is proved false, merely making the next, and the next, without once actually thinking about what you are saying.

Michael Tennant and Aymeric Pourbaix #forced-birth thenewamerican.com

[From “French TV Channel Fined $100,000 for Saying Abortion Is World’s Leading Cause of Death”]

A French television channel was fined over $100,000 and forced to apologize after it reported — accurately — that abortion is the world’s leading cause of death[…]
According to The European Conservative

In February 2024, presenter Aymeric Pourbaix, during the Catholic program “En quête d’esprit,” broadcast every Sunday on the conservative channel CNews, showed an infographic on the causes of death, ranking abortion as the leading cause, with 73 million deaths each year worldwide. That translates to 52% of annual deaths, far ahead of cancer (10 million) and smoking (6.2 million)

The journalist’s comments sparked a wave of indignation in the mainstream press, on the grounds that abortion cannot be considered a “cause of death” because the fetus should not be considered a living being

Within days of the broadcast, the Council of State, one of France’s highest courts, asked the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (ARCOM) to investigate CNews over its alleged lack of “pluralism”[…]
The Council of State reasoned that the speaking time of CNews personalities, who are journalists and columnists, should be similarly regulated. In other words, if Pourbaix spent 10 minutes reporting a pro-life story, a pro-abortion spokesperson should be given 10 minutes to argue the opposite. Never mind the fact that CNews, along with another channel, C8, is owned by Catholic businessman Vincent Bolloré, not the state

Bryan Fischer #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth afa.net

These new commandments must be obeyed, and those who flout them will receive the most severe and unyielding punishments, including censure, excommunication, (say, from graduate counseling programs), and fines in the forms of legal fees to the secular imams at the ACLU.

Here, then, are the Ten Commandments of secular Sharia:

1. “Government, not Yahweh, is God.” Secular fundamentalists want us to look to government for everything we we [sic] were once taught to look for from God. Government is all knowing, all powerful, all wise, all caring. You know, all the things God used to be.

2. “You shall have no gods, period.” The goal of secular fundamentalists is the extermination of any and all mentions of God and Christ in the public arena. The only exceptions to the “no god” rule will be for Gaia and Allah. Gaia is to be worshiped, and any blasphemy against her, by plundering her for such things as the fuel on which the world runs, will be met with the severest punishment and condemnation.

3. “You shall not take the name of the homosexual agenda or Islam in vain.” If you do, we will land on you like a falling safe. Profanity, blasphemy, vulgarity, obscenity, pornography, all are fine. Criticize homosexual conduct, on the other hand, and we will cause the wrath of our god to descend upon you as a consuming fire. You will be silenced, marginalized and treated as a leper. We secularists have freedom of speech but you cretinous conservatives do not. If you have a problem with sexually deviant behavior, you are by definition a homophobic hatemonger and we don’t have to listen to you.

4. “Observe Halloween, Labor Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as holy days. Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, on the other hand, must be wiped off school calendars as if they never existed.”

5. “Honor your father and mother - by which we mean liberal politicians, since they have turned government into your mommy and your daddy.” No husband, no problem: government will be the head of your home. No father, no problem: government will be your provider and raise your children for you.

6. “You shall not murder - unless it’s a defenseless baby in the womb.”

7. “You shall not commit adultery - unless it’s with another man’s wife. Fornication and sodomy without repercussions and penalty are okay too. And we’re working on polygamy and pedophilia.” Anyone who disagrees, and says anything remotely critical of such behaviors, will be subject to the wrath of the holy and righteous prophets of secular Sharia in the out-of-the-mainstream media, who will call down fire and brimstone on those who dare to challenge the sexual orthodoxy of leftist libertines.

8. “You shall not steal - unless it’s to plunder from the producers what they have earned to give to the non-producers what they have not earned.” Anyone who complains about this involuntary transfer of wealth will be judged by the secular mullahs as evil, greedy capitalists and silenced. Right after they have been ripped off.

9. “You shall not bear false witness - unless it is to tell blatant lies about the Constitution, American history, the economy, unemployment figures and drilling for oil.” As long as you are lying to advance the power and reach of government, or get a leftist politician reelected, it’s okay. Secularists have their own version of taqqiya, just like the Muslims do.

10. “You shall not covet anything - as long as it belongs to people who are poorer than you. If they have more money than you, they are evil oppressors who must be plundered of their ill-gotten wealth by our government overlords so it can be redistributed to the lazy, shiftless and irresponsible.”

pro-natalist legislators #forced-birth #sexist #wingnut fidh.org

Russia: Ban on "propaganda" in favor of childfree lifestyles


Paris, 14 November 2024. [...] Two days ago the Duma unanimously passed a bill banning the dissemination of neutral or positive information about being childfree on the Internet, in the media, films, and advertisements.

This law still needs to be approved by the upper house before being sent to [...] Putin for final approval. It includes [...] penalties, which can reach up to 400,000 rubles for individuals (around $4,200) and 5 million rubles for companies (nearly $50,000). There is also the risk of administrative arrest and deportation for non-Russian citizens.

[...] The regime [...] exalts motherhood as a fundamental cornerstone of national policy. In 2020, Russian authorities made significant revisions to the Constitution, notably adding Article 67, which states that "children are the most important priority of Russian state policy."

The year 2024 has been declared in Russia as the "Year of the Family." This [is] an opportunity to adopt measures aimed at "strengthening marriage and traditional values." Divorce fees have been increased eightfold, laws have been passed prohibiting "incitement to abortion" and [...] private clinics in certain regions are now refusing to perform voluntary abortions.

The newly passed law bans the dissemination of information about the "childfree" movement [...] According to Valentina Matvienko, Chairwoman of [...] the upper house of Parliament, "this movement does not align with the current expectations of women" and "must be legally prohibited."

Once the law comes into effect, Russian citizens will no longer be allowed to say or write anything that promotes a "positive image of childlessness and the conscious choice not to have children, unless this choice is related to medical contraindications."

[...] The stated goal is to [...] fight against a West deemed "decadent" and [...] control women’s bodies.


Bethany Kozma #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #pratt #wingnut dailykos.com

[From “Project 2025 Private Training Video: Left-Wing Code Words and Language”]


Language is used to control culture. I'll never forget a conversation I had with the Chief of Staff at USAID.

We were trying to provide alternative language for the highly controversial phrase 'comprehensive sexuality education' or CSE, which at the United Nations had come to mean not just typical sex education, but instead had been morphed into teaching and normalizing sex at very early ages, even as young as preschool. And for girls who became pregnant, that abortion was a preferable method of birth control.


[The Chief of Staff] suggested several alternatives. But each time I told him that, unfortunately, his recommended edit was also incorrect. He said he could not interpret it as CSE. Frustrated, he vented. They have literally co-opted the English language. And it was at that moment that I realized that the progressive left is controlling the language, redefining definitions, and by doing so, are ruling the world.


The left got very creative years ago and started using different words to make abortion sound a little less like murder. For example, sexual and reproductive health, reproductive rights, sexual and reproductive health services, reproductive health services, health services, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights. All of these include abortion. For years, we knew that the terms above that I just mentioned had been used and that they were code for abortion.

The left and the career bureaucrats at State and USAID told us, oh, no, no, no. But then when I was negotiating with Canada for the G7 Development Ministerial, I said, well, can we just use these terms and add that does not include abortion? And their response was telling. They said, but it does include abortion.

Even with that admission, I had a difficult time convincing political appointees that these terms were co-opted.


baileysmom #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia rr-bb.com

I agree completely. We should not be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for abortions. Abortion should be completely illegal. Every chid is a gift from God, and every child deserves a chance at life. We also should not have to be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for health benefits and health care for homosexuals. Homosexuality is a depraved, disgusting, unhealthy lifestyle choice, and if somebody is going to make the choice to be a gay or lesbian and catch who knows what kind of disease because they have so many sexual partners (I've read statistics that say the average is for them to have over 1,000 "partners"), I sure don't want to be the one footing the bill for there treatment. And I too get disgusted with the commercialization of Christmas. Materialism and pure greed is what it is. I wonder how many kids know the true meaning of Christmas and how many just think it's about Santa Clause and opening more and more and more gifts.

I shudder to think what our country is coming to.

Joel Webbon #fundie #elitist #forced-birth #psycho #sexist rightwingwatch.org

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist who believes that the American people are too degenerate, stupid, and cowardly to abide by the Constitution and must therefore be governed by a Christian dictator. This dictator, Webbon believes, must “rule with an iron fist” and force everyone to, at the very least, “pretend to be Christian.”

Under his preferred form of Christian nationalist theocracy, Webbon wants to see the Apostles’ Creed added to the Constitution; abortion, pornography, no-fault divorce, in vitro fertilization, and birth control outlawed; non-Christians kept out of his neighborhood; and every non-Protestant Christian reduced to second-class citizenship.

Webbon, of course, is also a misogynist who wants to see women banned from voting, so naturally he is deeply alarmed by the prospect of Vice President Kamala Harris winning the election in November, as he made clear during a recent podcast.

“I believe it’s Isaiah that says that one of God’s judgments and curses on a nation is that they will be ruled by children and women,” Webbon said, citing Isaiah 3.”It’s not like if we get Kamala, then we’re going to have sinful policies and then we’ll be judged by God. That’s true, but it’s not just that Kamala will invoke judgment by wicked policies; Kamala is the judgment because of all the wickedness that we’ve already accrued.”

“We have been a wicked, rebellious, apostate nation for decades and decades and decades,” he continued. “Kamala is not the sin that will result in judgment; Kamala is the judgment that is the result for all of our past. The judgment is being ruled by women.”

“Why is that a judgment?” he asked, rhetorically. “Because the Bible said so. That’s why.”

“Women are not fit for that role,” Webbon asserted.

In 2023, Webbon was among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel.” Drafted by Christian nationalists like Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, former Trump administration official William Wolfe, and others, the document declared that the United States must formally “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.”

Brett Stevens #crackpot #elitist #forced-birth #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

DiversityWatch (November 12, 2024)


*Daniel Penny trial live updates: Subway chokehold case back in court Tuesday

Pro-diversity people keep flogging this case despite its massive unpopularity because most New Yorkers wish someone would put crazy people on the subway in a chokehold when they terrify innocents. These chokeholds do not kill you if you just stop struggling and relax. Successful societies build up huge reservoirs of useless people and unless they purge the useless, they drown in uselessness and become third world ruins. Diversity just makes this much worse.

*Dehumanizing child-free women in film and TV gives misogyny a stage

Leftists think that asserting biology is misogyny, but normal people like having families and grandkids, especially since ending the family line is painful.

*Study links abortion access to women’s economic outcomes

Poor people are less poor when they are able to abort their offspring. Imagine what would happen if we ended all welfare wealth transfer programs and the poor had to get their act together or perish. Instead of stopping productive people from having extra kids, we would stop subsidizing future poor, and instead have a wealthier, saner, healthier, and more prosperous society.


*A pair of Trump officials have defended family separation and ramped-up deportations

Screeching outrage as people demand laws must be followed uniformly not only when convenient for Leftists.


*Queen Bey and Yale: The Ivy League university is set to offer a course on Beyoncé and her legacy

Diversity has replaced our culture, leaving us with nothing but xenophilia.


*The refrigerator as a harbinger of a better life

What lessened poverty worldwide? Technology, brought to you by capitalism and White people.


*The Case for Mass Deportations

America was a happier place with 120m WASPs than it has been with 320m mystery meat people. Send the Irish back!


William Gossett #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy returntoorder.org

Boston has a reputation for being an extremely liberal city. Thus, any time conservative activists proclaim moral values in the city’s public squares, everyone notices, especially the liberals.

The outcome was no different when the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined the nearly 500 men who participated in the Men’s March to Abolish Abortion on November 16.
Generally, those who want to be taken seriously would avoid appearing as clowns. However, the radical malcontents in Boston did not get the memo. Donning full-face paint, outlandish garb, and bright red ball noses, pro-abortion activists soon converged upon the Men’s March for Life and started blasting away on out of tune tubas, trombones, and kazoos.

Such noise proved no competition for the magnificent and graceful bagpipes played by American TFP volunteers. The clowns were soon enraged by their failure.

Halfway through the march, a large crowd of masked Antifa agitators stood in the middle of the road, arms locked together, obstructing the marchers. Their action brought the march to a halt for almost an hour. Police at once formed a line to keep the agitators at bay. At one point, so many Antifa and pro-abortion activists appeared that the Men’s March was almost completely surrounded. This meager attempt of intimidation did little to deter the pro-lifers and only served as encouragement to persevere and continue marching.
The pro-abortion advocates tried to frighten and intimidate the pro-lifers. However, they are the ones who are truly scared. They are terrified at the sight of men who defend human life.

They are intimidated by the resolve of the heroic pro-life movement that continues to forge ahead, unwilling to stop until procured abortion is abolished and unthinkable.

No matter how liberal a city is, or how vocal the pro-abortion agitators may be, the pro-life movement must continue the fight trusting in the help of God and the Blessed Mother.

Kevin D. Roberts, PhD #crackpot #forced-birth #racist #sexist #wingnut static.project2025.org

[From “Mandate For Leadership (Project 2025)”, pp 4-5]

The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.

Jillian Becker #crackpot #forced-birth #transphobia #wingnut theatheistconservative.com

What Trump’s glorious victory could mean

After November 5, 2024:

The Master has come home again and from January 20, 2025, will hear your complaints. Will judge. Will reward or condemn.

Americans will be free again. More prosperous. Happier.

The economy will be reset to approach a free market ideal. Taxes will be lowered. Inflation will fall.

The border will be sealed. Illegal criminal aliens will be deported.

Children will be safe from the costly and unnecessary surgeon’s knife.

No babies will be killed in the womb or abandoned to die after birth.

US energy – fossil fuel and nuclear – will be used at home and exported.

No biological males will compete in women’s sports.

Candidates for university entrance, jobs, government appointments will be selected according to merit. Color, race, gender will not be criteria of choice.

Education will be revived, indoctrination stopped.

Technology will serve the people not destroy them.

The military will be servants of the nation again.

Wars will stop. Terrorism will be ended.

Globalism will be laughed at and dumped.

The UN will be destroyed.

Are we sure?

Well, maybe not all of this will be accomplished immediately. But eventually? Oh, of course.

Pedro Afonso #forced-birth #wingnut #dunning-kruger observador.pt

The draft ruling by the US Supreme Court (ST) — cleverly made public through a leak —, which defends the change in the jurisprudence of the Roe v. Wade (1973) ruling, preventing restrictive state regulations on the practice of abortion, has relaunched the debate on the legalization of abortion.

The various protest initiatives, some of which have involved violence, directed at pro-life movements and even some US Supreme Court judges, are signs of coercion and intolerance that are unacceptable in a democracy and a State governed by the rule of law. In today's world, it is very difficult to discuss this issue and challenge political correctness.

Let’s start with the use of euphemisms. Many people don’t realize that language can be corrupted to give a positive spin to an ethically reprehensible concept or behavior. The use of the term “termination of pregnancy” conveys the idea that the pregnancy could be resumed at any time, but that is not possible. It is an irreversible decision; it is not a suspension, but an end. But today, society is full of euphemisms: “voluntary termination of pregnancy” (instead of abortion), “gender self-determination” (instead of gender dysphoria), “assisted dying” (instead of euthanasia), etc.

The main argument used by those in favor of legalizing abortion is the woman's choice (curiously, the man's choice is never mentioned, since there is also a father); in other words, freedom. The use of the word “freedom” is a kind of safe conduct to do whatever one wants, offering legislative support to a veritable nihilistic avalanche that is currently being observed in the Western world, with the approval of political parties (probably, in our country, the next legislative initiative will be the legalization of euthanasia).

In this case, the political strategy is simple and clever: freedom is used as an absolute argument. No one dares to attack “freedom”, otherwise they are labelled with a series of unflattering epithets, such as “fascist”, “retrograde”, “oppressor”, etc. In fact, this is the same argument used to defend euthanasia. There are those who argue that the various rights that a person has are inviolable, including the will to end one’s own life. However, not everything I choose is suitable for me, just as not everything I intend to choose is ethically acceptable.

Pedro Afonso #forced-birth #wingnut #dunning-kruger observador.pt

Those who advocate legalising abortion consider it a right; a civilisational achievement. French President Emmanuel Macron himself has proposed that the “right to abortion” be included among the rights guaranteed by the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, this is not just a question of one right, but rather a conflict between two rights: the mother’s right to abort and the unborn baby’s right to live.

Some 15 years after abortion was legalized in our country, we know that there are many people who believe that an embryo or fetus is not a human life (at least up to 10 weeks), and that it is a woman's right to decide to have an abortion. In the case of the Roe v. Wade ruling , abortion is admissible up to the stage of viability of the fetus; that is, until its ability to survive outside the mother's womb, which prolongs the possibility of abortion. Note the weakness of this argument: even “the viability of the newborn” is only guaranteed through the care of third parties (by the mother, father or other people who replace them). This would mean that, based on this line of argument, infanticide could be legalized.

If we do not consider that life begins at the moment of conception and that an embryo is unequivocally a human being, then the value of intrauterine life and its defense becomes extremely volatile. Ultimately, the beginning of all rights and guarantees, as a human person, ends up being established by arbitrary criteria that may vary over time, for reasons of convenience.

Excluding cases of antisocial personalities, the decision to have an abortion is a difficult one, made under tragic and often traumatic conditions. Over time, various psychological and psychiatric problems may arise that justify clinical monitoring. Anyone who says otherwise is falsifying the truth of the facts, as they have certainly never heard individual accounts of this experience, nor witnessed the suffering of these people in real life. For a woman, even when performed in a legal context, an abortion is never forgotten. Defending it as a human right is a civilizational setback, as it is denying the first of fundamental rights: the right to life.

Nick Fuentes and unnamed Internet trolls #sexist #forced-birth independent.co.uk

Women are facing a barrage of deeply misogynistic comments online following Donald Trump’s US presidential election victory[…]
In the wake of the former president’s shocking political comeback, women have reported men are writing “your body, my choice” on their social media posts, among other troubling reproductive rights remarks

The slogan “my body, my choice” was originally popularised by feminists defending reproductive choices as rights in the Sixties. However, the phrase has now been co-opted for the adverse effect[…]
Nick Fuentes, the white nationalist podcaster known for his long history of antisemitic and misogynistic remarks, wrote on X/Twitter as Trump’s victory emerged: “Your body, my choice. Forever”

The phrase has gained fast popularity on TikTok, where numerous women have been told their bodies no longer belong to them following the presidential election result

“‘Your body. Our choice’ and ‘We own your body now’ comments are starting to pour in,” Hannah Cor, advocate for women’s healing and liberation said in a post on the app

“Men no longer have or be quiet in their hatred for women,” she claimed. “They can hate us out loud and lose nothing”

Meanwhile, influencer Camila Guadarrama revealed: “I had to delete a video because I was being threatened and several men [were] commenting saying they couldn’t wait until I get [raped] or [they were saying] ‘your body my choice”

Feminism Sucks! #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #fundie #forced-birth incels.is

[OP of “SorWHORity girls have no right to judge us”]

I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood

SorWHORity organizations are way more exclusive than ours[…]They all look down on everyone without a "Greek life" affiliation. When I was in college, they treated me like shit because I was a lowly non-frat person. Frat boys were[…]much nicer to me[…]
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid[…]
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia[…]
I love Robert E. Lee. I love the Confederacy[…]
I love Strom Thurmond. I love Segregation
I love Alfred Deakin. I love the White Australia Policy
I love Enoch Powell. I love the British National Party
I love Ye. I love Death Con 3
I love Donald J. Trump. I love MAGA[…]
I love Harvey Weinstein. I love the Casting Couch
I love Andrew Jackson. I love the Trail of Tears
I love Éric Zemmour. I love Remigration
I love Augusto Pinochet. I love Free Helicopter Rides
I love Maurice Challe. I love the Sétif and Guelma Massacre
I love Bill Cosby. I love Jello Pudding[…]
I love Brock Turner. I love 20 Minutes of Action
I love Clarence Thomas. I love AbWHOREtion Bans[…]
I love António de Oliveira Salazar. I love the Estado Novo
I love Godfrey of Bouillon. I love the Crusades
I love Slobodan Miloševic. I love Kebab Removal
I love Madison Grant. I love Eugenics[…]
I love Francisco Franco. I love Fascism
I love R Kelly. I love Human Urinals
I love Meir Kahane. I love the Jewish Defense League
I love Tomás de Torquemada. I love the Spanish Inquisition
I love Stephen Miller. I love Migrant Detention Centers
I love General Custer. I love Indian Removal
I love Derek Chauvin. I love His Mighty Knee
I love Cecil Rhodes. I love Colonialism
I love Joe McCarthy. I love McCarthyism[…]
I love King Leopold. I love the Congo Free State[…]
I love Itamar Ben Gvir. I love Israeli Settlements
I love Thomas Thistlewood. I love Plantation Slavery

Rev. Austin Miles #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #forced-birth renewamerica.com

Under Obama's direction, America is beginning to look like a freak show. Watch videos of any "Gay Pride LGBT Parade" and you will see what we mean. Take a look around the streets, in newspaper reports and countless images on TV attempting to make gender bending acceptable, even desirable.

An example is a new commercial showing a personable "waitress" all primed up but speaking with a man's voice like this is perfectly normal. Transgender individuals are multiplying along with the demand to be accepted. They say, "We're just like you." NO THEY ARE NOT.

The Obama Administration has long worked to blur the lines of gender distinction, to tear down morality, which is the strength of a people, and is instead, hell-bent on destroying the traditional family.

Businesses owners can now be fined and jailed for refusing to make a cake or t-shirt with a homosexual message and that includes ministers who refuse to officiate at a wedding consisting of couples of the same sex, even though the Bible states clearly that homosexuality is a sin. But then again, Hellary has publicly stated that the Bible must be re-written regarding those topics for the good (comfort) of society.

Army chaplains are discharged from military service for mentioning the name of Jesus at a chapel service or funeral and for not catering to or promoting sodomites. This is by Obama's order.

The illegal in the White House did state, before his occupation of The Oval Office, that he would change America. He has certainly accomplished that. America is unrecognizable today.

Not only that, he has aggressively insisted that the world share and support his sexual obsession to the point of ordering U.S. Embassies throughout the world to fly the rainbow flag over each one. He has even demanded that uniformed military parades include carrying a rainbow flag. What's more, soldiers have been required to salute that flag of perversion.

And who can forget that military madness in which soldiers in a parade were ORDERED to wear red high heels with their uniforms. What a ridiculous image of The United States Army, thanks to Obama.


This fraud in the White House says we must be accepting of all, no matter how loathsome they are or what disgusting habits they exhibit. The Girl Scouts of America GSA now allows lesbians to become members and leaders as well as engaging in a disturbing partnership with Planned Parenthood.

So what is the purpose of allowing your children to be members of organizations that will simply teach them to be accepting of all the world's weirdness and perversions instead of raising clean-cut kids with high standards? But it gets worse. Now they allow Planned Parenthood to teach them about how to murder, which is called abortion, as a means of birth control.

What value is it to enroll your kids in these organizations that simply mirror what is now considered normal on the streets and to encourage it? This is what Jesus meant about 'being in this world but not a part of it.' (derived from John 15:19, John 17:14-16.)


Today the House voted to ban these barbaric late-term abortions. It is now up to the Senate. However, Obama, the most pro-abortion "president" in the history of America, has stated that if that bill passes, he will immediately veto it. This is the personification of evil.

The sub-human creature called Obama, can rightfully be identified as a charismatic monster that rose straight from the pits of hell. From hell did he come and to hell shall he return.

And the sooner the better.

Tucker Carlson #ableist #crackpot #forced-birth #fundie #sexist #wingnut tyt.com

If you're making the case that, “You know, sometimes we need to have an abortion” - okay. If you're making the case that abortion is an affirmative good, you are evil. You're practicing child sacrifice. And that is exactly what they're doing as every culture before us has. But to see the Treasury Secretary - that dwarf, Janet Yellen - get up and say, “You know, you can do your part to help the American economy by killing your child.” That's no different than the Canaanites, actually. So if people who don't see that clearly, that's exactly what it is. Worshiping abortion, the killing of kids? Not as something that like needs to happen, unfortunately, but is something that is good, that's pro-abortion, you know […] And I have to say - I'm sure I'll be attacked for saying this - but I really believe it. People are like, “Oh, well, we had another hurricane. Must be global warming.” No, it's probably abortion, actually. Just being honest. Like, you can't do that. You can't kill children on purpose knowing that you're doing that in exchange for power or freedom or happiness or whatever you think you're getting in return. You can't participate in human sacrifice without consequences. You just can't. Sorry.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #forced-birth barnhardt.biz

[From “Musical Interlude: “If We Make It Through December””]

Will the Secret Service successfully assassinate him under orders from the CIA? Third time’s a charm, and all that

Who will provide security for him since the Secret Service is comprised of treasonous and incompetent CIA patsies?

Will he free the Jan6 political prisoners immediately upon being sworn in?

Will he pardon Hunter Biden?

Why was Bruce Jenner at the campaign headquarters last night wearing a dress and makeup?

Another wave of inflation is coming- it’s inevitable. What, if anything, can or will he do about it?

BigPharma is still out of control. And we’re all still waiting for him to apologize for “Operation Warp Speed”

Will his radical pro-abortion wife get her way?

Will his staff and cabinet appointments be as awful as last time?

Keep praying, folks

[deleted] #forced-birth reddit.com

We do not want to force ten year olds to give birth, as childbirth is a natural process and thus cannot be forced, and a pregnancy at this age falls under life threat exceptions.
Things Pro-Choicers Say
Also, there are millions of pro-life women worldwide, some of whom I know personally, so showing a female wojak was inaccurate.


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Riley Gaines #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

The 1916 Project premiers exclusively on X today.

Planned Parenthood is being exposed for what it really is: a dangerous, destructive, evil business model that declares bodies (and therefore humans) have no purpose or meaning.
8:13 AM · Oct 23, 2024 · 75K Views
628 Reposts 13 Quotes 2,237 Likes 121 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

If you’re Christian, you have a moral obligation to vote for Donald Trump.

I don’t say this lightly.

Our primary political duty is to protect the dignity of human life, made in God’s image.

Which candidate does that better?

Donald Trump.

No, he’s not perfect. He’s not as pro-life as we are. But Kamala Harris is exponentially worse.

Our Christian duty lies in using our political system to protect the good that exists between Kamala’s radical, immoral positions and Trump’s better ones.

On immigration, Kamala’s presided over the open borders crisis that’s allowed millions of unvetted aliens into our neighborhoods, including 660k criminals, MS-13 gang members, at least 150 terrorists who want to kill us, enough fentanyl to kill every American. Trump secured the border.

On life, Kamala wants abortion of big, healthy babies through nine months of pregnancy when the babies are killed by lethal injection to the heart & then their skulls are crushed with forceps. And she wants you the taxpayer to be forced to pay for it. Trump overturned Roe v Wade & sent abortion back to the states, many of whom have subsequently banned it.

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

JD Vance: Made fun of childless cat ladies.

Democrats: FREAK OUT.

Kamala Harris: Celebrates ripping apart unborn babies in the womb & trans’ing kids.

Democrats: YAS QUEEN.

Like, ew.
8:20 AM · Jul 28, 2024 · 412.7K Views
5,551 Reposts 58 Quotes 36.3K Likes 260 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

If you’re voting “for my daughter” & “reproductive freedom” then you’re fine with men using your little girl as an object for promiscuous sex, impregnating her with no commitment, & brutally killing your sweet grandbaby so more men can abuse your daughter.

It’s gross. Stop it.
For your daughter.
1:18 PM · Nov 3, 2024 · 149.6K Views
2,476 Reposts 78 Quotes 12.5K Likes 430 Bookmarks

Robert T. Lee #fundie #psycho #homophobia #forced-birth tencommandments.org



The present world's population of people is said to be nearly 6 billion. It is expected to rise to 8.9 billion by 2030, and reach 10 to 14 billion by 2050. The largest increases are expected to take place in some of the poorer countries, such as Africa and southern Asia.

In view of those projections, more and more attention is being placed on ways to control the world's population.

Some of the present methods proposed and practiced are: legislation restricting how many children a family can have, contraceptives, sterilization, sexual abstinence, permanent celibacy, deliberately induced abortions, infanticide, euthanasia, homosexuality, delayed marriage, sterilization of the retarded, war, fatal disease inducement upon certain portions of the human population and etc.

Although demography draws its insight from several of the so-called intellectual fields, such as anthropology, biology, economics, history, medicine, sociology and statistics, it is quite obvious that most of the ways proposed and being tried to control the human population is blindness, foolishness, immoral and thus infringes upon the God-given rights of the weakest and most innocent of the human community.

There is a better and more sane way to control the human population without allowing immorality, without doing injustice to anyone and while not seeking to discourage pronatalist views among the human population.

Since the population of mankind is a "closed" population - no humans can migrate to and from earth, only the rate of births and deaths can increase or decrease the human population.

Therefore, the way to control the population growth is through the increase of the human mortality rate by legitimate means. Not through the crimes of abortions, infanticide, euthanasia and etc; but through the automatic DEATH PENALTY for the broad spectrum of deeds that are high crimes in the sight of the true GOD. This principle of population control has never been addressed by demography. It is the cornerstone of proper human population control which the builders have rejected.

Some of the high crimes which God requires the human society to vigorously enforce the death penalty upon are: blasphemy against the true God; idolatry; breaking the Lord's day; dishonor to parents; murder; adultery; incest; homosexuality; bestiality; rape; kidnapping; seeking to destroy the righteous; putting to death the innocent (such as putting innocent embryos and fetuses to death in abortions); seeking to overthrow God's appointed authority, etc.

In order for the world community of humans to actually put this decorous principle into practice, it must adopt the MORAL LAW OF GOD - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS as the supreme laws of the World community.

This principle of controlling the population would positively affect the economic prosperity of nations, positively affect the health and increase the life expectancy of lawabidding citizens, properly educate the human race, positively affect the family structure, overwhelmingly reduce crime, etc. Every legitimate aspect of the human society would benefit greatly.

By adopting the TEN COMMANDMENTS as the supreme laws of the earth and properly administering them, the true criminals - those worthy of death, will be the ones put to death instead of the innocent. It is only right to focus on true criminals who commit high crimes in order to control the world's population rather than focusing on the most helpless, innocent and weakest people of the human society.

Jill Stanek #homophobia #forced-birth wnd.com

Homosexual activists push comprehensive sex ed, too, which promotes gay sex. The goal of the gay/abortion lobbies here is the same: Talk up sex to titillate kids to enter into promiscuous hetero- or homosexual lifestyles while calling the behavior normal. Gays get fresh meat, and pro-aborts get customers.

Kaisar #fundie #forced-birth #conspiracy #sexist hiddendominion.com

[From “Biblical Evil Versus The Modern Day”]

A lot of the times when people who are new-to-the-faith read the Bible, they read the stories about Biblical evil and just can’t believe it. They don’t see the same evil in the modern day as they read about it in places like the Old Testament

It is similar to when modern non-denomy-type Christians talk about persecution. They think someone calling them a bad name is “persecution”; Meanwhile, Christians in many parts of the world are literally still being martyred, rotting away in prisons, and so on. This is a perception error. Their perception is clouded by their lack of experience/knowledge on what others endure

In the same way, regarding Biblical evil versus modern evil, it is also clearly just a perception error. Biblical evil is not much different from modern day evil[…]
Instead of sacrificing their children to Moloch for better weather conditions, modern women sacrifice their children through abortion for convenience and their career[…]
Jews in the Old Testament used to be unfair with the weight scales, and coin clipping was a major problem back then. Now, the bankers do that through inflation[…]
Then you even have things like poisoned wells or wormwood-type water. Well, what is the difference between that and all the weird chemicals like fluoride in our water and the micro plastics being pumped everywhere?[…]
You even have the Bible mentioning the punishment of rogue nations being forced to be ruled by children and women[…]
People will complain about the Bible and say that it is painting a difficult picture because no one would bow down to a golden calf[…]A significant percentage of the population is literally addicted to technology and can’t set down their phone[…]Same concept applies to money, the government, celebrities/athletes, scientism, environmentalism, and everything else the modern soyjack idolizes[…]
I don’t see much of a difference between the Biblical evil and the modern-day evil

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy exsurgedomine.it

Dear Faithful American Catholics,

I am addressing all of you, a few days before the Presidential Election that will call millions of American citizens to the polls.

<...> But in this coming electoral round you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law. No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.
Candidate Donald J. Trump, while certainly taking some serious critical positions that a Catholic cannot agree with, represents for us, dear American faithful, in this specific historical moment, the only possible choice to counter the globalist coup that the woke Left is about to implement definitively, irreparably, and with incalculable damage for future generations.

Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell. Do not forget – giving him our vote of confidence that brought him back to the White House must become the premise for a more incisive commitment to the defense of life from conception to natural death, the traditional family, and to the defense of the Christian Faith and the cultural identity of the Nation.
I repeat: the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan. For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very grave sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy.

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

I’m a woman. A good economy, strong border, parent’s rights in the classroom, and safe neighborhoods are way more important to me than the right to kill a child in the womb. I’m not voting for baby murder.
8:11 AM · Oct 18, 2024 · 12.6K Views
155 Reposts 4 Quotes 974 Likes 5 Bookmarks

Donald Trump #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger #forced-birth #sexist amp.cnn.com

Donald Trump on Tuesday declared himself the “father of IVF,” a fertility treatment that has come under threat following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

It’s unclear what precisely the former president meant when he made the comment at a Fox News town hall in battleground Georgia that was billed as focusing on women’s issues and had an all-female audience. But he has repeatedly returned to the issue – talking up his support for IVF – on the campaign trail, where he has given a long series of confusing or contradictory answers about his stance on abortion.

“We really are the party for IVF,” Trump told moderator and Fox News host Harris Faulkner on “The Faulkner Focus.” “We want fertilization, and it’s all the way, and the Democrats tried to attack us on it, and we’re out there on IVF, even more than them. So, we’re totally in favor.”

Rev. Joel Webbon, Michael Belch and Wesley Todd #fundie #racist #forced-birth #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt angrywhitemen.org

Joel Webbon claimed to be unsure of how many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. While Webbon said the number of people killed by Hitler was “exaggerated,” he also stated that he had no “position” on the “exact number”

During the Oct. 2, 2024 livestream, dedicated to defending a member of his church for sharing a Holocaust denial meme, Webbon complained that while the Allied Forces defeated Nazi Germany[…]“all of the west looks like it lost”[…]
“That’s what’s going on is young men are saying ‘So you’re telling me we won the war, but since then we’ve murdered 70 million children in the womb, just in the United States, and we’re cutting off the genitals of little kids?'” he said. Webbon’s co-host, Michael Belch, added that “we are flooding our nations and diluting the cultures” with immigrants

Webbon and Belch then shared a statement from[…]Wesley Todd, which praised aspects of the Nazi regime

According to the statement by Todd[…]“there were some good things that happened in 1930s Germany,” including book burnings which targeted “Jewish pornography and transgender literature,” polices which “promoted the nuclear family,” and a “general acceptance of Christianity”

The statement went on to say that the U.S. need not adopt Nazism in order to “beat liberalism,” and that their “solution to communism will have to be American-made and suited for our national situation.” Webbon said that Todd’s statement was “well-written”[…]
“I don’t have a strong position on it. I tend to think that the numbers are exaggerated. I don’t think that they’re made up whole cloth, but I do think that they’re probably a little bit high. But that being said, let’s just go with it. If Hitler killed his millions, Mao killed his hundred millions”[…]
Webbon said that “not all Jews are part of some secret conspiracy” and condemned Hitler, but once again railed against what he called “talmudic Judaism”[…]denounced it as “worse than Islam,” “worse than Buddhism,” and “worse than Hinduism”

Charlie Kirk #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

If you are a Christian sitting out this election because Donald Trump is not sufficiently pro-life for you, congratulations, your decision will result in more dead babies.

Do you know that 10 states have the most pro-life laws EVER thanks to Trump? They will all go away if Kamala wins.

Pregnancy centers will now be under assault. Pro-life activists will be under constant threat of legal assault.

What about the hundreds of thousands of kids who are trafficked over the border?

Vote like millions of lives depend on it, because they do.
11:28 AM · Oct 10, 2024 · 888K Views
12.6K Reposts 461 Quotes 44.4K Likes 725 Bookmarks

nonenosome2 #transphobia #wingnut #forced-birth tumblr.com

First off, Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump. Find something new to complain about.

Second, the fact a doctor doesn't understand the law and refuses to do what they are legally allowed to do, isn't the fault of the law.

It's almost funny how the same doctors who were saying they would violate the law to give kids "gender affirming care" suddenly decide that literally anything having to do with a child is an abortion and they totally don't want to violate the law. It's almost like they are playing politics with women's lives because they really hate not being able to kill babies.

Magnetic Crank Award

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth energyenhancement.org

NEW BOOK - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The Satanic Foundations of Western Philosophy by Satanic Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato's Republic - "The Concealment of Wickedness and Human Sacrifice" and Satanic No-Soul Aristotle.

The New World Religion, defined by Satanic Ritual.

72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Pedophilia, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice and Ritual Baby Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics.

Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis, Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism, Protestantism, the Illuminaughty, Sabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism, Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading.. The Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 6 by Satchidanand.

Paul Dragu #wingnut #conspiracy #forced-birth #racist thenewamerican.com

[From “Comparing Communist Party USA & Democratic Party Platforms”]

The New American compared the platforms of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) with the positions of the Democratic Party

The first issue mentioned on communist’s 2024 platform is one near and near to Democrats, one of the few that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris hasn’t publicly backtracked on. The communists declare: “We oppose the Supreme Court decision and support having Congress and the President codify Roe v. Wade into law to restore a national right to choose”

This is the exact position of the Democratic Party[…]
Communists also advocate for government takeover of healthcare. “We believe that healthcare is a right,” CPUSA says[…]
During her failed 2020 presidential bid, Harris endorsed a Medicare for All bill introduced by admitted socialist Bernie Sanders[…]
“Climate crisis” is a topic communists and Democrats screech equally loudly about[…]
The only difference is one is calling for action, the other is bragging about what it’s already done. Democrats are ahead of the communists[…]
The Washington Post asked all the Democratic presidential primary candidates if they supported eliminating the Electoral College and replacing it with a national popular vote. A majority of them, 15 out of 26, said yes, with an additional three, Kamala Harris included, answering they were open to the idea

Democrats and communists advocate “democracy,” or majority rule, especially when it comes to elections[…]
Both also support statehood for Washington, D.C., mail-in voting, and ending the filibuster completely

When it comes to mass migration, there is no difference between the two[…]
There appears to be very little difference between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA. Those who’ve been saying the former has been taken over by the latter have a strong case[…]Before their blatant alignment on policy, the two parties were already strongly ideologically aligned

Dan Foreman #racist #wingnut #forced-birth apnews.com

About an hour into the event, someone asked a question about a state bill addressing discrimination. The candidates were each given two minutes to answer, and when it was Carter-Goodheart’s turn, she pushed back on earlier comments that suggested discrimination is not a major issue in Idaho.

She said state hate crime laws are weak, and noted that the neo-nazi group Aryan Nations made northern Idaho its home base for many years. She also talked about being the only candidate there who was a person of color.

“I pointed out that just because someone hasn’t personally experienced discrimination doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” she said. “I was making my statement, and then he shot up out of his seat and said, ‘I’m so sick of your liberal (expletive). Why don’t you go back to where you came from?’”

The Nez Perce Tribe has lived on the Columbia River Plateau in the Pacific Northwest for more than 11,500 years, including the area where Kendrick is located. The northern edge of its reservation, while only a small fraction of the tribe’s historical territory, is less than 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall where the forum was held.

“It was like slow motion,” Carter-Goodheart said. “I just remember thinking, ‘Go back to where you came from’? That’s within miles of where this forum is taking place. We have literal plots of land that are being leased out to family farms nearby.”

In his Facebook post, Foreman called the incident a “quintessential display of race-baiting” and said the Democratic attendees made personal attacks and “proclaimed Idaho to be a racist state.”

“Well, here is a news flash for the lefties out there. There is no systemic racism in America or Idaho,” Foreman said. “Idaho is a great state — the best in the Union!”

He then added an attack on supporters of abortion rights, saying: “And furthermore, it is immoral and against the law of God to kill unborn babies in the womb. You do not have any right to murder the unborn. There is no such thing as your self-proclaimed ‘Women’s Reproductive Rights.’ There is no such body of rights in the state or federal constitutions. And we don’t do designer rights in Idaho.”

David J.Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Just because people living in the jungles and bush country have not advanced in the technology of agriculture, medicine, sciences, etc., does not qualify them as "heathen," as we think. Many of these tribes have a higher value on life, marriage and the family than America does. It is estimated that 4,000 babies, daily, are slaughtered by abortion in America. Lesbians and homosexuals have brainwashed America to the point, most of the schools are teaching our young people to accept this as an "alternative" lifestyle instead of what God calls it, "Plain, old perverted sin." Of all the missionary books I have read, I do not recall any of the missionaries encountering the problem of homosexuality in the bush tribes. Many of the so-called "heathen" execute the death penalty for adultery because of their values concerning the home and family.

Dusty Deevers #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers is a far-right pastor and unabashed Christian nationalist who wants to abolish abortion, ban no-fault divorce, outlaw pornography, and literally see this nation taken back to the 1600s.

Earlier this month, Deevers joined fellow Christian nationalist and former Trump administration official William Wolfe on the latter’s Center for Baptist Leadership podcast to discuss the presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.

During the discussion, Deevers asserted that Harris would never support any restrictions or limitations on reproductive choice because those who vote for her are “wicked, murderous people” who are “demon possessed.”

“They have rabid, wicked, murderous people who are voting for them and who are the loudest supporters that if they claimed even 30 weeks, 24 weeks, 15 weeks, they are going to be vicious against them and the demons are going to come out,” Deevers said. “I’m not saying that those people are demons; I’m saying that a lot of them are demon possessed.”

“The demons who want their child sacrifice, who want this land being covered in blood … that’s what the demons want,” Deevers declared. “Now, whether they theologically understand that, the demons know it that are advising them,” Deevers declared.

In 2023, Deevers and Wolfe were among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel,” which declared that the United States must formally “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.” Wolfe is also a colleague of Project 2025 co-author Russ Vought, whose Center for Renewing America hopes to infuse Christian nationalism throughout a second Trump administration.