
Bloodthirsty, psychopathic and serial-killer-esque quotes

Anonymous, milf-zone #fundie #psycho jambeast.tumblr.com

(Note: jambeast is not the fundie, but is responding to them. I have linked to their blog because the original post was deleted.)

Anonymous: Rushdie’s also a pretty shit writer. The Satanic Verses wouldn’t have sold 100+ copies if he didn’t include islamophobic hate speech to get western audiences to champion him. Notice how nobody talks about any of his other books lol. Obviously he shouldn’t have been stabbed, but he made himself a puppet for the west, so he can’t be truly surprised when that comes with consequences. Truly a case of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

milf-zone: Exactly right
My entire point here was that his entire association to fame is rooted in Islamophia. He isn’t a good writer and all this support he’s getting from is right wing Tumblr kids who have never read his work.

I just can’t stand it when authors, comedians, actors etc say fucked up shit and then hide behind their craft like it somehow gives them immunity form consequences.

David J Stewart #psycho #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is sinful rebellion for a wife to seek her own independence apart from her husband's authority. Men are controlling by nature, territorial and protective of what's theirs. This is my land, stay off it. This is my family, you talk to me first. That's a normal attitude for any man. If you want an equal relationship, then you are desiring a homosexual intellectual relationship.

Feminism is insane, wrongly labeling husbands as “controlling” for wanting to know where his wife is at. A man has every God-given right to inquire concerning his wife's whereabouts, activities, friends at all times. If you don't like that, then you have an unbiblical attitude. The sinful world rejects the Bible as being God's inspired Words. The heathen world doesn't recognize the Biblical right of a married man to “RULE OVER” his wife (Genesis 3:16). Feminists are rebels, who completely reject the Bible's teaching of wifely submission to her husband. A godly woman obeys her husband, giving him veto power over everything in her life. Her husband is her boss, and

Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.”
Many women have a totally backwards mindset toward their marital problems. A lot of women are demanding, placing ultimatums on their husband, threatening divorce; when instead they are Biblically supposed to submit in obedience to the husband. 1st Peter 3:1 teaches that a husband who WON'T listen to God's Word may likely be won over by the obedience of his wife. It is a Biblical principle that a wife's submission to her husband will push him toward obedience toward God.

Agnar #psycho #wingnut #racist #enbyphobia #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

SinistralRifleman: The 2nd Amendment is for everyone.

This is something I’ve believed for years, and something many people I know have also believed. But it’s apparently a controversial statement now.

Agnar: I don’t want communists, Chinese people, antifa, gender psychos, or people who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election to have 2nd amendment rights.

Not sorry, just want to have a country in 20 years, thanks.

Brandon Russell and Sarah Clendaniel #psycho #racist #wingnut thedailybeast.com

A neo-Nazi couple recently out of prison may soon be back behind bars after they allegedly blabbed to an undercover informant last month that they planned to sabotage power stations in Maryland.

Brandon Russell, 27, and his girlfriend Sarah Clendaniel, 34, are accused of plotting to shoot up five substations that serve the Baltimore area—an attack Clendaniel told a federal informant would “completely destroy Baltimore,” said Erek L. Barron, U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland.

Russell and Clendaniel are facing up to 20 years in prison for the foiled attack plan. Their first court appearance will be on Monday in Baltimore federal court.

Russell, a neo-Nazi leader who founded the far-right group Atomwaffen, had been jailed in 2018 for keeping lethal bomb-making materials in his apartment. Atomwaffen has been known to threaten journalists, African American churches and Jewish organizations. Clendaniel was locked up in a different prison for a spate of convenience store robberies where she wielded a machete and demanded cash and cigarettes.

Despite being in separate facilities, court filings summarized by Barron in a press conference Monday revealed that Russell and Clendaniel hit it off while incarcerated and allegedly teamed up to attack power stations once out.

Thomas Sobocinski, the lead agent at the FBI’s Baltimore field office, called the couple “racially or ethnically motivated extremists.”

Part of the couple’s devious plan was to hit the power stations after a winter storm “when most people are using max electricity,” prosecutors said in a criminal complaint, the Washington Post reported. Sobocinski said that Clendaniel told an informant their goals were to “lay this city to waste,” referencing Baltimore.

“The accused were not just talking, but taking steps to fulfill their threats and further their extremist goals,” Sobocinski said.

S Michael Houdmann #fundie #psycho gotquestions.org

The sin of fornication violates the seventh commandment (Exodus 20:14), which was intended to safeguard the integrity of the family and the marriage union. God designed sex for marriage, and marriage to be a holy, prized, and honored institution. The Bible calls husbands and wives to keep themselves exclusively for one another or face God’s judgment: “Marriage is to be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, because God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers” (Hebrews 13:4, CSB). Condemnation of sexual immorality is unanimous in Scripture. Those who persistently indulge in fornication will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9).

S Michael Houdmann #fundie #psycho gotquestions.org

We live in a world of pain and suffering. There is no one who is not affected by the harsh realities of life, and the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. God is sovereign, so all that happens must have at least been allowed by Him, if not directly caused by Him. At the outset, we must acknowledge that human beings, who are not eternal, infinite, or omniscient, cannot expect to fully understand God’s purposes and ways.

Why do bad things happen to good people? As hard as it is to acknowledge, we must remember that there are no “good” people, in the absolute sense of the word. All of us are tainted by and infected with sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). As Jesus said, “No one is good—except God alone” (Luke 18:19). All of us feel the effects of sin in one way or another. Sometimes it’s our own personal sin; other times, it’s the sins of others. We live in a fallen world, and we experience the effects of the fall. One of those effects is injustice and seemingly senseless suffering.

[deleted] #psycho reveddit.com

TIL Don King brutally killed an employee that owed him $600 and only served a 4 year sentence

I wouldn't mind killing, or at least physically harming, someone who owed me that amount of money and refused to pay me back. If I'm so kind to personally lend him money, and he breaks that trust, he's simply the scum of earth. People shouldn't get away with borrowing money and not paying back, and in many cases of personal debt the court won't do anything about it, so what's a man to do? Let someone walk all over you, or walk all over him, literally? Maybe I just have too much of a masculine lower class mentality with a strong code of honor in me to see the the big deal in this.

edit. just to clarify: Not everyone lives in a middle glass world with law and order. Some people live in a part of society where you have to take care of your problem yourself. And if you don't people see you as weak and will take advantage of you.

You are all kinds of fucked up. I'm also, just that it's people like you or King I'd kill without remorse.

What would you do in his situation? And let's assume that the court didn't acknowledge the debt and that he actually, as his sentence says, didn't mean to kill the guy.

I'll try to answer if you lay out his situation for me. How much did 600$ mean to him? How accidental was the death?

doesn't change if it was $10 or $100,000. I know that's hard to understand for a regular middle class guy. The thing is, he would never had made his career if he had an attitude of "just letting it go." It's a matter of principle. If somebody doesn't pay you back, you make a statement, otherwise people lose respect for you and you don't get anywhere.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #ableist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Bell Let's Talk 2023"; MAiD stands for "Medical Assistance in Dying"]

In a few days we're going to look back at some Bell Let's Talk classics, but this year what many have noted was that MAiD (which was still a thing in 2018, it didn't get much press including on this blog) is now a big thing not just for invalids with terminal cancer but anybody who just feels really really bad

And since I've noted many a time before that the whole "focus on mental health" is just smokescreen for sodomites to try and validate the deep sense of dread they feel as they on some level understand that their lifestyle choice was wicked and it makes them an inferior person, it stands to reason that if MAiD really is a perfectly okay option to resolve mental health problems, why can't we just cut out the middleman and just have tens of thousands of people honestly divulging to the fags in their life that the two options are conversion therapy or self-removal?

Daniel John Harris #wingnut #racist #psycho france24.com

Judge Patrick Field called Daniel Harris, 19, "highly dangerous" and a "propagandist for an extremist right-wing ideology"

"You were in close touch with other right-wing extremists online and there can be little doubt that you shared ideas between you"[…]
Harris was found guilty in December of five counts of encouraging terrorism and one count of possession of material for terrorist purposes, for trying to make a gun with a 3D printer

The judge at Manchester Crown Court in northern England sentenced Harris to 11 and a half years, with a further three years under supervised probation

The court heard that the teenager from Derbyshire in central England posted videos online for over a year, from the age of 17

Harris reportedly posted under the name BookAnon on a platform called World Truth Videos

His videos were shared by self-declared white supremacist Payton Gendron, who has pleaded guilty to murdering 10 black people[…]
Prosecutors said a link was also found between Harris's videos and Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, the sole suspect in a shooting in a gay nightclub in the US city of Colorado Springs in November 2022

The prosecutor said that one of Harris's videos was posted on a "brother site" to one showing a livestream of Aldrich before the attack[…]
The court was told one of Harris's videos, titled "How to Achieve Victory", called for "total extermination of sub-humans once and for all"

Another video paid homage to the white supremacist murderer of British MP Jo Cox in 2016

He also praised the Australian white supremacist who murdered 51 Muslim people in New Zealand mosques in 2019 as a "saint"[…]
Harris was placed in a government deradicalisation programme, but Counter-Terrorism Policing detective inspector Chris Brett said he continued to post extremist material

"Harris was ultimately deemed not to have been groomed, rather his provocative words and inflammatory films were potentially radicalising others"

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@frenchdipset - Nobody (except possibly murderers) dies if abortion is banned"]



Quote tweets confirm. Just evil, evil people

People—real, flesh-and-blood women with families, friends, plans and dreams for the future just the same as yours and mine—will die as a direct result of this ruling. There is absolutely evil here, but it belongs squarely to those five justices
4:23AM·May 3, 2022

Last summer the United States Supreme Court overturned the objectively horrible Roe v. Wade ruling, and leftsts like Madam Theis absolutely lost their minds over it

You can tell by the hysterical blabbering. How are "real flesh-and-blood women" going to die as a result of no court imposed prohibition on State abortion bans? This is a common talking point as long as you realize it literally makes no sense

At absolutely zero point has anybody opposed abortion in the event that continuing the pregnancy causes a likely risk to the mother's life. Part of the reason is practical: this straight up never happens[…]
Seeing as how abortion is currently murdering about a million people a year between Canada and the United States, it's unclear how the number of "real flesh and blood" people who die would not only increase but even maintain at the tiniest percentage of the current dearth rate

It's also worth noting that in such a scenario every death is deserved and I'll cheer it on. After all, in a world where baby murder is outlawed then the only deaths are of the infamous "backalley abortion" cases. And there's no reason anybody with an ounce of horse sense should fret[…]
Death penalty for attempting abortions? Now we're talking! Real bitchy pieces of shit with deplorable hopes and wicked dreams would die as a direct result of that ruling, and I would be the first in line to enjoy a popcorn and watch a trollop hang

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

London Cop Rapes Dozens of Women, Puts Them on a Diet, Forces Them to Clean His House While Naked

This dude is based.

Maybe instead of being put in jail, he should… be made the ruler of England?

New York Post

A British cop, who served in London’s Metropolitan Police force, has been described as one of the country’s most prolific sex offenders in history as he admitted to numerous sex crimes over an 18-year period[…]



Several victims bravely told the court that Carrick would lock them in a closet under the stairs in his home for hours on end without food. Some of the women were forced to clean his house while naked

Carrick would physically abuse and demean some of his victims, including belt-whipping and urinating on them, The Guardian reported. He also controlled some of them financially and in some cases, made sure the women cut off contact with other men and their children entirely

The court heard that Carrick called his victims “slaves,” “fat,” and “lazy” and told them when they could eat and sleep

Men who respect women are the biggest faggots of all. Like literally, respecting women is gayer than taking a dick in your ass from other men

Conversely, everyone who does not respect women, and kidnaps them and makes them do house cleaning in the nude, should be given extreme power to make decisions about society

Tucker Carlson #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #quack twitter.com

Why do they hate Tobacco? And it’s not because it causes cancer, they don’t care about your health. They closed the gyms during covid. Anyone who closed a gym during a pandemic that kills people who are fat, clearly doesn’t care about your health at all. They hate nicotine. They love THC. They’re promoting weed to your children but they’re not letting you use tobacco, or even non-tobacco delivery devices which don’t cause cancer. Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind and thc makes you compliant and passive, that’s why. They hate it. It’s a real threat to them.

Vladimir Solovyov #god-complex #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

Berlin will be destroyed if Germany will supply weapons to the Ukrainian Nazis. This is payback for political decisions. Come on, let Comrade General give order and fly to bomb Dresden again. Come on, come on why stop there? We’re no stopping anywhere, just like the Germans haven’t stopped now, talking about suppling tanks after what they’ve already supplied.

surreal #psycho #sexist #wingnut incels.is

After graduating in Iran, foids get paid fully but men won't be allowed to work and get paid NONE because of mandatory military

"muh Iran is based and fights degeneracy and feminism"

Because of mandatory military service for men, I will have to work with absolutely ZERO pay for 2-4 years after graduating while my foid classmates will get paid FULLY

Also foids are almost always preferred in job interviews for comfy desk jobs

Muslim countries are anything but anti feminism, 90% of men are worker bees and cannon fodders, only the top men get to experience the "basedness" you retards talk about

I will most likely blow my brains out when they give me the Kalashnikov rifle in the training

Might unironically go ER (Emergency Room)

fucking brutal. Most "based" countries are basically shitholes unless ur rich. This is true in the west too but less

traditional countries are basically even worse for men in many cases nowadays. Traditional country normally means poor and broke. And men do all the labor, foids leech off em completely.

And you know what's funny? because of media influence the average poverty shitskin foid in 2023 has the same looks standards as western foids in top of expecting men to pay for her everything

But most won't end up with chad because they're subhuman themselves also there aren't many chads here, in the past they settled but now they're perfectly happy staying single forever because of job opportunities

who will actually be doing the fighting.

subhumans, while foids flee to other countries to get fucked by foreigners

Trump Supporters #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho vice.com

These are some anti-vaxxers feelings about Trump taking credit for saving lives with vaccines.

Ed Dowd: “Unfortunately, Trump is still hanging his hat on this vaccine, That guy needs to get off this asap or he’s done.”

Alex Jones: “He’s almost autistic when it comes to admitting he’s wrong.”

Tracy Beanz: “This is a very serious issue for me,” “I can’t look past it. By now there is no reason he shouldn’t know what is happening. Hate me if you want. I can’t look past this.”

The vast majority of the almost 2,700 responses to Beanz’s post agreed with her claim that Trump’s defense of the vaccine roll out meant they could no longer support him.

Stew Peters: “Millions have been maimed and murdered,” he falsely tweeted. “This is 100% disqualifying in my book.”

Telegram users: “Trump’s just as culpable and every time he continues to push it, more and more want him sitting next to Fauci and Gates at NUREMBERG 2.0,”

“Everybody in this movement needs to demand Trump denounce the vaccines, Everybody should be hounding him on all social media. If there’s a rally there needs to be chants. See him walking into his building in New York and yell at him to denounce the vaccines.”

Romanian Anon #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4channel.org

Nah fuck that.As a romanian i admire the Serbian spirit,we compromised with Russia and Ukraine and lost territories forever.
We should've at least fought for them.
The ideal balkan mindset is the Serbilioner sigma grind-set,you either get to genocide all the invaders(yes this includes the women and children)or you get genocided yourself.
There should be no compromise when it comes to your fatherland.
This is why what the US did was especially homosexual,they should've left the war run its course even if it took 50 years,let gods will be done.

Sneir #psycho #sexist incels.is



aaomalley #sexist #psycho reveddit.com

For a while now I've noticed it more and more. It just seems creepy to me. I really don't understand the fetish with teens in porn.

That is because you are a victim of the male version of slut shaming. See feminists have shamed men into submission when it comes to owning the fact that ephebophilia is completely natural and healthy. We are biologically driven to be attracted to women that are close to puberty, because they are more fertile and likely to bear healthy offspring. That doesn't mean that it is okay for a grown man to have sex with a teenage girl, but it is perfectly acceptable for him to be attracted to her. Teen girls have the proper physical proportions, perky breasts, and clear skin that signals they are a good mate, and that is what attracts men.

You have fallen into the trap that says that simply being attracted to a post-pubescent but underage girl is creepy and makes you a bad person. It doesn't and that is a flat out lie, it makes you a healthy heterosexual male. Now if you proposition a teen girl or otherwise leer at them, then you are a creep. Simply finding them sexually attractive is nothing to be askamed of.

I don't know. Its possible I guess but I don't think its likely.
I made this decision on my own without anyone talking to me about it.

Really you have never been around another person that described the behavior of being attracted to a teenager as creepy? You have never watched TV when someone if portrayed as a pederast for being attacted to a postpubescent girl? You never saw American Beauty? Media has formed your opinion of yourself. The social stigma created by the feminist zeitgiest has defined how you feel, you never had to be told you have been shown since the day you were born. You learned to be ashamed of your own behavior without ever thinking about it.

A question to make things clear. When you see a nude 18 year old girl with a perfectly toned and proportioned body and perfect hair and skin, do you get an erection? If you do then you are an ephebophile. I am sur you do, because it is biologically programmed into all men. the creepy feeling is because you have also been programmed by society to feel bad about your sexuality, which is the primary goal of feminism

aaomalley #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Generally the well performed studies put the rate of false allegations between 9% and 60%. These are based on different metrics, but all looking at cases where the allegation was demonstrably false. The general consensus is that false allegations occur in about 35%-45%. And these are only looking at numbers of false allegations actually reported to police. The allegations of rape that occur where someone doesn't go to the police are more difficult to study, but I would guess a much higher percent of those cases are false. I have personally been in this situation where a consensual drunken night turned into alleged rape and the girl tried to turn all my friends against me. Luckily everyone at the party knew it was clearly consensual, so I want that damaged, but it isn't always the case, I also have 3 other friends that have been falsely accused but not reported to police.

These cases of demonstably false allegations also don't include the "grey area" rape allegations. Those cases where a woman got drunk and had sex then reports it at rape, or other such allegations where sex occured but consent is he said/she said. Those actually make up the vast majority of rape allegations and, thank god, are rarely prosecuted except when a prosecutor wants to get their name in the paper. The fact is that when you take false allegations and these grey area rapes you are looking at a substantial majority of rape allegations that are unfounded, and yet the push by feminists is that "women don't lie about rape" and people like the OP that don't believe false rape allegations are common. They scream that anyone that discusses false allegations is a misogynist and a MRA crazy, as if being an MRA was an insult.

Hunter Wallace #racist #psycho occidentaldissent.com

[From "American History Series: Race Relations In Colonial New England"]

The following excerpts come from Joseph A. Conforti’s book Saints and Strangers: New England in British North America

In Puritan usage, stranger might identify someone as non-English, non-Christian, non-Protestant, or non-White. Most commonly, stranger referred to all non-Puritan inhabitants, whether white, black or Native American[…]
English newcomers viewed aboriginal people as savages. Indeed, the fear of “Indianization” imposed limits on cultural exchange[…]
New England authorities and settlers typically welcomed the extermination of Indians as God’s handiwork[…]

I found that interesting and revealing

Even in New England, White racial consciousness was stirred by the circumstances of Anglo-Protestant settlemen[…]The Puritans celebrated epidemics as “God’s fatal broom” sweeping the local Algonquin Indians out of New England

The Pequot War and especially King Philip’s War and all the captivity narratives[…]created a sense of White identity in New England[…]New England once had slavery and anti-miscegenation laws like the Southern colonies

What happened to New England?

The answer is that early colonial New England was settled by the Puritans in a time before the rise of liberalism[…]Puritan culture was extremely literate and emphasized education in a way that was without parallel in the other American colonies. When the disease of liberalism began to sink into England after the Glorious Revolution, it sunk its deepest roots in New England which had built institutions like Harvard University where it was imported and festered[…]
Christianity is often blamed for what modern philosophy has wrought[…]the history of New England shows how much better the place was before they read Locke

Feynman & Coulter's Love Child #elitist #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ProfSmithSask - Any Prime Minister who doesn't answer with "free pizza laced with rat poison" doesn't care enough about the future"]

Far-left moron Charles Smith posted a child's "letter to the Prime Minister"[…]

spoilerJonah Smith's letter

If Jonah thinks "everyone should have a home" that's all fun and good. But how do they get it? If you guessed[…]"steal more taxes from the people who made the smart choices that resulted in having a home", you would of course be correct

The notion that "owning a home is good and therefore people should own homes" of course caused a global financial meltdown 15 years ago: the belief that just putting niggers into houses would cause a Shangri-La where they became productive members of a compassionate society turned out to not only be wrong[…]
The Smith/Simons method of throwing tax money turns out not to have worked. Remember when the City of Edmonton had a plan to finally creatively and intelligently use government overreach to cure homelessness within the decade?[…]
The same people who claimed to have the solutions last time think that they just didn't solution enough[…]
Instead of constantly helping, try actively harming. Being homeless has a lot of downside and some upside, and even the most drug addled nutty injun sleeping on the sidewalk probably sees some advantage to not pumping himself full of meth and spasming in pain and hunger underneath a tree in -30. However, clearly this disparity isn't enough.

And the first thing a Prime Minister can do about it is stop providing them resources[…]
Because rat poison is getting expensive, and Superstore has stopped selling those $7 (formerly $6) pizzas

Mean Boomer #psycho #sexist rationalwiki.org

It's okay to be mean to [Zoomers], especially the girls, because they need to be toughed up a little bit, and a few tears will do that; must make those pathetic girly girls with their pink bedrooms into stronger, more independent women. If they walk two footsteps into the road walking home from school, remember that blowing the horn at them and yelling "stupid cunt!" at them is good for them!

Mohammad Javad Larijani #fundie #sexist #psycho iranintl.com

Iranian conservative politician and former diplomat Javad Larijani has defended stoning for adultery, saying it is a good Islamic law protecting “family values”[…]
In an interview with Fars website of the Revolutionary Guard Saturday, Iran’s former Secretary of High Council for Human Rights claimed some good laws have been passed by the Islamic Republic to protect women's rights

He said stoning is one of the good Islamic laws and has been a very nice deterrent so far

“When we say our women should enter the community, we should have provided them with a very safe work and social environment,” added Larijani stressing that “Stoning is a very important restraining law to protect the marriage contract of families”[…]
Death by stoning came into force in Iran after the 1979 revolution, but the judiciary placed a moratorium in 2002 and it was replaced by the death penalty more than a decade ago

Diplodocus114 #pratt #psycho #dunning-kruger reddit.com

I want to chime in on this. (UK) My dad met my mum after he got out of National Service late 1940s. His first and only girlfriend, He was 23, she was 16. They courted for several years and married when my mum was 21, my dad was 28 in 1954.

When I was born in 1963 - after numerous miscarriages, my mum was 29 - my dad 36. When my brother was born in 1970, my mum was 36, my dad 43.

When my dad passed away in 1998 - he was 72, my mum was 65. What did an ages difference matter by then?

I kind of feel insulted on behalf of my parents, when people describe an age difference as 'grooming' and disregard the fact that 2 young people are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together.

.The internet invented 'grooming'. As a kid and adolescent I knew who to avoid, and who I wanted nothing to do with - in person

Predators of all types have always used grooming to get what they want. To say it was invented by the internet is absurd

OK - 'grooming' wasn't a term 30 years ago. Children did not have the internet where anyone in the world could take advantage of them. Children 40 years ago played out, went to the local park and had fun, roamed the countryside. We avoided the creepy guys.

Solomon Pena #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho azcentral.com

A failed Republican state legislative candidate who authorities say was angry over losing the election last November and made baseless claims that the election was “rigged” against him was arrested Monday in connection with a series of drive-by shootings targeting the homes of Democratic lawmakers in New Mexico’s largest city.

Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina held a news conference Monday evening hours after SWAT officers arrested Solomon Pena at his home.

Medina described Pena as the “mastermind” of what appears to be a politically motivated criminal conspiracy leading to four shootings at or near the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators between early December and early January…

Police said Pena, an election denier, had approached county and state lawmakers after his loss claiming the contest had been rigged against him despite no evidence of widespread voter fraud in New Mexico in 2020 or 2022. The shootings began shortly after those conversations…

Deputy Commander Kyle Hartsock said at least five people, including Pena, were involved in the shootings. Pena is accused of paying the others to carry out at least two of the shootings, according to Hartsock, before “Pena himself” allegedly “pulled the trigger” during one of crimes…

The shootings began in early December when eight rounds were fired at the home of Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa, police said. Days later, former Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley’s home was targeted.

As news reports began to surface about the shootings, state Rep. Javier Martinez examined his property and discovered damage from gunshots. Police believe the shooting occurred in early December.

Then, during the first week of January, shots were fired at the home of state Sen. Linda Lopez – a lead sponsor of a 2021 bill that reversed New Mexico’s ban on most abortion procedures.

Lopez said in a statement that three of the bullets passed through her 10-year-old daughter’s bedroom.

Vladimir Solovyov #crackpot #elitist #fundie #god-complex #psycho #wingnut pravda.com.ua

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov has called on Russians not to be afraid of death, saying that "life is highly overrated" and death is inevitable anyway.

Source: Solovyov on his programme on Rossiya 1 [a Russian state-owned television channel – ed.]

Quote: "Life is highly overrated. Why fear what is inevitable? Especially when we’re going to heaven. Death is the end of one earthly path and the beginning of another. But to fear it, and let it influence your decisions..."

Details: The guests on the TV show supported Solovyov, saying that previously Russians had lived from day to day, but now they have an "intangible dream, a higher goal".

According to the propagandist, "it's only worth living for something you can die for, and that's how it should be."

Darth_Aurelius #wingnut #sexist #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Why Nazi Germany was actually awesome

* Its highest leadership were all essentially incel type men, though for different reasons – Goering was a morbidly obese morphine addict, Goebbels was a club footed manlet, Himmler looked like the epitome of a lanky jew and even the Fuhrer himself was very probably a life-long virgin and syphilitic through his mother.
* Women were subordinated in every facet of society – they had to attend to the menial tasks which their biology and physiology has suited them for, kinder kuchen und kirchen (kids, cooking and going to Church). No woman ever outranked any man in Nazi Germany, either socially (de facto) or in any of the paramilitary organizations (de jure).
* Aryan men who could not find or attract women for whatever reason were permitted to rape subhuman untermenschen type females with impunity both in order to satisfy the basic human need as well as to propagate more Aryan blood lines.
* Rank and status were not predicated on money nor were they reinforced by ostentatious displays of wealth but rather were acquired by honorable and manly service to the state which all self respecting men should strive for.
* Degeneracy in all of its putrid and corrupting forms was cast out and destroyed by the Nazi party which understood that the people needed to be protected from the perverse influence of modern art, jew propaganda, homosexuality and any other cultural contaminants.
* If that’s not enough, also bear in mind that his noble honor, Sir Rodger admired the efficiency, glory and power of the mighty Third Reich, so Sieg Heil!

turbosperg #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: 12 year old whore sends 9 year old brother to meet god


This is how much foids hate incels.

Yup, once foids hits puberty the mere sight of them sets them off, feel bad for any incels with older sisters, they probably beat the shit out of them


This is what happened:

1. The foid hit puberty.
2. Her hormones tell her brain to seek Chad's sperm to impregnate her.
3. Her hormones make her extremely disgusted of sub-Chad males, whose sperm threaten her drive to be impregnated by Chad. (if the roastie gets impregnated by a subhuman, it becomes less likely she will later score a Chad).
4. Foids feels the impulse to seek Chad and eliminate sub-Chad males from her vicinity.
5. Foid has poor impulse control due to being raised as an entitled princess.
6. Foid has incorporated all the cultural memes about males being worthless and disposable.
7. One night, when ovulating, her hormones are especially out of whack. She feels an irresistible urge to seek Chad and avoid sub-Chad males.
8. Foid has no option of moving out of the house, her strong drive to avoid of sub-Chad genes in her vicinity takes the form of murder.

Obviously, soyciety will say this is all the fault of incels. But we know better.

Vincent James #homophobia #psycho rightwingwatch.org

Near the end of 2022, far-right streamers Vincent James and Steven Franssen hosted an episode of their “White Boy Wednesday” livestream during which James said that he would be more than happy to live in a society where “they throw gays off buildings”[…]
During the “White Boy Wednesday” broadcast, James grew exasperated by those who criticized FIFA for holding the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, a nation that harshly oppresses and persecutes LGBTQ people

“Who cares how they treat homosexuals?” James said. “Why do we have to measure things based on how they treat homosexuals? Can’t we measure things based on everything else? Why does that always have to be the most important thing? Oh, they throw gays off buildings? So? How does their train system work? Is my train going to be 12 hours late? Oh, no? Oh, OK. Well, I’ll look the other way while they’re throwing some gay dude off a roof”

“Which one would you rather have: trains to be on time [and] society to function or … society to be completely dysfunctional and totally homosexual and they’re turning your kids gay?” James asked. “I’d say I choose the functional society where they throw gays off roofs and make women wear wear [hijabs]”

Russian Propaganda #crackpot #god-complex #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

No, a preemptive strike. Macron supplies the tanks and we give them a preemptive strike against France as a party to the conflict. And if France, as Vladimir Rodolfovich says, begins, to put it mildly, to harm openly, fearing nothing then it must be recognized as a party to the conflict. There should be no France! There was France and now there is no France. Would anyone be upset about that? To hit France once and that will be the end of it. Everyone will be scared, I assure you. No one will want to go. And there is no need to engage our strategic potential, our triad. We have enough ammunition to destroy France, or Britain.

Bolsonaro supporters #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho cnn.com

Brazil was reeling Monday after hundreds of supporters of the country's former leader Jair Bolsonaro stormed the seats of power in the capital Brasilia, trashing offices and drawing condemnation from the government and the international community. More than a thousand people have been arrested, with Brazilian Justice Minister Flavio Dino telling reporters Monday that there had been “about 1,500” arrests in Brasilia since the Sunday riots… The attack bore similarities to the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol in Washington DC, when supporters of ex-US President Donald Trump – a close ally of Bolsonaro – stormed Congress in an effort to prevent the certification of his election defeat…

The floor of the Congress building was flooded after the sprinkler system activated when protesters attempted to set fire to the carpet, according to CNN Brasil. Additional videos showed protesters inside the building taking gifts received from international delegations and destroying artwork. Brazil’s Presidential Communications Minister Paulo Pimenta described how there was blood, feces and urine found in the palace rooms. “Onlookers said they seemed beside themselves with hate, like a horde of zombies. They were running down hallways, smashing things, urinating, defecating in the corridors and in the rooms on one destruction spree,” he stated…

Spurred by unfounded claims of election fraud, supporters draped in Brazil’s national colors and wearing the shirt of the national football team – both of which became central motifs of Bolsonaro’s campaigns – spilled into major government buildings, smashing windows and using furniture to form barricades against security forces. But the events of Sunday did not emerge from nowhere. Bolsonaro supporters had been camped out in the capital since his election defeat…

A number of camps filled by supporters of the ex-president have also appeared outside Brazilian military bases, with some calling for a coup by the armed forces reminiscent of the two-decade military regime that ruled Brazil from 1964.

Dino said on Twitter on Christmas Day that those camps had become “incubators for terrorists,” after a man was arrested for attempting to set off a bomb in protest against Brazil’s election results.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "France: Hajis Persecuting Michel Houellebecq for Saying They Should Go Home"]

Houellebecq is the greatest living novelist and possibly the greatest fiction writer ever in history. He is a very intelligent man and he deserves respect

If he says that Moslems should leave Europe, it’s something that should be considered very seriously

The fact that these sicking, savage people can come into our countries and start using our own legal systems against us is absolute proof that this system is broken beyond repair and it needs to be replaced with a totally new one


The Great Mosque of Paris has filed a complaint against Michel Houellebecq, considered France’s greatest living author, after he said that the native French population does not wish for Muslims to assimilate but to “stop stealing from them and attacking them” or, if the Muslim population cannot manage that, then they should simply leave France

Houellebecq made the remarks during an explosive interview in November[…]

Houellebecq is currently entirely in control of France’s cultural history, as he is the only living cultural figure

The groundbreaking November interview, published in a special edition of Front Populaire magazine, was 45 pages long[…]

This is the worst imaginable outrage

Islam has offered our countries precisely nothing, and they think they have a right to tear down our most important cultural figures? To silence and imprison them, because their feelings are hurt?

We deserve a civil war and we deserve a revolution

This is simply not acceptable, and it cannot be allowed to continue

Various Kiwifarmers #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(The Magnificence)

There needs to be some "female socialization" etiquette guide for this population.

You can, at least to a degree, teach "Mean Girl;" "Shade," however, cannot be taught. And very, very few men innately know how to throw it. And most of those men are black and/or gay.

I don't think it's socialization. Women just speak in high context, men don't. These troons remind me of guys who say "I once met a woman at a party and she asked me back to her place to watch Indiana Jones and I said no because I hate Indiana Jones. Five years later I realize what she was actually saying."


T4T dating event on the HER app canceled “due to a lack of interest”


post was quickly deleted before more mask-off uncomfortable truths could be posted.

Wow Hetero men don't want to date other men. In other news, water is wet.

And yet, if a bio woman said she only wanted women not a man or a trans woman she would be banned so fast it would make your head spin. For fuck sake, they don't even see each other as women. When is society going to stop collectively pretending this is legit?

(Sexual Chocolate)
Sadly, we can only imagine what fuglies and swamp-ma'ams woulda shown up to that thing. In olden - and therefore based - times, a PT Barnum or a Jerry Springer would be on that like a dog in a bowl of stew


(Big Al's Famous Pork)
Transgender Woman interview-Taryn

This piece of absolute human garbage has fathered 10 kids! 10 drug addicted babies he has jizzed into the world!!! Every single one was taken by CPS.. holy shit. Give me all your top hats because this made me want to punch the internet.

(Pitbull Victim)
I have no idea what is more nightmarish: what you mentioned, his Crusader Kings-ass family tree where his grandpa trooned out and married his own son, or how his wife would suffer worsening brain damage with each pregnancy but he kept impregnanting her until she ended up a vegetable.

These people need to be spayed and neutred.

Two unknown men #racist #psycho vice.com

On Monday night, a Ring surveillance camera captured two men dressed in black with masks covering their faces walking up to Servicio de Inmigracion in Bakersfield, California. The two men proceed to dump the accelerant over the side of the building and parking lot in front.

As one of the men continued to spread the fuel, the second squatted over a puddle of the accelerant and tried to light it on fire, the video shows. The fire ignited violently t and the man sprinted away with his leg on fire. The second man panicked and fell down twice, and like his comrade, sprinted away from the scene of the crime on fire.

The man could be heard screaming as he ran into the night.

The owner of the business said Servicio de Inmigracion told a local Fox News outlet they help their customers work with the immigration process and pay their income taxes. Another worker said that the suspects dropped their phones as they fled the fire and they are now in the hands of authorities.

Gary Yourofsky #psycho #crackpot adaptt.org

Sometimes I think the only effective method of destroying speciesism would be for each uncaring human to be forced to live the life of a cow on a feedlot, or a monkey in a laboratory, or an elephant in the circus, or a bull in a rodeo, or a mink on a fur farm. Then people would be awakened from their soporific states and finally understand the horrors that are inflicted on the animal kingdom by the vilest species to ever roam this planet: the human animal! Deep down, I truly hope that oppression, torture and murder return to each uncaring human tenfold! I hope that sons accidentally shoot their fathers on hunting excursions, while carnivores suffer heart attacks that kill them slowly. Every woman ensconced in fur should endure a rape so vicious that it scars them forever. While every man entrenched in fur should suffer an anal raping so horrific that they become disemboweled. Every rodeo cowboy and matador should be gored to death, while circus abusers are trampled by elephants and mauled by tigers. And, lastly, may irony shine its esoteric head in the form of animal researchers catching debilitating diseases and painfully withering away because research dollars that could have been used to treat them were wasted on the barbaric, unscientific practice of vivisection."

woodchip #wingnut #racist #psycho #conspiracy descentbb.net

The problem is self reliance is no longer taught. How much of the homeless problem is related to drugs free flowing across our boarders. So should the boarder states have sole responsibility for the VP's total lack of ability to handle the problem when assigned the task by the drooling idiot in charge? Should the border states not send illegals somewhere the press will report on it?
As to clothing, why don't you and some of your liberal friends start a nonprofit to get winter clothing to the illegals instead of flapping your gums about how bad the illegals are being treated. An nobody said anything about legally entering this country being looked down on. Oh and besides mg nests, throw a few land mines in the mix. Betcha the problem would be fixed real quick.

Brett Stevens #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut deathmetal.org

Issei Sagawa (1949-2022)

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Issei Sagawa, perhaps one of the foremost experts in dealing with The Human Problem during the twentieth century. While he is gone from our physical world, he remains forever in our hearts.

Sagawa rose to fame when [...]

He shot [Dutch student Renee Hartevelt] in the neck, raped her, and then consumed parts of her body over the course of several days.

But in 1983 he was deemed unfit for trial by French medical experts and was initially held in a psychiatric institution before being deported to Japan in 1984.

But on his arrival, he was ruled sane by Japanese authorities, who decided Sagawa’s only problem was a ‘character anomaly’ and that he did not require hospitalisation.

Essentially the outlook of the Japanese is that if one of their citizens ate someone of another race, this goyische person was not human and not worthy of inconveniencing a Japanese citizen. Besides, they reasoned, Sagawa was going to sell millions in merch.


He was featured in a magazine for his paintings of naked women, appeared in a pornographic film and produced a manga comic book that depicted his crime in graphic and unrelenting detail.

But he displayed no apparent sign of remorse or reform, telling Vice in a 2013 interview as he looked at posters of Japanese women: ‘I think they would taste delicious’.

In the meantime, as humanity reaches a staggering eight billion people, it has become clear that we have chosen the path of The Ecocide rather than being willing to say NO to anyone no matter how insane, stupid, criminal, or perverse/promiscuous there are.

The quest for a replacement to natural selection goes on, but in the meantime guys like Sagawa seem to be ensnaring the credulous who do not notice obvious mental health problems staring them in the face. Perhaps if we had a billion such men humanity could heal itself.

Association of Qom Seminary Teachers (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom), Ayatollah Abbas Ka’abi and Ayatollah Mohsen Araki #fundie #psycho iranintl.com

An influential hardliner clerical group in addition to executions demands punishing Iranian protesters by cutting fingers and toes instead of just exiling them

In a statement Saturday, the Association of Qom Seminary Teachers urged the authorities to continue executions but use the amputation punishment to deter people from joining the protests instead of lenient punishments in the law such as exile

The association (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom) suggested that anyone who “instigates fear in society” -- supposedly by participation in anti-government protests -- is belligerent (mohareb) which in Iran's Sharia-based laws is punishable by death, crucifixion, severance of limbs, and/or exile

Ayatollah Abbas Ka’abi, a member of the clerical group, said last week that despite normal practice in the case of murders where victims’ families can practice the “right to blood” – that is demand retribution in kind (death sentence), ‘blood money’, or forgive -- the “imam” of the society should punish a belligerent protester even if the family forgives the killer

Another member, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, said Friday that those who participate in the protests, whether this includes direct involvement in the killing of government forces or not, should be considered as belligerents and be found guilty of “corruption on earth”[…]
“The severing of fingers of one hand and toes of the opposite foot could be effective [as a deterrent punishment]” if a person “instigates fear in society, without the involvement of the [opposition] media and without urging others to follow suit,” the clerics of the powerful association suggested while arguing that the ‘exile’ option is too lenient to “prevent crime”[…]
Exile would be totally ineffective in such cases, they declared, because such actions tarnish Iran's image in the international community and bear other costs for the government

Mother-anon #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho boards.4channel.org

I can tell by the way you write that you bear the mark of Cain. You most certainly are an son of adam

i most certainly am not a son of Adam, my mother does not hide her disdain towards those rotten people. mark of cain brands one as a murderer and my mother pointed me in the right direction, i only had to see what kind of entertainment is the most popular at the moment. besides if i am son of Adam then why did i find love from a daughter Lilith instead of a daughter of Eve?

she really is the one, my mother is the only woman i feel like i am a true equal with.

i have been thinking this more thoroughly, the way i see it there are several different bloodline. Adam's bloodline is the most prosperous one but the ruling one is Canaan's bloodline. this is what my mother truly hates, the children of Canaan are counted among her true enemies (i sadly cannot entertain thoughts about them as it would conjure some very unpleasant things in my spiritual landscape, but i can say that the word 'cannibal' comes from Canaan). children of adam have sadly become accomplices but in the end my mother sees them merely as unknowing children who are just here to toil for their bread. i cannot know for certain what bloodline i belong to but i know that the toil is not part of my nature.

You seem to have a deep connection with your succubus. To what extent does your contact in the physical world extend?

the contact is third eye only and mainly happens through dream realm, even a light dream state is enough to gain a deep connection with her but i will always cherish that one moment when she appeared in my rem sleep.

Since the topic of glowies comes up infrequently itt what does everyone think the actual stance of them is wrt this topic?

when it comes to glowniggers my mother tells me that they are always children of canaan, it takes a special kind of cruelty to become one. i think Terry Davis was also right that you can drive over the glowniggers, children of canaan feel neither pain nor fear which means you can kill them with reckless abandon.

William Mallet #racist #psycho mirror.co.uk

The man who shot dead three Kurdish people in Paris has been pictured and named for the first time.

Excerpts from William Mallet’s pre-trial interviews emerged today along with his full name and a picture

The retired French train driver, 69, told prosecutors: "I always wanted to assassinate migrants and foreigners"[…]
He has been in a secure psychiatric unit since the attack on Friday when he used a US Army Colt 45 gun to carry out the massacre around a Kurdish cultural centre in the 10th arrondissement of the French capital

The 69-year-old shot dead two men and a woman at a Kurdish cultural centre and nearby Kurdish cafe

The woman was Emine Kara, the revolutionary Kurdish women’s activist, who fought for many active years against ISIS in Syria. She was wounded in the fight against ISIS and travelled to Europe for medical treatment

Mir Perwer, a popular Kurdish singer and Abdullah Kizil were also killed

Mr Mallet had previously said questioning at a burglary at his home in 2016 had triggered a “hatred of foreigners that became totally pathological”, according to prosecutor Laure Beccuau

Witnesses said they heard also heard Mallett shouting: "I hate Kurds" on Friday

Ms Beccuau said Mr Mallet had said he wanted to take his own life but added: "before committing suicide, I always wanted to assassinate migrants and foreigners"[…]
The man told investigators that he had first travelled to the town of Saint-Denis just north of Paris, armed with a gun and seeking foreigners to “murder”

But he gave up on that idea because there were few people about and his clothing had made it difficult to recharge his gun

He finally decided to head to Rue d’Enghien in the 10th arrondissement of Paris because he knew there was a Kurdish cultural centre there

Brian Baker #fundie #psycho msn.com

And as the dems rush to WWlll it will bring nuclear annilation to all the big blue cities and the dems. All that will be left is real Americans. That will be the great substitution. We will be rid of all the arrogant, want to be elitist communist indoctrinated.

Light Monyeki #fundie #psycho #quack dailymail.co.uk

A Christian pastor in South Africa has sparked outrage after encouraging worshipers at his church to drink deadly rat poison.

Pastor Light Monyeki told worshipers at the Grace Living Hope Ministries to drink from a bottle of water laced with noxious Rattex to 'nourish their bodies' and 'heal their sickness'.

After the pastor took a sip from the bottom, 'a multitude of congregants voluntarily ran to the front to have a drink of the deadly poison', the church claimed.

Sharing pictures of Monyeki pouring the poisoned water down congregants' throats, the church wrote in a Facebook post: 'The man of God, Prophet Light Monyeki demonstrates power of faith by causing congregants to drink Rattax; deadly poison to show forth their faith.

As he was doing that he said “we do not need to proclaim faith because we are believers. If nyaope [a street drug] boys can smoke Rattax for more than eight years, who are we? Death has no power over us”.

Then he declared life from above upon the water mixed with Rattax; and spoke nourishment unto bodies and healing unto the sick.

A multitude of congregants voluntarily ran to the front to have a drink of the deadly poison. After declaring nourishment and healing, Prophet Light was the first one to drink.

Anonymous #elitist #psycho confessionpost.com

I hate homeless people.
I live in a small town in Oklahoma. We only have two homeless people where I live as far as I know. One guy,this program that helps with housing has helped him out with a house but it wasn't long before he was without a home all because he didn't want to pay rent or utilities. The other homeless man was offered a low rent apartment that goes by your income. Both men draw disability. This man,he didn't want to pay $220.00 a month. Usually, old 2-3 bedroom one bath houses are around $700 to $900 a month yet these dumb ass men don't want to pay less than half that amount. Why are they still homeless? Drugs? Because they're dumb? I don't know but I do know it won't do any good trying to help them out when they won't take the help. They expect others to keep dishing out money to them so to me if they want to play that game then they can just Fucking freeze to death or starve to death. I don't give a shit. I have tried but it does no damn good.

Russian Government #fundie #homophobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #psycho #transphobia thebulwark.com

[The Russian government has introduced new] legislation, which was passed unanimously, prohibits all public speech or actions deemed to be “directed at promoting nontraditional sexual norms,” to propagandize the “attractiveness” of same-sex relationships or gender transition, or to encourage “distorted notions of the social equivalency of traditional and nontraditional sexual relations.” The ban covers all media, from internet sites to journalism to literature, arts and entertainment including video games. While there are no criminal penalties, violators will pay steep fines: 50,000 to 400,000 rubles for individuals (in a country where the average monthly wage is between 50,000 and 60,000 rubles); 100,000 to 800,000 rubles for public officeholders; and 800,000 to 5 million rubles for companies, which can also be shut down for up to 90 days. Foreign lawbreakers can be not only deported but held in detention for up to 15 days. Films and television shows will be barred from release if found to have prohibited LGBT content, and Russia’s powerful federal communications supervision agency, the Roskomnadzor, will be empowered to block “LGBT propaganda” websites without a court order.

According to the principal architect of the new law, Duma member Aleksandr Khinshtein: “The special military operation is taking place not only on the battlefield, but also in people’s minds and souls. Today, in fact, we are fighting to ensure that Russia, as the president puts it, does not have “parent number one, parent number two, and parent number three” instead of Mom and Dad. It is obvious that our confrontation with the West is largely civilizational in nature. That’s because Russia is an outpost for the protection and preservation of traditional values in opposition to the new pseudo-values imposed by the West, first and foremost being the normalization of sexual deviancy.”

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