
Right-wing nutjobs

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Jesus knew Judas would betray him the next day. Is Pence going to betray @realDonaldTrump tomorrow? If so, his career is over. Who else will betray Trump tomorrow? Who will stand and fight w/courage for America? We’re watching. All your careers are over if u allow the steal.

Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue (both R-GA) #wingnut #conspiracy washingtontimes.com

If the Democrats win Georgia’s two Senate seats on Jan. 5, the American Dream — one that’s fostered unrivaled prosperity through democracy and freedom over the last 244 years — could come to an abrupt end.

If you don’t know much about them, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are more than just far-left Democrats. Of course, they want to raise our taxes, enact the Green New Deal and socialize medicine. Like their cohorts, they support open borders, taking away our Second Amendment rights and legalizing late-term abortion, sending your tax dollars to fund abortions.

But Mr. Warnock and Mr. Ossoff are in a league of their own. They are backed by radical defund the police groups. They would vote to pack the U.S. Supreme Court. They would make Washington, D.C. a state and do away with the Electoral College — effectively silencing rural America. They have espoused the merits of socialism — and want to lock down our small businesses, churches and schools.
To be frank, the downfall of our nation — and radical revolution — are exactly what they are after. Chuck Schumer said it himself: “Now we take Georgia, then we change America. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubled down: “We win these races in Georgia … we don’t have to negotiate.”

Unlike the two of us, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff don’t believe in free markets or free enterprise. They don’t believe in individual agency or hard work. They certainly don’t believe in family values or the word of God. In short, they don’t believe in anything that has propelled this nation to success for hundreds of years. They’re fighting to tear it all down.

Cloudy NS #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #crackpot #psycho youtube.com

Jim Carrey has always been one of them. He just likes to mess with the audiences because he knows they're idiots. Jim cut a ladys hair in the Jimmy Kimmel show. He said he cut it in the form of his hand, because it symbolizes the control he has over his fans. Jim is a very satanic person and he loves to make fools out of people he will tell you a bit of truth and then mix it with comedy and lies to cause confusion. That's why we have so many people that think he's a good guy trying to expose the elite. Which is far from the truth. All of the people in hollywood are Satanic. You don't to get to be a celebrity without an initiation.

It’s Someone #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

yep it is true... those that truly rule the world are reptilians, Evil people, Prince of the Power of The Air / Satan himself🤦🏻‍♀️ this world may seem like sunshine and roses but if you look at it from a spiritual perspective it is a prison for our mind & soul. ( we too have a reptilian side of our brain due to being mixed with other beings throughout history)
And now they came up with this Covid PLANdemic agenda... it is not about the virus and the vaccine is not for our safety. They are pushing the Great Reset. Don’t take the vaccine it will change our DNA, it has hydrogen, Luciferase in it ( Doesn’t that sound like Lucifer’s Race to u ?) because that’s exactly what they want to do... they want to wipe out God’s children from this world. This vaccine is somehow related to The Mark of The Beat that is mentioned in The Revelation Chapter of the Bible. Without it we won’t be able to buy or sell, it will either be in our foreheads or right arm. ( could be a chip, quantum dots tattoo, Digital ID..all I’m trying to say is.. if they try to connect us biologically to any sort of AI ( which in fact they are) then right there and then it will be the end of the human race)
The good thing is .. this means The Rapture is getting near.. it is when those that are born again in Christ are snatched away in a twinkling of an eye and taken Home before the Tribulation period happens on the entire world as a second chance for people to repent. They will come up with lies like it was an alien abduction or they may give other lies/ explanation on how people disappeared. Those that will be left behind will either take The Mark and follow this Satanic system or Die for the truth. The problem is if they take the Mark then there will not be redemption.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #wingnut adrenogate.net

While I have gone back and fixed most of the original Hanx/PedoWood content that was so vigorously censored by YouTube(relegating half my site to dead links) I still wanted to make a new post on the subject matter that attempts to collate a lot of the clearest evidence available that Tom Hanks(Now Hanx), was in fact secretly a Rockefeller who was taken into custody by Federal Agents in March of 2020 in Australia, during what I called “the March Massacre”, where Trump began rounding up many of his serpent seed rivals and systematically began snuffing them out on behalf of the “Tribe of Dan”, Cannanite descendent secret society known as “The Golden Dawn”. ALL these Occultists are pedophiles, so it was very easy to use that as the front for why he, and so many of the others from this rival bloodline(Celine Dion, Madonna, Brad Pitt, just to name a few) were rounded up and sent to Gitmo to rot or die.
I believe Tom Hanks or “Hanx” involvement in the above-mentioned matters to cross into the realm of the occult, as much of it involves symbolism and coded messages as well as principles of both higher and lower magick that run in congruence with his chosen career as an actor. These include archetypal personification and collective thought manifestation or Egregore. Actors never were, nor are they today, strictly entertainers. There were a day and age where actors were shamans & priests. Their job, to call down and host spirits and gods so as to interact with them in this dimension during sacred rituals and ceremonies. Actors began the “art” of acting during downtimes between these cyclical yearly rituals.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

For decades, progressives have been warning us about the religious right. There is no such outcry when it comes to the religious antics of Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock of Georgia. Taken for granted in all this is that the “Black church” fights for black racial interests. The Times would never write such fawning coverage of a conservative preacher. Journalists celebrate and defend the “Black church,” but have no sympathy for the “white church.”

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) recently bought an abandoned Lutheran church. “Asatru is an ethnic faith of European peoples,” explained AFA official Matt Flavel, “believing our gods are our most ancient ancestors, and basically worshipping them and building our community.” Although it bought a church building, AFA is not a church. The Nation of Islam’s headquarters is a former Orthodox church, but nobody calls the NOI a “blacks-only church.” National media made a big stink about the purchase, calling the AFA a “whites-only church” or even a “white supremacist church.”

Notice the casual description of the AFA as a “hate group” or “white supremacist.” One resident, Peter Kennedy, was upset. “What other religion in the world makes a big deal out of the color of your skin?” he asked in the Star-Tribune. The answer is: just about all of them.

Jews claim to be the Chosen People. The “Black church” is powerful enough to influence a president and may win a Senate race in Georgia. Shintoism and American Indian religions are largely folk-based, not missionary religions that seek converts. Even supposedly universal religions such as Islam are divided on who should be the authority, based on sacred bloodlines. Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam may have seen Islam (or some variation of it) as the key to black emancipation, but the Sultan of Morocco used a slave army composed entirely of blacks as his “Black Guard.”

JK Belle #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

Lol! Why do you think he’s had such a “mental breakdown?” For starters he’s the high satanic preset of the Hollywood coven #1 and then on top of that you can CLEARLY SEE all the “sacrifices”
He’s made (his younger girlfriend as just one of many)
AND he’s just become more and more DEMONICALLY POSSESSED “willingly” over the years! He’s a MJAOR handler in Hollywood. Hollywood ITSELF is the most satanic secret society “coven” there is! This is why they are surrounded by death and scandal CONSTANTLY!

Magestic #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #psycho #quack #wingnut youtube.com

He's actually laying it all out in the open, the secrets of life, the secrets that have been suppressed purposefully. He's doing it in the form of comedy, because it's the only way to get it out, without bringing the wrath of the control system down on him. Unfortunately everyone thought it was comedy, but all these years later with so many waking up it's shocking too see he was trying to help us all so long ago. It just goes too show how indoctrinated into the system we really were/are.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #sexist nowtheendbegins.com


Though his prayer was replete with explicitly Christian themes, terminology, and references, Cleaver closed it by appealing to the deities of “many different faiths,” implying they are all the same. “We ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and ‘god’ known by many names by many different faiths,” said Cleaver. “Amen and a-woman,” he closed, in an apparent attempt to render the word fair to both sexes. Brahma is a four-faced Hindu deity who “was born from a golden egg and created the earth and all things on it,” according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. He was later believed to have come out of a lotus that emerged from the navel of Vishnu, another Hindu deity.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who is an ordained United Methodist minister, opened the first session of the 117th Congress on Sunday by praying in the name of Hindu god Brahma and twisting the word “amen” into a commentary on gender.

For months now, we’ve been telling you that 2020 would pale in comparison to what would be taking place in 2021, and we didn’t get 72 hours into the new year before chart-topping events started taking place. We told you that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to introduce rules to make Congress gender neutral. Yesterday, Democrat Emanuel Cleaver officially opened the first session of the 117th Congress with a prayer to the Hindu god Brahma, placing it under a curse.

Lin Wood #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

[Here is the URL to the part of this lunacy not provided in the original thread link. —shy]

I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape.

I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information.

This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies.

One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy.

The blackmail targets are approached with a gun, a child, & a camera. The target is ordered to rape the child on video. The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video. The target is then owned & controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail evidence loses its value.

Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy jweekly.com

Recruitment flyers for the Ku Klux Klan were found outside more than a dozen homes and businesses in the small Northern California town of Tulelake last weekend. The flyers, which advertised the Loyal White Knights sect of the pernicious hate organization, were weighted down in rice-filled Ziploc bags and tossed into front yards, said Tony Ross, Tulelake’s police chief. They were discovered on Sunday morning.
On its internet homepage, the group mentions Jews 56 times, claiming that they control business, media and banking; are out to destroy Christianity and harbor “hatred for Christians and Christ;” that Jews killed Jesus; and that Israel has killed “way more Arab women and children” than the “supposed” 6 million who died in the Holocaust. It also includes antisemitic cartoons.

The flyers in Tulelake, first reported by the Herald and News, said “The KKK Wants You!” with a picture of a hooded klansman pointing a la Uncle Sam. They advertised a weekly call-in talk show and the web address for the Loyal White Knights.

“The radical Left,” the flyers read, “is giving Your hard earned money To countries and programs That are benefiting their Communist agenda instead Of Helping the American people Keep a roof over their heads.”

The flyers also espoused false claims made by President Trump alleging fraud in the 2020 election: “The Democrats pulled every foul trick in the book to steal this election from Trump! The Fight is not over! Ballots are still being counted!”

The flyers included a North Carolina phone number for a “24/7 Klan Hotline,” as well as a second number for what was referred to as a “Realm Of California” office, with an area code in Orange County.

Uglyme #crackpot #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Toxic Femininity Feminism is not compatible with foids' nature

Feminism will never work for foids because they are incapable of working together as a team to reach a goal. Not only do they lack the mental capabily to organize themselves in a group to reach a common goal, but also, even if foids tried that, they're too selfish to think in anything other than themselves. They're envious, evil, selfish, they can't support each other, they aren't able to build each other up. All the things that feminists claim to have achieved would've never been possible without the armies of simps who helped them.

And of course, don't forget the only reason that every foid has to exist: to be fucked by Chad. Foids are in a constant competition to be penetrated by a superior male and they won't let anybody interfere with that, not even other foids. Just think about it: how many foids have stopped being friends because one of them fucked their Chad bfs? How many sisters hate each other for that too? Even mom and daughter?

There are only two things that foids are universally in agreement: rejecting subhumans and fucking Chad.

Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy savethemales.ca

For a woman, love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice.

She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect, and gratitude.

A woman makes this supreme sacrifice to only one man who will cherish her and provide for his family. Men instinctively want to fulfill this responsibility. This is the essence of the heterosexual contract (i.e. marriage): female power in exchange for male power expressed as love. Sex is the symbol of this exclusive bond. Marriage and family may not be for everyone but it is the natural path for most.

Feminism has trained women to reject this model as "an old fashioned, oppressive stereotype" even though it reflects their natural instincts.
The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

A drastic paradigm shift is required to make sense of the world. The Rockefellers are part of the private world central banking cartel that also controls media, defense, pharmaceutical and other cartels. To protect their monopoly of credit and wealth, they are instituting a world police state ("world government") using the bogus 9-11 attack and endless war as a pretext.

The banking cartel needs a philosophy to justify enchaining mankind. That philosophy is Satanism. The cartel controls the world through a network of occult societies linked to Freemasonry, Communism, the Vatican and organized Jewry (Bnai Brith, ADL, AJC, Zionism.) The highest occult rank is known as the Illuminati.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

The Swing States did not even come close to following the dictates of their State Legislatures. These States “election laws” were made up by local judges & politicians, not by their Legislatures, & are therefore, before even getting to irregularities & fraud, UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

……@SenTedCruz @HawleyMO @Jim_Jordan @senatemajldr @GOPLeader & THE WORLD!

Sorry, but the number of votes in the Swing States that we are talking about is VERY LARGE and totally OUTCOME DETERMINATIVE! Only the Democrats and some RINO’S would dare dispute this - even though they know it is true!

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex twitter.com

Something how Dr. Fauci is revered by the LameStream Media as such a great professional, having done, they say, such an incredible job, yet he works for me and the Trump Administration, and I am in no way given any credit for my work. Gee, could this just be more Fake News?

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "Syrian Deserters Return, Shocked the Government Seized the Land They Deserted"]

I can’t even contextualize the mindset here.

Since when have war deserters been sympathetic figures?

(The answer is since 2015, when the media hyped up war desertion as a heroic act, in part because they wanted to flood Europe with Arabs and in part because they wanted to deprive the government of Syria of their fighting forces.)


Many Syrians forced from their homes by their country’s brutal, decade-old war are now shocked to discover that their family farms have been taken over by regime loyalists and cronies.[…]

Who was the offensive against? Random civilians?

Obviously, it was against ISIS.

Why was this man not fighting for his country?

By definition, he is a deserter.
Now: consider if this story were 100% true (which it may or may not be).

What would be wrong with this?

These are traitors and deserters, who fled their country during a time of crisis, who are now showing back up – now that men much braver than they fought to protect their country, and succeeded – and saying, “so we’re cool, right?”

In most of history, these people would be attacked on sight. Now, they’re being welcomed back in, but finding that the people who stayed to fight the war they fled took their land. And they’re whining about that?

This is not a good look for refugee scum, and frankly, it isn’t a good look for the Jewish media that is siding with this refugee scum. Young men fleeing a war because they’re too cowardly to fight for their country is always, always going to be a bad look. On a biological level, people are repulsed by that level of cowardice.

They should have their land taken – and worse. They should have their wives and daughters confiscated as well, frankly, and given to the men who fought.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Canada Now Resettles More Refugees Than Any Other Country, Mostly Through Private Sponsorship

(Frank Jones)

Sponsors stopped befriending migrants on Facebook because it was “too hard to say no.”

In a sane country these bleeding hearts would spend the rest of their days exiled or in prison.

(Francis Galton)

“I don’t even know how to say to someone, ‘I can’t help you’,” she said.

How about you say instead, "Why don't you stay in your own country and try to make it a better place."

Ahh the hopelessly naive. Refugees from Syria of all places? How would they know from social media if the "refugee" isn't Osama's second cousin or something? Chicanery is a tactic their own Koran instructs them to use on us infidels.


spoiler"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them. " Justin Trude when asked dto comment on his Open Borders inmigration strategy.

An unpleasant relic? That's sick. This guy is white isn't he? Not sure but he does look ((white)). ‘the very concept of a nation founded by African settlers is offensive to me. Old stock black Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them’. I suppose ‘Jewish’, ‘Asian’ and about every color besides ‘white’ would work too.

(Kid Charlemagne)
We talk about Je*s pushing this third world invasion but a lot of it is these church ladies who fall for these desperation pleas or simply to feel virtuous. They never pay for this out of their own pockets and never ever have to live around their decisions or suffer the consequences.

Islam is correct about women.

"Too hard to say no" to people who hate you? These people are the very definition of pathetic.

Divergent_Integral #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Serious Why are incels treated much less kindly than other minorities who occasionally commit violence?

I mean, extremist Muslims commit violence against innocent civilians on quite a regular basis. But whenever one points out that fact, people reply: "Not all Muslims, just a tiny minority, you racist bigot!" Likewise, African-American black nationalists who resorted to violence are generally venerated as brave and heroic freedom fighters. Even plain old left-wing terrorists like the Rote Armee Faktion and Brigate Rosso aren't quite as widely condemned as incels are, with Che Guevara and Nelson Mandela (both of whom had their hands in various atrocities) even practically canonized by the progressive left. Our community has had a few incidents with lone-wolf violence (though absolutely nothing that was centrally organized, mind you); but compared to the size of the incel community the number of us who turned violent is utterly negligible.

So I ask, what is it about us that gets under normies' skins so much? Is it the cognitive dissonance that the blackpill elicits in many people? Are we seen as a threat to the social order? Or something else perhaps?

Louie Gohmert #wingnut #psycho bloomberg.com

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) warned of property destruction and actual violence overtaking the country’s thoroughfares during a late Friday evening appearance on a conservative media channel.

Earlier on Friday, Texas-based U.S. District Judge Jeremy Kernodle–who was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2018–rejected a lawsuit filed by Gohmert and a slate of purported (read: unofficial or fake) pro-Trump electors against Vice President Mike Pence. That lawsuit, a long shot affair, asserted that Pence had the constitutional power to ignore the Electoral College system’s actual results and essentially gift the 45th president a second term despite the November 2020 election.

Judge Kernodle, in his 13-page decision, dismissed the would-be controversy in a relatively brief order “because neither Congressman Gohmert nor the Nominee-Electors have standing.”

Gohmert addressed the court’s decision during an interview with a Newsmax fill-in anchor on the program Rob Schmitt Tonight.

“This is an example of when the institutions that our constitution created to resolve disputes–so that you didn’t have to have to riots and violence in the streets–when they go wrong,” Gohmert said.

“Bottom line is, the court is saying: ‘we’re not gonna touch this; you have no remedy,’ Basically, in effect, the ruling would be that you’ve gotta go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM.”

Vox Day #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

[From "Gamergating Arizona"]

The Donald and the Arizona Republican Party calls for Team Trump to pour it on the corrupt Maricopa County officials:

The Maricopa Board of Supervisors are pleading to make the phone calls stop. They have had to put more staff on the phones to keep the lines up and operating. Hopefully they figure out soon that an audit is all the voters want. Do that small thing, the phone calls will end quick!

Maricopa Board of Supervisors: 602-506-3415.

Shut up and email because the ride never ends.

Mugi thighs #crackpot #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Venting Leftists and foids have an incredibly contradictory worldview

Racism, sexism, homophobia are supposed to be unethical because one has to judge humans by inalterable characteristics when employing such bigotries, as they are rooted in genetics and biology

However, leftists/foids attack incels all day on the basis of ugliness, which is genetically induced. Furthermore, even if they genuinely hate incels for our "bad personality", and not appearance, it well known that personality is heavily genetic as well. Twin studies have attested to this fact. Even when separated at birth and raised in different environments, identical twins usually end up having the same remarkably similar personalities.

Their worldview isn't coherent, it's obviously just self serving/ status maxxing for the people who espouse it.

Lin Wood #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy twitter.com

(1) For two months we have focused on accusing the Democrats of attempting to steal the 20/20 election for Biden. We focused on the Presidential election.

We focused on the obvious.

Over time, we have learned that the Democrats were joined by CCP & other foreign countries.

(2) We have also learned that the Globalists like George Soros & the Elitists like Bill Gates were involved. CIA too (no surprise - military industrial complex).

It all seemed so clear we overlooked one of the main participants in the theft of the election: THE REPUBLICANS.

(3) These groups aspire to the goals of Communism. A ruling elite & an oppressed class of people who exist to serve those in power.

When arrests for treason begin, put Chief Justice John Roberts, VP Mike Pence & Mitch McConnell at top of list.

Time to clean house in 2021. Let the military LOCK THEM ALL UP. The crime is treason. They are traitors. It must be done if our country is to survive & once again serve as a bright beacon of light that provides hope of freedom to the world.

Washington Free Beacon Staff #wingnut #psycho freebeacon.com

[From "2020 Man of the Year: Kyle Rittenhouse"]

When Antifa and BLM came to ravage your city, what did you do? Some seized their chance to loot the nearest Walmart. Others watched helplessly as Democratic mayors and governors let their own communities burn. But among us there are patriots—righteous men of action. Kyle Rittenhouse is one such man.
Rittenhouse did indeed offer medical assistance to several protesters that night, but the danger was all too real. Stalking the streets of Kenosha that night were child molester Joseph Rosenbaum, armed and dangerous revolutionary Greg Grosskreutz, and Anthony Huber, who had been sent to prison twice for violently assaulting his younger siblings.

The pederast attacked first, pursuing Rittenhouse as he tried to flee. Rosenbaum lunged for his weapon, but Rittenhouse defended himself with a violence that was sadly beyond the grasp of the 5 boys, aged 9 to 11, whom Rosenbaum had been convicted of abusing.

Next was Anthony Huber, who attacked our Man of the Year with a skateboard as he lay on his back, reeling from the attacks of the mob. Huber, too, tried to strip Rittenhouse of his weapon. The result was the same as before. Kyle Rittenhouse was not like the defenseless little brother Huber had once strangled.

And finally Grosskreutz, a member of the People's Revolution, pounced on Rittenhouse with his weapon drawn as Huber was still staggering. And, again, Rittenhouse survived by the grace of God and the reliability of Smith & Wesson.

The good people of Kenosha can sleep easier because among us are the likes of 2020 Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year Kyle Rittenhouse.

Cheryl K. Chumley #wingnut #fundie washingtontimes.com

Sen. Marco Rubio just called out Anthony Fauci in a penned piece posted on Fox News as a lying liar who arrogantly used his position as the nation’s top infectious disease bureaucrat to lie to the American people “in order to manipulate their behavior.” It’s a good piece; a crucial read.

But readers, take note: Why be surprised?

Fauci is a long-time entrenched government bureaucrat.

More than that, he’s a humanist — meaning, he takes his moral compass from his own mind. He has little-to-no concern with the stuff of higher authority — the constraints that come from fears of heavenly accountability.
An atheist in charge of U.S. government, policy, economics, education and constitutional freedoms, as they relate to coronavirus response — what could go wrong, right?
He’s unelected. He’s largely unaccountable to the people. He’s atheist, which speaks volumes about his character, his moral compass and his understanding of American Exceptionalism and basic founding and constitutional principles. And he’s just been outed for lying.

The path is clear: He has to go.

JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

The left seeks control. Both to subject control and to submit to comfortable control.

Unity of thought enables control. When everyone thinks the same, they can be more easily manipulated, and there will be no question of the future as there will be no disagreements.

The erosion of families enables unified control. This is evidenced in people shunning the elder generations and disrespecting them with cute phrases like boomer... while (literal example) I've been told the biggest problem is people are paranoid and don't trust the government.

This is why the left seeks to label all dissenters as bigots, fascists, racists, sexists, conspiracy theorists, and all other insults.

Sarah A. Hoyt #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot accordingtohoyt.com

I do think the most dangerous place to be on the 6th is DC. Notwithstanding which, if I could figure out HOW I’d be there. But here’s the thing, particularly if we have a strong showing on the 6th… The left is already jumpy, and they will lose what remains of their tiny minds.

The thing in Nashville, yeah, maybe it was a Covid suicide, but…. But it stinks to high heavens, including positioning the mobile home exactly where it should be to take out phone and internet. Perhaps it was a test run, as well as anything else. We know we can’t trust our secret services.

So, what if they take out all phone and internet on the 6th, and then claim this was Trump supporters, and that Trump is trying to effect a revolution, and they send out people to arrest all known/prominent Trump supporters (Note this probably won’t get to my level. It MIGHT, but probably won’t.)

And then in three days internet is restored, and the phone, and the story is set of the failed Trump coup. Which, of course, allows them to move on with their political cleansing program “completely justified”? No, I don’t think any of that will work. I think if they try it, the mess resulting will probably blow against them.

But I also can see them thinking this is a viable plan. Look, they live in stories, mostly Hollywood movies. They couldn’t find reality with two hands and a seeing eye dog. And yes, they’re stupid enough to try this. Coincidentally, and I don’t think on purpose by anyone human, the 6th is the feast of the epiphany, which makes me feel there’s more at work.

WikkiWikki420 #wingnut #psycho patriots.win

Funnily enough... On April 20th this year, china virus having disrupted the country with large shutdowns, I knew something big was coming. I decided then and there to get my shit in order by starting a diet. I chose keto. Since then I have gone from 236 lbs to a cool 176 lbs. With that diet in mind, I have had energy of a raging pissed off alpha lion and been exercising and working out since. I grew up as a grappler, with many years of training there really isn't much that worries or scares me in confrontation. Though I will admit that submission style fighting isn't going to win wars... I will say that I feel 1000x more confident now in holding my own against 2 or even 3 commie faggots than if this were to happen at the beginning of the year.

As we all should be aware, there are the occasional commie faggot that may be in shape and may even know a thing or two about fighting, we simply can't let our guard down and we must be prepared at all times to counter any commie faggot attack. Fortunately 98% or more of them all either skinny lanky sticks because communism is shit or they are blubbering obese sacks of shit because communism is shit. The one thing we know is they do not come in singles, because they are commies and can't fight their own fight. That alone gives me hope for the Proud Boys in infiltration, but also makes me worry for them.

Either way, Pedes, the point is.... staying in shape is a whole lot easier than getting so far gone that you have to prepare for the better part of a year to get back into tip top fighting condition. And if you are out of shape or do not exercise or workout, now is the time to start... not tomorrow, but now!!!

On January 6th, the sun will shine bright and part the skies for all Pedes and will guide us to victory. Stay strong, keep the faith and never ever surrender this great land of ours to the evils of globalism and commie faggots. WE ALREADY WON!!!

Laughing Mad Award

Kenneth Copeland #wingnut twitter.com

The media said what? Hahahaha. The media said Joe Biden's President! Ha, ha, ha, ha, HA, HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HA, HA, HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Michael Flynn #wingnut #conspiracy twitter.com

How many overseas connections are we talking about involved in our 3 NOV election? Are there any foreign countries NOT interfering in our elections? China, Serbia, Italy, Germany, Iran. WTH!

The electronic voting machines are NOT suppose to be connected to the internet (Period).

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack #crackpot benjaminfulford.net

A massive offensive aimed at finishing off the Swiss-based Octagon group and putting an end to their Nazi fourth Reich has begun. The executives of pharmaceutical companies, the heads of medical associations, and other people associated with the Covid-19 terror and vaccine campaign are high priority targets. The Swiss will be asked to hand over all Octagon group leaders or face complete destruction of their country according to Gnostic Illuminati sources.

“The Covid-19 Gladio operation is Swiss Octagon, Gladio is a compartment inside it,” MI6 sources confirm. This means a global mass murder campaign is being orchestrated out of Switzerland, which is why such radical measures are being taken.

Be warned though, the Octagon group is the de facto politburo of the about 1 million-person strong Khazarian Mafia and they do not intend to go quietly into the night.

One NSA source says there is intel indicating KM actors are now plotting against Trump’s call for patriots to converge on Washington DC on January 6th. The source warns it could become a deadly trap and if patriots want to help they should consider acting locally against politicians, doctors, etc. pushing lockdowns and “Covid-19” vaccinations.

If you still believe in all the Covid fear propaganda being churned out all day long by the corporate propaganda media, here is some fact-checking you can do: The Chinese Bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the so-called Covid virus originated is owned by the Soros Foundation as can be seen from foundation filings with the SEC. This same foundation owns the vaccine makers. The Soros Foundation is a front for the Khazarian Mafia.

Kurt Gersen #racist #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy amerika.org

By inverting White culture, the Left seeks to entrap the resurgent Right.

True Right, which is a synonym for traditionalism, consists of hierarchy, structure, order, heroism and overcoming one’s self in a true Nietzschean manner. It is antipodal to all things egalitarian, where “Utopia” is achieved by leveling all culture to the ground, obtaining equality through heat death.

When the Leftist neoliberal globalist media casts Blacks in culturally and historically White storylines about culturally and historically White characters, its aim is threefold:

- Erase white (pre-Christian, but also — and mainly — Christian) history and culture.
- Ingrain the egalitarian agenda into the soft brains of the millenials who do not know better.
-Kill the resurgent Right by drawing it into the Left’s semantic black hole.
There is no way in halting the Left’s continued takeover and warping of Western culture except through creating an alt-tech and an alt-culture completely divorced from Leftist, neoliberal, globalist-owned and controlled platforms. Stop being on the receiving end. Create a new culture because the old one has been stolen and subverted by the Left. Fight their idea (resentment-borne deconstructivism) with another idea.

Fly above them. It’s the only way. Let the people choose where they want to be and where they want to stay by offering them a legitimate alternative. Watch hordes of people desert the currently rotten and putrid social media sphere ruled by vindictive “fact-checkers” and SJW grand inquisitors, to where a new sun and a new Earth will be.

Conservapedia #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut conservapedia.com

(Context: from the article “Biden Junta”)

The Biden junta began receiving federal taxpayer money in November 2020 after the head of the General Services Administration received personal death threats against her, her family, staff, and pets.
As of Novemeber 2020 Peter Neffenger was chairman of the corrupt ballot-stuffing and election-rigging SmartMatic corporation.[5] Neffenger was appointed to Biden's junta organizational team.[6]
Ron Klain - right hand henchman
SmartMatic chairman Peter Neffenger - junta organizer[10]
Jen O’Malley Dillon - in a message of unity called GOP Senators "a bunch of f*****" - deputy chief of staff[11]
Russia collusion hoaxer Jake Sullivan - national security advisor[12]
Hunter Biden contact Anthony Blinken - foreign ministry[13]
PLA operative Alejandro Mayorkas - department of homeland security[14][15][16]
Racist mayor Eric Garcetti - commissar of housing.[17] When objections were raised, Marcia Fudge, who referred to a judge that beat and killed his wife as "a good man who made a mistake", was appointed.[18]
jihadi Reema Dodin - deputy director Office of Legislative Affairs[19]
president of the CAP communist front Neera Tanden - Office of Management and Budget[20]
Trump-Russia conspirator and Obama snoop Avril Haines - DNI[21]
globalist Janet Yellen to merge the indepedent Federal Reserve Board and United States Treasury[22]
Democrat IT scandal kingpin Xavier Becerra as HHS commissar[23]
Marxist mayor of the systemically racist South Bend police department Pete Buttigieg - commissar of transportation
Alcholics Anonymous pitchman Deb Haaland - ministry of the interior[24][25]

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut familyfriendlygaming.com

The angry toxic haters spewing all kinds of venom now want to make nice. They get their way and then they can behave. To me they are just emotional toddlers who seem to think they can tell us how to feel and react. Biden has even told us multiple times to heal like he can just command us to do whatever he says,. Half of America thinks the election was stolen by fraud in specific counties in specific states to change the results. There are too many reports of too many shenanigans that happened in the election. How will Joe Biden heal that? Will he step down and admit President Trump was robbed?

Liberals keep pushing their opposite morals and ethics. As they continue to redefine words, history, institutions, morals and ethics they expect everyone to accept their radical changes. Half of us refuse to accept their attempts to redefine everything. That means we continue to live by the original words, history, institutions, morals, and ethics definitions. At times we cannot even communicate because a positive and uplifting word like traditional means good things to us. That same word means ugly, nasty, and hateful things to those who embrace attempts to redefine words. We use it in a good context and they redefine it to be a bad context. Communication is not possible in this climate.

This is the real reason America will not heal. Those that accept redefinitions will not let us heal. They must get their way all the time or they threaten more and more evil things. If they continue on this path America will split into at least two. Every single time they opened a pandora’s box we stepped through and returned the favor. They won’t stop, and because of that neither will we. We have not been united states for a long time. Time to separate into two countries and let the left live their morals and let the right live theirs. Joe Biden may be the last American president, and the one that causes the split of the nation. He won’t come even close to healing us. He has no intention of healing us and we see it.

Alex Collier #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #mammon alexcollier.org

By popular demand, Alex Collier hosted his 4th 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar on December 18, 2020. This webinar did not include a monologue. Alex answered questions right through. Hosted by James Harkin from AlexCollier.org and JayPee from WolfSpirit.tv (a subsidiary of WolfSpiritRadio.com) Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, December 18, 2020, at 2pm Eastern Time.

In 2-hours Alex answered 23 questions including sharing information on:

The dimension does the soul go after death.
The Trump vaccine vs. others.
The realm consciousness goes to while astral travelling.
How to overcome tyranny.
Admiralty law vs. Common law.
Lockdowns and mass awakenings.
Important dates.
Long-lasting marriage.
Sacred DNA and the war on perception and consciousness.
Gemstones in 5D.
The future. When Trump is no longer in office.
Tesla's magic numbers 369 and the reincarnation cycle 666.
Ascension and who is left behind.
The soul trap.
Transitioning to galactic civilisation.
War of enforcement.
An alternative view skews the perception of reality.
And many more!
<only $4.99 donation through Brighteon!>

Alex Newman #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist libertysentinel.org

-The U.S. dollar will continue to decline as the Federal Reserve destroys it, losing more and more purchasing power even compared to other declining fiat currencies. As this accelerates — and there could be a catastrophic plunge in 2021 — the push for a digital one-world currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund will grow. The move toward a “cashless society” will also pick up steam.
-Independent farmers, ranchers, businessmen, miners, loggers, and other producers will continue to face the wrath of the establishment, all over the world. The plot to centralize control over all economic activity will gain steam, especially with the religious cover now provided by Pope Francis and his Rothschild-backed “Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican.”
-All of this economic misery will provide the justification for the globalist campaign to have a “Great Reset” to fundamentally transform everything from the economy and education to governance and business. The engineered economic crisis, which has been building for many years but went into high-gear with the COVID lockdowns, will be used to “Build Back Better” (more technocratic, less free) from the ashes.
-War on the family waged by the elites through the United Nations and the massive battery of “NGOs” will keep getting more and more intense. The sexual and homosexual and now transgender revolutions, all of which are aimed at undermining the family as the basis for society, will go into warp speed.

IstvanIN & Cosmik Debris #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Xenophobia Surges as Covid-19 Slams South African Economy

“Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in April said locals should be prioritized in post-pandemic recovery efforts.”

Too bad Nancy "give it all away" Pelosi doesn't think that way about Americans.

“You’ve got people all the way from Nigeria who are here to sell tomatoes on our streets. How is that helping us grow our economy? Every foreign national that came to our country since 1994 must be deported,” said Victoria Mamogobo, the 34-year-old chairwoman of the South Africa First party.”

And in the US since 1965.

“Since the apartheid system of racial discrimination ended in 1994, Africa’s most developed economy has been a magnet for migrants from the continent and as far afield as Bangladesh.”

Actually LONG before that. I remember a seemingly liberal co-worker mention that years ago. He was telling me about a news broadcast he watched covering illegal immigration into S Africa. This was at the height of the anti-apartheid movement. So, I mean here was the 700 Club making one of our argument for us; if the USA (or SAfrica) is so horrible and racist why are nonwhites en-mass moving here?

(Cosmik Debris)
Correct. The apartheid government had to install a deadly electric fence along the long border to prevent foreign blacks from entering South Africa for employment. The local South African blacks can't compete with the hard working foreign blacks. They run informal corner stores that South African blacks can't compete with even if they run them illegally. It's pure laziness and envy from protected blacks. Most employers would preferably illegally employ a hard working foreign black than and entitled, unionised and eternal racial victim South African black that is virtually impossible to fire.

Tim_in_Indiana & Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: China Inc Will Recycle Used White Guys


As corporations try to make their ranks more ethnically representative, many experienced – if white and older – males will find themselves without a job. Chinese companies, deterred from acquiring U.S. firms with valuable intellectual property, can recruit their discarded human capital instead.

I would love to see these diversity-obsessed corporations fold and be replaced by new ones that celebrate talent and ability, and compete on that basis rather than on government handouts and preferences, but that will only happen if we defeat the scandalously fraudulent election steal which the left is currently trying to perpetrate on this country. Fortunately, I fully expect that to happen.

(Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов))

this is why america is doomed.. and the rise of china is inevitable... chinese people dont have diversity quotas.. i cant wait for apple and the other SJW companies to fail when they start hiring inferior folks due to the amount of melanin in their skin

The weakening of the USA is a BLESSING to the world. The United States exports feminism, and negro worship through it's culture to the entire world. The USA is a nation led by criminals. They fund terrorists in Syria, they over throw democratically elected officials in foreign nations, they sanction nations that want only to keep their sovereignty, and they are the MUSCLE behind the international Bankers who exploit smaller nations. It is a evil entity in every way.

And as a bonus, the system in place seeks to ERASE and ENSLAVE its White male population.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

“A group of Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say 200,000 more votes were counted in the 2020 Election than voters (100% went to Biden). State Representative Frank Ryan said they found troubling discrepancies after an analysis of Election Day data.” @FoxNews This is far....

...more votes than is needed by me to win Pennsylvania, not to mention hundreds of thousands of votes in other categories which increase my already big lead into a landslide. All other Swing States show likewise. WE NEED NEW & ENERGETIC REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP. This can not stand..

....Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out. Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators..

....and Congressmen/Congresswomen Elected. I do believe they forgot!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

The shocking Christmas day bombing in Tennessee has given rise to any number of fascinating conspiracy theories as to who was really behind it and why they chose to do it on Christmas morning. But you may be surprised to learn that many times over the last 120 years, these type of events have taken place and they all have one thing in common. They are a necessary distraction to what is actually going on behind the scenes, and events like the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the assassination of JFK in 1963, and the targeted attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 were all done deliberately to move society forward into the New World Order.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are going to show you how the global elites use false flag events, predictive programming and mass hysteria to effect change within society, and to move the people forward to a bleak, dystopian future. Bible prophecy shows us a lost world rushing to embrace the soon-coming Antichrist, and even right now in the waning last days of 2020, it looks and feels like the world is coming off its hinges and headed for disaster. That’s because that is exactly what’s happening. On today’s program, we will take a deep dive into the Tennessee Christmas day bombing, and show you what’s behind the curtain of that event, and the other events that are soon to follow.

Various Commenters #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Poland best place for female entrepreneurs in EU and 5th in the world, says new ranking

Women in Poland out earn men on average in 7 of 16 provinces, also they are much better educated on average, of course live longer, have a 5 years quicker retirement, are 1% of at work casualties, and are 7 times less likely to commit suicide than man.

But the abortion is not on demand, so Poland is clearly "women's hell" as feminists claim.


What? I was told that Poland was a medieval backwards country, where women are treated worse than in the islamic world...

Research says that Poland is (after Iceland and Malta) the safest place for women in terms of sexual and domestic abuse in Europe.

Can you link me the research, would love to point it out when another daily anti polish article comes out. I'm just tired of WE hypocrisy.

I think it's mostly just reddit being reddit, the same place where you see westoid college kids unironically lecturing eastern euros on how communism is actually not that bad, and capitalism is the worst evil imaginable. I don't think most of them are like that.

It's the opposite. Poland is where women get western liberation and freedom and at the same time demand more eastern traditional family model from men.


Another stat presenting Germanys shitty business culture. A country in decline that only lives off inherited wealth.

He's absolutely right, stop downvoting him. We have a shitty culture for entrepreneurs. my business prof was constantly babbling about this. Jealousy and schadenfreude is strong over here.

_Moon_ #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net

Just finished Cyberpunk 2077 and romanced Judy. And fuck, I wish I were lesbian! The XY attraction virus is far worse than the overhyped Coronavirus. I'd rather have the overhyped Coronavirus than the much more lethal XY (attraction) virus. I wish I were lesbian and had a GF like Judy.😭


...on the other hand, of course, if you look at "lesbian" dating profiles, they all read "Polyam. Married. They/them. AFAB. BLM. ACAB. Hufflepuff AF. Gemini Moon. Depressed/anxious/neurodivergent. Fat activist working on decolonizing my body. QTPOC to the front." 🤮

Introvert (“Free Nathan Larson”) #wingnut #quack #conspiracy#racist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Why you should NOT wear a mask, even if you are ugly, NOR take the vaccine

I have seen some incels saying “I like that everyone wears a mask, because then I can hide my ugly face”. This submissive mindset has to stop though.

Being ugly is not unacceptable. You have the right to exist. It is only females and cucks who want you to suffer, because they are sadists towards ugly men. They are the ones who do not want to see your face, and by then wearing a mask, you basically fulfill the desires of your oppressors. It is cucked.

Wearing a mask for protection, is foolish for three reasons:

1) Covid-19 is not real.
2) Even if Covid-19 was real, masks would still be useless. You still breathe, and this includes breathing in and out potential viruses. Wearing a mask instead only makes the air you breathe in contain a higher amout of carbon dioxide.
3) Even if masks worked, why would you want to protect other people from getting sick? Females would deserve to get sick for not giving me sex, and other men too, for being unhealthy cucks (healthy masculine men have a superior immune system).

Also, do not take the (((vaccine))). Not only because it is Jewish poison which gives recipients countless of “side effects”. I have also seen females saying: “I hope everyone takes the vaccine so I can go out and party again, teehee”. Taking the vaccine, is therefore cucked.

Instead of being hysterical sheeple, be healthy. My natural immune system is superior and would destroy any virus instantly. I do not need any vaccine. And to the people who want to force me to wear I mask, I say, like George Floyd, #ICantBreathe.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From "I am back"]

If you have problems viewing this site or commenting, clear your browser caches (except for passwords and such)

Some browsers cached messed up data during the transition.

I am feeling optimistic about my safety, because I have taken some additional precautions, and the move seems to have taken me off the radar. About America, not so much.

After the Republic died in Rome, it took a long time for a new political order capable of cohesive action to appear, and even after Caesar Augustus took power, it took him twelve years to get things in some sort of order.

Elections and due process have gone down, and most of the civil service is in similar shape.
There is an interesting mathematical theorem from computer science that it takes at most one third of the parties engaging in Byzantine defection to subvert any process. It does not take majority defection, and unless the process is robustly designed to resist Byzantine faults, like the processes of the Venetian Republic in the days of its greatness, which requires immense amount of bullshit and heavy overheads, it takes far less than a third defecting.
If Biden gets in, then the people pulling his strings will find that the way they got in makes it impossible to get anything done. Until they start shooting judges and public servants, which I expect to start happening around 2026 or so if Trump fails to start shooting people sooner than that.

In the Roman Republic, the processes stopped working. Caesar incorrectly assumed that it was still impossible for respectable people to publicly murder other respectable people in public. And his assassins incorrectly assumed that after they assassinated Caesar, it would once again become impossible. He was wrong.

And they were wrong. Interesting times ahead.

Tender Turner #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

[About the Nashville Christmas bombing]

AT&T got a contract to do forensic audit on Dominion voting machines and those machines were being moved to Nashville this past week.

The former owner of the AT&T building in Nashville, William Kennard, is a board member for Cerberus Capital Management and AT&T.... He also was Bill Clinton’s FCC chair, and Obama’s Ambassador to the EU.

Dominion voting is owned by Cerberus Capital Management.... Cerberus is run by Staple Street Execs. Joe Bidens Brother in Law, Steven Owens, is the cofounder of Staple Street Execs along with William Kennard (mentioned above).

Super Computer in TN was connected to the AT&T internet in NASHVILLE.... yesterday evening the Cumberland river cooling system was compromised due to internet outage and Supercomputer fried.....

If you don’t know, “Kraken” is a reference to a supercomputer former prosecuter, Sidney Powell, has been talking about.

So, the explosion “just happened” to be at the AT&T location where they “just so happen” to control the cooling system for the super computer and house the dominion voting machines and drives for forensic audit...

Does it make sense now why no lives were lost? Does it make sense now why the FBI task lead couldn’t even put together a coherent sentence in the press conference yesterday? Does it make sense why the mayor was making light of the situation, almost laughing yesterday?

*Still think we are all crazy? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Brabantian #conspiracy #wingnut #racist henrymakow.com

The Christmas Day bombing clearly targeted a building of telecommunications giant AT&T whose Nashville facilities are also believed to serve a major outpost of the US NSA National Security Agency there. The NSA has long been in rivalry with the CIA, and they are likely now on opposing sides in the Trump vs Biden election fraud controversy.
AT&T is said to have been ready to audit suspected US voting machines, questioning the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are backed by George Soros, partner in creating 'colour revolutions' along with the CIA for decades. The CIA-NSA rivalry runs very deep, and the blast on Christmas morning perhaps signalled that this war has now gone 'hot'. Its staging, with sounds of gunfire to draw police and a recording playing warning to evacuate the area before a huge explosion, seems professional.
Like his friend Assange, Snowden opposes 9-11 truth, covering for a CIA operation; whilst Snowden and his Rothschild friend Greenwald bash NSA surveillance, media-hyping the 'spying on us' which was long

This ties in to the Nashville bombing, with the CIA apparently angry that Trump has not pardoned these apparent CIA fakers, despite how the CIA-Soros apparatus seems knee-deep in USA election fraud.

The CIA-NSA battle reflects a wide split overall in US law enforcement, with most police and sheriffs and US Marshals, much of Homeland Security, and many rank-and-file military, all horrified at this last year of riots running wild, police being unfairly charged with murder, and George-Soros-funded prosecutors letting criminals out into the streets to advance the Bolshevik agenda of societal collapse

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