Women1st , Understanderson & amethyst7 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: We should start calling "trans rights" what they really are: Trans privilege

( Women1st )
It’s misogyny. Men are better women than we are, lol. Men can dominate our sports. Men can access our bathrooms. Men can serve time in women’s prisons. Who cares if they are rapists? Their feelings are more important than the lived experience of women. Absolute misogyny.

( Understanderson )
I like this, but in America, it would be too easy to dismiss as a right wing dog whistle (this exact verbiage has been used to argue against gay rights). I would love to find some phrase that focuses more on the replacement of sex with gender and the erosion of women's sex-based rights, but I can't think of anything that can't easily be dismissed. When people (women especially) hear that 'trans women are women' means eventually you won't be free to ask for a female doctor or even gynecologist, that seems to wake them up--but I have no idea how to make a label out of that. Most people are also shocked by what's happening to lesbians when they hear about it, but it is so bizarre that they don't quite believe it could be that bad.

( amethyst7 )
It's safe to say you're preaching to the choir here. I think most of us use the word 'rights' facetiously.

TIPs' imaginary rights include:

1. the right to screech about the "staggeringly high suicide rates" myth
2. the right to practice their fetish loudly and in public
3. the right to infringe upon same sex spaces, including the vitally important areas of prison and healthcare

Do LGB people demand that others call their partners their wife/husband and be propped up by legislation and legal punishment if not followed?

Excellent point.

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @RedPedePolitics )

spoilerRemember when Liberals were so
concerned about grandma dying they
wanted us all locked up? Now healthy
adults and kids are dropping dead
from the supposed cure and their
silence is deafening. Liberalism is the
disease that needs to be cured.

( @rfblowg )
@RedPedePolitics If the Liberals followed their own advice and got jabbed the problem is self curing.

( @ItalianRebel )
@rfblowg @RedPedePolitics no saline though, they need to real deal

( @OldTimeBiker )
@RedPedePolitics they don't care how many are injured or killed.... Depopultion is the agenda...

( @HatedAbusedAndSlandered )
@RedPedePolitics Only 2 ways to cure liberalism: the lethal cv-19 injection and a gunshot.

( @titus310always )
@HatedAbusedAndSlandered @RedPedePolitics what is the difference between Kyle`s 3 shots and the clot shot? Kyle`s 3 shots worked.

( @53tele )
@RedPedePolitics and yet the radio and tv still broadcast how safe and effective the vaccine is and Trudeau who makes money from it keeps pushing it as well. they all need to face justice and communist traitors like Trudeau need to be put on the gallows

( @Volcanic84 )
@RedPedePolitics Liberalism is an incurable disease that warps the mind and blackens the soul.

( @titus310always )
@Volcanic84 @RedPedePolitics out of liberalism spawns progressivism. Used by control freaks as a cudgel to say look at me.....I am in charge here....

( @SimonPMcNudd )
@RedPedePolitics You wanna know what is incredibly stupid??? If you go to a Dr. office you have to wear a mask. As soon as you leave the office, you can take the mask off. If you see your Dr. shopping at Wal Mart, he won't be wearing a mask and you can walk up to him and talk to him all day long. Does anybody else out there with a brain see the irony of MORONIC high level retarded horse crap these masks are doing? What has happened to our country?

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Jews behavior is the cause of “antisemitism.”

Brown peoples behavior is the cause of “racism.”

Queers behavior is the cause of “homophobia.”

The natural reaction to their abhorrent behavior has been given stigmatized labels by our enemies

( @speedydaytona )

I was indifferent to the Jew until I started investigating them.

Now I abhor them based on nothing but their own actions.

( @SenileBiden )

Democrats behavior is treason

( @SK_USA )
@Apolitical Not just their "behavior", its their "evil intent".

( @Vernon_Wormer )
@Apolitical Very well put! Cause and effect is an undeniable law of nature. The jews and other assorted victim groups purposely provide no context and fail to show the whole equation. Instead, being the liars and schemers that they are, they highlight the effect (justifiable hatred toward them) and omit the cause (their egregious behavior).

They simply cannot stand scrutiny and become indignant when faced with it. Jews have been trained to pounce on anyone (with kneejerk cries of "anti-Semitism") that dares to call them to account for their treachery and deceit.

( @LibertyForever02 )
@Apolitical those labels are all given by Jews that's the common thread.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Tiergarten Park in Berlin Germany was a healing place for animals
It had a population of over 20,000
From 1380 different species

It was located on 35 hectares of vegetation

It still has the Victory Column
Which is studded with bronze ornaments
And resonates amazing properties

The Reichstag Dome had a huge coil in the middle
Made of the purest copper surrounded by mirrors
Copper domes harvested energy and served as capacitors

It produced the right frequencies that stimulated life
Plants in the park grew to an enormous size

The Elephant House resonated magical properties of atmospheric energy
Creating harmonic pulsations in the electromagnetic field
That prolonged life and increased stature of living beings

There were 44 bells throughout the park that chimed life giving vibrations
There still is a carillon consisting of 68 bells weighing a total of 48 tons
The largest bell is 7.8 tons

The carillon is connected to a keyboard spanning five chromatic octaves
The ethereal electromagnetic current promotes healing and elevated states

Happiness reigned not only in the park but spread to the whole city of Berlin
The round windows in the old grand churches mosques and cathedrals were cymatic devices
That played the frequency of sound

The geometry of the sound transported you to a transcendental state
Which enlivened and mystified you

The organs resonated at a tone of 528 mhz

The spires on the top of steeples and towers were copper
Copper pulls electrons towards it producing a flow of electricity

Copper is extremely hard to mine and power tools are needed
The old copper mining town of Kennett is now under Shasta Lake

Dolomite was used inside the inner surface areas of pyramids
Pyramids such as the Bosnian pyramids were built with geo polymeric cement
Which has highly conductive quartz crystal

Together with the ionized water below
Pyramids produced gigantic waves of energy
Which was transmitted to obelisks for personal use

These were the good old days!

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amg-news.com

As Nesara-Gesara build up continues… it’s actually rolling out
Will be rolled out

For that to occur there has to be a Black Swan Event which Klaus Schwab (the mask) has said is going to happen. That is, the Stock Market is going to crash. We cannot have two financial systems in competition with each other. Currently they are running along side each other, but not in competition.

Med beds will also be rolled out

Chaos predicted to create fear and division

This is all the Deep State have in their arsenal is fear and division

False Flags and shootings are going to be on the rise

Pipe bombs found on railway tracks to derail more trains

More chemical plants and food processing plants going up in smoke

Mass shootings in the States

This is not necessarily the Black Hats themselves creating this havoc, but the minions who are still working within the government, commerce and business. These people are following a directive given to them 6-12 months ago and haven’t received the memo that they’ve lost!

Part of the Nesara-Gesara build up is the fake World War III

World War III is going to be the great wake-up call for a lot of people. It may be the ‘event’ they are all talking about.

The fake Kamala Harris (the actress acting as Kamala… remember the mask lifting?) was in Germany accusing Russia of war crimes in Ukraine. She said that the American government had evidence of that. Russia asked for proof! Now Russia has moved a submarine closer to the American shoreline.

It’s all ramping up to this fake World War III scenario. (It’s theatre… This is all a script being acted out for the world to see… you must comprehend that! – Marilyn)

(Kamala Harris could not leave Germany on Airforce II because it ‘broke down’! Interesting fact!)

There will be:

Chaos in the streets.
False flags.
Mass shootings.
Anything the DS can put their hand to.

The National Guard are being deployed. It’s interesting to note that where the derailments have happened, they are on the streets already. Hint. Hint.

James Rink/”George W. Bush Sr.” #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

Sometimes Bush Senior would visit us, he was one of the programmers at Montauk, all of us kids were scared of him, sometimes he would turn into a reptilian and do sex rituals to please the Queen. The following is a channeled conversation with Bush Senior about my time with him.
I have taken you inside my homes in multiple countries, and the secret one in Germany, and the one in Washington D.C. with the underground bunker for Skull and Bones where I would do things on you to split your programming. I am sorry for what I have done.
We did a lot of rituals on you. We would give you hallucinogens and you would stare at a screen in front of you in order to split your mind in the middle of an orgy. They put devices inside your penis hole and they monitored your brainwaves while you were tortured. They forced you to have sex with animals; cows, sheep, and dogs. We would strap you to a chair and would program your Sabertooth A.I. alter to connect with ships and off world computers. You were the perfect killing machine. The MIB would use a flashing device on you to wipe your mind of the trauma and bring you back to normal. They would put you back and you look up in the sky and see a light and think it was a UFO; and say that was awesome, while pointing up.
Do you remember the white mansion? Not the White House but another private residence. There are pictures of presidents on the wall. There are flags nearby the fireplace. One flag is American and the other was a black flag with five white stars and white stripes, which is the American flag, but in an alternate reality in which the USA allied with the axis powers. I would sit down there in a suit, top hat, and cane and to read you and 300 other kids in the huge room, a book about the wars, and what we Nazis had to go through. The room looks modern with bright lights and a late 80’s look. I also showed you how you are connected to the Bush family.

Patrick O'Carroll #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie henrymakow.com


Even Adolf Hitler had to follow his orders from the CHABAD. The Zionist House of Rothschild is one of the four most powerful entities in the world and it controls the world banking and finance system. It is part of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (which essentially comprises the English monarchy, City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called the "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).

The CHABAD controls most puppeticians in the West, including US, CA, EU, GB, regions now all completely under the thumb of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal and its WEF lackeys. There is just no way that any British prime-minister or US president might NOT be under the total control of the CHABAD. Each puppetician is blackmailed in advance of being placed in front of any "leadership" microphone or camera; and this blackmail is done by all the usual suspects in Mossad, MI6, BND, the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) etc.

The beast of the sea (Rev 13:1) is GLOBALISM, whereas the beast of the land (Rev 13:11) is the scourge and sin of ZIONISM, whose aim is to install the Antichrist in Jerusalem while using Jewish "victimhood" as a front, and using as a human shield the six-million Jews of modern Israel, and it seems OBVIOUS they intend to torch those six-million Jews in Armageddon as a human-sacrifice to their godhead Satan so as to "galvanize" the Antichrist ("Moshiach") into coming to Earth to grant them the Talmudic "new" world order.

Satanic forces are also said to seek the final destruction of the USA on 27 Aug 2025, when it is 13,000 weeks old.

But the big problem today is that many are growing increasingly uncomfortable with general assumptions that the "winner" will be the one who shoots first, possibly tending to make WW3 a foregone conclusion.

Jordan Maxwell #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy adrenogate.net

LAWS of the LAND Versus LAWS of the SEA

The UNITED STATES versus the united states of America. It all started after the civil war — 1871.

Fundamentally, there are two things on Earth — land and water. Subsequently, we have the law of the land, and the law of the water. The law of the land is the law of the people on the land where they live. However, the law of the sea/water is international. They are banking laws. When you get a credit card in the UNITED STATES, it works in Europe, or in INDIA.

All ships are female, and she delivers a product. Females produce products — labor, delivery room, birth/berth, ship — “she” delivers products. When products are delivered, they need a certificate of manifest. What is on the ship is on its manifest. Humans are maritime/admiralty products. They also have certificates of manifest, which are “birth certificates.” On the birth certificate, it shows our parent as “informant.” We are then property of the Department of Commerce.

All humans are “stock.” As soon as persons are birthed/berthed, they become property of the government under which they live. See UNITED STATES versus united states of America. The UNITED STATES is different than the united states of America. Constitution for the united states of America formed in 1787 and the Constitution of the UNITED STATES in 1871. UNITED STATES INC — the UNITED STATES is a corporation. Formed in Delaware in 1871. All UNITED STATES citizens are governed under the corporate law of the UNITED STATES. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Hence, the UNITED STATES INC formed in Act of 1871. A UNITED STATES citizen is an employee of the UNITED STATES INC. Jordan discusses.

Rome was once ruled the world. Caesar once ruled from “the hill.” WASHINGTON DC is the new Rome, or Empire. Jordan shares his wisdom on who owns you, and why America has liquor stores, and drug stores on every corner.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "Does Marco Rubio Have AIDS?"]

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who is from Cuba, has transformed into something completely different than he was in 2016, leading many to wonder if he has AIDS

Rubio’s appearance has changed more than would be normal for any man in a period of 7 years. In 2023, he looks very unhealthy, his bubbly cheerfulness having given way to cold skeletal wasting

AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) is a homosexual condition that is also commonly known as GRIDS (Gay-Related Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome)

Rubio, a Senator and pro-war activist, is widely believed to be a homosexual, which would put him in the prime category for developing this homosexual condition

During the 2016 campaign, several pictures were released showing Rubio dancing at a homosexual establishment (“place of dirty business”)

The Florida Senator is a regular guest on the TV show of gay rights activist Tucker Carlson, where he promotes Chinese TikTok conspiracy theories, as well as conspiracy theories about extraterrestrial visitors. His politics are as compromised as his immune system, and patriotic Americans hope that he dies of AIDS

Conversely, the Editorial Board of Daily Stormer hopes he pulls through, but we are calling on him to resign from his position immediately, given that his condition clearly prevents him from successfully doing his duties, and because he is a ridiculous figure from a foreign country who is constantly trying to bully Americans into fighting wars for him

Steven Crowder #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia mediamatters.org

[TikTok is] not allowed in China for different reasons, because all the trans, you know, infiltration that happens there where people want you to text them on TikTok, slide into their DMs so your parents don't know and they can encourage you to transition. They believe that will poison the minds of the youth in China.

So they don't allow it in China, but now they want to lobby the United States to allow it because they know the irreparable damage that it can do to young people.

The role of the government - certainly the one legitimate role is to protect its citizens both from exterior and interior threats, and I would say Chinese propaganda and some content that they won't even allow in their country because they've seen the studies, they know the irreparable damage. Yeah, I would say that that's a legitimate --that falls under the legitimate purview of government, to prevent and eliminate that threat. By eliminate, I mean the app.

AlaskaTH #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger rationalwiki.org

The truth is, the earth is flat and stationary/non-moving (video proof from independent people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OfbwhU5PQk). Why are the world's oceans perfectly horizontal and FLAT? We don't live on a fake ball earth spinning at a supersonic speed of over 1000 mph. NASA flood the internet and mainstream media with CGI images of a fake ball earth. We never went to infinite space, it doesn't exists. We never went to the Moon, and we never went to Mars, because they are NOT solid objects, they are celestial lights. Why can't we freely explore Antarctica and the North Pole? Because they don't want us to discover that there is more unexplored land that they never told us about in school (video proof from independent people: https://i.imgur.com/8nVlHKA.jpg)

vigilantliberty #wingnut #conspiracy realclearpolitics.com

Zelinsky was voted in by his people in 2019 on a promise of peace, which was the Minsk Accord of 2014, before the coup, agreed upon by Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine where they all benefit by economic trade, including the rest of Europe.

Who benefits from this crisis? Not the Ukranian people or Russia, but those who pushed the Uniparty to pass the recent omnibus bill.

Jeffrey Sachs, advisor to presidents and the UN, Col McGregor, Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Ritter (Marine Officer and UN WMD inspector who disproved the presence of WMD's in Iraq) and even Henry Kissinger, from various political perspectives, agree that we are headed to the same mistake as in Iraq, instead of using our military power to negotiate a lasting peace, we are pushing for regime change, and an agenda of constant chaos, the people be dammned. We need a MAGA cleansing of the MIC Deep State

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

Today marks 100 days since Roe v Wade was overturned.

And how many women have died?

Since, you know, banning abortion has/is going to increase maternal mortality soooo much 🙄

It’s interesting. According to the CDC, Poland (where abortion is totally illegal except for the rare cases) has only 3 deaths for every 100,000 live births. Meanwhile, the US, where abortion is legal, has 14 deaths per 100,000 births.

How many have died since the overturning though? That’s what PCers were chanting “women are going to die now because of this! Reeeeee”

And already the "outrage" is dying down to just pockets of abortion obsessed people.

You know what's amazing? No one seems to care. They've moved on to the next "Current Thing." Media isn't telling them to be outraged by it anymore. In my city (very liberal area in Texas) people pledged to protest EVERY Tuesday until the laws got fixed! Wanna guess how many protests they actually had? They didn't even make it to week two.

Abortion is a hard thing to get behind

Not when your religion is whatever is the "CurrentThing." Those guys have zero problem advocating death or murder so long as they convince themselves that the object of their hate isn't really human. Just look how people were calling for the death of police officers back in 2020. They convinced themselves that they weren't REALLY people, and therefore, death was fine.

When you don't have a real foundation, you'll believe whatever the cool people tell you is true.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
"Why don't you post a video of a White guy walking up on a lady planting flowers and kicking her head off her shoulders?"

Find me the video and I'll post it.

But you can't. Because it doesn't exist.

"bAd PeOpLe Of aLL CoLoRs Do BaD tHiNgS!" is not a counter to the facts of who does what crimes at what rates - and who's most likely to attack you because you're White.

Stop lying to yourself with performative reality denial.

( @SuzanneDotGunsmoke )
@KeepNHGranite I hate them so much and they MADE me hate them so much------------

( @Morgul )
@KeepNHGranite Nothing but rage. blacks are a blight wherever they are.

( @HadriansChild )
@KeepNHGranite This is my words exactly to this new breed of Antifa Conservative boomer types

( @Based_Honkler )
@KeepNHGranite Fucking niggers.

( @FanaticalTexan )
@KeepNHGranite The one race cucks will huff and puff about "there are bad people of all colors" yet will never post the videos.
Then people will flood them with videos of blacks committing the overwhelming majority of crimes, and they just block those people.

They can't understand simple concepts like per capita rate and rage when confronted with that realization. It's scary people like that are even allowed to vote, to be honest.

( @GreatWhite96 )
@FanaticalTexan @KeepNHGranite nah, votes are worthless, not even counted.
Its scary that subhumans like that are even alive, when they really shouldnt be

( @Based_Gimli )
The only thing those animals understand is violence. They know whites are peaceful, and they smell weakness.

( @GSauce111 )
@Based_Gimli @KeepNHGranite Exactly....If White people are so violent and intolerant then why do they constantly provoke us?

( @49Pocahontas )
@KeepNHGranite Niggers are NOT like white people. PERIOD!!

( @Sticky25 )
@KeepNHGranite end jewish oppression immediately

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @ElfReich )
Blaming White Supremacy has always been a most convenient lie.

spoilerI seriously wanna know how many
black people reading this tweet
have lost a loved one to white
Because everyone I've lost; my
niece, my best friend, my cousin,
my sons father, & my friends were
all murdered by someone black

( @BlankAvatar )
@ElfReich Let's tone this down. Last thing we want is blacks moving into white neighborhoods to escape black violence.

( @Vernon_Wormer )
@ElfReich White supremacy is a damnable lie. Not once in my life did I have the desire to control someone or own a slave. All I want is to live my life and be left alone. On the other hand, the jews live to control and enslave others. No amount of sophistry and propaganda from them will ever change the truth about their demonic agenda.

( @CybinTalus )
@ElfReich They might wipe themselves out and we'll be that much safer

( @becky21k )
@CybinTalus @ElfReich Sadly they have more kids than they kill one another, even with abortion

( @World_of_Pain )
@becky21k Easy for them to do when they get a welfare increase for every crotch droppling they squeeze out.

Meanwhile White people are taxed to death.

Seriously, I'm ready to soldier up and die fighting it whenever the rest of you are. . .

@CybinTalus @ElfReich

( @Boataholic )
@World_of_Pain @becky21k @CybinTalus @ElfReich Cut off the welfare and they will be too busy pushing brooms and digging ditches to commit so much mayhem.

( @VickiMure )
@ElfReich Lies made up from the Jews, just like their supposed holocaust. If a jew is moving their mouth, they are lying.

( @SK_USA )
@ElfReich White Supremacy only exists in Politics and the MSM.

( @Brewmeister890 )
@SK_USA @ElfReich
White Supremacy? Is that a CIA term like ‘conspiracy theory’ ?

( @Whydotheysuckit )
@Brewmeister890 @SK_USA @ElfReich no it's a jewish term like racism

Mellowtron #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut youtube.com

In my own life, talking to my friends and family, I’ve found that holding people to their own absurd ideology works pretty well to embarrass them in to silence. One particular dialogue tree I’ve been working on is… I ask my white-phobe friend to define and give evidence of “systemic racism”, inevitably they mention a disparity in outcomes across racial lines. So I say “ok systemic racism is any human activity, which on a society scale produces disparate outcomes across races?”. They agree with this definition, and I’ve got them. I then ask “OKAY CAN YOU GIVE ME 3 EXAMPLES ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY OF SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT SYSTEMICALLY RACIST?!” And they cannot do it. They have defined everything that isn’t the idealized race communist hellscape, as “systemic racism”. Everything in any multi-ethnic society, which is 100% of all human civilizations that we know of, have failed to reach perfect racial parity in all things, or anything. So everything every human has ever done has 100% been systemically racist. And we know, if there was an example of western achieving these things they would simply expand the scope, “oh well Americans achieved equity, if they aren’t equitable with Mexicans, with North Americans, with the Western Hemisphere, with the planet earth, you still need to do the work.

So their goals are absurd, they are overtly racist, and it’s worth reminding them that racists always thought their racism was morally good. The literal Klan thought what they were doing was morally upright and correct. RACISTS ALWAYS THINK THEIR RACISM IS THE GOOD PATH. Remind them of this, as you obliterated their dumb fuckery.

Yoweri Museveni, Robina Rwakoojo, John Musila and others #homophobia #pratt #psycho #wingnut theguardian.com

Ugandan MPs pass bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality

MPs in Uganda have passed a controversial anti-LGBTQ+ bill, which would make homosexual acts punishable by death, attracting strong condemnation from rights campaigners.

All but two of the 389 legislators voted late on Tuesday for the hardline anti-homosexuality bill, which introduces capital and life imprisonment sentences for gay sex and “recruitment, promotion and funding” of same-sex “activities”.

“A person who commits the offence of aggravated homosexuality and is liable, on conviction to suffer death,” reads the bill presented by Robina Rwakoojo, the chairperson for legal and parliamentary affairs.

Just two MPs from the ruling party, Fox Odoi-Oywelowo and Paul Kwizera Bucyana, opposed the new legislation.

“The bill is ill-conceived, it contains provisions that are unconstitutional, reverses the gains registered in the fight against gender-based violence and criminalises individuals instead of conduct that contravenes all known legal norms,” said Odoi-Oywelowo.

One MP in the chamber, John Musila, wore a gown reading: “Say No To Homosexual, Lesbianism, Gay.”


An earlier version of the bill prompted widespread international criticism and was later nullified by Uganda’s constitutional court on procedural grounds. The bill will now go to President Yoweri Museveni, who can veto or sign it into law. In a recent speech he appeared to express support for the bill.

President Museveni last month said Uganda will not embrace homosexuality, claiming that the west was seeking to compel other countries to “normalise” what he called “deviations”.

“The western countries should stop wasting the time of humanity by trying to impose their practices on other people,” said Museveni in a televised address to parliament on 16 March.

“Homosexuals are deviations from the normal. Why? Is it by nature or by nurture? We need to answer those questions. We need a medical opinion on that,” he said.

barcacel #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

being white-passing is better than being fully white

in this other thread i talked about my plan to become fully white because i'm only white-passing:


but i just realized that maybe being only white-passing is better than being fully white

for example iran

we white-passing are more violent than fully whites, i believe that we keep the same creativity and intelligence of whites IF we have light skin like i do

thanks to only being white-passing we are not cucks like fully white men, fully white men will let millions of immigrants enter their country to ruin it and take their women, we white-passing men wouldn't allow that

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Mintie )
We should start calling "trans rights" what they really are: Trans privilege
I read a comment on here yesterday that really put things into perspective. The commenter called TRAs Trans Privilege activists and honestly, theyve got a good point. It's a good way to start a conversation too, if someone asks why you're using trans privilege instead of trans rights. Topics could include:

- What rights don't trans people have? Is their asking of "rights" encroaching on the rights of others in recompense? Other identity movements (womens, African American, LGB) haven't even taken rights away from others, only added rights to existing ones to create equality. For example, when gay marriage was legislated, the word marriage wasn't taken away and replaced a more inclusive but degrading term like "man-woman sex and assets pact".

- Bring up the fact that trans people are asking for rights that LGB didn't ask for even though they're a part of the same acronym. Why?

- Do LGB people demand that others call their partners their wife/husband and be propped up by legislation and legal punishment if not followed? Why not? Why are trans rights different and seemingly more legaslatively important than LGB rights?

( Tiramisuomi )
If they were rebranded TPAs I wouldn't object, because it's utterly true.

Women continue to struggle even after centuries exactly because we don't have the "right" to force people to perceive us in a certain way. Hell, look at just how much of the conversation in the media revolves around TIMs versus TIFs or enbies/theys (overwhelmingly female). They aren't perceived in the manner that they wish to be nearly to the extent that men are.

( mittimithai )
I think most here would agree that "trans rights" really mean "men's rights"

( Lilith-Fair )
It is true, but saying "men's rights" won't help open people's eyes because they've been gaslit into thinking TWAW. Plus people don't take "men's rights" all that seriously except MRAs. "Trans privilege" I think will snap people out of it because it makes them think about what the TRAs are really asking for,

starcrapoo #racist incels.is

RE: Narcos/Gangs go ER on a family in California

CA is the new Mexico. Mexicans/Latinos outnumber whites, asians, and blacks here.

This is MExican culture or latin american culture in general. Get used to it my fellow burgerland cels.

Extremely cruel, heinous, and senseless killings are pretty common with feral Aztecs and incans. This is absolutely nothing new.
In the central valley of CA, Mexican illegals have been known to commit heinous murders of cops and civilians. Exceptionally heinous cold blooded crimes. Not just CA but also the American southwest and in the American south.

Their numbers are increasing rapidly in CA not just through immigration but through childbirth. Mexican foids pop out babies like its fuckin nothing.

Get ready for a ton of corruption, distrust, incompetence, crime, scamming, thievery, violence, drugs, prostitution, mass bastardization, mass single motherhood etc...
It is the new Mexico.

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "Antisemitism, Han-style"]

Only a few years after rejecting the planned “leap to China”, Tablet laments the way the Chinese are now actively turning against the Jewish people for reasons that appear to be based on nothing more than a straightforward observation of the decline and incipient fall of the United States over the 20th century

According to Lu’s videos and commentary, Jews are manipulators, penny-pinchers, loan sharks, and drug dealers[…]

How perfectly outrageous! This Chinese criticism of an innocent and saintly people who have never harmed anyone and never done nothing wrong to nobody is hateful, antisemitic, and, unfortunately, appears to be 100-percent accurate

The thing is, you can fool all the people some of the time, but if you’re an ethnic cabal of wicked pedophiles who believe you’re destined to rule the world on behalf of your master, Satan, eventually some of the people are going to notice this and take exception to both you and your objectives, no matter how many names you manage to call them

And if you attack those who are doing nothing more than observably telling the readily-confirmable truth, eventually everyone is going to figure out that you’re a community of shameless liars and literally nothing that any of you say can be taken at face value

Xi Xinping is the most intelligent world leader on the scene today. The great Chinese strategist Wang Hunin was 20 years ahead of me in his geostrategic observations. So, I very much doubt that anyone is going to be successful in gaslighting either of them, no matter how many Western institutions they happen to have at their disposal

Brother Mortekai #fundie #conspiracy ahayahtruth.com


Covid-19 is a global plan. The collapse of the global economy is part of that plan. The Beast spoken about in the bible is a system, a satanic organization. These people are called "33rd degree Freemasons" and they control the whole world. All of the religions, the media, news, music, movies, history, and the mainstream narrative are theirs. Freemasonry is an ancient cult of rich white people that literally worship Satan from the Bible. They want to create a new world order, a world society, each person marked and controllable. The vaccine contains a gene editing technology called CRISPR to change your DNA. You will never be the same after taking it and it is irreversible. It also contains nanotechnology to connect humans to the Internet and control them. This is called "Neural Link" mind control, using A.I. (artificial intelligence) supercomputer technology. It will give them ultimate power over people, to kill or control them. That is why they are installing 5G towers all over the world at a rapid rate, 5G speed is necessary to successfully control millions of people. They will turn them on when more people are vaccinated, this is BIBLICAL PROPHECY. The vaccine also contains a chemical called Luciferase, which is taken from fireflies to make you scannable, so they can see who has taken this mark of the beast! They are creating the race of Lucifer, it even has Lucifer’s name in it! Anyone who takes this vaccine will go to Hell on Judgment Day, they even called this thing "Microsoft Patent #666"! They will soon label people who don’t take the vaccine as "Terrorists". Be strong, this is only the beginning!

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #quack gettr.com

Pharmaceutical medications are made using potent, venomous toxins and peptides from snakes, scorpions, spiders and cone snails that target and cripple human systems😮
Your body is a temple of God ☦️ it is up to you what you will allow to enter your body but do not be deceived by demonic potions disguised as prescribed medications and government approved protocols 🕊️ #bigpharmacriminals #demonic #spiritualwarfare

@GodlyPatriot #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie gettr.com

WSJ: biden authorized long range missile deployment in ukraine today. #ric (resident in chief): "#nazis 'promised' to not use it against Russians🤔!?Only select politicians & some in nuclear bonkers survive if 3000 nukes launched in 15 minutes. 1/3rd of the world dead by fire and 1/3rd would suffer from escalated biological warfare. (Revelations prophecy!?) Watch #princeton #nuclearwar simulation of 91 Million initial civilians dead & billions dying after radiation fallout (link below). After #uniparty stole & covered up #nov32020 results, #msm covers up the reality of nuclear war. Why 🤔 !?

Stop #lgbtqpedo #abortionist murdering #globalist politicians, #bigtech and #natoaggression in #ukraine! more on https://gab.com/GodlyPatriot/posts/108408283486243992

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is how much power the Jews have.

You're free to question and criticize White people all you want, without consequence. But dare to question or criticize the Jews, and it will cost you BILLIONS, and will ruin your entire life.

( @RiddleOfSteelStrength )
@Nature_and_Race "His comments caused Adidas..." NO, the ADL caused Adidas.

( @Time2Awake )
@JingoPatriotWarrior in the 25 points of the NSDAP, a key tenet is that religion in Germany was to be positive Christianity and nothing of Judaism. @Nature_and_Race

( @JackBox007 )

( @Kawflowswest )
@Nature_and_Race to clarify, he "lost" paper value ascribed to his business ventures through clever asset valuation techniques which can be used to come up with any number the accountant wants. Just Jewish financial manipulation. I'm glad he's finding freedom from the tribe and is inspiring others to fight against them. The guy still has tons of money.

( @BumBee )
@Nature_and_Race I disagree. Getting out from under the jew fiat lie is a blessing in disguise.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
When Christian business Hobby Lobby refused to give contraceptives to their employees because it violated their 1st amendment Right, they had to take it to the Supreme Court.

When Christian bakers didn’t want to bake a cake for queers because it was against their religious beliefs, they had to take it to the Supreme Court.

When jews don’t want you mentioning how much power they have, they use their influence over media, economics, and politics to silence you. No need for courts, they own those too.

( @SaintMichaelTheArchangel )
Conservatives are smart enough to "Keep the best, Toss the rest" ...
If the Koshers are tripping over each other to try to ban Kanye West (THEY ARE),
he must be onto something (HE IS), so, let him talk and tell us what he knows !!!
The smartest people in the world are not right 100% of the time ...
@a @DrPaulGosar @LaurenBoebert @RepMattGaetz @RandPaul @realdonaldtrump @RealMarjorieGreene @VDARE @WendyRogersAZ

( @Aeriaz3 )
@Trouble_Man Jewish supremacists

( @SamParkerSenate )


( @pysek )
@Trouble_Man kikes literally have their own police force.

We've been occupied for generations.

( @Ferweh )
Yep, 'Shomrim.'
My old neighborhood was heavy jewish. Nothing ever happened (guess the golem have a good sense of danger and know better than to fuck with jews), YET they had city cops in city cruisers just sitting on a quiet street-
While actual murder and mayhem reined just blocks away-
The city's really short on cops, you see.
@pysek @Trouble_Man

( @pysek )
@Ferweh @Trouble_Man cops know who they serve, and it ain't us.

( @Catface )

Nick Fuentes #sexist #dunning-kruger rumble.com

I’m not surprised why women don’t support me. Women are irrational and insensitive. My whole life, I was always the class clown, I was always bullying women. Women have always been simultaneously charmed but also like, “Oh, stop it, you’re so annoying.” You know what I mean, that kind of thing. That’s how women are with my kind of personality type, where you’re like a rascal, you’re like a bastard. Because I’m like a rule breaker and stuff, women are intrigued by that, but have to pretend that they’re not.

A lot of women want to be raped. It sounds bad when I say it like that, but a lot of women really want a guy to beat the shit out of them, but part of it is that they have to pretend that they don’t.

Никола 🇺🇸 🇷🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

(Никола 🇺🇸 🇷🇸) Ukraine is Russia

(Megs 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇦) It has never been a part of Russia. It was a part of the Soviet Union though. Facts matter and a simple internet search is free

(Никола 🇺🇸 🇷🇸) Agree , but once Kosovo was stolen from Serbia and declared independence with NATO and USA support I don’t see now reason why Russia cannot claim Ukraine as their territory. Explain this please

Kirk L #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

Only fascists support this war. It has nothing to do with Putin. It is so corporate oligarchs can make more money. Little people trade baseball cards, oligarchs trade countries and resources. It's hard to believe people can be so stupid to support war that only enriches the military industrial complex. Then they are so stupid as to think they can blow it off as support for Putin. I find it fascinating how the anti-war left is so afraid of Trump and so into the team sport of it all that they support a war that Ukraine can't win. It's not going to happen. It is just people dying needlessly. No one thinks Ukraine can win. No one. What happens when the Ukrainians try to take back Crimea? It is at least 65% ethnic Russians. Is the job not done until they are all cleansed from the land? I wish some of these experts here would explain that. I hate Trump so don't even waste your time. I can't even stand the sound of his voice...

Jesus Cediel #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

It all began in Sumer, in ancient Mesopotamia,more than 450,000 years ago. Beings from outer space came to planet Earth in search of resources: fuel for a distant planet.

You may think this is an outlandish story by someone who has not slept for some days, but everything you will read is well-documented in the most ancient writings known to mankind: the Enuma Elish, Atrahasis, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and many more.

These writings, made in cuneiform on clay, have served as a source of inspiration for books of such importance as Genesis and Exodus in the Bible…although over time, the true knowledge has been mutated or mutilated for ideological or religious reasons.

Over many years of research, J. Cediel has been able to verify that the facts are clear and undeniable. It just happens that they are so difficult to believe that science prefers not to accept them, because they do not conform to the historical paradigm.

Finally, after years of research, and motivated by a shamanic experience, he has decided to committed his ideas to print: The Verne Code is the result.
There is a spiritual ente that is fed and powered by humans

Cediel denounces the state of hypnotic sleep in which mankind finds itself. He affirms the need for humanity to wake up from its dreams so you can be truly free, and master of your destiny.

“People must believe that they are free and not manipulated in order to be able to handle them efficiently.” This is the motto of those whose objective is to reduce the vibration of the human race. Only those who realize this will be in a position to stop being manipulated, as only those who realize that they are asleep can wake up.

A psycho-neural code has been implanted in our brains so that we believe we are free; we believe we belong to the tribe, the philosophical system, or the movement that will allow us to be free once and for all…

Galactic Anthropology #ufo #magick galacticanthropology.org

During meditations I used to tune into my higher self or my soul group, thinking of them as etheric or invisible higher-density beings. This Twin Flame is not like that, it’s physical from another world. Would it be a man, would it be a woman? From which star system would they come? From which planet? Would that star system also be the place where my soul originated? Where did my soul originate? What would my physical body look like in that stasis pod on another world? From which time period would I have come? Would this off-world partner and I have shared more lives together, and if so, how does this work? Just imagine that you have lived a life with this off-world Twin Flame during the times of Mu, that would have been ‘just’ a shared life, without the starseed mission aspect, wouldn’t it?

Could it be that you hardly know your current ‘off-world starseed partner’ but that you only signed up for this mission and work together for the first time? How does the communication go? Is it through thoughts in English, Dutch or is it telepathic, or perhaps in the language from your own homeworld which gets translated half way? Where could you two meet? In your living room, in your garden, or on a spaceship? What has been the interaction like? Did your off-world mission partner hand over information during your dreams, or did you already have years of interaction but you simply don’t remember it yet? Are there more people from your planet active on that ship, or perhaps in your surroundings in the place where you live?

What would be the nature of that quantumlink? How could you use it yourself? In what ways could you sense each other? What would we have decided to do? How can we speed up the awakening process? Why aren’t there tens of thousands of starseeds speaking out: the time is now; there’s relatively little use in all those starseeds remembering their mission when the Deep State is already dead and buried, isn’t it? How can we help others remember their starseed mission?

Leo Hohmann #conspiracy #wingnut leohohmann.com

Modern globalists tell us their plans in the wide open. They say that by 2030, if we will just trust their plan to create a Fourth Industrial Revolution, we will “own nothing and be happy.” Of course there is a downside to the utopian dreams, which one of their leaders, Yuval Harari, warns us about. He says openly that most humans will become “useless,” replaced in our jobs by artificial intelligence, and kept pacified by drugs and various digitized entertainment.
Because the globalists’ climate agenda doesn’t resonate with conservatives, the globalists need a prominent conservative political voice who could take their message and communicate it in a way that appeals to conservative patriotic Americans.

Enter the perfect stooge: Donald J. Trump.

In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of.

Trump over the weekend used a campaign message for his 2024 presidential run to tout his idea of building 10 futuristic smart cities on federal lands, a project he would bid out to private mega-developers.

But instead of calling them “smart cities,” Trump, in classic Trumpian form, has rebranded them as “Freedom Cities.”

Watch and see if 99 percent of the “conservative” media isn’t taken in by this.

Instead of being evil smart cities run by Democrats, when Trump builds them they will be sexy “Jetsons-like Freedom Cities,” a place where conservatives will flock to buy new smart homes connected to the smart grid with their smart cars zipping vertically up and down from one place to another within 15 minutes of their homes. How cool is that?

FreeNortherner #wingnut #elitist #psycho freenortherner.com

As I’ve noted before, power is the ability to enact one’s will.

Negative freedom is the ability to act according to one’s will without external constraint.

Positive freedom is the ability to act according to one’s will.

A right is a license granted by a higher (not necessarily divine) power to either act according to one’s will or enact ones will within a particular domain.

Notice how similar these definitions are, differing primarily in emphasis.

Freedom is a form of power, and power a form of freedom. Rights are a form of power granted from above.

Any right or freedom is necessarily an exertion of power.

Any right is conditional, and can be taken away by the granter of said right. The assignment of rights is an act of power of the superior upon the inferior.

Granted freedom, whether by court, law, or constitution, is not truly freedom, but a right. It is conditional.

All positive freedoms are necessarily granted, the provision of the ability to act is implied within the definition. Some negative freedoms may be granted, in which case they are not true freedom, merely another right, power bequeathed by the superior. Granted freedoms, freedoms as rights, liberal freedoms, are conditional upon the higher power granting them. They are constrained by that higher power and are therefore not true freedom.

As noted, power comes from, at base, the capacity for violence.

Rights are granted by a higher power with the greater capacity for violence; the superior grants his capacity for violence and his authority to his inferior.

True freedom is a form of power, and, therefore, comes from, at base, a capacity for violence.

True freedom is a reality, not a right.

The reality of whether a person or people has the capacity and will for violence to stay free.

True freedom dies well before any actual impositions on the people. It dies when reality becomes a right, and therefore conditional on a higher power.

Illiberal freedom is the freedom of fact, true freedom.

Qstradamus #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut realqstradamus.substack.com

I wish I could show you the keys to perseverance. I wish I could hand you my hope. I wish I could give you my faith. I wish I could light a fire in your heart to see the brilliant perspective of God’s power to change the Earth. I wish I could show you how God’s Love and Mercy endures in our trials. I can only speak Life over you. For I do not have all the answers, but I have peaked into the winds of change and all are subject to transformation. Not one single Human in existence will be the same when this war is finished.

If you could look into a portal of all things that were going to happen, but God’s mercy prevented - you would be convicted in blessing. The power Darkness held over our Earth was shocking, The Great Awakening is centered around releasing this shock to the people, while protecting us from great evil. We had to pushed to the brink of change. Who are we to question The Lord? His plan to save us from wretched filth manifesting death over our reality cannot be subjected to the feelings of Man. It is Love that allows suffering to change the eyes of our hearts, to know what is means to sacrifice all you thought you knew in the wake of a daunting hour.
I know, I know… You will say: “Qstra, God never showed me that Q and justice are part of His plans, so I’m just not in agreement with you.” My response to any who questions this: What have you seen? What has the spirit of prophecy shown you? Have you asked Him? Naysayers come forth quoting prophecy from the scriptures that have been interpreted by the very system God is working to destroy. The religious institutions were infiltrated by Satanists who mean to confuse God’s word. The truth is that if you look at scripture through the lens of the world, you will miss it. Heavens' perspective must be deployed. Kim Clement spoke in the spirit of prophecy many years ago to reveal what is to come:

“They were one.” Sound familiar? Where we go 1 we go all.

“The plan is so brilliant, it could only be given by Me.”

Cebu City Anti-indecency Board, Mike Rama and Jessica Resch #fundie sunstar.com.ph

A WARNING SHOT fired last December 2022 was the activation by Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama of CAIB, short for City Anti-indecency Board. Rama appointed former city administrator Lucelle Mercado, who headed CAIB during Rama's 2013-2016 term

It was reportedly during Mercado's stint that "lewd" shows in bars and nightclubs were stopped and "obscene" content in magazines, tabloids and radio drama was attacked by CAIB operatives

"We'll give the same intensity, even more, to fight against indecent material in any platform." The same members who composed the previous CAIB are the people the mayor "has called upon" to police against indecency, Mercado said last December 1, 2022, when the force "convened for the first time in seven years"

ORDINANCES #2436, #1408 NOT ENOUGH? City Ordinance #2436 created the CAIB, which "shall pass upon the exhibition, printing, circulation, sale of obscene pictures, films, books or publications, stage shows and skits" in Cebu City

City Ordinance #1408 amended the city's law and yet the new amendatory ordinance, filed by Councilor Jessica Resch, ex-officio member representing the youth sector, says there's "a void in the implementation." Not in the regulations the City Council has laid down but in the "implementation"?

According to the "whereases" in the Resch ordinance -- presented to the City Council Wednesday, March 15, 2022, for first reading -- the present regulations are deficient because:

[] Selling sculptures that "depict male and female genitalia (anus, breast, penis, vagina and the like, including sex toys)" is mentioned but not declared unlawful in existing ordinance[…]
[] Extent of access, power to seize[…]Resch's amendment further orders CAIB to "cause the prosecution of violators," including "confiscation of the evidence"[…]
Sex toys or objects that are "obscene, indecent, lewd or inimical to the preservation of peace and good morals" shall be "confiscated/forfeited in favor of the governmen

Sidney Powell’s “source” #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot npr.org

A woman who says the wind talks to her and put forth claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race that she admitted were "pretty wackadoodle" turns out to be a key source of allegations that Fox News presented, night after night, to millions of viewers late that fall.
The author of the memo in which Powell and Bartiromo put so much stock offered detailed and utterly false claims of how Dominion Voting Systems helped rig the election for Biden. She also shared a bit about herself, writing that she gains insights from experiencing something "like time-travel in a semi-conscious state."
Powell's source also volunteered that the wind tells her that she's a ghost, though she doesn't believe it.
"Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl," the woman wrote in the email shared by Powell with Bartiromo and Dobbs. "I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live."

Orlee Stewart #magick #ufo youtube.com

What really happened when I SOLD MY SOUL TO SATAN?

So less than two months after I created this pact with Satan, as I mentioned what I asked for was visionary abilities. So what happened was all the things in my life that i could not see, all the things that were hidden from me all started to be seen by me, I started noticing the way that my husband would act around these other women.

So I ended up confronting my ex-husband about it and that's when he told me that he had been cheating on me and not just with that girl, but with many other people that we were close with.


I did not gain telepathy as part of my visionary insight. I had a period of time when i was having a lot of really bizarre experiences with aliens back in 2011, so this was like four or five years before I did the pact, when I was having the ability to read people's minds. However, I do not have that ability now, what I do have is the ability to feel how other people are feeling and so it was very difficult and I was being gaslighted, where I would confront people and be like something must be wrong and then they'd be like nothing is wrong, but I couldn't, like, read their minds.

I'm glad I can't because when I could read people's minds during that period of time it was really crazy. It's really difficult, like, if you can hear what people are saying all around you all the time, like, it's very distressing honestly and if I ever start slipping back into being able to do that I usually try to turn it off, because it makes me feel really uncomfortable, because I feel like people's minds should have privacy and you usually don't want to know what people are thinking. It doesn't really help, it just makes you paranoid.

What does it mean to sell your soul to Satan?

It could mean different things to different people. To me, it meant that I united myself with Satan spiritually. I did not lose my soul, spiritually I have become more powerful and have a better relationship with all the spirits, angels, demons, what have you, ever since doing this. I have stronger abilities to interact with things like ghosts and to help to heal people and so spiritually it's made my spiritual self way way stronger.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Kaiser Permanente Sued Over Hormone Therapy – NBC Bay Area

( GCRadFem )
A couple of years ago I stated that there will be a tsunami of children and adults waking up from the fog of transgenderism to be able to clearly see their ruined bodies and what was done to them. It may be beginning now. Every lawsuit will build on the one prior.

It has truly been a revenue stream for physicians, surgeons and hospitals but destruction for those children and young adults that health”care” has chosen to blindly follow fallacy and bullshit instead of science and reality.

( eyeswideopen )
Yes, as much as would like a wholesale and society-wide rejection of the genderist movement in the U.S., lawsuits by people and children damaged by the drugs and surgeries they were convinced into doing will be the way this ends here. I still think it will another decade before it ends completely because the courts are slow, but this is the beginning of the end here.

( tacocat )
The courts are slow, but when these lawsuits are all over the news, parents with vulnerable children will be more alert to the dangers of transitioning. I think this will result in fewer children being fed into the system. At least I hope so.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Soon we'll be seeing lawyer ads all over Insta and the rest of the internet, for ppl effected by gender treatments, mark my words

( RusticTroglodyte )
Absolutely. The carnage is even worse in a place like the United States with no guaranteed healthcare.

Not to mention that a lot of the side effects of medical transition are going to leave more and more ppl on disability at younger and younger ages

This whole thing is going to be looked at as a huge generational tragedy in years to come

@swissraider #wingnut #racist gettr.com

If you’d WANT to hold back blacks from success you’d implement the demonrat program:
- encourage fatherless homes: #abortion #welfare

- horrible education:#publicschools #socialpromotion and NOW - #racebasedgrading

- being in the wrong educational / job environment:#affirmativeaction

various commenters #wingnut #quack #dunning-kruger gab.com

( @MorpheusMAGA)

spoilerThe reason it's hard to tell who's
dumber - the climate cult or the
COVID cult - it's because they're the
exact same people.

(@salmanzo1 )

Virtue signaling individual locking critical
thinking skills ond oxygen. A person
relying on media directives rather than
research ond overcome by irrational fears
and behaviors concerning a virus with a
99.98% survival rate.


( @LimaGolf60 )
@MorpheusMAGA It's the Church of Covid.

( @KingKrawFish )

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@KingKrawFish @MorpheusMAGA lmao

kikes trying to project "the gene therapy" onto trump when he had 0 hand in putting the actual shot together

patent date on covid-19...2015, owned by moderna...controlled and owned by kikes

Let's stop pretending that it's "big bad White man" and it's actually kikes...but of course a kike run account wouldn't want that now would they?

( @Zapatero99 )
@MorpheusMAGA do the Climate and Covid cults have rallies and wear lots of swag that is obviously made in China? Asking for a friend.

( @rip4e )
@MorpheusMAGA how many resources have been put towards climate change & covid with no results?

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
The highly partisan Democrat Witch Hunt goes on, this time in New York where, after viewing millions of pages of documents over many years, charges were brought against a long time Trump executive who they “tortured” & threatened for years, for not paying taxes on the use of company cars, the use of a company apartment, & the education of his grandchildren. No such “fringe benefits” case has ever been brought criminally(?) in the U.S., & right during the important Mid-Term Elections, of course!

Can you imagine, the failed Manhattan District Attorney, Cy Vance (at the time), took Crooked Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, from her and the Democrats Law Firm, Paul Weiss, Rifkind…., and gently placed them into the District Attorney’s Office in order to PROSECUTE “TRUMP.” They have GREAT liability for doing this! It got so bad that various prosecutors quit because they thought that Donald Trump was being treated so badly and unfairly - and it continues. In the end, Justice Must Prevail!

( @Publius2024 )
@realdonaldtrump Covid was a hoax. Why didn’t you say so? Coward.

( @Watchman_Joe )
@realdonaldtrump NY is ordered to pay the unlawful vax mandated employees.. you are next.. BIG law suites coming for you Mr Warp speed!!

( @PathosAvenger )
@realdonaldtrump TLDR: waaah. Donnie, we all know they use the system to hurt anyone they want. You had a chance to change it, and YOU FAILED.

( @WakeTheFuckUp )

Guess what else happened?

America was terrorized & torn apart for 2.5 years by a fake pandemic that you launched with your signature in February 2020.

Then you told us to get injected with a deadly gene therapy created by psychopathic criminals.

Remember that?

( @Larryoham )
@realdonaldtrump Democrats have no shame. Republicans should start using the same tactics. Put Hunter in jail, Impeach Biden. Go after anybody that supports Biden and make them rue the day they stole 2020. Put all the Mules in jail.

harry tiyler #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

Lol this is hilarious Mara lago is about to be the new white house and Trump is the president in the next few months....the new republic ran by trump is solvent...the usa corp is bankrupt now....i feel sorry for everyone getting put through this but MAGa is in firm and utter control. MAGA faithful there is not one reason to worry now. Enjoy the show

Truthscrambler #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy truthscrambler.com

How are we, as seekers of truth from a spiritual perspective, to understand an event such as the one above? The link below is to a <Rudolf> Steiner lecture where he gives his view on the origin of earthquakes
Points discussed —
How Lucifer’s intervention in human affairs allowed for personal freedom, but at the cost of creating the possibility for evil.
Individual versus collective karma
How when the Christ in the body of Jesus bled from the hands on the cross at Golgotha, it changed the sorry state of affairs that had been existing for those human souls in Spiritland between death and a new birth. Ahriman had been gaining power there and had turned it into the Realm of the Shades. But the Christ event banished him and confined his power to Earth, to the land of the living. But the battle against Ahriman continues here.
The different strata below the Earth: Mineral Earth, Water Earth, Vapor Earth, Form Stratum, Fertile Earth, Fire Earth. It is from Fire Earth where Ahriman has his base of operations and where earthquakes have their origin.
Earthquakes and other great natural catastrophes are remnants or reminders of the great Atlantean catastrophe, the flood that sank that continent, which happened as a result of collective human karma. Thus we mustn’t think that, for example the people of Syria and Turkey, are suffering as a result of their nationalistic karma (even though such karmic divisions do exist), but rather they happen to be in the place where a karmic event that began on Atlantis. This event involves the entire human race, we all share in this guilt.
Why adepts or psychics versed in spiritual science who can foresee events like this coming and don’t warn people. The reason being that as terrible as these natural disasters are, they relieve karmic pressure, and if for example they had warned everyone to flee and the disaster had been averted, it would be forced to happen again elsewhere; it would really only be postponing it.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

Our planet is now just a day away from the Equinox, two days from the New Moon in Tropical Aries, and four days away from Pluto leaving Tropical Capricorn to briefly visit with Tropical Aquarius—three major cosmic shifts that have been discussed several times in previous teachings in order to emphasize their importance.
Much of humanity will either witness or directly experience dramatic occurrences in almost every aspect of planetary life.

Television and radio news will be filled with heightened chaos and confusion as truths emerge regarding many political, sociological, economic, scientific, religious, educational, and other life arenas world-wide.

It will be like watching an on-going daytime or evening soap opera.

However, the people involved are real, not just actors playing parts (although even some of the real individuals in certain political and other situations do indeed “play parts” according to who is paying their salaries)..
Tune-in to SOURCE FREQUENCY as has been constantly suggested via prayer and meditation so that the HIGHER SELF can be the conduit of guidance.
Extra-terrestrial vessels will make clearer appearances, and certain segments of world leadership will not be able to hide their existence.

They have been visiting our planet for many thousands of years and have settled here for at least that much time.

In fact, not every technological development is that of so-called “humanity”, but “humanity” has in many ways misused the gifts given to our planet.
The magnetosphere is building in pressing plasma particles having begun to build from the far side of our planet and now gradually surrounding it.

The “Schumann Resonance” (“Power”) of vibrational frequency and amplitude of our planet has reached level “47”.

Many scientists refer to hertz levels of “40” and beyond as “5D” or “fifth dimensional” energy.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Randall Carlson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

Is there more to the history of civilizations that existed on planet Earth than official sources admit? Expert Randall Carlson thinks so, and he told Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, all about it in a recent appearance on the “Health Ranger Report.”

Calamitous comet impacts and other extreme “acts of God” appear to be written in the rocks.
“It’s really not as widely known, particularly among the scientific community, as it needs to be,” Carlson explained to Adams. “Especially archeologists because their models of pre-history are very gradualistic, very uniformitarian, and they don’t understand the role that profound geological and astronomical events have played in the history of this planet.”

“And certainly, those who are promoting anthropogenic climate change are completely oblivious to that side of the equation,” he added.

Since the beginning of time, Earth has undergone many catastrophic changes that using today’s definitions would have been considered absolutely unprecedented. The difference is that today these events are blamed on “global warming” or “climate change.”

Back then, primitive scientists would have chalked up a large hurricane or major earthquake to God or fate – but no longer. Today, every type of injurious event that occurs is because humans eat meat and drive cars, we are told.

Not only that, but such events are actually on the decline, according to Carlson’s understanding of the historical record. When taking into account major events from the past that have long since been forgotten – or that are being deliberately covered up – there were more major disasters back then compared to today.

To put it in the words of Adams, the climate fanatics are going to great length to “blur out these things that are written into the rocks.” What he means by this is that a whole lot of deception and coverup is having to occur to hide the truth from the public about the history of the planet.

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