
HugsFromJesus #fundie rr-bb.com

If the Rapture happens soon and millions of people vanish and Obama doesn't have an explanation right away (because I think he is clueless to end time prophecy)...do you think he will panic and shut the internet down?

Do you think the internet will crash if Obama doesn't shut it down by over use by the masses. Is that possible? I don't know much about technology. When I think about it, maybe the use won't be as much as I think when millions of people that are gone won't be using it.

I really want the people that are left behind to be able to obtain all the "What's next"? information that is online after the Rapture.

When Hurricane Irene was coming up the East Coast I went out for D batteries (about 4 days before it was suppose to hit my area) and there was not any to be found! I was happy I already had some on hand, I was just adding extras to the stash. As I was looking at the empty shelves I started to think right then if this will be the case with Bibles soon after the Rapture. Will the people that heard the message but refuted it, now think "oh, maybe they were right" and run out to find a Bible and soon they will all be gone or will more people buy into a lie that the Pope or someone else is spreading around like wildfire.

If the internet stays on, at least there are many Bibles online for those that want them and so much more information too.

It is weird to think that after the Rapture this forum will be empty of posters. But what a wealth of information will remain. :-)

Back to my main question, do you think Obama will turn the internet off for whatever reason?

Acts5:41 #fundie rr-bb.com

If I, or someone else, was given blood that a gay person donated I would be very, very, angry. Then I would sue, because that's all they would understand.

There is a reason God decreed gay sex to be a SIN.

Walker, if you are OK getting gay blood, fine. I'm just saying the general population needs to be given the choice, before someone puts gay blood in their body. Kosher/nonkosher is a dietary thing. It will not kill a Jew, to get blood from me after I ate a bacon cheeseburger. I am monogomous with my husband; my blood is safe.

I'm a blood donor. So is my husband. So are most of my family. Most of my family has gotten blood; SAFE blood that came from people who did not engage in high-risk behavior.

I'm curious, if someone reading this is fine with the idea of getting gay blood, what about blood from an IV drug user? One you know shared needles with other injectable drug users.

Would you take gay blood?
Blood from a heroin addict?
Blood from someone who sold their body for "money or drugs"?

Right now, none of them can donate. IMO, it needs to STAY that way.

Jesus's Girl #fundie rr-bb.com

If Jesus said it, He meant it and He meant what He said. He said "there are many rooms in My Father's House" and He is going to prepare a place for us. Jesus said He's building us mansions - He allowed that translation - He's building mansions!

Raphael #fundie rr-bb.com

[On a Massachusetts group apparently wanting to ban the Pledge of Allegiance]

If they were as smart as they think, they would simply legislate progressive changes:

"I pledge allegiance to the United States, and to the Republic for which it stands..."

"I pledge allegiance to the free peoples of Earth, and to this country, a fellow nation..."

"I pledge allegiance to the Global Directive, and to the economic and cultural control which it provides..."

"Hail Satan"

lovelife #fundie rr-bb.com

With that said I admit I would feel weird getting blood if I knew it came from a gay man. I would probably feel pretty weird about receiving blood from a Muslim, atheist or Hindu, etc.

Raises the question...should we know certain information about the blood we are about to receive? Their religion, sexuality, other views? Or would this just create a giant mess that would delay blood getting to people and costing lives.

jadeeyes #fundie rr-bb.com

[Who feels in ten years things will be the same?]

I think that's very possible. I also think that it is very possible that the church will be in heaven as the 70th week will be under way. If we are still here in 10 years because the rapture has not occurred yet, I think life will be very different for us than it is now. I think home schooling will be illegal in all 50 states and homsexual marriages will be the law of the land. I believe that the only churches operating "above ground" will be those that have been licensed by the state and will not be allowed to criticize other religious groups, alternative lifestyles or preach Jesus as the only Way. I believe sharing Christ will result in losing our children, confiscation of property and prison terms for the undeterred. I think it's also likely that Christians will have to wear or carry an identifier, so people will know to avoid us and employers will not hire us. I believe forced euthanasia will be the law of the land for the elderly, the mentally ill, the physically handicapped and anyone the state considers to be a "useless eater". Wild weather will become the norm and a day without a huge disaster will be a rarity.

WVBORN56 #fundie rr-bb.com

I agree it is better to marry than burn with lust...You are 26...way past time to get hitched IMO. Our culture puts it off way too long IMHO. The average guy is not wired to wait that long. Paul told us exactly how to deal with this problem. Get married. Make sure you are good friends and have lots in common with the woman you plan to ask. Of course it is a given she must know the Lord as her savior too.

madeNheaven #fundie rr-bb.com

[Rapture Read is trying to understand why zombies are popular on the internet]

I think if the graves are opened via the rapture, the zombie apocalypse may be the "answer" given by the govt. wierd. I always thought that the delusion would be far more sophisticated - elaborate. Could it really be this stupid?

Florian9 #fundie rr-bb.com

(Michelle Bachmann God quote)

Awww....she stirring up the pot because they think it's "hate speech". Someday soon--when our King reigns, all traces of liberalism will be destroyed. You won't even have to try to define "conservativism" or "Christianity" because EVERYBODY will know exactly what it means to be both, as everybody will be both.

madeNheaven #fundie rr-bb.com

Lots of new movies are about Zombies and pestilence. I just don't get why people are discussing zombies everywhere on the net? Even the Govt. has a Zombie prepardness alert. No kidding.

As I was reading different message boards about how people are preparing for this Zombie Apocolypse, I kept seeing "Z-DAY" pop up everywhere. I googled Z-DAY and there are 2 billion seven hundred fifty thousand websites!! Zombie Day.

You know, I think there just may be some crazy connection to the rapture here. The dead in Christ shall rise.

Good grief, are we that close that the delusion is already hear?

SummerSailing81 #fundie rr-bb.com

[East Coast of US has moderate earthquake]
I'm late to the game, but it's a gorgeous day here in Northern VA, had the windows open, fan going, and I'd just nodded off for a little nap when the earth started shaking. The dishes in the china cabinet rattled a bit, a box of cereal fell off the top of the fridge, and a kitchen drawer was opened a little. Other than that it was business as usual. Wasn't frightened at all, in fact, I was hoping it had something to do with the "dead in Christ rising first" and we were going Home. Unfortunately, it wasn't. But, I think it's another sign that Jesus pointed to that would be happening in the last days - earthquakes in divers places because when you think of earthquakes, you don't immediately think of VA.

Surafel #fundie rr-bb.com

You're right, nothing in scripture states such a thing as no other life besides humans and divinity.

However, what's even more intriguing is...if supposedly they do exist now, are they affected by man's sin, more importantly the sins of the rebellious angels and Lucifer?

Man's sin affected the whole world and set off the second law of thermodynamics(which I believe is the curse God put on us) and affected the animals and everything living in that all decays and degenerates and eventually dies. So are these other living "aliens" affected by us, even though the bible says only man and satan sinned? This is what I've wondered for some time now.

-wrEk- #fundie rr-bb.com

Hi all, I had a eye opening experience while watching the CNN debt bill pass today. Now before I just say what I was feeling, I want to make it clear there is no agenda to label anyone as the AC, but this really humbled me.

Today on the House floor, Gabriella Gifford was shown for the first time back in action since her "near fatal wound" to the head she received. What makes this so interesting, is that this could happen to any other politician and seem like common ground (since it won't be the first time) when the AC rules.

Again, I'm not making accusations or speculating as to "who" the AC is, just thought it was interesting that the politicians were praising and flocking near her after she suffered throughout this ordeal. It really makes me take notice as to the rapid pace this world is heading to it's demise.

Ok, sign off.

ImOnStandby221 #fundie rr-bb.com

to clarify my statement, i hold that the Bible is completely 100% accurate in everything it speaks about, including history. it's absoluely a history book. does it expalin all of world history? of course not. no mention of ghengis kahn or easter island. but the facts of what it does mention are totally accurate.

Beccasue #fundie rr-bb.com

(on Harry Potter).....

This is what concerns me. I read an article written by a former witch - she was of the opinion that things contained in the book are quite dangerous and that many of the spells and the wording contained in the books are in fact based in reality. Her statement was something along the lines of - if JK Rowling was not a witch - she was sure steeped in the traditions and knowledge of the occult enough that she certainly got all the facts right.

The "Corporate Slogan" Award

Come Alive! You’re In The Pepsi Generation

Sunshine2777 #fundie rr-bb.com

["I am on government healthcare because I have a preexisting condition and because I cannot afford all of my medications...I feel very strongly about healthcare. However, I only support government healthcare for people that need it."]

I understand your position completely. However, God will provide what you need. Are you looking to the govt to provide or to your God who is totally capable of providing. He may provide the $$ you need to get them. He may provide the govt healthcare you need to get your meds. He may provide by keeping you in a healthy state without some meds. Or (and this will sound completely cold but not meant to be) He may allow you to get sick or sicker and go through some things that will increase your faith, bless yourself and others and bring Him glory. He knows exactly what He is doing and He knows how to provide for our needs.

Wally #fundie rr-bb.com

[Pilots wouldn't fly for atheists]

When you are airborne and look under the wings and see ... nothing holding you up,

you gain a better understanding of faith.

Or as our one illustrious P51 fan so nicely states: By Faith (We) Fly.

WarriorX #fundie rr-bb.com

[About SSM being legalized in New York.]

Now watch as these states who have "legalized" abomination begin to crumble into wastelands.

Sodom and Gomorrah weren't spared, what makes them think they will be? Sure it's the age of grace but they'll reap what they've sewed.

If they want to go with physics instead of Bible, then "for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction". Maybe THAT will get through their warped minds. The liberals love to think they're more "intelligent" than conservatives, you know...

JesusIsLord #fundie rr-bb.com

[Re: Harold Camping Suffers a stroke!]

God is so amazing: He gives him mercy by letting him live, yet slows his speech so he can not spread his false prophecy and also say that it is too late to accept Christ!

To me, it seems God is saying: It is not too late to believe in me! I silenced this man, who said it was too late, to prove there is still time!

So amazing....

Garthman33 #fundie rr-bb.com

I was stopped at a red light next to one of Family radios big RV's that had that date plastered all over it saying that Christ was coming back on that day. After witnessing to them very quickly and stating that Camping was a false prophet all they would do is shake their head in disagreement and tell me to read his book, in which I replied, "No thanks I read the Bible and yall should too!" Of course they then just got mad and drove off, so please be praying for those two false missionaries!

mls067 #fundie rr-bb.com

I have always taught my kids that we do not belong to a religion, we have a relationship with Christ. They have come home from school and told me about the discussions they have had with friends that asked them what religion they belonged to and they said they didn't, they were in a relationship. They were in awe at the response they got because the others could not grasp what that meant, the other kids even went so far as to try and convince them they were in a religion. My kids never backed down. It is hard not to say that I was proud of them, but I was.

RisingTide #fundie rr-bb.com

This as got to be a sad day in American history. Our beloved Man of Steel has decided he doesn't think the USA is exceptional anymore. He has decided he's going before the United Nations to renounce his US citizenship.

This is just one more step to a one world government. Now I have never been a follower of Superman comics, but I did enjoy the idea, movies, and games of Superman. His outfit is even red and blue. I will now be boycotting anything related to superman. I blame this on the liberal movement and socialist agenda of our current administration

Sad day...Lord please come soon. I don't know how much longer I can watch America fall.

BAF #fundie rr-bb.com

[Re: Death of Osama]

I hope this doesn't sound too cynical but I have the feeling that Satan gave up Osama to help Obama get re-elected. We know Satan has no love for those he uses if he can accomplish a greater evil by sacrificing a pawn he would do so in a heartbeat.

Mr. Duffee #fundie rr-bb.com

Earth Day is for pagan New Agers who are oblivious to the coming destruction of the environment during the tribulation.

It's going to be pretty hard to save the whales when the seas are made like a corpse's blood, and all life dies in them, etc.

April 22 is Jesus Day as far as I'm concerned!

cheymat #fundie rr-bb.com

Satan wants you to know that you are a good person. You have never killed anyone, so you will still go to Heaven. You worship A god. Oh and by the way dont worry, there is no such thing as Hell. And Even if there was- a loving, gracious, and merciful God would never send you there anyway, and even if he did, its not permanent.

God wants you to know that you are not a good person. Being angry at someone is just the same as killing them. There is only one true God, and only one way to get to Heaven. Yes there is a such thing as Hell. No, it wasnt created for you, but in your unbelief in the one person that can save you, he will send you there. And yes it is permanent.

Acts5:41 #fundie rr-bb.com

You'd think a talking book would be harmless
My husband loves to "read" talking books from the state library for the blind.

They send him a catalog every couple of months; and he selects the titles he wants. They let him have a couple at a time.

He just came out of his room, outraged. Apparently two of the best selling selections involve a woman having an affair with a man, and later, his son... another a widower who has an affair with a man.

End Times indeed.

JustGrateful #fundie rr-bb.com

["Biblical" scrolls discovered in remote Jordanian cave]

Yes...it is interesting. But if whatever they may find on them does not agree with the Scriptures we've already been given, they're false.

[Later in the same thread...]

Maybe I'll make this my new sig line: If it's new, it's not true. If it's true, it's not new.

kmendel #fundie rr-bb.com

[In a thread about the earthquake in Japan]

I am baffled as to why we haven't had a bad earthquake on our west coast yet. We're certainly overdue in more ways than one. It would not surprise me if we're next, considiering our government's treatment of Israel, AND all the blatant in-your-face sin in our country.

Wally #fundie rr-bb.com

There is homosexuality in animals. There are also some animals that change sex - clown fish - according to demographic of the specie.

But then its not about nature, we already know it is corrupted and survives by death.

No, it is about a Creator. One who identifes the corruption due to sin and has redeemed man from death and made a way to eternal life.

If only you believe Him.

As far as eviloution, I find it impossible to believe male and female evolved from asexual creatures. I mean really.

Just think of the embarrasement at the amoeba prom being voted most likely to succeed.... without a partner.

Not Perfect, But Forgiven #fundie rr-bb.com

It just shows your faith. True Christians can laugh with joy when threatened with death. Most people think we are totally psychotic for that. We don't have a deathwish, we just know where we are headed is infinetely better if we do pass on somehow.

Christians should be the only people on the planet NOT afraid to die. I have a smile on my face all the time because of this knowledge. If I die, I WIN!

ComeLordJesus #fundie rr-bb.com

Back when I was a New Ager, I had Reiki massage in Minneapolis. Never again! I believe her cat was demonized! I never otherwise saw a cat, which sat on the arm of the couch, nod when I was speaking to it's owner. It acted like it knew what I was talking about. That cat was looking me in the eye like it was a person, nodding away. Freaky!

Tangle #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[Regarding homosexual members of a church youth group]

I just wish it was that simple. These kids aren't doing anything wrong besides being homosexual...they aren't inappropriate or crass, and know not to show unusual affection toward the members of their own gender. The problem is just that they're happy, as bad as that sounds, and by everyone in our group seeing that their sin hasn't caused them any pain or guilt...I dunno. We try to illustrate to them and everyone else how God sees them (almost every week now), but it doesn't stop them from being as popular as they are. They're exuberant and extremely content in their lifestyle, and I'm really worried that it's going to rub off on the other children.

I strongly believe that Satan has found a great ally in homosexual children. I'm completely lost as to what to do.

Sydney #fundie rr-bb.com

Yes, it's true that we no longer have a President, and it's sad because this was once a great nation. Now it's being taken over by the illegals, the homosexuals, the atheists, the Muslims, and everyone else who goes against the Word of God. Obama is just sitting back and letting it happen, and enabling it even. We are no longer the Christian nation we once were, what we need is another Reagan but I don't see one on the horizon. What I fear most is Obama getting re-elected and in his second term will be even worse than his first, because he can plow his liberal agenda through without a re-election to worry about... it would not surprise me one bit if Obama declared Marshall Law and declared himself President for life... but I hope we are long gone by then. The only President I recognize is Jesus Christ and he is coming soon.. come quickly, Lord Jesus! Get us out of here!! image

nursingmom #fundie rr-bb.com

My atheist sister has gone too far
I really think she's damned to hell. My mother is heartbroken about it. Right now I'm discusted, all though I know I'll become sad.

My sister, although she professes to be an atheist, has been interested in eastern religious things for a long time. Not actually following the "religion" or anything but like she has a lot of buddhist decorations in her house.

But then last night we all met at golden corral for dinner and...she has a new tattoo. She has several and everyone in the family hates them but this is too much. On her forearm she has a buddhist "god"!!! It's an elephant with a bunch of arms. Right there where anyone can see it.

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, died for her sins and mine and she just SPIT in His Face! I'm so discusted I want to vomit! I'm really feeling led to cut off all ties with her. She may be my sister and we are all sinners but she's happily breaking Commandments right and left. now she has put a graven image, an idol, on her arm.

Please help me decide what to do. I'm beside myself.

TaliaKirana #fundie rr-bb.com

[On statistics about victims of religion-related hate crimes]

Funny how they mentioned the info about attacks against Muslims and Jews, but left out the data on attacks on Christians. Silence is deafening....

paulsm #fundie rr-bb.com

As I sat in front of Fox News this morning, sipping my coffee, a well-dressed "moderate" Muslim was telling the viewing audience how he, and those he asssociated with, were doing their best to change the viewpoint of all who would view them as potential terrorists. I kept thinking that this 3-piece suited gentleman probably has a prayer rug
sitting in Fox's green room waiting for him to thank his god, satan, for giving him the opportunity to pull the wool over most of America's eyes. Wake up America, come LORD Jesus!

ByFaithIFly #fundie rr-bb.com

Their calling this the "7th" largest earthquake in the world since records have been kept.

For those that don't know it,the number "7" in the Bible means ;Completeness-Spiritual-Perfection".

Tangle #fundie rr-bb.com

Not only does France have nudity in their commercials and nude beaches, they have commercials for nude beaches. I'm not joking.

Truly a depraved culture. Honestly if I find out someone's French I assume the worst.

Acts5:41 #fundie rr-bb.com

I hope I get killed for Jesus.

We don't know what they endured, or might have had they lived. Right now they're in Heaven, wearing a martyrs crown, living Revelation 21:4.

Not only that, but people like me are going to be even more determined to hand out as many Bibles as possible.

Joseph the Carpenter #fundie rr-bb.com

[Obama moves to end DOMA]

It is not just the Defense of Marriage but the immigration laws, the voter intimidation of white voters and a few I can't think of. What other laws are they not enforcing that we don't know about? Did we ever have a president who just decided to ignore the laws he didn't agree with? Are we living under a dictator?

time4me2fly #fundie rr-bb.com

All forms of human government are flawed. Democracy worked in America for years because we were a just , moral, christian nation. However, as the founding fathers said, it is ill suited for any other type of people. As America has become more secular, we have degenerated into what we have now. A debt ridden , morally corrupt country that will soon collapse. The right to vote is a powerful weapon, and just like a fire arm, in the wrong hands it can lead to catastrophe. The bad thing about a democratic election in the hands of a radical islamic regime is that it will give it legitimacy. The rapture is coming soon, and the Christ rejecting world will soon get the leader they want.

jra166 #fundie rr-bb.com

I heard a message preached once about Democracy. Democracy is praised as this great system, but it is NOT. Democracy allows power to be given to flawed men and is certainly not based on anything in scripture.

I for one am glad I live in a kingdom, with a wonderful King as my Lord and Savior who provides for my needs.

notwhoisaidiwas #fundie rr-bb.com

Hi all.
Our 5 year old son told us that he wants to buy flowers for a girl at school during valentines' day, and she likes him. We were shocked to say the least, and we never expected this. We didn't show our shock to him because we are trying to encourage him to speak to us about anything bothering him, in case he encouters some problems at school like bullying. But we don't know how to manage this. We are glad he told us, which gives us an idea of what's happening in his mind, but how do we manage this biblically? Firstly, does he break Matthew 5:28, or is it just an innocent children's stage? Secondly, will this crushes end on their own at some stage, or is it a gateway to fornication?

I just realised just how difficult it is trying to raise children for God.

logosone #fundie rr-bb.com

[Sikh children are permitted to wear a small, dull ceremonial dagger to school]

Yeah, let's see, six year old points his finger and goes bang
and he is hauled away in shackles to the Clockwork Orange
reprogramming facility, but the muslim kid can carry a
butcher knife at the ready in the classroom.

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