As much as can possibly be legally brought against them, if they did that.
As for what Trump actually said was that “there are fine people on both sides”.
Liberals lie that “both sides” are defined as one side being Neo Nazis/White Supremacists, and the other side being anti Nazi/ White supremacist.
That definition is a deliberate lie.
There were some Neo Nazis that did not want the statue torn down.
But there others on that side who were not Neo Nazis or White Supremacists of any kind, and who had nothing whatsoever to do with the racist, haters, who were also there.
Those others were the “fine people” on that side of the issue, who Trump was talking about.
The idiocy of the claim by liberals showing that Trump was not saying anything in favor of the Nazis, is that even they admit that he said there were fine people on both sides.
By their definition, that would have mean that Trump was (supposedly) saying “there are fine Nazis, and fine anti Nazis”.
You can’t have it both ways.
No one who sides with Nazis ever says anything good about those who are clearly against Nazis.
It would be like Nazis themselves, saying that some of the Jews we all want dead and call “subhuman”, are “fine people”
No one with a brain, would be stupid enough to believe that any Nazis would ever say such a thing.